5 research outputs found


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    The study of the Sadranan Kali Sedandang tradition in Tlahab Temanggung as a source of learning local history and character education in the PPK movement in particular has not been carried out in depth by previous researchers. The purpose of the study is to analyze the history of Sadranan Kali Sedandang, the description of the implementation of Sadranan Kali Sedandang, and the values of character education based on local wisdom in the Sadranan Kali Sedandang tradition. The method used in this study is qualitative. The results showed that the history of Sadranan Kali Sedandang in general has a connection with the Shradda tradition that has existed since the time of the Majapahit Kingdom. Sadranan is also carried out as a form of the community's expression of gratitude for the ease of access to water and the abundance of crops. The tradition related to the expression of gratitude for the abundance of water is called Sadranan Kali Sedandang. The implementation of the Sadranan Kali Sedandang tradition begins with cleaning the environment, planting trees, praying together and Slametan. People bring various attributes such as offerings, tumpeng, ingkung from roosters, and market snacks. The Sadranan Kali tradition has the potential to be used as a source of learning local history and character education in the PPK movement


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    The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the potential of Marco Kartodikromo's biography as a source of historical learning. Marco Kartodikromo is a journalist, writer, and activist who fought for the Indonesian nation against the Dutch colonialists. Marco Kartodikromo has national values that can be learned by the younger generations. These values can be taught in history subject. Educators can integrate Marco Kartodikromo's history in history learning. Marco Kartodikromo fought during the Dutch Colonial Government. The background of this time became the basis for determining historical learning materials related to the biography of Marco Kartodikromo as a source of historical learning


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    Prambanan Temple contains local wisdom values that have not been well informed to domestic visitors. This article aims to introduce Arloka Map, an alternative communication media in a form of physical tour-map containing local wisdom values of the Prambanan Temple Area and to test the effectiveness rate of the Arloka-Map. Observation, literature studies, and instrument test methods were used to collect basic data. To determine the success rate of the proposed strategy, pre- and post-tests were conducted to 50 domestic tourist respondents. The outcomes were then analyzed by using the SPSS application. Results showed that score for visitors that were using the Arloka-Map was higher than visitors who did not use it (i.e. 8.72 vs 4.44). It was concluded that the use of the Arloka-Map assist tourists to know the values of local wisdoms at the temple’s area

    Berkala arkeologi vol. 39 no. 2 November 2019

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    Berkala Arkeologi Vol. 39 No. 2 Edisi November 2019 kali ini menampilkan delapan artikel dengan berbagai kajian baik arkeologi prasejarah, arkeologi klasik Hindu-Buddha, maupun arkeologi Islam-Kolonial. Sebagian besar artikel yang ditampilkan edisi November kali ini adalah artikel arkeologi Islam-Kolonial sebanyak 6 artikel, sedangkan artikel dari bidang arkeologi prasejarah dan Klasik Hindu-Buddha masing-masing sebuah artike

    Liberalisme dan Monetisasi Ekonomi di Hindia Belanda (1870-1900)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahu proses berlangsung liberalisme di Hindia Belanda, serta pemberlakuan ekonomi uang (monetisasi) dan dampaknya bagi kehidupan masyarakat pribumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah yang terdiri atas heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa liberalisme di Hindia-Belanda mulai berlaku 1870 dengan dikeluarkannya Undang-undang Agraria, yang mengatur tentang penyewaan tanah milik pribumi. Dampaknya banyak investor asing baik dari eropa dan cina berbondong-bondong datang mengambil bagian untuk mendirikan perusahaan, begitu pula kaum pribumi namun hanya terbatas pada golongan bangsawan. Pemberlakuan sistem ekonomi liberal juga berdampak pada lahirinya sistem ekonomi uang (monetisasi ekonomi) yang menyebabkan masyarakat memiliki ketergantungan tinggi terhadap uang yang menimbulkan masalah sosial lain seperti peningkatan kemiskinan, kejahatan, perjudian,  konsumsi candu (kokain), seks bebas hingga terlilit jerat utang piutang