492 research outputs found

    A Practical Iron-Based Newman-Kwart Rearrangement Under Oxidative Conditions

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    Herein, we report that iron(II)/ammonium persulfate in aqueous acetonitrile mediates the Newman- Kwart rearrangement of O-aryl carbamothioates. Electron-rich substrates react rapidly under moderate heating to afford the rearranged products in excellent yields. The mild conditions, rapid reaction rates, and suitability for scale up offers immediate practical benefits to access functionalised thiophenols

    Effektiv onboarding i smÄ bedrifter

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    Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven har vÊrt Ä utarbeide et rammeverk smÄ bedrifter kan implementere for en mer effektiv onboarding. I dagens arbeidsmarked mÄ bedrifter arbeide hardt for Ä beholde sine ansatte. SmÄ bedrifter er en av de mest sÄrbare sektorene for markedsmessige svingninger og konkurransedyktig press og er derfor i spesielt behov av Ä beholde sine nyansatte. For Ä lykkes i dette vil det vÊre avgjÞrende for bedriftene Ä utvikle effektive onboardingsprosesser, da en av de fremste Ärsakene til at ansatte har valgt Ä slutte i en bedrift er en mangelfull onboardingsprosess. Det finnes per i dag lite forskning som retter seg spesifikt mot hvordan smÄ bedrifter bÞr utvikle sine onboardingsprosesser. SmÄ bedrifter vil ha egne, unike forutsetninger for og lykkes i dette og trenger et rammeverk tilpasset deretter. Dette vil hjelpe arbeidsgiverne eller bedriftene i Ä utarbeide og gjennomfÞre vellykkede onboardingsprosesser spesifikt tilpasset deres behov og forutsetninger. Jeg har derfor valgt Ä formulere fÞlgende problemstilling: «Det mangler kunnskap om hvordan effektiv onboarding ser ut i smÄ bedrifter. Med et rammeverk tilpasset smÄ bedrifter vil bedriftene kunne tilpasse eksisterende onboarding til en mer effektiv prosess». For Ä besvare oppgavens problemstilling har jeg oversatt tidligere forskning om onboarding og smÄ bedrifter for Ä utarbeide et rammeverk. Rammeverket presenteres i en modell som innebÊrer ulike steg smÄ bedrifter kan implementere for en effektiv onboardingsprosess. Jeg presenterte rammeverket for tre smÄ bedrifter innenfor ulike bransjer herunder en byggebedrift, kunnskapsbedrift og servicebedrift, hvor jeg spurte om tilbakemeldinger og refleksjoner vedrÞrende rammeverket. Dette ga verdifull innsikt i hvordan rammeverket kan implementeres i praksis, samt positive og konstruktive tilbakemeldinger til hvordan jeg kan forbedre det. For Ä kvalitetssikre rammeverket presenterte jeg et revidert rammeverk for de samme bedriftene, slik at de kunne gi ytterligere tilbakemeldinger. I studiens funn og analyse av dataene fremkommer det indikasjoner pÄ at det er behov for et slikt rammeverk. Alle bedriftene som deltok i denne studien sÄ nytten og engasjerte seg i rammeverket. Bedriftene beskriver det endelige rammeverket som praksisnÊrt og at dette ville gi den god oversikt til Ä planlegge og strukturere onboardingen. Rammeverket gir bedriftene mulighet til Ä tilpasse aktivitetene i onboarding til sin bedrift for en skreddersydd onboarding til bÄde den nyansatte og bedriften

    Effects of Ga Substitution on the Local Structure of Na2Zn2TeO6

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    In the work presented here, we prepared Ga-substituted NZTO (Na2–xZn2–xGaxTeO6, x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) layered materials with a soft chemical, citric acid-based synthesis method and characterized these by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), 23Na and 125Te NMR, and by density functional theory (DFT) modeling. The influence of randomly distributed Ga cations on the 125Te NMR spectra confirms the successful synthesis. With DFT-based linear response computations, we show that the local distribution of Na ions in the two neighboring interlayers influences the 125Te chemical shift, consistent with observations. DFT modeling suggests that some of the Na sites are rarely occupied in pure NZTO but become favorable upon Ga substitution. There are clear indications that Ga substitution gives an uneven distribution of Na ions in neighboring interlayers and that the Na structure in one layer affects the adjacent layers.publishedVersio

    Talent management. Talent utgjĂžr halvparten av talent management, uten talent har man bare management

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    Master i bedriftsledelse (MBA) - 201

    Structural analysis of the Leirdjupet Fault Complex in the southwestern Barents Sea

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    The Leirdjupet Fault Complex is located in the southwestern Barents Sea and trends N-S from the Loppa High towards the Stappen High between 73°-73°55'N at 21°E. The fault complex divides the BjÞrnÞya Basin into a deep western part and a shallow eastern part, the latter formally known as the Fingerdjupet Subbasin. A set of 2D seismic lines have been interpreted in order to constrain timing of faulting and study the subsequent structuring the area has been subjected to. The fault complex has been divided up into three segments, each representing different structural settings. The study addresses the possibility of fault segmentation and linkage by examining variations in the fault throw along the Leirdjupet Fault Complex. The Leirdjupet Fault Complex has been affected by at least three tectonic extensional events and subordinate phases of contraction. The extension which occurred during Late Paleozoic may have comprised two discrete phases of tectonic movement, implying that the initial phase of fault movement rapidly was succeeded by renewed activity. The Leirdjupet Fault Complex is a deep seated structure and is assumed to represent a class 1 fault, separating areas of different tectonic outline. The fault complexes, including the Leirdjupet Fault Complex, present in the southwestern Barents Sea are likely to have developed due to deep-seated zones of weakness inherited from earlier periods of tectonic activity. Observations relating the study area to the regional development of the southwestern Barents Sea indicate that the Leirdjupet Fault Complex might bound a northern continuation of the relict structural high, the Selis Ridge, situated below the present day Loppa High

    Innleggelser ved forverring av astma og kols

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    Bakgrunn. Behandling av astma- og kolsforverringer bÞr ofte igangsettes raskt. Akuttinnleggelse i sykehus kan vÊre nÞdvendig. Vi Þnsket Ä kartlegge hva slags legekontakter pasientene hadde hatt og hva slags behandling de fikk fÞr de ble innlagt med en slik forverring. Materiale og metode. Et spÞrreskjema ble delt ut til pasienter over 18 Är som var innlagt for astma- eller kolsforverring ved Helgelandssykehuset og ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge i TromsÞ fra januar 2010 til januar 2011. Pasientene svarte blant annet pÄ spÞrsmÄl om varighet av forverringen, om legekontakter og om medisinsk behandling fÞr innleggelsen. Resultater. Svar fra 100 av 122 forespurte pasienter ble analysert. Median sykdomsvarighet ved fÞrste legekontakt var fire dager. 52 av pasientene hadde kontaktet fastlegen fÞrst, 40 kontaktet fÞrst legevakt og Ätte tok direkte kontakt med sykehuset. FÞrste kontakt med lege fÞrte til innleggelse hos 56 pasienter, 21 (40 %) av dem som kontaktet fastlegen og 26 (70 %) av dem som kontaktet legevaktlege. 41 pasienter ble innlagt uten Ä vÊre blitt klinisk undersÞkt av innleggende lege samme dag, 32 etter telefonkonsultasjon med fastlege eller legevaktlege. Innleggelse uten klinisk undersÞkelse forekom hyppigere hos dem som var over 70 Är og hos dem som hadde vÊrt innlagt tidligere. Fortolkning. Pasienter med astmaeller kolsforverring blir ofte direkte innlagt etter telefonkonsultasjon med fastlege eller legevaktlege

    Low-Viscosity Nonaqueous Sulfolane-Amine-Methanol Solvent Blend for Reversible CO2 Capture

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    In this work, the absorption–desorption performance of CO2 in six new solvent blends of amine (diisopropylamine (DPA), 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP), methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), diethanolamine (DEA), diisopropanolamine (DIPA), and ethanolamine (MEA)), sulfolane, and methanol has been monitored using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Additionally, NMR-based species confirmation and solvent viscosity analysis were done for DPA solvent samples. The identified CO2 capture products are monomethyl carbonate (MMC), carbamate, carbonate, and bicarbonate anions in different ratios. The DPA solvent formed MMC entirely with 0.88 molCO2/molamine capture capacity, 0.48 molCO2/molamine cyclic capacity, and 3.28 mPa·s CO2-loaded solvent viscosity. MEA, DEA, DIPA, and MDEA were shown to produce a low or a negligible amount of MMC while AMP occupied an intermediate position.publishedVersio

    Process simulation of Ca-looping processes: review and guidelines☆

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    Abstract Ca-looping is one of the most promising processes for CO 2 capture in short to medium term plants, which can be applied for both post-combustion and pre-combustion layouts. The recent successful operations of MW-scale pilot plants are leading to an increased interest in this technology. In addition, the particularly advantageous applicability in cement plants, the main industrial contributors to CO 2 emissions worldwide, can further lead to a forthcoming development of the technology. Quite a large amount of scientific papers on reactors and process modeling has been published in the recent years and more studies are expected to be published in the future. According to the experience of the authors in this field and on the basis of a literature review, suggestions and modeling needs for next works are provided in this paper

    Ex vivo characterization of neuroinflammatory and neuroreceptor changes during epileptogenesis using candidate positron emission tomography biomarkers

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    Objective: Identification of patients at risk of developing epilepsy before the first spontaneous seizure may promote the development of preventive treatment providing opportunity to stop or slow down the disease. // Methods: As development of novel radiotracers and on‐site setup of existing radiotracers is highly time‐consuming and expensive, we used dual‐centre in vitro autoradiography as an approach to characterize the potential of innovative radiotracers in the context of epilepsy development. Using brain slices from the same group of rats, we aimed to characterise the evolution of neuroinflammation and expression of inhibitory and excitatory neuroreceptors during epileptogenesis using translational positron emission tomography (PET) tracers; 18F‐flumazenil (18F‐FMZ; GABAA receptor), 18F‐FPEB (metabotropic glutamate receptor 5; mGluR5), 18F‐flutriciclamide (translocator protein; TSPO, microglia activation) and 18F‐deprenyl (monoamine oxidase B, astroglia activation). Autoradiography images from selected time points after pilocarpine‐induced status epilepticus (SE; baseline, 24 and 48 hours, 5, 10 and 15 days and 6 and 12‐14 weeks after SE) were normalized to a calibration curve, co‐registered to an MRI‐based 2D region‐of‐interest atlas, and activity concentration (Bq/mm2) was calculated. // Results: In epileptogenesis‐associated brain regions, 18F‐FMZ and 18F‐FPEB showed an early decrease after SE. 18F‐FMZ decrease was maintained in the latent phase and further reduced in the chronic epileptic animals, while 18F‐FPEB signal recovered from day 10, reaching baseline levels in chronic epilepsy. 18F‐flutriciclamide showed an increase of activated microglia at 24 hours after SE, peaking at 5‐15 days and decreasing during the chronic phase. On the other hand, 18F‐deprenyl autoradiography showed late astrogliosis, peaking in the chronic phase. // Significance: Autoradiography revealed different evolution of the selected targets during epileptogenesis. Our results suggest an advantage of combined imaging of inter‐related targets like glutamate and GABAA receptors, or microglia and astrocyte activation, in order to identify important interactions, especially when using PET imaging for the evaluation of novel treatments
