374 research outputs found

    Application of molecular topology to the prediction of inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi Hexokinase by bisphosphonates

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    Se ha desarrollado un modelo topológico-matemático para la búsqueda de nuevos derivados bisfosfonatos activos frente a la hexokinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Utilizando el análisis lineal discriminante se ha seleccionado una función con cuatro variables capaz de predecir adecuadamente la CI50 para cada compuesto de las series de entrenamiento y test. El modelo propuesto se ha aplicado a una librería molecular y se han propuesto nuevas estructuras potencialmente activas frente a T. cruzi.A topological-mathematical model has been arranged to search for new derivatives of bisphosphonate compounds acting as inhibitors against Trypanosoma cruzi hexokinase. By using linear discriminant analysis, a four-variable function was achieved allowing an accurate prediction of the IC50 for each compound of the training and test series. After carrying out a virtual screening based upon such a model, new structures potentially actives against T. cruzi are proposed.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Ministerio de Sanidad, España (proyecto SAF2005-PIO52128) y al Máster Internacional en Enfermedades Parasitarias Tropicales, Universidad de Valencia

    Aplicación de la topología molecular en la predicción de la inhibición de Trypanosoma cruzi Hexokinasa y un grupo de derivados bifosfonatos

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    A topological-mathematical model has been arranged to search for new derivatives of bisphosphonate compounds actingas inhibitors against Trypanosoma cruzi hexokinase. By using linear discriminant analysis, a four-variable function wasachieved allowing an accurate prediction of the IC50 for each compound of the training and test series. After carryingout a virtual screening based upon such a model, new structures potentially actives against T. cruzi are proposedSe ha desarrollado un modelo topológico-matemático para la búsqueda de nuevos derivados bisfosfonatos activosfrente a la hexokinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Utilizando el análisis lineal discriminante se ha seleccionado una funcióncon cuatro variables capaz de predecir adecuadamente la CI50 para cada compuesto de las series de entrenamientoy test. El modelo propuesto se ha aplicado a una librería molecular y se han propuesto nuevas estructuraspotencialmente activas frente a T. cruzi

    An international network to monitor the structure, composition and dynamics of Amazonian forests (RAINFOR)

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    The Amazon basin is likely to be increasingly affected by environmental changes: higher temperatures, changes in precipitation, CO2 fertilization and habitat fragmentation. To examine the important ecological and biogeochemical consequences of these changes, we are developing an international network, RAINFOR, which aims to monitor forest biomass and dynamics across Amazonia in a co-ordinated fashion in order to understand their relationship to soil and climate. The network will focus on sample plots established by independent researchers, some providing data extending back several decades. We will also conduct rapid transect studies of poorly monitored regions. Field expeditions analysed local soil and plant properties in the first phase (2001–2002). Initial results suggest that the network has the potential to reveal much information on the continental-scale relations between forest and environment. The network will also serve as a forum for discussion between researchers, with the aim of standardising sampling techniques and methodologies that will enable Amazonian forests to be monitored in a coherent manner in the coming decades

    Differential inflammasome activation predisposes to acute-on-chronic liver failure in human and experimental cirrhosis with and without previous decompensation

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    OBJECTIVE Systemic inflammation predisposes acutely decompensated (AD) cirrhosis to the development of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). Supportive treatment can improve AD patients, becoming recompensated. Little is known about the outcome of patients recompensated after AD. We hypothesise that different inflammasome activation is involved in ACL F development in compensated and recompensated patients. DESIGN 249 patients with cirrhosis, divided into compensated and recompensated (previous AD), were followed prospectively for fatal ACL F development. Two external cohorts (n=327) (recompensation, AD and ACL F) were included. Inflammasome-driving interleukins (ILs), IL-1α (caspase-4/11-dependent) and IL-1β (caspase-1- dependent), were measured. In rats, bile duct ligationinduced cirrhosis and lipopolysaccharide exposition were used to induce AD and subsequent recompensation. IL-1α and IL-1β levels and upstream/downstream gene expression were measured. RESULTS Patients developing ACL F showed higher baseline levels of ILs. Recompensated patients and patients with detectable ILs had higher rates of ACL F development than compensated patients. Baseline CLIF-­C (European Foundation for the study of chronic liver failure consortium) AD, albumin and IL-1α were independent predictors of ACL F development in compensated and CLIF-­C AD and IL-1β in recompensated patients. Compensated rats showed higher IL-1α gene expression and recompensated rats higher IL-1β levels with higher hepatic gene expression. Higher IL-1β detection rates in recompensated patients developing ACL F and higher IL-1α and IL-1β detection rates in patients with ACL F were confirmed in the two external cohorts. CONCLUSION Previous AD is an important risk factor for fatal ACL F development and possibly linked with inflammasome activation. Animal models confirmed the results showing a link between ACL F development and IL-1α in compensated cirrhosis and IL-1β in recompensated cirrhosi

    Aszites, Pfortaderthrombose und hepatische Enzephalopathie bei Leberzirrhose: Aktuelle Therapieempfehlungen

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    Treatment of Ascites, Portal Vein Thrombosis and Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver Background: Ascites, portal vein thrombosis and hepatic encephalopathy are important complications of cirrhosis of the liver. Guidelines for the treatment of ascites have recently been published. Method: This manuscript summarizes up-to-date recommendations on the basis of the DGVS S3 guideline and of other guidelines as well as of the authors' experience. Results and Conclusions: TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt) is the preferred treatment for refractory or recidivant ascites unless there are contraindications. The therapy of hepatorenal syndrome type 1 with albumin and the vasoconstrictor Terlipressin has been proven effective. Treatment of portal vein thrombosis comprises a strategy of anticoagulation, TIPS and liver transplantation. The most important therapeutic strategy for hepatic encephalopathy is the search for as well as the treatment of trigger events. Rifaximin is being increasingly used for the treatment and prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy

    Evidence for a “Wattle and Daub” Model of the Cyst Wall of Entamoeba

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    The cyst wall of Entamoeba invadens (Ei), a model for the human pathogen Entamoeba histolytica, is composed of fibrils of chitin and three chitin-binding lectins called Jacob, Jessie3, and chitinase. Here we show chitin, which was detected with wheat germ agglutinin, is made in secretory vesicles prior to its deposition on the surface of encysting Ei. Jacob lectins, which have tandemly arrayed chitin-binding domains (CBDs), and chitinase, which has an N-terminal CBD, were each made early during encystation. These results are consistent with their hypothesized roles in cross-linking chitin fibrils (Jacob lectins) and remodeling the cyst wall (chitinase). Jessie3 lectins likely form the mortar or daub of the cyst wall, because 1) Jessie lectins were made late during encystation; 2) the addition to Jessie lectins to the cyst wall correlated with a marked decrease in the permeability of cysts to nucleic acid stains (DAPI) and actin-binding heptapeptide (phalloidin); and 3) recombinant Jessie lectins, expressed as a maltose-binding proteins in the periplasm of Escherichia coli, caused transformed bacteria to agglutinate in suspension and form a hard pellet that did not dissociate after centrifugation. Jessie3 appeared as linear forms and rosettes by negative staining of secreted recombinant proteins. These findings provide evidence for a “wattle and daub” model of the Entamoeba cyst wall, where the wattle or sticks (chitin fibrils likely cross-linked by Jacob lectins) is constructed prior to the addition of the mortar or daub (Jessie3 lectins)

    Consequences of a large-scale fragmentation experiment for Neotropical bats : disentangling the relative importance of local and landscape-scale effects

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    Context Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation are widespread drivers of biodiversity decline. Understanding how habitat quality interacts with landscape context, and how they jointly affect species in human-modified landscapes, is of great importance for informing conservation and management. Objectives We used a whole-ecosystem manipulation experiment in the Brazilian Amazon to investigate the relative roles of local and landscape attributes in affecting bat assemblages at an interior-edge-matrix disturbance gradient. Methods We surveyed bats in 39 sites, comprising continuous forest (CF), fragments, forest edges and intervening secondary regrowth. For each site, we assessed vegetation structure (local-scale variable) and, for five focal scales, quantified habitat amount and four landscape configuration metrics. Results Smaller fragments, edges and regrowth sites had fewer species and higher levels of dominance than CF. Regardless of the landscape scale analysed, species richness and evenness were mostly related to the amount of forest cover. Vegetation structure and configurational metrics were important predictors of abundance, whereby the magnitude and direction of response to configurational metrics were scale-dependent. Responses were ensemble-specific with local-scale vegetation structure being more important for frugivorous than for gleaning animalivorous bats. Conclusions Our study indicates that scale-sensitive measures of landscape structure are needed for a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of fragmentation on tropical biota. Although forest fragments and regrowth habitats can be of conservation significance for tropical bats our results further emphasize that primary forest is of irreplaceable value, underlining that their conservation can only be achieved by the preservation of large expanses of pristine habitat

    Ghosts of Yellowstone: Multi-Decadal Histories of Wildlife Populations Captured by Bones on a Modern Landscape

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    Natural accumulations of skeletal material (death assemblages) have the potential to provide historical data on species diversity and population structure for regions lacking decades of wildlife monitoring, thereby contributing valuable baseline data for conservation and management strategies. Previous studies of the ecological and temporal resolutions of death assemblages from terrestrial large-mammal communities, however, have largely focused on broad patterns of community composition in tropical settings. Here, I expand the environmental sampling of large-mammal death assemblages into a temperate biome and explore more demanding assessments of ecological fidelity by testing their capacity to record past population fluctuations of individual species in the well-studied ungulate community of Yellowstone National Park (Yellowstone). Despite dramatic ecological changes following the 1988 wildfires and 1995 wolf re-introduction, the Yellowstone death assemblage is highly faithful to the living community in species richness and community structure. These results agree with studies of tropical death assemblages and establish the broad capability of vertebrate remains to provide high-quality ecological data from disparate ecosystems and biomes. Importantly, the Yellowstone death assemblage also correctly identifies species that changed significantly in abundance over the last 20 to ∼80 years and the directions of those shifts (including local invasions and extinctions). The relative frequency of fresh versus weathered bones for individual species is also consistent with documented trends in living population sizes. Radiocarbon dating verifies the historical source of bones from Equus caballus (horse): a functionally extinct species. Bone surveys are a broadly valuable tool for obtaining population trends and baseline shifts over decadal-to-centennial timescales

    High-Throughput High-Resolution Class I HLA Genotyping in East Africa

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    HLA, the most genetically diverse loci in the human genome, play a crucial role in host-pathogen interaction by mediating innate and adaptive cellular immune responses. A vast number of infectious diseases affect East Africa, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, but the HLA genetic diversity in this region remains incompletely described. This is a major obstacle for the design and evaluation of preventive vaccines. Available HLA typing techniques, that provide the 4-digit level resolution needed to interpret immune responses, lack sufficient throughput for large immunoepidemiological studies. Here we present a novel HLA typing assay bridging the gap between high resolution and high throughput. The assay is based on real-time PCR using sequence-specific primers (SSP) and can genotype carriers of the 49 most common East African class I HLA-A, -B, and -C alleles, at the 4-digit level. Using a validation panel of 175 samples from Kampala, Uganda, previously defined by sequence-based typing, the new assay performed with 100% sensitivity and specificity. The assay was also implemented to define the HLA genetic complexity of a previously uncharacterized Tanzanian population, demonstrating its inclusion in the major East African genetic cluster. The availability of genotyping tools with this capacity will be extremely useful in the identification of correlates of immune protection and the evaluation of candidate vaccine efficacy