In situ morphological characterization of soursop (Annona muricata L.) plants in Manabí, Ecuador
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Soursop (Annona muricata L.) germplasm, from the central region of the Ecuadorian littoral, has diverse phenotypic characteristics, which have been little studied. The main objective of this research was to characterize in situ the morphological variability of 60 accessions of soursop. The morphological traits were evaluated using 20 quantitative and 10 qualitative variables of the plant and the fruit. Multivariate statistical methods were used as principal components, hierarchical conglomerate aggregation, discriminant and correlation analysis (Pearson) were performed. Descriptive analysis such as central tendency and dispersion (coefficient of variation, range, mean and standard deviation) were determined for the quantitative data; while frequencies were calculated for qualitative data. In terms of morphological traits, 74 % of the total variability was explained by the fourth component. Three conglomerates of similarity were formed, in which the height, diameter of canopy and fruit number per tree, were the characters of greater contribution for its conformation