609 research outputs found


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    cytochro javanicu restrictio cattle br breeds. were cle subjecte showed Bali catt haplotyp indicated the cattl polymor Key wo The aim of t ome b (cyt us). This reg on fragment reed as sam The L14735 eaved by Taq ed to diterm that Indone tle, Madura c pe A and B d that the ca e related to rphism of mt- ords: PCR-R this research b) mitochon gion is wide length polym mples, there 5 and H1514 qI restriction ine the dive esian domes cattle and Lo , and one o attle related Bos indicus -DNA cytoch RFLP, mtDNA h was to iden ndrial gene ely used as morphism (PC e were Bali, 49 primer pai enzyme and ersity of dom tic cattle ha ocal cattle of of Local catt to Bos javan s. Indonesian rome b. A cyt b, Indo ntify nucleotid of Indonesi a target po CR-RFLP) fo Madura, O ir was used d then electro mestic cattle d three hap Pacitan inclu tle of Pacita nicus (Bante n domestic c onesian Dom de polymorph ian Domesti olymorphism or species ide ngole-Grade to amplify th ophoreted on base on m lotype. The uded in haplo an belong to eng), while H cattle had ge mestic Cattle, hic sites in a ic Cattle (B by polyme entification s e (PO) and he cyt b gene n 2% agaros maternal inhe domestic ca otype A, the o haplotype Haplotype B enetic divers Haplotype a 464 bp regi os indicus rase chain studies. We u Local Pacita e. The PCR e gels. This eritance. The attle which c PO cattle inc C. The hap and C indic sity based on on of the and Bos reaction- used four an cattle products research e results consist of cluded in plotype A ated that n geneti


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    This research was done in order to diversify and to increase nutrition value of food product especially to enrich nutrition of fisheries product. Fish flour was made from Sardinella longiceps and wheat flour was used as materials to make crackers. The fish and wheat flour in the ratio of (0:100; 10:90; 20:80 and 30:70) were tested to get the best quality of crackers. Sensory quality, proximate analysis and texture test were applied in all products. The protein quality (chemical score) and calcium contents of the best crackers were 89.60 (limited amino acid : methionine) and 550 mg/100 g, respectively.The result of this research showed that the 20% fish flour-added crackers product had the highest rate of sensory quality (color, taste, smell, performance, and texture). It was accepted well by the panelists, and it also increased the protein quality and the calsium content


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    Kecemasan dapat didefinisikan sebagai perasaan yang timbul akibat ketakutan, ragu-ragu, gelisah yang dapat menimbulkan ketegangan fisik yang tinggi. Hal ini di timbulkan sebagai reaksi atau sebagai suatu respon dari persaan akan adanya bahaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kecemasan pada lansia penderita hipertensi di Panti Sosial Tersna Werdha. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Panti sosial tresna werdha, pengumpulan data di mulai dari Januari sampai Juni 2019 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 orang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriftif korelasional dengan accidental sampling hingga mencukupi jumlah sampel yang dibutuhkan. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 jumlah responden, sebagian besar responden menderita hipertensi ringan yang terdiri dari 16 responden dengan presentase 80% yang menderita kecemasan ringan, sedangkan yang mengalami kecemasan sedang yaitu 4 responden dengan presentase 20%. Maka ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna hubungan tingkat kecemasan disebabkan lansia menderita hipertensi dengan nilai p > 0,05 (p=0,157). Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan/perawat untuk tetap memperhatikan aspek psikologi dalam memberikan pengobatan dan perawatan pada lansia penderita hipertensi, serta memberikan penyuluhan tentang dampak kecemasan akan kejadian hipertensi

    Hubungan Kesadaran dan Perilaku Kerja Aparatur Sipil Negara (Studi Kasus SMA/SMK/SLB di Kabupaten Buleleng)

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesadaran dan perilaku kerja ASN. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada sekolah SMA/SMK/SLB pada Dinas Pendidikan Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Provinsi Bali di Kabupaten Buleleng selama dua bulan dari bulan Agustus sampai dengan September 2022.    Metode penelitian: Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan jenis korelasi. Kuantatif korelasi merupakan metode penelitian dengan mempelajari hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih, yaitu sejauh mana variasi dalam satu variabel berhubungan dengan variasi dalam variabel yang lainnya. Hasil dan pembahasan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran memiliki korelasi yang positif terhadap perilaku ASN. Semakin tinggi tingkat kesadarannya maka perilaku ASN semakin baik. Implikasi: Kesadaran berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku ASN. Semakin tinggi kesadaran maka perilaku ASN semakin baik. &nbsp


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    AbstractBased on the world bank report, the level of effectiveness of the Indonesian government is in the 62nd position in the world. To increase the ranking, the State Civil Apparatus (SCA) has a very important role. In managing and improving the performance of SCA in serving the community, the Made Artama adalah seorang tenaga pendidik di SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada government has issued various policies and legal products aimed at forming SCA who have integrity, are professional, neutral and free from political intervention, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism practices, and are able to provide public services for the community and are able to carry out its role as an adhesive element for the unity and integrity of the nation. However, based on several community satisfaction survey reports, most SCA behavior received low ratings. Corruption, collusion and nepotism, political intervention, the practice of buying and selling positions to the development of radical understanding among SCA are examples of SCA behavior that needs to be corrected. Several studies in the field of education prove that increased awareness can increase learning ability, increase mind-body coordination, increase organizational ability and efficiency, increase energy and dynamism, better personality integration, reduce negative personality, and growth of ideal social behavior. This study aimed at finding out how the relationship between awareness and SCA work behavior. The results of the study showed that awareness had a positive correlation with SCA behavior. The higher the level of awareness, the better SCA behavior will be.Keywords: government effectiveness, community satisfaction, awareness, work behavio

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas VIII Di SMPN 1 Mendoyo.

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    . The current research aims at finding out the influence of the effect of jigsaw cooperative learning technique toward to achievement of learning in social studies subject by considering the achievement motivation. Based on the search variables conducted in SMP N 1 Mendoyo, to answerd the problems in this study can be formulated as follows : (1) Is there any difference in social study learning achievement between the student who learn through cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type and those who learn through the conventional learning model, (2) In the student with a high achievement of motivation, Is there any difference in social study learning achievement between the student who learn through cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type and those who learn through the conventional learning model, (3) In The student with low achievement of motivation, Is there any difference in social study learning achievement between the student who learn through cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type and those who learn through the conventional learning model, (4) Is there interaction effect between cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type and achivement of motivation to improve social studies learning achievement. To answer the problems above, this study used experimental research post test only control group design, and take sample with random technique at SMP N 1 Mendoyo. Subject number 80 students consisting of 40 students as the experiment group, and 40 students as the controle group. To obtain the data on the achievement motivation, a achievement motivation test was used, while the data learning achievement was obtained through a learning achievement test. The data was analyzed by two-way anova and tukey test. From this study it was found out that: : (1) The social study learning achievement of the student who learn through cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type is better than who learn through the conventional learning model, (2) There was an interaction effect between cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type and achivement of motivation to improve social studies learning achievement, (3) In the student with a high achievement of motivation, the social study learning achievement of the student who learn through cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type is better than who learn through the conventional learning model, (4) In The student with low achievement of motivation, the social study learning achievement of the student who learn through the conventional learning model is better than who learn through cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type


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    Osteoarthritis lutut atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai pengapuran pada sendi lutut merupakan masalah yang terjadi di lutut, menyebabkan penurunan aktifitas fungsional. Kasus ini juga sering terjadi pada lansia yang sering melakukan aktifitas naik turun tangga dan jongkok pada usia mudanya. Pada kasus osteoarthritis grade 4 harus dilakukan penggantian sendi berupa Total Knee Replasmen (TKR). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah modalitas Fisioterapi berupa pemberian Tens, Quadriceps strengthening exercise dan statik cycle terhadap penurunan nyeri dan peningkatan aktifitas fungsional efektif digunakan dalam penanganan kasus osteoarthritis lutut. Dengan metode penelitian case report (studi kasus) yang dilakukan pada seorang pasien osteoarthritis lutut di RSUD dr Soehadi Prijonegoro sragen yang dilakukan pada bulan November 2021. Hasil penelitian di dapatkan bahwa intervensi Fisioterap yang dilakukan selama 3 kali pertemuan menunjukkan hasil akhir berupa penurunan nyeri danpeningkatan kemampuan fungsional pasien

    Peran Tokoh Agama Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Umat Untuk Mencegah COVID-19 Di Era Tatanan Normal Baru

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    Religious activities in the context of this pandemic are often considered a driving factor in the transmission of COVID-19. This study discusses the role of religious leaders in increasing community participation in preventing COVID-19 in the New Normal Order era. public. The study uses a qualitative approach with the aim of describing the role of religious leaders in increasing community participation to prevent Covid-19. The sampling technique used was Snowball with the key informant being the Parish Priest, the main informant: the head of the neighborhood, and the supporting informant: the head of the Community of Basis (KUB). The process of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation where the main instrument is the researcher himself supported by other instruments. After the data is collected, it is analyzed using the inductive method. The results of the study indicate that the roles that have been fully implemented are preparing the people, conducting health education/counseling, implementing health protocols. Meanwhile, the role that has not been carried out optimally is to build a work system and supervise the implementation of health protocols by the people. It was concluded that in general the Religious Leaders in the St. Parish. Yosef Frainademetz Mautapaga Ende has performed his role well in increasing community participation to prevent COVID-19 in the era of the new normal order

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Investasi The Safin Hotel di Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah

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    Investasi perhotelan di Kabupaten Pati semakin berkembang, hal ini ditandai dengan berdirinya hotel berbintang tiga The Safin Hotel dan hotel baru lainnya. Akibat adanya perkembanganĀ  tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan evaluasi kelayakan investasi pada The Safin Hotel. Evaluasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah hasil dari perencanaan awal masih relevan dengan kondisi saat ini berdasarkan data terbaru. Makalah ini hanya meninjau aspek finansial dengan menggunakan metode Net Present Value (NPV) dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Kemudian dilakukan analisis sensitivitas tingkat penghunian kamar, tarif sewa kamar, dan biaya operasional & pemeliharaan terhadap nilai NPV.Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa investasi The Safin Hotel adalah sebesar Rp 79.699.382.000 dengan asumsi MARR 11,48% didapatkan nilai NPV sebesar negatif RpĀ  3.397.498.861 (NPV < 0) dan hasil analisis Internal Rate of Return (IRR) sebesar 11,40%, kurang dari arus pengembalian yang diinginkan sebesar 11,48%. Maka The Safin Hotel dikatakan tidak layak dari segi finansial. Sedangkan hasil analisis sensitivitas antara variabel tingkat penghunian kamar, tarif sewa kamar, dan biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan terhadap nilai NPV didapat bahwa The Safin Hotel akan menjadi layak apabila tingkat penghunian kamar lebih dari 52,07%, atau tarif sewa kamar dinaikkan minimal 3,33%, atau biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan diturunkan 7,69%
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