402 research outputs found

    Marc Barbut et l'Espagne

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    Les premiers souvenirs de Marc Barbut sur  l’Espagne remontent à 1936, quand il était enfant. C’était le début de la Guerre Civile, un événement qui avait arrêté le développement de la statistique espagnole alors qu’elle avait déjà une certaine reconnaissance internationale. Le développement de la statistique mathématique espagnole avait commencé au début des années 1920, au milieu d’une conjoncture très favorable, grâce au statut de neutralité de l’Espagne durant la première guerre mondiale. C'est dans ce contexte que se produit le mouvement de rénovation de la mathématique espagnole impulsé par R. Pastor et l’intérêt pour la statistique mathématique. En 1931, l’année de la proclamation de la Seconde République, l'Institut International de la Statistique (IIS), célèbre déjà sa vingtième session dans un Madrid républicain, et des personnalités de la statistique internationale y assistent.M. Barbut commence à visiter l’Espagne pour des questions professionnelles en 1967, au moment où la société espagnole commence à changer très rapidement. Il est invité par le professeur T. Ibern au Département de statistique de l’Université de Barcelone. En février 1997, M. Barbut commence sa participation aux colloques de Statistique et Sociologie organisés par l’Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED), le Centre de recherche sociologique espagnol (CIS), la Casa Velázquez, l’Institut National de la Statistique, INE, et d’autres institutions comme l’Association espagnole pour l’Histoire de la Statistique et de la Probabilité (AHEPE). Toutes ces activités académiques furent reconnues par les statisticiens et sociologues espagnols en 2005 quand il fut nommé docteur « honoris causa » à l’UNED sur la proposition de la Faculté de Sciences Politiques et Sociologie.M. Barbut’s first memories of Spain come from his childhood, in 1936. At that time, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War stopped the development of Spanish Statistics, and some of the institutions created a few years earlier disappeared. Nevertheless, Spanish Statistics had already reached a certain international recognition, as is shown by the 20th IIS meeting, which took place in the republican Madrid in 1931. This new statistical movement had its origins both in the Spanish mathematical renovation inspired by Rey Pastor, and in favorable conditions for new academic institutions during the 1920s, due to the neutral position of Spain in the First World War.The first time M. Barbut made a professional visit to Spain was in 1967, a period in which Spanish society was changing very quickly. He was invited by Torras Ibern, a professor of Statistics from the University of Barcelona. In 1997, when Spanish democracy was already consolidated, M. Barbut began his collaborations with many Spanish institutions: “Spanish University for Distance Education” (UNED), “Spanish Centre for Social Research” (CIS), the French cultural institution “Casa de Velázquez”, the “National Institute of Statistics” (INE), and the “History of Statistics and Probability Spanish Association” (AHEPE). His academic career and activity as a whole, deserving the acknowledgment of Spanish community of sociologists and statisticians, was awarded by a “Honorary Degree” in the UNED in 2005

    Les débuts de la statistique mathématique en Espagne (1914-1936)

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    There is a consensus amongst the historians of statistics about the importance of the twenties as starting “a new era” in the theoretical statistics. The article tries to give account of this period and to show the characteristics of this new form of statistics. For Spain, this period was very exciting in may respects. As in the rest of the countries, Mathematical Statistics is developed here in two directions: mathematical physics and econometrics. We can find all the problems related to the institutionalisation of the discipline and the change of paradigm associated to the British mathematicians F.Y. Edgeworth and A. Bowley. The hypothesis is that the new statistics has its central point in the theory of sampling. In spite of the technical and methodological problems that its application still entails, the social and political conditions allow for a new science called Mathematical Statistics to arise.Il y a aujourd'hui un consensus pour reconnaître que les années vingt ont été décisives dans l'histoire de la statistique mathématique. Quelques auteurs on parlé d'une nouvelle ère dans le développement de la statistique théorique. L’article essaie d’expliquer en quoi consiste cette nouvelle ère qui touche tous les pays européens, et de quelle statistique il s'agit. Ces mêmes années vingt sont, à tous points de vue, une période de grande vitalité pour l'Espagne. Comme dans les autres pays européens, la statistique mathématique s'y développe dans deux directions : la physique mathématique et l'économétrie. On y retrouve également tous les problèmes liés à l'institutionnalisation de la discipline ou au changement de paradigme associé aux noms de F. Y. Edgeworth et de A. Bowley. L’hypothèse de départ est en effet que la nouvelle statistique a pour noyau la théorie des échantillons. Bien que son application rencontre encore des problèmes techniques et méthodologiques importants, les conditions sociales et politiques de cette période permettent déjà d'envisager la naissance d’une nouvelle science appelée statistique mathématique

    Minor Surgery in Primary Care

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    Minor surgical procedures are defined as a set of procedures in which short surgical techniques are applied on superficial tissues, usually with local anesthesia, and minimal complications, that usually do not require postoperative resuscitation and need minimal equipment, many of which are used on a daily basis, and can be easily and safely performed in a short amount of time during clinic visit. General practitioners should have an optimal infrastructure and medical furniture in a minor surgery operating room. It is important to manage the instruments and materials involved for basic and advanced surgery. Also, for a good clinical practice in minor surgery, it is necessary that general practitioners handle anesthesia techniques (local anesthetic infiltration and regional blocks) and have knowledge of the body areas of risk in minor surgery and the topographic anatomy of the skin for the right performance of surgical procedure. The patients should be informed about the procedure and its technical details before asking them to sign the informed consent form

    Eficacia de la hiposensibilizaciĂłn en perros con dermatitis atĂłpica

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    Valorar la respuesta a la hiposensibilizaciĂłn de un grupo de perros con dermatitis atĂłpica a partir de los resultados obtenidos con el test serolĂłgico E.L.I.S.A

    ValoraciĂłn de un diagnĂłstico "in vitro" de IGG/IGE en perros sospechosos de padecer alergia/Intolerancia alimentaria

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    La alergia/intolerancia alimentaria es una patología frecuentemente relacionada con la dermatitis atópica canina. Aunque las dietas de eliminación son el "golden standard" para seleccionar los alimentos que pueden consumir los animales afectados, este método es largo y complicado, y en muchas ocasiones resulta difícil contar con la colaboración del propietario

    Análisis de Formatos Coherentes de Modulación Avanzados para Redes Ópticas Metropolitanas y de Acceso

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    Las Redes Ópticas Flexibles (FON) requieren una asignación dinámica de recursos a los usuarios. Para ello se han probado diversos binomios Confromado-Formato de modulación, los de mayor interes permiten obtener un canal de 1Tbps y 4Tbps mediante la combinación dinámica para un espectro óptico de 12nm de ancho

    Burnout in the staff of a chronic care hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of Burnout in a medium or long-stay hospital, to monitor its evolution and to highlight the importance of cut-off points used to avoid distortions in the interpretation of the results. METHODS: Two cross-sectional studies (2013–2016) were carried out, applying the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to the staff of a chronic care hospital (n = 323). Result variables were: Burnout prevalence and a high degree of affectation of the subscales and predictor variables: sociodemographic characteristics and factors that trigger and modulate the syndrome. The association between variables was quantified using odds ratio. RESULTS: The participation rate went from 31.5% to 39.3%. The professionals presented a mean level of Burnout in both moments, observing a lower degree of affectation of the depersonalization subscales and personal accomplishment in the 2016 cut-off. The average score of the subscales in 2016 was 21.5 for emotional fatigue, 4.7 for depersonalization and 41.7 for personal fulfillment, compared to the values of emotional fatigue = 21.6, depersonalization = 6.9 and personal fulfillment = 36.3 obtained in 2013. The emotional fatigue score was slightly higher than the mean value of the national studies (19.9), while the rest of the values were similar to the mean values of the studies considered. The prevalence of Burnout and the interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points considered. In both studies, sociodemographic variables showed little significance, while social support and interpersonal relationships were associated with the degree of burnout among professionals. CONCLUSIONS: Our prevalence of Burnout was similar to that of other studies consulted, although the emotional component is more marked in our environment. The interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points applied, due to the cross-cultural differences
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