14 research outputs found

    New record and distribution extension of Campylorhamphus trochilirostris (Lichtenstein, 1820) (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Here I present the first documented record of the Red-billed Scythebill Campylorhamphus trochilirostris in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Despite its wide distribution, there was only one record in the extreme west of the state. This new locality also represents an extension from its previously known geographic distribution


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    Birds have varied pre-reproduction behaviors such as courtship feeding behavior, which is the delivery of a nuptial gift to the female by the male. The family Cotingidae comprises Neotropical birds that perform some pre-reproduction behaviors, but the genus Carpornis, endemic to the Atlantic Forest, is limited. The only possible courtship feeding behavior observed for the berryeaters was in 1979. Based on this scenario, we present descriptions of this behavior of two Brazilian species of the genus Carpornis. The observations were made in the states of São Paulo and Bahia, where males were observed delivering nuptial gifts to females. Field data show a certain pattern of behavior, mainly for C. cucullata, but further studies are needed, particularly for C. melanocephala, which, in addition to having less known about its reproduction, is also threatened

    Vocalização da onça-parda (Puma concolor) e mudança de frequência como resposta ao playback

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    Recordings of cougar (Puma concolor) vocalizations are rare in the wild. We made two night recordings from the same individual. The first recording was spontaneous whereas the second was made after a playback emission (using a third party recording) allowing for comparisons. We measured the calls before and after playback stimuli using Raven software and noted that only the minimum fundamental frequency presented differences between calls. As fundamental frequency is closely related to body size, a frequency reduction may indicate territoriality engagement. Our recording seems to be the first held in the Brazilian wild. Little is known about cougar natural history and behavior, and our data suggest that acoustic communication may have an important role on the species intraspecific interactions.Registros de vocalizações de onça-parda (Puma concolor) são raros na natureza. Fizemos uma gravação espontânea da espécie à noite, em seguida tocamos o playback com uma gravação prévia disponível em bibliografia, o que fez com que a onça-parda se aproximasse e vocalizasse, permitindo que pudéssemos gravar novamente e assim comparar. Comparamos os chamados antes e depois do estímulo do playback, usando o programa Raven, e constatamos que somente a frequência fundamental mínima apresentou diferenças entre os chamados. Como a frequência fundamental está diretamente relacionada com o tamanho corporal, uma redução neste parâmetro pode significar defesa territorial. Nossas gravações aparentemente são as primeiras realizadas na natureza no Brasil. Pouco se sabe sobre história natural e comportamento da onça parda no Brasil, e nossos dados sugerem que a comunicação acústica tem um papel importante nas interações intraespecíficas desta espécie.13313

    Remote Sensing Applications for Abating Aircraft–Bird Strike Risks in Southeast Brazil

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    The rising number of aircraft collisions with birds requires the development of appropriate mitigation measures to control their populations in the vicinity of airports. The black vulture (Coragyps atratus; vultures) is considered one of the most dangerous species for aviation in Brazil. To better understand the spatial distribution patterns of flying vultures and the risks they may pose to aviation, we studied natural and anthropogenic superficial factors and then numerically estimated and mapped the risk of collision with birds over the Airport Safety Area (ASA) for the Amarais Airport and Presidente Prudente Airport in the southeast part of Brazil. To conduct our research, we surveyed soaring black vultures monthly between September 2012 and August 2013 from 26 points within 20-km ASA zones. We obtained the environmental parameters (i.e., relief, surface temperature, surface covering type, and anthropogenic pressure) from satellite imagery and georeferenced them with our vulture survey. The tabulated data were examined using Spearman’s rank correlation and principal component analysis to determine if any the relationships existed between vulture flight patterns and ASA environmental characteristics. We found that the contrast in surface temperatures correlated well with the intensity of vulture soaring flights. Vultures tend to soar using the strongest thermals in their surroundings. Relief parameters, including altitude above sea level, slope exposure, and inclination, were not related with the vulture soaring activity. Water bodies and roadways were the most attractive landscapes for soaring vultures. We recorded the least number of soaring vultures over the uninterrupted urbanized lands. However, the scattered enclaves of urban settlement surrounded by natural and rural landscapes were selected by soaring birds. To mitigate the bird strike risk in ASA zones, we propose that managers should plot the objects generating thermals that attract vultures on risk assessment maps and reroute aviation to avoid them

    Revisão da distribuição do vite-vite-de-cabeça-cinza Hylophilus pectoralis (Passeriformes: Vireonidae), com notificação de sua ocorrência no Triângulo Mineiro e noroeste de São Paulo

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    The Ashy-headed Greenlet has a spotty distribution over a broad area in Amazonia, both north and south of the Solimões-Amazonas river. It is mostly found second-growth, forest edge and water-edge habitats, including mangroves and gallery and varzea forests. The species also occurs in the Pantanal, the Chiquitano Forests, and in the Cerrado of central and northeastern Brazil, including the Brazilian states of Goiás, Maranhão and Piauí. This paper presents new records extending its distribution to the south, including southwest Minas Gerais (the "Triângulo Mineiro" region), southern Goiás, northwest São Paulo and eastern Mato Grosso do Sul, suggesting a recent colonization of those regions parallel to the one shown by the closely related H. thoracicus in southeastern Brazil

    Avifauna da Ilha Queimada Grande, SP: diversidade, estrutura trófica e sazonalidade

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    Pouco se sabe sobre comunidades em ilhas, mas a Teoria de Equilíbrio de Biogeografia de Ilhas tem sido utilizada para interpretar a organização das mesmas. No Brasil, são escassos os estudos com aves em ilhas, sendo em sua maioria voltados às aves marinhas e usualmente restritos a levantamentos. A Ilha da Queimada Grande já foi alvo de diversos estudos, principalmente sobre a jararaca-ilhoa (Bothrops insularis) espécie endêmica e que se alimenta basicamente de aves. Entretanto, há poucas informações sobre a avifauna que ocorre na ilha. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: (1) descrever a riqueza de espécies e estrutura trófica da comunidade de aves presentes na ilha; (2) verificar se existem variações sazonais na riqueza e abundância de aves e (3) comparar a diferença na composição e abundância relativa de espécies na ilha em relação ao continente. Foram realizadas seis expedições a campo com duração de cinco dias cada. A amostragem foi feita em pontos fixos ao longo de um transecto em trilha que atravessa a ilha. Um total de 63 espécies foi registrado. Houve variação no número de espécies, número de registros e diversidade entre as campanhas, sendo que riqueza foi maior nas campanhas do período seco. Isso ocorreu principalmente em função das espécies migratórias, sendo que estas são quase ausentes no período chuvoso, que corresponde ao período reprodutivo das aves da região. A guilda dos onívoros foi a mais representativa em número de espécies, ao passo que os insetívoros foram os mais abundantes. As espécies de Turdus foram as que apresentaram sazonalidade mais marcante. A diversidade no continente (região da Juréia) foi bem maior do que na ilha. Troglodytes musculus não é predado por Bothrops insularis, o que indica a capacidade da espécie ou da população...Little is known about communities on islands, but the Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography has been used to interpret the organization of these communities. In Brazil, studies of birds on islands are scarce, which are mainly focused on seabirds and are restrict to list of species. The Queimada Grande Island has been subject of several studies, mainly on Golden Lancehead (Bothrops insularis), an endemic pitviper which feed mainly on birds. However, there are few data on the avifauna of this island. The aim of this study were: (1) describe the richness and trophic structure of bird communities on the Queimada Grande Island, (2) to verify if occurs seasonal variations in richness and abundance of birds in the island, and (3) to compare the difference in the composition and relative abundance of species between island and mainland. We made six field expeditions during five days each one. The sampling was done by transects and count points. Birds were sampled with use of fixed points along a trail that crosses the island in the North-South. A total of 63 species were recorded. The most abundant species was Troglodytes musculus, which is a resident. There were variation in the number of species among the expeditions, and more species were recorded in the dry season. This variation occurs mainly due to migratory species, because these are almost absent in the rainy season, considered the reproductive period of the birds. The guild of omnivores was the most representative in number of species, while insectivores were the most abundant. The Turdus spp. showed more seasonality than other species. The diversity in the continent (Juréia region) was higher than the island. Troglodytes musculus were never recorded as prey of Bothrops insularis, which indicate an ability of the species or this population... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    First documented record of Chordeiles pusillus (Gould, 1861) (Caprimulgiformes, Caprimulgidae) in São Paulo state

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    This note presents the first documented record of Least Nighthawk, Chordeiles pusillus (Gould, 1861), in São Paulo state, Brazil. The species was observed on four occasions (January 31, April 25, and July 27, 2016; April 27, 2017) in a sandy-rocky habitat on the left bank of Grande river, Mira Estrela municipality. This record is at least 300 km from the previously known occurrences of the species