119 research outputs found

    De EuroPsy a LatinPsy

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de difundir Europsy y reflexionar acerca de la Reforma Curricular en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior . A su vez se consideran aspectos atinentes a los programas aplicados en Latinoamérica en los cuales la carrera de Psicología no participa. En atención a la crítica que se realiza a la reforma curricular en Europa se consideran cuestiones de índole jurídica y disciplinar tendiendo a esbozar objetivos , diseño curricular y procedimiento a los efectos de ir acumulando precedentes en pos de laborar hacia una convergencia regional en la carrera de Psicología tanto en sus aspectos académicos como profesionalistas. Es decir , en función de avanzar en la elaboración de LatinPsy y en atención particular a la Formación por Tratamiento , la posibilidad de administración de psicofármacos y las aplicaciones web en el terreno de la Clínica. Los itinerarios conducentes a las titulaciones internacionales son perspectivados aquí desde una arquitectura curricular que registra las particularidades regionales en cuanto que en Latinoamérica y el Caribe aún subsiste el viejo diseño europeo de licenciatura larga actualmente en extinción habida cuenta de la preminencia del bachelor en el nivel del grado universitario en aquel espacio

    Los capitanes Olazarra, de Motrico

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    A través de diversos documentos se conoce la historia de los Olazarra (padre e hijos) que tuvieron gran relación con el comercio en Ultramar. Se mencionan datos de la vida de Gaspar, el padre, y de sus dos hijos Lucas y BaltasarThe history of the Olazarra (father and sons), who had considerable trading relations overseas, is well known through various documents. Mention is made to data on the life of Gaspar, the father, and of his two sons Lucas and Baltasa

    X-ray Thermo-Diffraction Study of the Aluminum-Based Multicomponent Alloy Al58Zn28Si8Mg6

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    Newly designed multicomponent light alloys are giving rise to non-conventional microstructures that need to be thoroughly studied before determining their potential applications. In this study, the novel Al58Zn28Si8Mg6 alloy, previously studied with CALPHAD methods, was cast and heat-treated under several conditions. An analysis of the phase evolution was carried out with in situ X-ray diffraction supported by differential scanning calorimetry and electron microscopy. A total of eight phases were identified in the alloy in the temperature range from 30 to 380 °C: α-Al, α’-Al, Zn, Si, Mg2Si, MgZn2, Mg2Zn11, and SrZn13. Several thermal transitions below 360 °C were determined, and the natural precipitation of the Zn phase was confirmed after nine months. The study showed that the thermal history can strongly affect the presence of the MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11 phases. The combination of X-ray thermo-diffraction with CALPHAD methods, differential scanning calorimetry, and electron microscopy offered us a satisfactory understanding of the alloy behavior at different temperatures

    Obra beraren itzulpenak denboran zehar: Asterixen komikiak euskaraz

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    35 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 33-35Gradu amaierako lan honetan Les aventures d’Astérix komiki bilduma ezaguneko albumetako baten euskarazko hiru itzulpen aztertuko ditugu, horietako bakoitzaren itzultzaileak hartutako erabakiak –itzulpen estrategiak eta teknikak– zein izan diren jakin eta ulertzeko, baita itzulpen bakoitza argitaratu zen testuinguru soziolinguistikoarekiko harremana antzemateko ere. René Goscinny eta Albert Uderzoren Asterixen komiki bilduma haur eta gazte literaturaren obra ia kanonikoa bilakatu da honezkero, eta horrek aukera ematen digu ikuspegi traduktologikoa eta historikoa uztartzeko. Aipatutako azkenak berebiziko garrantzia du euskarazko itzulpenen kasuan, argitaratutako bertsio bakoitza euskararen normalizazioaren une jakin batekin loturik baitago, eta itzulpen oro bere garaiaren fruitua ere baden neurrian, hizkuntzaren normalizazio prozesuaren aztarnak aurkituko ditugu azterturiko bertsioetan. Lana hiru atal nagusitan dago banatuta. Lehendabizikoan, jorratuko dugun materiala aurkezten dugu: Asterixen abenturen bilduma. Jatorrizko obrari buruzko argibide nagusiak emateaz gain, euskarazko itzulpenak beren testuinguru soziolinguistikoan kokatu ditugu, funtsezkoa baita erreferentzia hori egin nahi dugun azterketarako. Bigarren atalak osatzen du lanaren benetako mamia, hiru euskal itzulpenen erkaketa egiten baitugu bertan. Lehenik eta behin, azterketa egiteko erabiliko ditugun irizpideei nolabaiteko marko teorikoa ematen dion azalpena aurkeztu dugu, eta, horren harira, aztertuko ditugun hiru arlo zehatzak –pertsonaien izenak, onomatopeiak eta erreferente kulturalak– aukeratu izanaren egokitasuna argudiatu. Pertsonaien izenen atalari dagokionez, interesgarria iruditu zaigu gaztelaniazko eta ingelesezko itzulpenak ere kontuan hartzea, hizkuntza guztietan estrategia eta teknika berberak erabiltzen ote diren egiaztatzeko asmoz. Onomatopeien kasuan, gaztelaniazko bertsioa erabili dugu euskarazkoekin batera, euskal hiztunen egoera soziolinguistikoa kontuan hartuta eragina izan zezakeelakoan. Eta erreferente kulturalei dagokienez, azkenik, euskarazko bertsioak baino ez ditugu kontuan hartu, itzultzaile guztien estrategia nagusia etxekotzea baita kasu horretan, eta, beraz, euskal itzultzaileen proposamenen arteko aldeak aztertu nahi izan ditugu. Hirugarren atala ondorio orokorrei eskaini diegu. Erkaketa zehatzari dagozkion ondorioak atal bakoitzaren amaieran jarri ditugu, kasu bakoitzean zer berezi bati erreparatu baitiogu, baina beharrezkoa iruditu zaigu ondorio orokor batzuk azpimarratzea, aztertutako itzulpenetan nagusi diren joerak antzemateko eta lan honen hasieran genituen hipotesiak baieztatu diren edo ez egiaztatzeko

    Plan de marketing industrial : El caso de LAIP, S.A.

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    [ES] Plan de marketing de una empresa industrial vasca del sector de la maquinaria

    Manifestations of the Mullins effect in filled elastomers

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    This work employs five commercial carbon-black filled elastomers made from ethylene-propylene-diene, nitrile, butyl and natural rubber compounds to study different manifestations of the stress-softening phenomenon known as the Mullins effect. The structure of the materials was characterised using density, hardness, thermal analysis and microscopy. Cyclic tensile deformations under uniaxial, constant-width and equibiaxial models were used to study the mechanical response following different strain histories. The mechanical response and the energies stored and dissipated were both dependent on the strain history. Elastomers with no strain history exhibited a relatively constant dissipated energy fraction, which reduced to a lower constant fraction when the historical maximum strain was higher than the current maximum strain. A physically based modelling approach with a simple representation of the evolution of bound rubber was proposed to account for this. The approach was able to qualitatively reproduce the energy maps observed in the experimental data. A set of time-dependent test protocols were developed in both uniaxial and biaxial modes of deformation to investigate the effect of strain history on stress-relaxation and stress-memory following cyclic loading. All filled rubbers relaxed an approximately constant fraction of the stress after a given time when the applied strain during stress relaxation was smaller than the historical maximum. Under these circumstances the relaxed fraction was independent of both the strain history and the current strain, with important implications for scragging. An empirical function involving just five parameters was proposed to predict the fraction of unrelaxed stress for an arbitrary strain history. Stress memory was observed following unloading, with a recovered stress magnitude approximately independent of history. Anisotropy was investigated through linear dimensional swelling measurements. A degree of anisotropy was observed specific to the manufacturing process: compression moulding led to transverse isotropy, while sheet-rolling led to full anisotropy. Following a strain history, the anisotropy was shown to evolve further
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