112 research outputs found

    A Map of Urban Tales. Laboratory Q, a Place for Urban Creativity

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    Laboratorio Q, de lugares de creatividad urbana, es una plataforma de investigación creada para el estudio de la ciudad contemporánea. Registra en un mapa virtual y de una forma participativa, procesos, espacios y acciones creativas que se hayan dado en la ciudad de Sevilla entre 1996 y 2012; un final de periodo marcado por la crisis económica. Este artículo presenta en un formato de manifiesto las bases estructurales que sustentan este proyecto. Cada enunciado funciona en relación con un todo y de forma autónoma describe la estrategia ideada y declara un posicionamiento ante la construcción de una historia urbana común.Laboratory Q, a place for urban creativity is a research platform set up to study the contemporary city. Contained in a participatory virtual map are processes, spaces, and creative actions that took place in Seville between 1996 and 2012, the last part of which was defined by the economic crisis. This article is structured like a manifesto and presents the structural foundations that hold up the project. Each declaration works autonomously in relation to everything, describes the ideal strategy, and states how common urban tales are constructed

    Vasoespastic angina, plaque erosion, ischemia and cardiac arrest: four of a kind or straight?

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    A 56-year-old woman, current smoker with a history of arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia was previously studied due to recurrent syncope with chest pain associated in recent months. Normal cardiac morphology and function was assessed by echocardiography and a coronary computed tomography angiography showed a noncalcified plaque with a 40% stenosis in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Single antiplatelet therapy and a statin were started..

    CO2 footprint reduction and efficiency increase using the dynamic rate in overhead power lines connected to wind farms

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    Since the first wind farms began operating in the early 1980s, several important factors have changed in the overall picture of energy politics worldwide. The total renewable wind energy capacity of Spain currently accounts for more than 20% of the total installed capacity, which makes integration into the grid challenging for wind farm owners as well as electricity transportation and distribution companies. The smart-grid concept, which focuses on real-time monitoring and dynamic rating operation of power lines, is an important component in the solution to these new challenges. This paper explains how a more efficient operation of energy-generating activities via dynamic rating of the electric grid due to a better knowledge of the main parameters contributes to more clean, renewable energy and decreases the CO2 footprint. The dynamic rating operation of a Spanish overhead power line is analysed, and different scenarios are studied. The dynamic rate achieved in 2015 has saved more than 1100 tonnes of CO2 and has generated over 240,000 € of extra income. This dynamic rating operation also increased the actual annual energy generated from 231.5 GW h to 834.7 GW h with only a 2% greater loss along the line due to Joule and magnetic effects.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000, the Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE-2013-42720-R and RETOS RTC-2015-3795-3. The authors also acknowledge support from Viesgo

    Los bloques aradores de "Laguna Helada" (Urbión): un ejemplo singular de solifluxión activa en la Cordillera Ibérica

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    En este trabajo se analizan los bloques aradores localizados en una ladera conformada a la pared de un antiguo circo glaciar, en un medio de alta montaña mediterránea (los Picos de Urbión, Cordillera Ibérica). El clima en estas montañas es mediterráneo pero en condiciones de gran altitud: es decir, con temperaturas bajas y escasez estival de precipitaciones. A pesar de unas condiciones de tipo mediterráneo los bloques aradores manifiestan claras evidencias de estar activos, y su movimiento parece estar relacionado con procesos de solifluxión o gelifluxión. En el entorno de los bloques aradores aparecen otras formas debidas a la solifluxión en laderas que también parecen activas, como lóbulos y terrazas, aunque estas formas no son objeto de estudio en este trabajo. Se han tomado las medidas de 55 bloques aradores, y se han equipado diez de ellos con varillas para confirmar y medir el movimiento actual. Se ha analizado el suelo situado bajo los bloques y se ha medido la temperatura del suelo alrededor y bajo varios de ellos. Estamos ante una forma de gran singularidad por su aparente actividad y de gran significado ambiental, por su fragilidad y por ser buenos indicadores de la existencia o no de condiciones de alta montaña, lo que le dota de gran interés científic

    Laboratorio Q, Seville: creative production of collective spaces before and after austerity

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    The creative city approach is going through a redefinition after the 2008 global financial crisis. In the specific case of South-European cities, in the context of austerity and cuts in public investment, creativity is becoming a strategy for achieving maximum social benefit and improvement of the built environment with minimum economic expenditure. This paper looks at this redefinition of creativity through the case study of Seville, in southern Spain. Through research methods that include video-recorded testimonies of the actors involved, mapping at the online platform ‘Laboratorio Q’, and public engagement activities, this paper explores how the civic society, professional, and public authorities have reinvented how to produce collective spaces. The paper concludes that bottom-up creative processes for producing collective spaces have become more visible since the 2008 crisis, when architects, planners, public authorities and policy-makers have been ‘learning’ from them

    Estructura y dinámica de una población de "Betula Alba" L. en las llanuras sedimentarias de la Cuenca del Duero (tramo medio del Río Cega - Cuéllar - Segovia-)

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    En La Tierra de Pinares segoviana, dentro de las llanuras sedimentarias de la Cuenca del Duero, pervive una notable población de abedul (Betula alba L.). Situada en el tramo medio del río Cega, en las proximidades de la localidad de Cuéllar, aprovecha las condiciones topoecológicas y las manifestaciones hidromorfológicas que introduce el pequeño encajonamiento del río.In the plains of the Tierra de Pinares (Segovia Province, Spain) remains a population of birch (Betula alba L.). These are the only birch trees on the plains of the Duero basin. There are a few groups of trees located on the banks of the Cega river, in a particular hidromorphological and topoecological position: the very tilt and unstable slopes of the little Cega canyon, and its walls from which groundwater flows out constantly

    Estructura y dinámica de una población de "Betula Alba" L. en las llanuras sedimentarias de la Cuenca del Duero (tramo medio del Río Cega - Cuéllar - Segovia-)

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    En La Tierra de Pinares segoviana, dentro de las llanuras sedimentarias de la Cuenca del Duero, pervive una notable población de abedul (Betula alba L.). Situada en el tramo medio del río Cega, en las proximidades de la localidad de Cuéllar, aprovecha las condiciones topoecológicas y las manifestaciones hidromorfológicas que introduce el pequeño encajonamiento del río.In the plains of the Tierra de Pinares (Segovia Province, Spain) remains a population of birch (Betula alba L.). These are the only birch trees on the plains of the Duero basin. There are a few groups of trees located on the banks of the Cega river, in a particular hidromorphological and topoecological position: the very tilt and unstable slopes of the little Cega canyon, and its walls from which groundwater flows out constantly

    Thermal behaviour of medium-voltage underground cables under high-load operating conditions

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    The dynamic management of electric power distribution lines has become a topic of great interest at present. Knowledge of the ampacity of cables is fundamental to carrying out dynamic management. In this study, the ampacity of buried cables in different soil resistivities and depths was calculated. A small-scale model was built in the laboratory to simulate the operating conditions of a buried cable. With the experimental results, a numerical model based on the finite element method was validated to evaluate the ampacities calculated by two standards. A comparison was made between the ampacities calculated from the IEC 60287-1 and UNE 211435 standards and those obtained from the simulated model. In addition, a comparison was made regarding the steady-state temperatures obtained at each calculated ampacity. The results obtained from the simulated model design show that the ampacity calculation method of the IEC 60287-1 standard where drying-out of the soil occurs is the most accurate, and has the least risk of exceeding the maximum permissible cable temperature.This work was financed by the EU Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the Spanish Government under ENE-2013-42720-R, RETOS-COLABORACION RTC-2015-3795-3 and SODERCAN/FEDER Proyectos Puente 2017 and by the University of Cantabria Industrial Doctorate 19.DI12.649. The authors also acknowledge support received from Viesgo

    Dynamic rating management of overhead transmission lines operating under multiple weather conditions

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    Integration of a large number of renewable systems produces line congestions, resulting in a problem for distribution companies, since the lines are not capable of transporting all the energy that is generated. Both environmental and economic constraints do not allow the building new lines to manage the energy from renewable sources, so the efforts have to focus on the existing facilities. Dynamic Rating Management (DRM) of power lines is one of the best options to achieve an increase in the capacity of the lines. The practical application of DRM, based on standards IEEE (Std.738, 2012) and CIGRE TB601 (Technical Brochure 601, 2014) , allows to find several deficiencies related to errors in estimations. These errors encourage the design of a procedure to obtain high accuracy ampacity values. In the case of this paper, two methodologies have been tested to reduce estimation errors. Both methodologies use the variation of the weather inputs. It is demonstrated that a reduction of the conductor temperature calculation error has been achieved and, consequently, a reduction of ampacity error.This research was funded by the Spanish Government AND FEDER funds under the R+D initiative RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2015” with reference RETOS COLABORACIÓN RTC-2015-3795-3 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-R