12 research outputs found

    Self-medication with antibiotics: identification of risk factors and analysis of the brazilian population’s lifestyle.

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    Objectives:Measure the prevalence of adult and elderly users of the Brazilian primary healthcare system who self-medicated with antibiotics and identified its association with risk factors for self-medication and lifestyle. Materials and Methods:This is a quantitative, epidemiological study carried out in the Brazilian primary healthcare system. We used a semi-structured questionnaire and the Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist. We carried out a bivariate analysis, a binomial logistic regression, and the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test.Results: Out of the total sample (537 participants), 40.6% used antibiotics without medical prescription in the last 12 months. The dependent variable was associated with the presence of pain (OR=2.390, CI95, 1.414-4.041); storage of leftover antibiotics in the home (OR=2.124 CI95, 1.122-4.021); and use of medicines on someone’s recommendation (OR=1.722, CI95, 1.127-2.631). The group of individuals who used antibiotics without prescription in the last year had the lowest values in all domains assessed by the Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist and had the highest proportions in the final score of “Fair" and "Needs improvement”.Conclusions: A significant proportion of primary health care users in Brazil used antibiotics without medical prescription. Therefore, the population should receive better guidance on the use of antibiotics and greater incentive to develop healthy habits and lifestyle

    Social aspects of dental caries in the context of mother-child pairs

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    The relationship between mother and child in the context of oral health has traditionally been exposed by the scientific literature in microbiology, which lacks a broad and necessary discussion of health and illness seen as processes, both biological and social. Objective: Investigate the family social determinants associated with the caries history of children and the need for dental treatment (NDT) among their mothers was the objective of this study. Material and methods: This research employed a cross-sectional study of mother-child pairs living in southern Brazil. Data collection occurred in public institutions of early childhood education. The instruments included a structured questionnaire administered to mothers and clinical oral examinations of the mothers and children. The social variables considered were marital status, maternal education, number of children, income, employment status, and frequency of visits to a dental professional. The measured outcomes were the maternal NDT and child caries history. Data were analyzed by the chi-square test (χ2) and by discriminant analysis. Results: The final sample consisted of 272 mother-child pairs and it was found that the greatest need for treatment was among mothers with low educational level and low family income who rarely or never visited a dentist. Tooth decay was less frequent in only child, and most frequent in children of mothers with low educational attainment, and in children in lower income households who rarely or never visited the dentist. The social determinants of caries in children and of the maternal NDT were similar. It follows that the maternal NDT and caries history among children were strongly associated with maternal education (

    Analise das proporções divinas de fibonacci, em telerradiografias de perfil em pacientes dotados de oclusão normal

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    Orientador: Luis Augusto PasseriDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a existência de proporções faciais de Fibonacci, descritas por Ricketts (1982), em telerradiografias de jovens com ocIusão normal, e se essas proporções sotrem dimorfismo sexual. Para a realização do presente estudo foi utilizada uma amostra de 40 telerradiografias tomadas em normal lateral, de adultos jovens brasileiros, leucodermas, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos, com oclusão considerada clinicamente normal. Após a análise estatística dos dados obtidos, concluímos que a diferença entre as medidas calculadas e as observadas para a proporção Ba-S / S N foram estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5% para a amostra, evidenciando que a distância S-N calculada a partir de Ba-S foi maior que a distância S-N observada. As proporções medidas no mesmo plano não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5%. Isto ocorreu com as proporçÇjes Ar-Cc / Cc-N, R-ENP / ENP-ENA, PFr-A / A-Pm. A proporção A-1 / 1-Pm, envolvendo o relacionamento dentário, mesmo se encontrando em um mesmo plano, não foi proporcional para ambos os sexos. A diferença entre as medidas calculadas e observadas não foi estatisticamente significante para o sexo masculino, o que não ocorreu com o sexo feminino. Verificou-se também dimorfismo sexual para a proporção Co-Xi / Xi-Pm, pois os jovens do sexo feminino apresentaram-se proporcionais, o que não ocorreu com o sexo masculinoAbstract: The purpose of this research is to verify the existence of facial proportions in lateral cephalometric radiograph of patients who have normal occlusion, and if these proportions suffer alterations in relations to sexual dimorphism. A sample of 40 young Brazilian individuaIs of both sexes, leucoderms, between the ages of 18 to 25, with occlusion considered clinically normal was used in this study. After statistical analysis of the measurements found, we concluded that: - The difference in measurements calculated and observed for the S Na / Na-Ba ratio were statistically significant, at a 5% leveI, for the sample, showing that the S-Na distance calculated, starting ITom the Ba-Na was greater than the S-Na distance observed. - The proportions measured on the same plane did not present differences, statistically significant at the 5% leveI, between the calculated and observed measurements.. This occured with the Ar-Cc / Cc- Na, R-PNS / PNS ANS, Fr-A / A-Pm rations. - The proportion A-I / I-Pm, which involved the dental part, even though on the one plane, was not proportional for both sexes. The difference between the calculated and observed measuments, was not statistically significant for the male gender, but it was statistically significant for female gender. -There also occured a sexual dimorphism for the Co-Xi / Xi-Pm, wich did not present any statistically significant differences for the female gender, but it did for the male gendesMestradoOrtodontiaMestre em Ciência

    Intervenção precoce da mordida cruzada pela Pistas Diretas de Planas: relato de sete anos de seguimento

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    Introducción: entre las maloclusiones, la mordida cruzada es la de mayor prevalencia entre los niños en edad preescolar y se considera la principal depreciadora del sistema estomatognático, con un alto riesgo de desarrollar secuelas musculoesqueléticas irreparables en la edad adulta. Por lo tanto, es fundamental elegir un tratamiento eficaz que no requiera la cooperación directa del paciente y que utilice técnicas simples de ortodoncia. El objetivo de este artículo es informar la eficacia del tratamiento de rehabilitación neuroclusal (RNO) con la técnica de las pistas directas de Planas en la corrección temprana de la mordida cruzada posterior y el seguimiento de su estabilidad oclusal durante siete años. Presentación del caso: niña de 4 años de edad, que usó biberón, diagnosticada con mordida cruzada posterior funcional unilateral izquierda y desviación de la línea media. Para el tratamiento de la rno, se realizaron los ajustes oclusales en los dientes 63, 64 y 65, y después de la desprogramación neuromuscular, se confeccionaron las pistas directas de Planas en los dientes cruzados. Después de 29 días, se corrigió la mordida y se hicieron ajustes oclusales para proporcionar una mayor armonía oclusal. Hubo monitoreamiento cada seis meses durante siete años para verificar el equilibrio y la estabilidad del tratamiento. Conclusiones: a RNO con el uso de pista directa de Planas fue eficaz para corregir la mordida cruzada posterior con una técnica simple y de bajo costo que puede ejecutar el clínico general.Introduction: Among malocclusions, that of cross-bite is the most prevalent among preschool children and is considered to be the main depreciator of the stomatognathic system and is further linked to a high risk of developing irreversible musculoskeletal sequelae in adulthood. Thus, it is important to choose an effective treatment early on that does not require the direct cooperation of the patient and that utilizes simple orthodontic techniques in its execution. The objective of this study was to report the efficacy of the Neuroclusal Rehabilitation (RNO) treatment, with the Planas Direct Tracks technique in a case of early treatment of posterior crossbite, and the follow up of its occlusal stability for seven years. Case presentation: a 4-year-old female patient, who was bottle-fed, was diagnosed with a left unilateral functional posterior crossbite and midline deviation. For the treatment of RNO, occlusal adjustments were made on the teeth 63, 64 and 65 and after neuromuscular deprogramming, the Direct Planks were made in the crossed teeth. After 29 days, the bite was corrected, and occlusal adjustments were made in order to provide greater occlusal harmony. Monitoring and evaluation took place every six months for seven years in order to verify the balance and stability of the treatment. Conclusion: the RNO treatment with the use of Planas Direct Tracks is an effective solution for the correction of posterior crossbite using a simple, low-cost technique that can be performed by general practitioners

    Early Intervention of Crossbite by Planas Direct Tracks: Follow up Report After Seven Years

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    Introducción: entre las maloclusiones, la mordida cruzada es la de mayor prevalencia entre los niños en edad preescolar y se considera la principal depreciadora del sistema estomatognático, con un alto riesgo de desarrollar secuelas musculoesqueléticas irreparables en la edad adulta. Por lo tanto, es fundamental elegir un tratamiento eficaz que no requiera la cooperación directa del paciente y que utilice técnicas simples de ortodoncia. El objetivo de este artículo es informar la eficacia del tratamiento de rehabilitación neuroclusal (RNO) con la técnica de las pistas directas de Planas en la corrección temprana de la mordida cruzada posterior y el seguimiento de su estabilidad oclusal durante siete años. Presentación del caso: niña de 4 años de edad, que usó biberón, diagnosticada con mordida cruzada posterior funcional unilateral izquierda y desviación de la línea media. Para el tratamiento de la rno, se realizaron los ajustes oclusales en los dientes 63, 64 y 65, y después de la desprogramación neuromuscular, se confeccionaron las pistas directas de Planas en los dientes cruzados. Después de 29 días, se corrigió la mordida y se hicieron ajustes oclusales para proporcionar una mayor armonía oclusal. Hubo monitoreamiento cada seis meses durante siete años para verificar el equilibrio y la estabilidad del tratamiento. Conclusiones: a RNO con el uso de pista directa de Planas fue eficaz para corregir la mordida cruzada posterior con una técnica simple y de bajo costo que puede ejecutar el clínico general.Introduction: Among malocclusions, that of cross-bite is the most prevalent among preschool children and is considered to be the main depreciator of the stomatognathic system and is further linked to a high risk of developing irreversible musculoskeletal sequelae in adulthood. Thus, it is important to choose an effective treatment early on that does not require the direct cooperation of the patient and that utilizes simple orthodontic techniques in its execution. The objective of this study was to report the efficacy of the Neuroclusal Rehabilitation (RNO) treatment, with the Planas Direct Tracks technique in a case of early treatment of posterior crossbite, and the follow up of its occlusal stability for seven years. Case presentation: a 4-year-old female patient, who was bottle-fed, was diagnosed with a left unilateral functional posterior crossbite and midline deviation. For the treatment of RNO, occlusal adjustments were made on the teeth 63, 64 and 65 and after neuromuscular deprogramming, the Direct Planks were made in the crossed teeth. After 29 days, the bite was corrected, and occlusal adjustments were made in order to provide greater occlusal harmony. Monitoring and evaluation took place every six months for seven years in order to verify the balance and stability of the treatment. Conclusion: the RNO treatment with the use of Planas Direct Tracks is an effective solution for the correction of posterior crossbite using a simple, low-cost technique that can be performed by general practitioners.Introdução: entre as más oclusões, a mordida cruzada é a de maior prevalência entre as crianças em idade pré-escolar, e se considera a principal depreciadora do sistema estomatognático, com um alto risco de desenvolver sequelas musculoesqueléticas irreparáveis na idade adulta. Portanto, é fundamental escolher um tratamento eficaz que não requeira a cooperação direta do paciente e que utilize técnicas simples de ortodontia em sua execução. O objetivo deste estudo foi informar a eficácia do tratamento de Reabilitação Neuroclusal (RNO), com a técnica das Pistas Diretas de Planas na correção precoce da mordida cruzada posterior e o seguimento de sua estabilidade oclusal durante 7 anos. Apresentação do caso: paciente de sexo feminino de 4 anos de idade, que usou mamadeira, diagnosticada com mordida cruzada posterior funcional unilateral esquerda e desvio da linha média. Para o tratamento da rno, se realizaram os ajustes oclusais nos dentes 63, 64 e 65, depois da desprogramação neuromuscular, se confeccionaram as Pistas Diretas de Planas nos dentes cruzados. Depois de 29 dias, se corrigiu a mordida e se fizeram ajustes oclusais para proporcionar uma maior harmonia oclusal. O monitoramento se rea- lizou cada seis meses por 7 anos para verificar o equilíbrio e a estabilidade do tratamento. Conclusões: a rno com o uso de Pista Direta Planas foi eficaz para a correção da mordida cruzada posterior com uma técnica simples, de baixo custo que pode ser realizada pelo clínico gera

    Discriminação e preconceito. A influência de HIV/SIDA e Hepatite B na atitude dos acadêmicos em odontologia

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    Introducción: la Hepatitis B y el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) son enfermedades virales de destaque en salud pública, debido a sus elevados índices epidemiológicos. La representación de ellas genera actitudes discriminatorias y prejuiciosas, principalmente en el acceso a servicios de salud. El objetivo es evaluar el conocimiento de las enfermedades y la existencia de actitudes discriminatorias de los académicos en odontología frente a la presencia del sida y Hepatitis B. Materiales y métodos: estudio exploratorio de corte transversal realizado en una facultad pública de odontología, con una muestra compuesta por 462 (88%) académicos que aceptaron participar de la investigación. Para recolectar los datos fue utilizado un cuestionario semiestructurado autoaplicable, creado para este estudio. Para analizar los datos se utilizó el test chi-cuadrado de proporciones, con nivel de significancia de 5%. Resultado: se verificó que, aunque la mayoría de los académicos a rma tener conocimiento sobre sida y Hepatitis B, apenas 58,9% y 55,8%, respectivamente, acertaron sus agentes etiológicos. Sobre las actitudes de los académicos frente al tratamiento odontológico de pacientes infectados por el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y de la Hepatitis B (VHB) 85,3% y 91,8%, respectivamente, afirman atender; sin embargo, parte considerable de los alumnos piensa que existen diferencias en conductas clínicas a seguir. Conclusión: existen lagunas en el conocimiento de los graduados con relación al SIDA y la Hepatitis B. Las actitudes de los alumnos, en la atención odontológica de pacientes infectados, fueron consideradas discriminatorias, con mayor expresividad en el recelo en ser atendido por un profesional infectado, en lugar de tratar pacientes enfermos.Introduction: Hepatitis b and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (aids) are viral diseases of great public health importance due to their high epidemiological indexes. The representation of these diseases generates discriminatory and prejudiced attitudes, mainly in the access to health services. The objective is to assess the current knowledge and the existence of discrimination by the attitudes of dentistry academics when facing HIV/aids and hepatitis. Materials & methods: This is an exploratory cross-sectional study conducted in a public college of dentistry. The sample consisted of 462 (88%) academics who agreed to participate. In data collection, we used a semi-structured questionnaire, created for this study. In the data analysis, we used the chi-square test of proportions, the significance level was 5 %. Results: It was found that, although the majority of the students affirm that they knew or have had some information about aids and Hepatitis b, only 58.9 % and 55.8 %, respectively, actually had some knowledge on etiological agents. On the attitudes of students in dental treatment practice asked if they would accept treating patients infected with HIV and HBV, the acceptance of treatment performance reached 85.3% and 91.8%, respectively. However, a considerable part of the students believed that there are differences in clinical procedures to be followed. Conclusion: There are students' knowledge gaps in relation to aids and Hepatitis b. The attitudes of students, contrasted to the given dental care for patients infected, were considered discriminatory; in addition, there was a greater fear of being assisted by an infected professional, instead of having this infected professional treat sick dentistry patients.Introdução: a Hepatite B e o Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA) são doenças virais de destaque em saúde pública, devido a seus elevados índices epidemiológicos. A representação delas gera atitudes discriminatórias e preconceituosas, principalmente no acesso a serviços de saúde. O objetivo é avaliar o conhecimento das doenças e existência de atitudes discriminatórias dos acadêmicos em odontologia frente à representação do sida e Hepatite B. Materiais e métodos: estudo exploratório de corte transversal realizado em uma faculdade pública de odontologia, com amostra composta por 462 (88 %) acadêmicos que aceitaram participar da pesquisa. Para recolher os dados foi utilizado um questionário semiestruturado autoaplicável, criado para este estudo. Para analisar os dados se utilizou o teste qui-quadrado de proporções, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultado: verificou-se que, ainda que a maioria dos acadêmicos a rma ter conhecimento sobre o sida e a Hepatite b, apenas 58,9% e 55,8% respectivamente, acertaram seus agentes etiológicos. Sobre as atitudes dos acadêmicos frente ao tratamento odontológico de pacientes infetados pelo Vírus de Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) e de Hepatite B (VHB) 85,3% e 91,8%, respectivamente, afirmam atender, no entanto, parte considerável dos alunos considera que existem diferenças em condutas clínicas a seguir. Conclusão: existem lacunas no conhecimento dos formados com relação ao sida e à Hepatite B. As atitudes dos alunos na atenção odontológica de pacientes infetados, foram consideradas discriminatórias com maior expressividade no receio em ser atendidos por um pro ssional infetado, em vez de tratar pacientes doentes

    Quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS - the influence of social determinants and disease-related factors

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study assessed the quality of life (QoL) of people with HIV/AIDS. METHODS: This cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted at a specialized HIV/AIDS health facility of the Brazilian Public Health Service. Data were collected using the HIV/AIDS-Targeted Quality of Life (HAT-QoL) instrument. RESULTS: The study included 109 participants. Among the many significant statistical associations found in the study, the variables that had a greater effect on the domains assessed by the instrument were educational level, occupation, financial situation, ethnicity, and symptomatology. CONCLUSIONS: Sociodemographic factors and HIV/AIDS-related aspects were influential in the QoL of people living with HIV/AIDS

    Discriminação e preconceito. A influência de HIV/SIDA e Hepatite B na atitude dos acadêmicos em odontologia

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    "Introducción: la Hepatitis B y el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) son enfermedades virales de destaque en salud pública, debido a sus elevados índices epidemiológicos. La representación de ellas genera actitudes discriminatorias y prejuiciosas, principalmente en el acceso a servicios de salud. El objetivo es evaluar el conocimiento de las enfermedades y la existencia de actitudes discriminatorias de los académicos en odontología frente a la presencia del sida y Hepatitis B. Materiales y métodos: estudio exploratorio de corte transversal realizado en una facultad pública de odontología, con una muestra compuesta por 462 (88%) académicos que aceptaron participar de la investigación. Para recolectar los datos fue utilizado un cuestionario semiestructurado autoaplicable, creado para este estudio. Para analizar los datos se utilizó el test chi-cuadrado de proporciones, con nivel de significancia de 5%. Resultado: se verificó que, aunque la mayoría de los académicos a rma tener conocimiento sobre sida y Hepatitis B, apenas 58,9% y 55,8%, respectivamente, acertaron sus agentes etiológicos. Sobre las actitudes de los académicos frente al tratamiento odontológico de pacientes infectados por el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y de la Hepatitis B (VHB) 85,3% y 91,8%, respectivamente, afirman atender; sin embargo, parte considerable de los alumnos piensa que existen diferencias en conductas clínicas a seguir. Conclusión: existen lagunas en el conocimiento de los graduados con relación al SIDA y la Hepatitis B. Las actitudes de los alumnos, en la atención odontológica de pacientes infectados, fueron consideradas discriminatorias, con mayor expresividad en el recelo en ser atendido por un profesional infectado, en lugar de tratar pacientes enfermos.""Introduction: Hepatitis b and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (aids) are viral diseases of great public health importance due to their high epidemiological indexes. The representation of these diseases generates discriminatory and prejudiced attitudes, mainly in the access to health services. The objective is to assess the current knowledge and the existence of discrimination by the attitudes of dentistry academics when facing HIV/aids and hepatitis. Materials & methods: This is an exploratory cross-sectional study conducted in a public college of dentistry. The sample consisted of 462 (88%) academics who agreed to participate. In data collection, we used a semi-structured questionnaire, created for this study. In the data analysis, we used the chi-square test of proportions, the significance level was 5 %. Results: It was found that, although the majority of the students affirm that they knew or have had some information about aids and Hepatitis b, only 58.9 % and 55.8 %, respectively, actually had some knowledge on etiological agents. On the attitudes of students in dental treatment practice asked if they would accept treating patients infected with HIV and HBV, the acceptance of treatment performance reached 85.3% and 91.8%, respectively. However, a considerable part of the students believed that there are differences in clinical procedures to be followed. Conclusion: There are students' knowledge gaps in relation to aids and Hepatitis b. The attitudes of students, contrasted to the given dental care for patients infected, were considered discriminatory; in addition, there was a greater fear of being assisted by an infected professional, instead of having this infected professional treat sick dentistry patients.

    The stigma and prejudice of leprosy: influence on the human condition

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    Introduction: To analyze the knowledge, feelings and perceptions involving patients affected by leprosy, as a better understanding of these factors may be useful to decrease the stigma and prejudice associated with the condition. Methods: The study cohort consisted of 94 patients who underwent treatment for leprosy at the Health Units in the City of Cuiaba, Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. The study questionnaire included items to collect information on socio-demographic data, knowledge about the disease, stigma, prejudice, self-esteem and quality of life of leprosy patients. Bivariate analyses were used to assess the data based on the chi-square test with a 5% significance threshold. Results: The results revealed that the study population consisted predominantly of males (55.3%) with an income between 1 and 3 times the minimum wage (67%). The survey respondents reported that the most significant difficulties related to the treatment were the side effects (44.7%) and the duration of the treatment (28.7%). A total of 72.3% of the subjects were knowledgeable about the disease, of whom 26.6% had the leprosy reaction. Stigma and prejudice were cited by 93.6% of the participants. Based on the responses, 40.4% of patients reported being depressed and sad, and 69.1% of the subjects encountered problems at work after being diagnosed. A total of 45.7% of the patients rated their quality of life between bad and very bad. Conclusions: Our results suggest that leprosy causes suffering in patients beyond pain and discomfort and greatly influences social participation