210 research outputs found

    Ultrasound versus computed tomography scan findings in pediatric blunt abdominal traumas

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    Objective: We aimed to evaluate the performance of ultrasonography (US) versus computed tomography (CT) scan in detecting intra-abdominal injury among pediatric patients with blunt abdominal trauma. Methods: Pediatric patients aged<18, who were admitted to the emergency department (ED) due to abdominal trauma and underwent both US and CT scan were evaluated retrospectively. Results: A total of 732 pediatric patients were included in this study. Pathology was detected on US of 418 (57.1%) cases, whereas, intra-abdominal pathology was detected in CT scan of 359 (48.7%) cases. The sensitivity of US in detecting pathology (fluid and/or organ injury) was 95.3%, and its specificity was 79.6%. The sensitivity of US in detecting free fluid was 94.9%, and its specificity was 80.5%. In patients with unstable and stable hemodynamic, the sensitivities of US in detection of pathology (fluid and/or organ injury) were 97.6% and 91.6%, and its specificities were 74.3% and 80.9%, respectively. Conclusions: In our study, the sensitivity of US in terms of detecting pathology in pediatrics with blunt abdominal trauma was high, whereas the specificity of US was low

    Utvrđivanje fenolnih substanci kod šest različitih populacija medvjeđe lijeske (Corylus colurna L.) i usporedba fluktuacije fenola u slučaju nedostatka vode

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    Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) is one of the naturally grown hazelnut species in Turkey. It can be easily separated from other hazel species with its thick single stem and tall appearance. It can be used in afforestation and erosion control studies due to low demand for habitat and strong root system. It contains substances with high medicinal value in its fruits and leaves. Hazel leaves have strong antioxidant activity due to their high phenolic content. Objective of the study was primarily to determine the individual phenolic constituents of six different population of Turkish Hazelnut and then to evaluate the effect of water deficiency stress generated by irrigation regime on phenolic constituents and photosystem II activity on these genotypes. Grafted plants were produced by taking scions from six different populations of Turkish Hazelnut (Oğuzlar, Erenler, Merkeşler, Seben, Güney Felakettin and Pelitcik). The study was started when the grafted seedlings were 7 years old in greenhouse. During the experiment (June and July), two different levels of irrigation were applied (W1: the soil was fully irrigated to reach field capacity in each irrigation; W2: 50% reduction of W1 irrigation water). After the application of two different irrigation regimes, leaves were collected for each month, dried, extracted with methanol and then quantitatively analyzed and compared for individual phenolic constituents (gallic acid monohydrate, caffeic acid, rutin hydrate, luteolin-7-O-β-D glucoside, kaempferol, rosmarinic acid, myricetin, quercetin, coumarin and apigenin) by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a diode array detector (DAD). Generally, rutin, kaempferol and luteolin were dominant individual phenols in methanol extracts of Turkish hazelnut leaves. Pelitcik population was noticeable source of rutin and kaempferol in June, and the halved irrigation regime significantly increased the levels of both phenols in July. Similarly, the highest total phenolic content was observed in the Pelitcik population in June and the halved irrigation regime significantly increased the total phenolic content in both months in this population. It was also determined to what extent water deficiency physiologicallyaffects the quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem II activity through chlorophyll fluorescence technique in hazelnut leaves. Generally, Fv/Fm value decreased with water deficiency. This study showed that water deficiency stress generally caused an increase in phenolic constituents in Turkish Hazel leaves and they may be proper natural sources of phenolic constituents with abiotic stress applications in pharmaceutical and food industry.Medvjeđa lijeska (Corylus colurna L.) jedna je od prirodno rasprostanjenih vrsta lijeske u Turskoj. Lako se može razlikovati od drugih vrsta zahvaljujući svojoj visini i promjeru debla. Vrlo često se koristi za pošumljevanje terena sklonih eroziji zbog snažnog korijenja i skromnih ekloških zahtjeva. Njezino lišće i plodovi sadrže mnogo tvari koje se koriste u medicinske svrhe. Lišće medvjeđe ljeske ima snažno antioksidativno djelovanje zbog visokog sadržaja fenola. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi sadržaj fenola u lišću šest populacija medvjeđe lijeske te procijeniti učinak sušnoga stresa na sadržaj fenola i kvantnu učinkovitost fotosustava II. Istraživane biljke proizvedene su cijepljenjem nakon sakupljanja plemki iz šest populacija medvjeđe lijeske (Oğuzlar, Erenler, Merkeşler, Seben, Güney Felakettin i Pelitcik). Istraživanje je provedeno u stakleničkim uvjetima kad su kalemljene biljke bile stare 7 godina. Tijekom pokusa (lipanj i srpanj), primijenjena su dva različita načina navodnjavanja (W1: tlo je navodnjavano do poljskog vodnog kapaciteta; W2: tlo je navodnjavano s 50 % manje vode u odnosu na W1 način navodnjavanja). Nakon primjene dva različita režima navodnjavanja, lišće je uzorkovano u lipnju i srpnju. Nakon toga je osušeno, ekstrahirano s metanolom te kvantitativno analizirano s ciljem utvrđivanja njegova fenolnog sastava (galna kiselina monohidrat, kofeinska kiselina, rutin, hidrat, luteolin-7-O-β-D glukozid, kaempferol, rozmarinska kiselina, miricetin, kvercetin, kumarin i apigenin) uz korištenje tekuće kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) i detektora s nizom dioda (DAD). Rutin, kaempferol i luteolin bili su dominantni fenoli u ekstraktu metanola iz lišća medvjeđe lijeske. Populacija Pelitcik bila je značajan izvor rutina i kaempferola u lipnju, a W2 režim navodnjavanja značajno je povećao razine oba fenola u srpnju. Isto tako, najviši sadržaj fenola zabilježen je u populaciji Pelitcik u lipnju, a W2 režim navodnjavanja značajno je povećao ukupan sadržaj fenola u lipnju i srpnju. Također je utvrđeno u kojoj mjeri nedostatak vode utječe na kvantnu učinkovitost fotosustava II (Fv/Fm). Općenito, Fv/Fm vrijednosti opadaju s nedostatkom vode. Ova studija pokazala je da nedostatak vode kod medvjeđe ljeske potiče produkciju fenola te da se na taj način može osigurati prirodni izvor fenola koji se može koristiti u farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji

    Clinical biochemistry laboratory rejection rates due to various types of preanalytical errors

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    Introduction: Preanalytical errors, along the process from the beginning of test requests to the admissions of the specimens to the laboratory, cause the rejection of samples. The aim of this study was to better explain the reasons of rejected samples, regarding to their rates in certain test groups in our laboratory. Materials and methods: This preliminary study was designed on the rejected samples in one-year period, based on the rates and types of inappropriateness. Test requests and blood samples of clinical chemistry, immunoassay, hematology, glycated hemoglobin, coagulation and erythrocyte sedimentation rate test units were evaluated. Types of inappropriateness were evaluated as follows: improperly labelled samples, hemolysed, clotted specimen, insufficient volume of specimen and total request errors. Results: A total of 5,183,582 test requests from 1,035,743 blood collection tubes were considered. The total rejection rate was 0.65 %. The rejection rate of coagulation group was significantly higher (2.28%) than the other test groups (P < 0.001) including insufficient volume of specimen error rate as 1.38%. Rejection rates of hemolysis, clotted specimen and insufficient volume of sample error were found to be 8%, 24% and 34%, respectively. Total request errors, particularly, for unintelligible requests were 32% of the total for inpatients. Conclusions: The errors were especially attributable to unintelligible requests of inappropriate test requests, improperly labelled samples for inpatients and blood drawing errors especially due to insufficient volume of specimens in a coagulation test group. Further studies should be performed after corrective and preventive actions to detect a possible decrease in rejecting sample

    The status of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) in western türkiye: detection of three subtypes

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    Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a viral pathogen that causes significant economic losses in cattle, especially by causing abortions. Globally, BVDVs are classified into three genetically distinct types: BVDV-1, BVDV-2 and BVDV-3. Despite the presence of all three groups in Türkiye, BVDV-1 is by far the most prevalent. The aim of the study was to determine the genetic diversity of BVDV detected in materials from aborted fetus between 2017 and 2020 in western Türkiye. Sequence and phylogenetic analyzes were performed based on the 5"-UTR and Npro gene regions of BVDVs from samples, which tested positive using real time RT-PCR. According to pairwise similarity and cluster analysis the samples clustered into three different sub-types, with one dominant subtype 1d (n=4). The remaining samples clustered within subtype 1l (n=3) and 1f (n=2). In this study, different subtypes were found in abortion materials submitted from the same region. Since different subtypes of BVDV were identified even in a small geographical area of Türkiye, it is essential to prepare control and eradication programs through specific vaccination, diagnostic and mitigation programs coordinated by national government, to prevent the spread of these viruses

    Changing Trends and Experience with Esophageal Cancer Surgery in a Single University Hospital: Are The Results Similar or Not?

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    Objective: The main treatment modality for esophageal cancer remains to be surgery. Over the last decades, surgical strategies have evolved remarkably. When neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy became standard, discussions about the role, type, and timing of surgery began. In this study, we share results we obtained after operating our patients using various surgical techniques.Material and Methods:Reliable data from 51 esophageal cancer patients were evaluated retrospectively. Of the 51 cases, 31 were operable. These operable cases were further classified according to surgical method and neoadjuvant therapy status. Median survival time in months, complications, hospital mortality, length of hospital stay, and pathology results (total lymph nodes harvested and pathologic tumor node metastasis stage [p_TNM]) were documented for the different surgical approaches.Results: Open surgical methods were performed in 21 cases, while in 10 cases the Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) method was used. The MIS group received neoadjuvant therapy more frequently than the open surgical methods group (p=0.013). Although more complications were observed in the MIS group, the difference to the open esophagectomy methods group was not significant. Patients in the MIS group also had longer hospital stays, but again the difference was not significant. Although a pathologic complete response was seen in 8 of the 11 (72.7%) patients in our study who received chemoradiotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment, the surgical results of patients who received chemoradiotherapy were worse, although not to a statistically significant extent.Conclusion: Despite changing trends and treatment options in esophageal cancer surgery, we have yet to see the expected improved results

    5-Fluorouracil, epirubicin and cisplatin in the treatment of metastatic gastric carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 68 patients

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    BACKGROUND: Gastric cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and one of the most frequent causes of cancer-related death. The majority of gastric cancers show distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis. At present, there is no general agreement over one standard chemotherapy regimen for metastatic gastric cancer. AIMS: We evaluated the activity and toxicity of the combination of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), epirubicin and cisplatin (FEP) in previously untreated patients with metastatic gastric cancer. SETTING AND DESIGN: Medical Oncology Department of Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa; retrospective study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-eight patients received 5-FU 300 mg/m2 on Days 1-5, epirubicin 50 mg/m2 on Day 1 and cisplatin 60 mg/m2 on Day 1, every 4 weeks. A median of 3.5 cycles was administered. The response rate, time to disease progression, survival and toxic effects were analyzed. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Overall survival and time to progression were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: There were 4 partial responses and 1 complete response (overall response rate 7.3%); 16 patients had stable disease. Median progression-free and overall survival rates were 3.1 months (95% CI 1.9-4) and 6 months (95% CI 4.2-7), respectively. The principal toxicity was myelosupression. Grade 3-4 neutropenia occurred in 27.9%, anemia in 17.6%, and thrombocytopenia in 11.7% of patients. Non-hematological toxicity was mild and manageable. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that FEP combination as used at the doses and schedules in this study has inferior activity against metastatic gastric cancer