33 research outputs found

    A manual for the removal, fixation and preservation of cetacean ears

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    This chapter is intended as an instructional guide for the removal, fixation and preservation of auditory system tissues of marine mammals. Each section describes procedures for a major ear type for marine mammals. The main intention is to provide both inexperienced and seasoned stranding responders with sufficient instructions to locate, document and remove all structures related to the ears and hearing in order to optimize the fixation and preservation of these tissues for later, more extensive examination. It is strongly recommended that examination be performed collaboratively with auditory system experts, but careful documentation and preservation are the critical first steps that will allow accurate diagnoses.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under contract No. 13123100

    Tzanck smears: an old but useful diagnostic tool

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    A citologia de Tzanck consiste em método simples e confiável para o diagnóstico de dermatoses virais, parasitárias, autoimunes e tumorais. Para exemplificar o emprego do teste de Tzanck em lesões vésico-bolhosas, um caso de pênfigo vulgar é descrito, cuja citologia e imunofluorescência direta, utilizando-se esfregaço coletado de lesão oral, confirmaram o diagnóstico de forma rápida e fácil.Tzanck smears can be used for the diagnosis of cutaneous infections, autoimmune disorders and cutaneous tumors. To exemplify its use, we report a case of a female patient with pemphigus vulgaris whose diagnosis was confirmed by positive direct immunofluorescence and conventional cytology using smears obtained by scraping the cheek mucosa.(FAEPA) Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência(FAEPA) Hospital das Clínicas - FMRP-US

    Screening for Food Insecurity in Primary Care

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    Introduction. Hunger Free VT (HFVT) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to end the injustice of hunger and malnutrition for all Vermonters. HFVT developed an internet-based Continuing Medical Education (CME) course in order to bring awareness to the issue of food insecurity and enhance medical provider training. The CME course entitled Childhood Hunger in Vermont: The Hidden Impacts on Health, Development, and Wellbeing was started by 59 health care providers in VT but only completed by 4.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1086/thumbnail.jp

    Leprosy-specific oral lesions : a report of three cases

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    Leprosy is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae, a bacillus that presents a peculiar tropism for the skin and peripheral nerves. The clinical spectrum of leprosy ranges from the tuberculoid form (TT) to the disseminative and progressive lepromatous form (LL). Oral lesions are rare but, when present, occur in the lepromatous form. This article describes the clinical and microscopic findings of three cases of LL with oral manifestations. All patients had the lepromatous form and their leprosy-specific oral lesions occurred in the palate. The diagnosis was based on clinical, serological and histopathological findings, and multidrug therapy for multibacillary leprosy was started and continued for 24 months. All patients completed treatment, but developed reaction episodes which were treated with prednisone and/or thalidomide. The authors emphasize the importance of oral mucosa evaluation by a dental health professional during patient care since oral lesions may act as a source of infection


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    Objetivos: verificar la frecuencia de independencia funcional entre los longevos, así como losfactores que se asocian a la independencia funcional de ellos.Metodología: estudio trasversal con 174 ancianos de 80 años y más, que viven en el áreaurbana de Minas Gerais en el periodo de junio de 2017 a junio de 2018. Para elegir lapoblación, se utilizó el muestreo por conglomerado en múltiple estadio. Se realizaron losanálisis descriptivo, bivariado y de regresión logística múltiple (p≤0,05).Resultados: eran del sexo femenino 67,8%, con cinco o más morbilidades auto referidas62,6%, 74,7% no presentaban síntomas depresivos y 85,6% eran independientes en lasactividades básicas de la vida diaria. La independencia funcional en las actividades básicasde la vida diaria fue ausencia de indicativo de síntomas depresivos (p=0,046) y las actividadesinstrumentales de la vida cotidiana en la vivienda (p=0,045).Conclusión: la identificación de los factores asociados a la independencia funcional de losancianos ayudan el planeamiento del cuidado de enfermería que tiene como reto disminuir opostergar la dependencia.Objectives: To verify the frequency of functional independence among elderly people aged80 or over and identify the factors associated with their functional independence.Methodology: Cross-sectional study with 174 elderly people aged 80 or over living in theurban area of Minas Gerais conducted from June 2017 to June 2018. Multistage clustersampling was used for the selection of the population. Descriptive, bivariate and multiplelogistic regression analyzes were performed (p≤0.05).Results: Most participants were female individuals (67.8%), with five or more self-reportedmorbidities (62.6%), without symptoms of depression (74.7%) and 85.6% could performbasic activities of daily living independently. Functional independence in basic activitiesof daily living (ADL) was associated with lack of symptoms of depression (p = 0.046) andinstrumental activities of daily living (IADL) were associated with housing arrangement (p =0.045).Conclusion:Identification of the factors associated with the functional independence ofelderlyindividuals aged 80 years or over contributes to improve the planning of nursing carefor these individuals, in order to reduce or delay their dependence.Objetivos: verificar a frequência de independência funcional entre os longevos e identificar osfatores associados à independência funcional dos longevos.Metodologia: estudo transversal com 174 idosos de 80 anos e mais, residentes na zona urbana emMinas Gerais no período de junho de 2017 até junho de 2018. Para a seleção da população, utilizousea amostragem por conglomerado em múltiplo estágio. Procederam-se às análises descritiva,bivariada e regressão logística múltipla (p≤0,05).Resultados: eram do sexo feminino 67,8%, com cinco ou mais morbidades autorreferidas 62,6%,74,7% sem sintomas depressivos e 85,6% eram independentes nas atividades básicas da vidadiária. A independência funcional nas atividades básicas da vida diária foi ausência de indicativo desintomas depressivos (p=0,046) e as atividades instrumentais da vida diária ao arranjo de moradia(p=0,045).Conclusão: a identificação dos fatores associados à independência funcional dos longevos auxiliamo planejamento do cuidado de enfermagem com vistas a diminuir ou postergar a dependência

    Influence of Application Time of Antioxidant on the Deproteinized Dentin: a SEM/EDS Study

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    Svrha: U uvjetima in vitro željelo se procijeniti utječe li i kako primjena 20-postotnog natrijeva askorbata na deproteinizirani dentin, a za to se rabio elektronski mikroskop/rendgenska spektroskopija raspršivanja energije (SEM/EDS). Materijal i metode: Sedam ekstrahiranih humanih trećih kutnjaka odabrano je za istodobnu analizu sastava i dentinske površine uz pomoć SEM/EDS-a. Bilo je odabrano i poduzeto sljedeće: G1 – zdrav dentinski supsrat; G2 – demineralizirani dentinski supstrat demineraliziran 15 sekundi 37-postotnom ortofosfornom kiselinom prema uputi proizvođača; G3 – deproteinizirani dentinski supstrat deproteiniziran 60 sekundi uz neprekidno miješanje u 10-postotnoj vodenoj otopini natrijeva hipoklorida; G4, G5, G6 i G7 – demineralizirani i deproteinizirani dentinski supstrat primjenom 10-postotne vodene otopine natrijeva askorbata tijekom 15, 30, 60 sekundi te jednu minutu prema redoslijedu navedenih grupa. Uzorci su pregledani elektronskim mikroskopom (Quanta 2000 – Fei Company) opremljenim spektrometrom raspršujuće energije i naponom ubrzanja od 10 KV pri povećanju od 2000 X u vakuumu. Rezultati: Analiza SEM/EDS-om pokazala je progresivno odlaganje kristala natrijeva askorbata usporedno s povećanjem antioksidacijskog sredstva, stvarajući koru koja može prouzročiti zatvaranje pojedinih dentinskih tubula. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između G2 i G3 (p>0,05). Primjena 10-postotnog natrijva askorbata 60 sekundi smanjila je razinu kisika (P=0,029), magnezija (P=0,019) i natrija (P=0,029). Zaključak: Nakon primjene 10-postotnog natrijeva askorbata, progresivno se talože njegovi kristali i stvaraju koru na dentinskom supstratu koja začepljuje pojedine dentinske kanaliće.Objective: To evaluate in vitro the influence of application time of sodium ascorbate to 10% on the deproteinized by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). Methods: Seven extracted human third molars were selected. For analysis of the composition of the dentin surface by SEM/EDS, 7 samples were analyzed simultaneously as follows: G1: Healthy dentin substrate, G2: Demineralized dentin substrate with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s (demineralization), strictly following the manufacturer’s recommendations, G3: Deproteinized dentin substrate after demineralization, 10% sodium hypochlorite aqueous solution for 60 s under constant agitation (deproteinization), G4, G5, G6 and G7: demineralized, deproteinized dentin substrate after application of 10% sodium ascorbate for 15 s, 30 s, 60 s, 10 min, respectively. The samples were examined by a scanning electron microscope (Quanta 2000 - Fei Company) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer with acceleration voltage 10 KV at ×2,000 magnification under vacuum. Results: The SEM/EDS analysis showed progressive deposition of sodium ascorbate crystals as the application time of the antioxidant agent increased, forming crusts which can cause occlusion of some dentinal tubules. There was no statistically significant difference between G2 and G3 (P>0.05). However, the application of 10% sodium ascorbate for 60 s resulted in a decrease in the oxygen (P=0.029), magnesium (P=0.019) and sodium (P=0.029) levels. Conclusion: After application of 10% sodium ascorbate, deposition of sodium ascorbate crystals occurred progressively forming crusts on dentin substrate, which causes occlusion of some dentinal tubules

    Influence of Antioxidant Agents on the Marginal Seal of Class V Restorations

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    Svrha: Ovim se istraživanjem željelo ocijeniti in vitro učinak primjene antioksidacijskog sredstva – 10-postotnog natrijeva askorbata na deproteinizirani dentin stijenke kaviteta kompozitnih ispuna te na rubno brtvljenje. Materijali i postupak: Odabrano je 30 humanih ekstrahiranih trećih kutnjaka kod kojih su na bukalnim i lingvalnim plohama bili preparirani kaviteti V. razreda. Šezdeset kaviteta nasumce je bilo podijeljeno u šest skupina po deset uzoraka. U prvoj skupini na dentin je bila 15 sekundi primijenjena samo 37-postotna fosforna kiselina (demineralizacija); u drugoj se skupini nakon demineralizacije od 60 sekundi koristio 10-postotni natrijev hipoklorit (deproteinizacija); od treće do šeste skupine, nakon demineralizacije i deproteinizacije, bilo je upotrijebljeno antioksidacijsko sredstvo – 10-postotni natrijev askorbat i to u trajanju od 15 i 30 sekundi te nakon jedne minute i deset minuta. Zatim je bio primijenjen adhezivni sustav s jetkanjem i ispiranjem (Adper Single Bond 2; 3M/ESPE), a svi su kaviteti restaurirani kompozitom (Filtek Z250; 3M/ESPE). Nakon 24-satnog pohranjivanja u destiliranoj vodi na temperaturi od 37°C, uzorci su bili podvrgnuti termocikliranju (500 ciklusa) i uronjeni 24 sata u 2-postotno metilensko modrilo. Nakon toga su prerezani bukolingvalno te se određivala rubna mikropropusnost na spoju dentina i smole. Rezultati: Statistički značajna razlika zabilježena je između druge i šeste skupine (p=0,002) te treće i šeste (p=0,007). U mikropropusnosti između deproteiniziranih i nedeproteiniziranih skupina nije pronađena statistički velika razlika (p=0,300). Ipak, usporedbom srednjih vrijednosti mikropropusnosti dobivenih u skupinama nakon što je bilo primijenjeno antioksidacijsko sredstvo, zabilježena je znatna razlika između druge skupine i ostalih skupina (p=0,018). Zaključak: Primjena 10-postotnog natrijeva askorbata nakon deproteinizacije dentinskog supstrata omogućila je bolje rubno brtvljenje ispuna V. razreda, iako se navedeno antioksidacijsko sredstvo taložilo na površini dentina.Objective: To evaluate in vitro the effect of the application of the antioxidant agent 10% sodium ascorbate to deproteinized dentin on the marginal seal of composite resin restorations. Methods: Thirty extracted human third molars were selected and had class V cavities prepared on the buccal and lingual surfaces. The 60 cavities were randomly assigned to 6 groups of 10 specimens each. In G1, only 37% phosphoric acid was applied to dentin for 15 s (demineralization); In G2, after demineralization, 10% sodium hypochlorite was applied for 60 s (deproteinization); In G3-G6, after demineralization and deproteinization, the antioxidant agent 10% sodium ascorbate was applied for 15 s, 30 s, 1 min and 10 min, respectively. An etch-and-rinse adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2; 3M/ESPE) was applied and all cavities were restored with composite resin (Filtek Z250; 3M/ESPE). After storage in distilled water at 37°C for 24 h, the specimens were subjected to a thermal cycling regimen (500 cycles) and immersed in 2% methylene blue for 24 h. The specimens were then sectioned in a buccolingual direction and the occurrence of marginal microleakage at the dentin/resin interface was assessed. Results: There was statistically significant difference between G2 x G6 (p=0.002) and G3 x G6 (p=0.007). No statistically significant difference (p=0.300) was found regarding microleakage between the deproteinized and the non-deproteinized groups. However, comparing the mean microleakage values obtained in the groups that received application of the antioxidant agent, significant difference was found between G2 and the other groups (p=0.018). Conclusion: The application of 10% sodium ascorbate after deproteinization of dentin substrate promoted a better marginal seal of class V restorations, although precipitation of this antioxidant agent occurred on dentin surface

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio