72 research outputs found
Makna Pluralisme Agama dan Relevansinya dalam Tradisi Sufi; Kajian atas Kepribadian Abu Mansur al-Halaj
The study of wihhdtul adyan thoughts which is often identified with religious pluralism has recently attracted the attention of academics, researchers, and reviewers of religions. The issue of wihdatul adyan, by some parties forcibly tried to be juxtaposed and equated with the wihdatul wujud thought conceptualized by a Sufi figure such as al-Hallaj. This paper intends to examine the model and practice of Sufism in the person of Abu Mansur Al-Hallaj, who is referred to by some as the bearer of the idea of ​​religious pluralism. This paper is also qualitative research with a philosophical-theological approach and concludes that; First, Al-Hallaj is not the originator and bearer of the idea of ​​religious pluralism in Islam, this is supported by several opinions of Sufis about Al-Hallaj. Second, Al-Hallaj acknowledged that there are differences in religion, not equality of religions (read: all religions are true) because in his childhood he experienced religious diversity in his family environment. Third, the claim against Al-Hallaj as the originator or father of religious pluralism is an excessive and irresponsible title, because what Al-Hallaj did is not under the alleged claim. This study provides an understanding that wihdatul wujud which is identical to the person of Al-Hallaj is not the meaning of wihdatul adyan which is often referred to as religious pluralism as claimed by some academics
Problem Mindfullness Perspektif Worldview Islam
Mindfulness has recently become a mainstay for the treatment of various modern mental illnesses. However, Islam sees this as problematic regarding the objective of surrendering oneself and concentrating one's thoughts. This research aims to examine the concept of mindfulness from an Islamic worldview perspective. This research uses descriptive analytical methods. Data is processed using content analysis. The results of this study show several important points. First, the practice of mindfulness has a theological-historical connection, namely in the form of activities inherited from Buddhist believers known as sati. Second, the Islamic worldview considers that all activities are a form of commitment and have a vertical relationship to the creator Allah SWT. which has ta'abbudiyyah values ​​and this requires involvement in activities with religious values. Third, in Islamic literature, mental problems are important and their treatment has special emphasis. Fourth, the soul has a vertical bond to the Creator so that treatment of the soul must be fundamental and comprehensive. With that, tazkiyah al-nafs in Islamic teachings is the best solution in eliminating mental illnesses such as stress, skinophrezia, etc. by living the Islamic Worldview, bringing Islamic treasures to life, and providing fundamental solutions to every problem in life
Aliran Kepercayaan dan Kebatinan: Membaca Tradisi dan Budaya Sinkretis Masyarakat Jawa
Tradisi dan budaya sinkretis dalam masyarakat Jawa merupakan khazanah warisan lama agama asli Indonesia (animesme dan dinamesme) dan agama Hindu yang kemudian menyatu dengan nilai-nilai ke-Islaman. Menyatunya beberapa nilai tersebut, bukanlah berlangsung secara tiba-tiba, melainkan adanya unsure kesengajaan yang dilakukan oleh para da‟i untuk memasukkan nilai-nilai ke-Islaman, kedalam agama asli Jawa itu. Pada saat itu, para da‟i enggan menolak secara tegas tradisi dan budaya local dan juga tidak percaya diri untuk menyebarkan ajaran Islam yang asli secara langsung. Para da‟i lebih memilih jalan damai ketimbang harus bersikeras melawan arus tradisi dan budaya yang ada. Hasilanya, tidak dipungkiri, bahwa dengan kelenturan sikap tersebut, terbukti Islam secara cepat tersebar keseluruh pelosok tanah Jawa dan Indonesia secara umum. Namun yang perlu dicatat adalah Islam yang dikenalkan dan masuk ke Indonesia dan lebih khusus ke masyarakat Jawa saat itu hingga sekarang ini, merupakan Islam yang memiliki kepribadian ganda. Kendati masyarakat Jawa telah beragama Islam dan menjalankan syariatnya, akan tetapi pada saat yang sama mereka juga tidak mampu meninggalkan kebiasaan lamanya, seperti selamatan yang diwariskan oleh agama Hindu, bahkan mereka tetap semangat menguri-uri tradisi dan budaya lamanya itu hingga saat ini. Sinkretisme, akhirnya tak dapat dihindari, bahkan masih tetap berjalan sampai saat ini. Yang lebih memprihatinkan lagi, ada sebagian mereka yang dengan sengaja memprakarsai dan menghidupkan kembali tradisi sinkretis itu, dengan dalih menggali potensi tradisi dan budaya bumi pertiwi untuk meningkatkan nilai wisata religi, meskipun sesungguhnya nilai komersialnya jauh lebih tingi. Makalah ini hadir untuk membaca realitas tradisi dan budaya yang terus dilakukan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Jawa itu dan yang senantiasa diuri-uri oleh beberapa pendukung aliran kepercayaan dan kebatinan. Selain itu, makalah ini juga menawarkan upaya yang bisa dilakukan oleh umat Islam untuk kemungkinan keluar dari tradisi dan budaya sinkretis itu
Critic on Auguste Comte’s Positivism in Sociology (An Islamic Sociology Perspective)
The rapid science in the modern era, provides significant changes for humans, both in the fields of economics, politics, culture, environment, society, education, and even religion. The 19th century is a century of science that is growing rapidly, this can be seen from the emergence of various scientists who provide concepts, theories based on philosophy with basic ontology, epistemology, and axiology as a contribution to the development of science. One of them, the scientist known as the father of sociology, was Auguste Comte a scientist from France. Comte is famous for its philosophy of postivism because of the many references by scientists in the contemporary era. This is based on the calculation of the success of designing the social structure of modern humans with three stages of law, but one side of the theory he produced has eliminated the fundamental value in humans, namely eliminating the metaphysical basis. In a three-stage law, more concerned with physical values than metaphysical values, this will result in a society that abandons religion and even eliminates the existence of God. The thoughts produced by Comte are thoughts originating from the west, where the basic West is relativism so if viewed from an Islamic point of view this theory will produce atheists and eliminate the sanctity of religion. In Islam religion and society are inseparable because religion is a guideline that is used as a basis in people's lives based on the values of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Therefore in this paper we will study more deeply the criticisms of Aguste Comte's thinking, using qualitative research types, with descriptive analysis methods and theological philosophical approaches.
In facing life and life, the problem that mankind always feels is the two choices between happiness and misery. A person who always thinks acts, and behaves positively can certainly achieve positive results and get a sense of happiness. However, not a few people behave and behave negatively expecting positive results and wish to achieve a sense of happiness. Instantaneous motivational trends like these are evidence that between reality and hope is often not linear. This text aims to explore the happy ideas of Naquib al-Attas's perspective. By using the analytical descriptive method, this study found several important conclusions. First, al-Attas divides the happy aspect into two types, namely the aspect of physical and spiritual happiness. Second, for al-Attas, the highest level of happiness is the level of someone who knows himself or makrifatullah. Third, this highest happiness according to al-Attas cannot possibly be achieved by people who always emphasize the material aspects of their life, without knowing themselves, as is the case in modern-secular Western societies
Problem Penyembuhan Reiki Perspektif Al-Ghazali
Reiki as a soul healing technique originates from Buddhism, contains basic problems even though it has been widely accepted by society. This technique was rediscovered by Mikao Usui and continues to grow today. In the perspective of Islamic psychiatric healing, through Imam Al-Ghazali, soul healing can be done by means of riyadhah and several other interconnected methods. Riyadhah, this psychological healing trains the soul with spiritual values and is connected with God. This study aims to uncover the problems of reiki techniques that have been applied, then demonstrate the concept of healing in Islam according to Imam Al-Ghazali. This research is a qualitative literature research with a historical approach. The primary sources used were writings from reiki practitioners, and responded by using methods according to Imam Al-Ghazali, one of which was riyadhah. The results of the research show that: First, reiki as a healing method contains Buddhist values, this is confirmed by the principles, the basis that forms the practice of reiki. Second, psychological healing in the Islamic realm can use several methods from Imam Al-Ghazali, including riyadhah, a technique based on faith and sharia
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