19 research outputs found

    Buenas prácticas ganaderas en hatos lecheros de Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, Colombia

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the degree of compliance of these practices, by evaluation of 99 variables in 21 productive systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda. Only one of the farms complied with the 48 fundamental criteria required and, the degree of compliance of major and minor criteria was insufficient. Only 8 of the farms are certified as free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. The best performing areas are animal welfare (81%) and those related to the milking routine (79.1%); On the other hand, the most deficient were the control of veterinary drugs and agricultural products (5.8%), as well as the conditions of the cooling tank (32.6%). Through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, a significant association was found between variables involved with the guarantee in the safety of the milk, regarding the operation, cleaning and disinfection of equipment that guarantee an adequate temperature. There was also an association between variables involved in the milking procedure and hygienic conditions during the milking procedure, involving both the operator and the animal. A lack of training and awareness about the importance of compliance with many of these criteria was found, this is a fundamental tool to obtain a diagnosis of the current sanitary status, and in which it may be necessary to take into account other variables, not included in the current checklist, for a later implementation and follow-up to improvement plans of the productive systems.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el grado de cumplimiento de BPG, mediante la evaluación de 99 variables en 21 sistemas productivos del municipio de Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda. Solo uno de los predios cumplió con los 48 criterios fundamentales exigidos y en general, el grado de cumplimiento de criterios mayores y menores fue insuficiente. Solo 8 de los hatos están certificados como libres de brucelosis y tuberculosis. Las áreas de mejor desempeño son el bienestar animal (81%) y las relacionadas con la rutina de ordeño (79,1%); en cambio, las mas deficientes fueron el control de medicamentos veterinarios e insumos agropecuarios (5,8%), así como las condiciones del tanque de enfriamiento (32,6%). Mediante un Análisis de Correspondencia múltiple, se encontró asociación significativa entre variables que tienen que ver con la garantía en la inocuidad de la leche, en lo referente a la operación, limpieza y desinfección de equipos que garanticen una temperatura adecuada. También hubo asociación entre variables que tienen que ver con el procedimiento de ordeño y condiciones de higiene durante la faena, que involucran tanto al operario, como al animal. Se evidencia falta de capacitación y concientización acerca de la importancia del cumplimiento de muchos criterios de BPG, que es una herramienta fundamental para obtener un diagnostico del estado actual del hato, y en la cual posiblemente sea necesario tener en cuenta otras variables, no incluidas en la lista de verificación actual, para una posterior implementación y seguimiento a planes de mejoramiento de los sistemas productivos

    Near to Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of (65803) Didymos as Observed by JWST: Characterization Observations Supporting the Double Asteroid Redirection Test

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    The Didymos binary asteroid was the target of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which intentionally impacted Dimorphos, the smaller member of the binary system. We used the Near-Infrared Spectrograph and Mid-Infrared Instrument instruments on JWST to measure the 0.6–5 and 5–20 μm spectra of Didymos approximately two months after the DART impact. These observations confirm that Didymos belongs to the S asteroid class and is most consistent with LL chondrite composition, as was previously determined from its 0.6–2.5 μm reflectance spectrum. Measurements at wavelengths >2.5 μm show Didymos to have thermal properties typical for an S-complex asteroid of its size and to be lacking absorptions deeper than ∼2% due to OH or H2O. Didymos’ mid-infrared emissivity spectrum is within the range of what has been measured on S-complex asteroids observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope and is most consistent with emission from small (<25 μm) surface particles. We conclude that the observed reflectance and physical properties make the Didymos system a good proxy for the type of ordinary chondrite asteroids that cross near-Earth space, and a good representative of likely future impactors

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Good livestock practices in dairy farms in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, Colombia

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the degree of compliance of these practices, by evaluation of 99 variables in 21 productive systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda. Only one of the farms complied with the 48 fundamental criteria required and, the degree of compliance of major and minor criteria was insufficient. Only 8 of the farms are certified as free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. The best performing areas are animal welfare (81%) and those related to the milking routine (79.1%); On the other hand, the most deficient were the control of veterinary drugs and agricultural products (5.8%), as well as the conditions of the cooling tank (32.6%). Through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, a significant association was found between variables involved with the guarantee in the safety of the milk, regarding the operation, cleaning and disinfection of equipment that guarantee an adequate temperature. There was also an association between variables involved in the milking procedure and hygienic conditions during the milking procedure, involving both the operator and the animal. A lack of training and awareness about the importance of compliance with many of these criteria was found, this is a fundamental tool to obtain a diagnosis of the current sanitary status, and in which it may be necessary to take into account other variables, not included in the current checklist, for a later implementation and follow-up to improvement plans of the productive systems

    Preliminary characterization of annual forage legumes collection for the Mediterranean area of Chile

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    En el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Centro Experimental Cauquenes (35o58'lat. Sur; 72o17'long. Oeste), VII Región, se evaluaron variables fenológicas y agronómicas de 35 accesiones de leguminosas forrajeras anuales. Las especies estudiadas fueron Biserrula pelecinus (3 accesiones), Medicago polymorpha (1), Ornithopus compressus (9), Ornithopus sativus (2), Trifolium isthmocarpum (1), Trifolium michelianum (7), Trifolium nigrescens (1), Trifolium pallidum (1), Trifolium resupinatum (4), Trifolium subterraneum (5) y Trifolium vesiculosum (1). Los días desde emergencia a floración fluctuaron entre 103 y 164 días. En Ornithopus spp. hubo una gran variación en precocidad (103-143 días) y en productividad (290-890 g MS m-2). La precocidad de las accesiones de B. pelecinus evaluadas fue similar (132-137 días) y su producción de semilla y fitomasa elevada. En T. michelianum la precocidad de las accesiones fluctuó entre 131 y 147 días. T. pallidum y T. vesiculosum fueron los más tardíos con 164 y 160 días a floración, respectivamente. Ambas especies tuvieron una alta producción de MS (> 900 g MS m-2).. Se identificaron cultivares de B. pelecinus, O. compressus, T. michelianum, T. resupinatum y T. vesiculosum, los cuales presentan características de alta producción de semilla y fitomasa, tama?o de semilla peque?o, alta dureza seminal y alta tasa de esfuerzo reproductivo, atributos apropiados para plantas que serán introducidas en ambientes climáticamente poco predecibles y con fuertes limitantes edáficas. Preliminary characterization of annual forage legumes collection for the Mediterranean area of Chile In the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Centro Experimental Cauquenes (35o58` S lat; 72o17` W long), VII Region,0 phenologic and agronomic traits of 35 accessions and cultivars of annual legumes were evaluated. The species studied were Biserrula pelecinus (3 accessions), Medicago polymorpha (1), Ornithopus compressus (9), Ornithopus sativus (2), Trifolium isthmocarpum (1), Trifolium michelianum (7), Trifolium nigrescens (1), Trifolium pallidum (1), Trifolium resupinatum (4), Trifolium subterraneum (5), and Trifolium vesiculosum (1). The days from emergence to first flower ranged between 103 and 164 days. In Ornithopus spp. there was a great variation in precocity (103-143 days) and productivity (290-890 g DM m-2). The precocity of the accessions of B. pelecinus were similar (132-137 days) and they all had a high seed production and total DM matter. In T. michelianum the precocity of the accessions ranged between 131 and 147 days. T. pallidum and T. vesiculosum were the latest with 164 and 160 days to first flower, respectively. Both species had a high dry matter production (> 900 g DM m-2).. There are cultivars of B. pelecinus, O. compressus, T. michelianum, T. resupinatum and T. vesiculosum which presents0 high yield in both seed and phytomass, small size of seeds, high seminal hardness and high rate of reproductive effort, important attributes for plants that will be introduced in highly fluctuating environmental conditions and soils thatwith present severe limitations

    Caracterización preliminar de una colección de leguminosas forrajeras anuales para la Zona Mediterránea de Chile.

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    En el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Centro Experimental Cauquenes (35º 58¿ lat. Sur; 72º 17¿ long. Oeste), VII Región, se evaluaron variables fenológicas y agronómicas de 35 accesiones de leguminosas forrajeras anuales. Las especies estudiadas fueron Biserrula pelecinus (3 accesiones), Medicago polymorpha (1), Ornithopus compressus (9), Ornithopus sativus (2), Trifolium isthmocarpum (1), Trifolium michelianum (7), Trifolium nigrescens (1), Trifolium pallidum (1), Trifolium resupinatum (4), Trifolium subterraneum (5) y Trifolium vesiculosum (1). Los días desde emergencia a floración fluctuaron entre 103 y 164 días. En Ornithopus spp. hubo una gran variación en precocidad (103¿143 días) y en productividad (290¿890 g MS m-2). La precocidad de las accesiones de B. pelecinus evaluadas fue similar (132¿137 días) y su producción de semilla y fitomasa elevada. En T. michelianum la precocidad de las accesiones fluctuó entre 131 y 147 días. T. pallidum y T. vesiculosum fueron los más tardíos con 164 y 160 días a floración, respectivamente. Ambas especies tuvieron una alta producción de MS (> 900 g MS m-2).. Se identificaron cultivares de B. pelecinus, O. compressus, T. michelianum, T. resupinatum y T. vesiculosum, los cuales presentan características de alta producción de semilla y fitomasa, tamaño de semilla pequeño, alta dureza seminal y alta tasa de esfuerzo reproductivo, atributos apropiados para plantas que serán introducidas en ambientes climáticamente poco predecibles y con fuertes limitantes edáficas

    Caracterizaci\uf3n Preliminar de Una Colecci\uf3n de Leguminosas Forrajeras Anuales Para la Zona Mediterranea de Chile

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    In the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Centro Experimental Cauquenes (35\ub058' S lat; 72\ub017' W long), VII Region,0 phenologic and agronomic traits of 35 accessions and cultivars of annual legumes were evaluated. The species studied were Biserrula pelecinus (3 accessions), Medicago polymorpha (1), Ornithopus compressus (9), Ornithopus sativus (2), Trifolium isthmocarpum (1), Trifolium michelianum (7), Trifolium nigrescens (1), Trifolium pallidum (1), Trifolium resupinatum (4), Trifolium subterraneum (5), and Trifolium vesiculosum (1). The days from emergence to first flower ranged between 103 and 164 days. In Ornithopus spp. there was a great variation in precocity (103-143 days) and productivity (290-890 g DM m-2). The precocity of the accessions of B. pelecinus were similar (132-137 days) and they all had a high seed production and total DM matter. In T. michelianum the precocity of the accessions ranged between 131 and 147 days. T. pallidum and T. vesiculosum were the latest with 164 and 160 days to first flower, respectively. Both species had a high dry matter production (&gt; 900 g DM m-2).. There are cultivars of B. pelecinus, O. compressus, T. michelianum, T. resupinatum and T. vesiculosum which presents0 high yield in both seed and phytomass, small size of seeds, high seminal hardness and high rate of reproductive effort, important attributes for plants that will be introduced in highly fluctuating environmental conditions and soils thatwith present severe limitations.En el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Centro Experimental Cauquenes (35\ub058'lat. Sur; 72\ub017'long. Oeste), VII Regi\uf3n, se evaluaron variables fenol\uf3gicas y agron\uf3micas de 35 accesiones de leguminosas forrajeras anuales. Las especies estudiadas fueron Biserrula pelecinus (3 accesiones), Medicago polymorpha (1), Ornithopus compressus (9), Ornithopus sativus (2), Trifolium isthmocarpum (1), Trifolium michelianum (7), Trifolium nigrescens (1), Trifolium pallidum (1), Trifolium resupinatum (4), Trifolium subterraneum (5) y Trifolium vesiculosum (1). Los d\uedas desde emergencia a floraci\uf3n fluctuaron entre 103 y 164 d\uedas. En Ornithopus spp. hubo una gran variaci\uf3n en precocidad (103-143 d\uedas) y en productividad (290-890 g MS m-2). La precocidad de las accesiones de B. pelecinus evaluadas fue similar (132-137 d\uedas) y su producci\uf3n de semilla y fitomasa elevada. En T. michelianum la precocidad de las accesiones fluctu\uf3 entre 131 y 147 d\uedas. T. pallidum y T. vesiculosum fueron los m\ue1s tard\uedos con 164 y 160 d\uedas a floraci\uf3n, respectivamente. Ambas especies tuvieron una alta producci\uf3n de MS (&gt; 900 g MS m-2).. Se identificaron cultivares de B. pelecinus, O. compressus, T. michelianum, T. resupinatum y T. vesiculosum, los cuales presentan caracter\uedsticas de alta producci\uf3n de semilla y fitomasa, tama\uf1o de semilla peque\uf1o, alta dureza seminal y alta tasa de esfuerzo reproductivo, atributos apropiados para plantas que ser\ue1n introducidas en ambientes clim\ue1ticamente poco predecibles y con fuertes limitantes ed\ue1ficas