563 research outputs found

    Rol de los microorganismos benéficos en la Agricultura Sustentable

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    Currently, there is a worldwide trend to develop "sustainable agriculture" in order to reduce the use of chemical pesticides that pollute the environment (air, soil and water) and promote the use of beneficial microorganisms in the different production systems, but that have not been considered within the crop agronomic management plans or as a component of the crop integrated management1. Sustainable agriculture aims to produce a sufficient amount of food to meet current and future demand through the efficient use of natural resources, in order to generate income for the farmer, produce clean products with less impact on the environment.Actualmente a nivel mundial existe la tendencia de desarrollar una “agricultura sustentable” con la finalidad de reducir el uso de pesticidas químicos que contaminan el medio ambiente (aire, suelo y agua) y promover el uso de microorganismos benéficos en los distintos sistemas productivos, pero que no han sido considerados dentro de los planes de manejo agronómico del cultivo o como un componente del manejo integrado del cultivo1.La agricultura sustentable tiene como objetivo producir una cantidad suficiente de alimentos para satisfacer la demanda actual y futura mediante el uso eficiente de los recursos naturales, con la finalidad de generar ingresos para el agricultor, producir productos limpios y con menor impacto al medio ambiente

    Variabilidad de los servicios de transporte de dinero de PROSEGUR en el contexto Covid-19, Santa-Ancash 2020

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    Es importante referir que en la actualidad algunas empresas hoy en día se han visto afectadas por el contexto de la Covid-19 ha impactado el consumo y el comportamiento del consumidor, considerando las medidas tomadas para combatir la pandemia y los efectos en las empresas. La crisis sanitaria ha influido positivamente y negativamente en el mercado empresarial. Por ello, el objetivo principal de la investigación es hallar, analizar y determinar cómo fue la variabilidad de los servicios de transporte de dinero de la empresa CIA de Seguridad Prosegur en la provincia del Santa-Ancash, 2020 durante el contexto de la pandemia por el Covid-19. La investigación nos permitió identificar que la variabilidad de servicios por la empresa estuvo representada por el 16.73%, interpretándose como una variabilidad baja y una alta estabilidad. El servicio de entrega de remesas estuvo representado por el 15.77% interpretándose como una variabilidad baja y alta estabilidad, el servicio de recojo de remesas estuvo representada con un coeficiente de variación de 32%, es decir una variación y estabilidad moderada; y finalmente el servicio de abastecimiento de cajeros automáticos estuvo representado por una variabilidad de 23%, una variación y estabilidad moderada. Para ello se trabajó con la data secundaria, obtenida del sistema de producción de la empresa Prosegur, para hallar y analizar la variación de cantidad de servicios ejecutados por la transportadora. La investigación posee un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica, descriptiva, de diseño no experimental, de corte transeccional en el tiempo.Tesi

    Notas sobre o misticismo racional de Erwin Schrödinger

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    Often referred to as one of the “founding fathers of quantum mechanics”, Erwin Schrödinger’s thoughts were popularized by his contributions to contemporary physics. However, this thinker contributed to the discussion about the limits of philosophical thought and the ultimate foundation of reality, especially in his later writings. This article addresses such discussions, having as a guideline the Schrödingerian notion of ‘consciousness’ and the ethical implications of such a conception.Frequentemente referido como um dos “pais da mecânica quântica”, o pensamento de Erwin Schrödinger foi popularizado pelas suas contribuições na física contemporânea. No entanto, tal pensador contribuiu para a discussão acerca dos limites do pensamento filosófico e da fundamentação última da realidade, principalmente nos seus escritos tardios. O presente artigo aborda tais discussões, tendo como fio condutor a noção schrödingeriana de ‘consciência’ e as implicações éticas de tal concepção

    Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis: An Overview

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterium that as a single agent is known to cause the infection with the most morbidity and mortality around the world. It is known to cause pulmonary infection in immunocompetent patient, but its dissemination outside the lungs has been linked to a high degree of cellular immunosuppression as seen in the advance stages of human immunodeficiency virus infection, and after chemotherapy. Despite extensive research, screening, education, and continuous efforts to try to eradicate and control the infection, tuberculosis is still one of the most prevalent infections throughout the world. Even the cases of extra pulmonary dissemination are seen to have increased. Extra pulmonary tuberculous dissemination has a very variable presentation that depends on the organ involved. The diagnosis is difficult and many times a long time passes between diagnosis and initial presentation. In this chapter, we will review how tuberculosis infection presents when the bacilli invades any tissue outside the pulmonary parenchyma, what the literature recommends for the proper work up and diagnosis, and general treatment for major organ system infection

    Notas sobre o misticismo racional de Erwin Schrödinger

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    Often referred to as one of the “founding fathers of quantum mechanics”, Erwin Schrödinger’s thoughts were popularized by his contributions to contemporary physics. However, this thinker contributed to the discussion about the limits of philosophical thought and the ultimate foundation of reality, especially in his later writings. This article addresses such discussions, having as a guideline the Schrödingerian notion of ‘consciousness’ and the ethical implications of such a conception.Frequentemente referido como um dos “pais da mecânica quântica”, o pensamento de Erwin Schrödinger foi popularizado pelas suas contribuições na física contemporânea. No entanto, tal pensador contribuiu para a discussão acerca dos limites do pensamento filosófico e da fundamentação última da realidade, principalmente nos seus escritos tardios. O presente artigo aborda tais discussões, tendo como fio condutor a noção schrödingeriana de ‘consciência’ e as implicações éticas de tal concepção

    Prensa escrita en la formación del pensamiento crítico y la consolidación de los estados democráticos

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    We currently live in the internet age and our main means of finding out about the events that happen around us are social networks, which are open-source media, that is, where anyone can publish texts without doing any research or fact checking. The worst thing is that this type of communication is shared so easily that within a few minutes the publication goes viral, which has led to the emergence of two dangerous phenomena: fakeNews and post-truth; that is to say, the false news and the relativization of the truth, which spread very easily through social networks, a situation that we should all be concerned about, since the democratic system in which we live depends on the good information that reaches the population. Then the question arises: how does the written press contribute to the formation of critical thinking and the consolidation of democratic states in a world dominated by social networks? Question before which our main objective arises: to analyze the contribution of the written press in the formation of critical thinking and consolidation of democratic states. And to fulfill it, we used the methodology of the scientific literary review, and to collect the information, the syncretic cards were used, which allowed us to obtain the data for the respective discussion, reaching the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the development of critical thinking, the written press and the consolidation of democratic states, which is why journalists must design various strategies to revive both virtual and physical newspapers, because it is in this format that research is carried out to ensure the transmission of information that the public needs to consolidate their critical thinking, a necessary condition for democracy.En la actualidad vivimos en la era de internet y nuestro principal medio de enterarnos de los acontecimientos que suceden a nuestro alrededor son las redes sociales, que son medios de comunicación de código abierto, es decir dónde cualquier persona puede publicar textos sin realizar ninguna investigación o verificación de hechos. Lo peor que este tipo de comunicación se comparte con tanta facilidad, que a los pocos minutos la publicación se viraliza, lo cual ha conllevado al surgimiento de dos fenómenos peligrosos: fakeNews y posverdad; es decir, las noticias falsas y la relativización de la verdad, que se difunden con mucha facilidad por las redes sociales, situación que deberíamos preocuparnos a todos, ya que el sistema democrático en el cual vivimos depende de la buena información que le llegue a la población. Entonces surge la interrogante ¿cómo contribuye la prensa escrita en la formación del pensamiento crítico y consolidación de los estados democráticos en un mundo dominado por las redes sociales? Interrogante ante la cual surge nuestro principal objetivo: analizar la contribución de la prensa escrita en la formación del pensamiento crítico y consolidación de los estados democráticos. Y para cumplirlo utilizamos la metodología de la revisión literaria científica, y para recoger la información se utilizar las fichas sincréticas, que permitió obtener los datos para la discusión respectiva, llegando a la conclusión que hay una relación directa entre el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, la prensa escrita y la consolidación de los estados democráticos, motivo por el cual los periodistas debemos diseñar diversas estrategia para hacer resurgir los periódicos tanto virtuales como físicos, porque es en ese formato donde se realizar investigación que asegura la transmisión  de información de necesita el público para consolidar su pensamiento crítico, condición necesaria para la democracia

    In situ morphological characterization of soursop (Annona muricata L.) plants in Manabí, Ecuador

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    Soursop (Annona muricata L.) germplasm, from the central region of the Ecuadorian littoral, has diverse phenotypic characteristics, which have been little studied. The main objective of this research was to characterize in situ the morphological variability of 60 accessions of soursop. The morphological traits were evaluated using 20 quantitative and 10 qualitative variables of the plant and the fruit. Multivariate statistical methods were used as principal components, hierarchical conglomerate aggregation, discriminant and correlation analysis (Pearson) were performed. Descriptive analysis such as central tendency and dispersion (coefficient of variation, range, mean and standard deviation) were determined for the quantitative data; while frequencies were calculated for qualitative data. In terms of morphological traits, 74 % of the total variability was explained by the fourth component. Three conglomerates of similarity were formed, in which the height, diameter of canopy and fruit number per tree, were the characters of greater contribution for its conformation

    FACE READERS: The Frontier of Computer Vision and Math Learning

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    The future of AI-assisted individualized learning includes computer vision to inform intelligent tutors and teachers about student affect, motivation and performance. Facial expression recognition is essential in recognizing subtle differences when students ask for hints or fail to solve problems. Facial features and classification labels enable intelligent tutors to predict students’ performance and recommend activities. Videos can capture students’ faces and model their effort and progress; machine learning classifiers can support intelligent tutors to provide interventions. One goal of this research is to support deep dives by teachers to identify students’ individual needs through facial expression and to provide immediate feedback. Another goal is to develop data-directed education to gauge students’ pre-existing knowledge and analyze real-time data that will engage both teachers and students in more individualized and precision teaching and learning. This paper identifies three phases in the process of recognizing and predicting student progress based on analyzing facial features: Phase I: Collecting datasets and identifying salient labels for facial features and student attention/engagement; Phase II: Building and training deep learning models of facial features; and Phase III: Predicting student problem-solving outcome. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors

    Comparación de las características de calidad de fruta en genotipos de papaya (Carica papaya L.) provenientes de Shushufindi y La Joya de los Sachas, Ecuador

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    In the northern region of the Ecuadorian Amazon, there are papaya genotypes with acceptable production and fruit quality traits; however, they are heterogeneous. The aim of this research was to evaluate papaya genotypes for the selection of individuals through fruit quality traits. The study was carried out at the Central Amazon Experimental Station of Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, located in the canton La Joya de los Sachas, Orellana Province. A completely randomized design with a different number of observations according to the number of individuals per genotype was used. The recorded variables were: fruit weight (kg), pulp weight (kg), peel weight (kg), fruit diameter (cm), fruit length (cm), pulp thickness (cm), fruit firmness (kg-f), pH, total soluble solids (°Bx), titratable acidity, and flavor ratio. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance, mean comparison tests (Tukey 95%) for dendrograms, correlation matrix, and Biplot graphs. Results showed individuals with high production (more than 50 fruits/plant) and fruits with market demanded traits for fresh consumption (fruit weight between 0.2 and ≥ 2.0 kg, and soluble solids content ≥ 11.5 °Bx). In addition, ten elite individuals were identified as they meet the dual production and fruit quality traits, and must be considered for future breeding programmes.En el norte de la Amazonía ecuatoriana se encuentran genotipos de papaya que, si bien tienen características aceptables de producción y calidad de fruta, son heterogéneos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar estos genotipos para la selección de individuos con base en las características de calidad de fruta. El estudio se desarrolló en la Estación Experimental Central de la Amazonía del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, ubicada en el cantón La Joya de los Sachas, provincia de Orellana. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con diferente número de observaciones de acuerdo a la cantidad de individuos por cada genotipo de papaya. Las variables evaluadas fueron: peso de fruto (kg), peso de pulpa (kg), peso de cáscara (kg), diámetro de fruto (cm), longitud de fruto (cm), espesor de pulpa (cm), firmeza de fruto (kg-f), pH, sólidos solubles totales (°Bx), acidez titulable y relación sabor. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de varianza de una vía, pruebas de comparación de medias de Tukey (95 %) para dendrograma, matriz de correlación y gráficos Biplot. Los resultados mostraron individuos con alta producción (más de 50 frutos/planta) y frutos con características exigidas por el mercado para consumo en fresco (peso de fruto entre 0,2 y ≥ 2,0 kg y contenido de sólidos solubles ≥ 11,5 °Bx). Además, se identificaron diez individuos élite que cumplen con la doble condición de producción y calidad de fruta, y deben ser considerados para posteriores programas de mejoramiento genético