493 research outputs found

    Mente-cuerpo versus filosofía-gimnasia: del dualismo al emergentismo

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    The study of the connection between the mind and body has given rise to extremist, exclusive positions: mentalists and corporatists. A dualistic view has been installed in sport studies that both separates and complements the body and mind and, therefore, philosophy and gymnastics. Shifting this to broader terms (science and sport), we represent the conflict between that which is physical and that which is intellectual. We use two basic propositions to overcome this dualism: an understanding that “philosophy is an exercise for the mind” and that “gymnastics is a philosophy for the body”El estudio de la conexión entre la mente y el cuerpo ha dado lugar a posturas extremas y excluyentes: mentalistas y corporalistas. En el deporte se han instalado posiciones dualistas, que separan, al tiempo que complementan, a mente y cuerpo, y, por tanto, a filosofía y gimnasia. Trasladamos esta cuestión a términos más amplios: la relación entre ciencia y deporte (facultades intelectuales versus facultades físicas). Este artículo contribuye a diluir la antítesis y el dualismo subyacentes, a través de dos proposiciones básicas: por un lado, entenderemos que la filosofía es una gimnasia para la mente; por otro, que la gimnasia es una filosofía para el cuerpoActividad Física y Deport

    Amorphous zinc borate as a simple standard for baseline correction in Raman spectra

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    In this paper, our research group proposes a simple solution to a usual problem that appears in the Raman analysis of some substances, which is the presence of weak Raman signals, probably in combination with a high‐intensity luminescence background, affected by the presence of distortions in the baseline. Under this condition, the spectroscopist has to face spectra hard to edit and correct and thus hard to study. There are already some standard solutions that allow the correction of spectra from relative intensity to absolute intensity that also solves this problem and also allow quantitative analyses. But these solutions imply expensive standards or devices that could not be a worthy option when not working in absolute intensity or the Raman analyses stay at qualitative level and a quantitative study is not needed. The alternative Do It Yourself solution proposed in this paper is based on the use of amorphous zinc borate, an easy‐to‐find substance, which after a simple processing allows us to correct the baseline of Raman spectra qualitatively, offering a useful and economic reference when an absolute intensity correction is not needed. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure, some spectra were corrected using amorphous zinc borate and then compared the signal‐to‐noise ratio of some Raman signals before and after this correction. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.MINECO ESP2014-56138-C3-1-

    Immunohistochemical dynamics of cell wall matrix polymers during tomato autograft healing

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    [EN] A large part of the production of tomato plants is grafted. Although it has recently been described that cell walls play an important role in tomato graft healing, the spatiotemporal dynamics of cell wall changes in this critical process remains largely unknown. The aim of this work was to immunolocalize changes in the major cell wall matrix components of autograft union tissues throughout the course of healing, from 1 to 20 days after grafting (DAG). Homogalacturonan was de novo synthetized and deposited in the cut edges, displaying the low methyl-esterified homogalacturonan a stronger labelling. Labelling of galactan side chains of rhamnogalacturonan increased until 8 DAG, although remarkably a set of cells at the graft union did not show labelling for this epitope. Changes in xylan immunolocalization were associated to the xylem vasculature development throughout, while those of xyloglucan revealed early synthesis at the cut edges. Arabinogalactan proteins increased up to 8 DAG and showed scion-rootstock asymmetry, with a higher extent in the scion. The combination of these changes appears to be related with the success of the autograft, specifically facilitating the adhesion phase between scion-rootstock tissues. This knowledge paves the way for improved grafting using methods that facilitate appropriate changes in the time and space dynamics of these cell wall compounds.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Mitochondrial diversity and the origin of Iberian sheep

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    Mitochondrial DNA diversity was analysed in 19 Iberian and six foreign sheep breeds. Three mtDNA lineages (B, A and C) were found in the Iberian sheep, with type B clearly predominating over the others. The results were analysed for each of the morphologically determined breed groups in Iberian sheep: Merino, Entrefino, Churro and Iberian trunks. MtDNA lineage C was found only in the Iberian trunk composed of Montesina and Ojalada. These two populations had high mtDNA variability, and in the Iberian sheep only Merino Branco had more variation. The other three Merino types studied showed moderate variability, including the most authentic Merino, the Spanish Merino. These three Merinos clustered closely in a multidimensional scaling representation of distances, while the fourth breed (Merino Branco) showed a clear separation. As for the other two trunks, breeds from the Churro group showed greater maternal uniformity while results for populations included in the so-called Entrefino trunk seemed to have a more heterogeneous maternal origin. The results obtained are discussed with available data from nuclear markers and with morphological classifications, and all this information is analysed in relation to the origin of the different Iberian sheep breeds

    Tomato Graft Union Failure Is Associated with Alterations in Tissue Development and the Onset of Cell Wall Defense Responses

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Cell Wall Research of Crop Plants[EN] Grafting is a technique applied to a considerable number of crops, with tomato standing out. However, this technique is limited by the obtaining of unfunctional grafts, which decrease the success rate and therefore the benefits achieved. The aim of this work was to analyze the failure in intraspecific grafting of tomato plants, focusing on tissue development, cell wall defense reactions, and the distribution of starch and soluble sugars at the graft junction. The success rate in autografts was higher than that of homografts and heterografts. Unfunctional homografts and heterografts showed similar responses: absence of vascular reconnections and lack of adhesion between scion and rootstock, even though callus cell clusters and differentiation of new vasculature were produced. The scions of unfunctional grafts accumulated more starch and soluble sugars than the rootstocks, showing a strong asymmetry in the response. In addition, three types of deposits were observed in the cell walls of unfunctional grafts: lignin, suberin, and callose, with the combined accumulation of more than one of them being frequent, particularly lignin and suberin. These deposits apparently prevent adhesion and seem to be a major cause of graft failureSIThis research was funded by the Universidad de León. C.F. acknowledges the PhD grant from the FPU program of the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (Ref. FPU18/04934

    Histological Changes Associated with the Graft Union Development in Tomato

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    This article belongs to the Section Plant Cell Biology[EN] Despite the importance of grafting in horticultural crops such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), the structural changes that occur during the graft establishment are little understood. Using histological techniques, the present work examines the time course of changes on the anatomical structure of the graft junction in functional tomato homografts and compares it to that of heterografts and non-functional grafts. No apparent differences were detected between homo- and heterografts, showing similar tissue development. At 10 days after grafting, the cell walls of the scion and rootstock in the area of the graft junction were thicker than usual. Undifferentiated cells and new vascular tissue emerged from the pre-existing vasculature. Adventitious roots appeared mainly on the scion, arising from the pre-existing vasculature. At 20 days, more pronounced vascular tissue was visible, along with large areas showing vascular connection. At 210 days, vestiges of the changes undergone in graft development were still visible. Generally, non-functional grafts presented layers of necrotic remains and deposition of cell wall material in the cut edges, impeding the suitable scion-rootstock connection. Our results show that accurate changes in pre-existing vasculature and the cell walls of the adhesion line are crucial to the development of functional graftsSIThis research was funded by Universidad de León. The APC was funded by Universidad de Leó

    Non‐invasive monitoring of tomato graft dynamics using thermography and fluorescence quantum yields measurements

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    [EN] Grafting involves a sequence of modifications that may vary according to genotypes, grafting techniques and growing conditions. This process is often monitored using destructive methods, precluding the possibility of monitoring the entire process in the same grafted plant. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of two non-invasive methods—thermographic inference of transpiration and determination of chlorophyll quantum yields—for monitoring graft dynamics in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) autografts and to compare the results with other reliable measures: mechanical resistance parameters and xylem water potential. The mechanical resistance of grafted plants steadily increased from 6 days after grafting (DAG), 4.90 ± 0.57 N/mm, to reach values similar to non-grafted plants at 16 DAG, 8.40 ± 1.78 N/mm. Water potential showed an early decrease (from −0.34 ± 0.16 MPa in non-grafted plants to −0.88 ± 0.07 MPa at 2 DAG), recovering at 4 DAG to reach pre-grafting values at 12–16 DAG. Thermographic inference of transpiration dynamics displayed comparable changes. Monitoring maximum and effective quantum yield in functional grafts showed a comparable pattern: an initial decline, followed by recovery from 6 DAG onwards. Correlation analyses revealed a significant correlation between variation in temperature (thermographic monitoring of transpiration), water potential (r = 0.87; p = 0.02) and maximum tensile force (r = 0.75; p = 0.05). Additionally, we found a significant correlation between maximum quantum yield and some mechanical parameters. In conclusion, thermography monitoring, and to a lesser extent maximum quantum yield measurements, accurately depict changes in key parameters in grafted plants and serve as potential timing indicators of graft regeneration, rendering them valuable tools for monitoring graft functionalitySIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Cambios temporales en el origen de la materia orgánica en las marismas del Río Miño (NW Península Ibérica) mediante marcadores lipídicos. Temporal changes in the organic matter sources in the Minho River tidal marshes (NW Iberian Península): A lipid biomarker approach.

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    [EN]: The lipid biomarker distribution in a sediment core fromMinho river tidal-marshes (NW Iberian Peninsula) was studiedusing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in order to evaluate changes in the sources and distribution of organic matter (OM) in the estuary during the last centuries. The distribution of terrestrial and phytoplankton biomarker inventory reflected an heterogeneous mixture of OM from marine and terrestrial sources. Lignin derived phenols, triterpenoids and long chain n-alkanes with an odd number of carbons are indicators of soil-and vascular plant-derived continental OM, being more abundant on the topmost sections of the core. In addition, a conspicuous contribution from plankton-derived OM (e.g. short chain fatty acids and alcohols, phytosterols) is observed in the deepest sections of the core. However, in general the lipid biomarker assemblage found indicate the existence of a complex input of organic matter (OM) to this estuarine area, from both river run-off and marine depositions. Temporal variations observed could also be attributed to terrigenous contributions after flooding events from Miño river, although a differential degradation of individual biomarkers should not be neglected when interpreting biomarker assemblages in this geodynamically active environment. [ES]: Con el objetivo de evaluar las variaciones en las fuentes y distribución de la matería orgânica (MO) durante los últimos siglos, se estudia la distribución de biomarcadores lipídicos en una secuencia sedimentaria de las marismas del río Miño (NW Península Ibérica) mediante Cromatografía de Gases¿Espectrometria de Masas (CG/MS) . La distribución de biomarcadores terrestres y marinos muestra una mezcla heterogénea de MO con diferente orígen. Los fenoles derivados de la lignina, triterpenoides y n-alcanos de cadena larga con número impar de carbonos proceden de plantas superiores, indicadores de MO de origen continental , se encuentran com mayor abundancia en las secciones superiores del sondeo. Los lípidos derivados del plancton marino (ej., acidos grasos y alcoholes de cadena corta, fitosteroles) se encontraron con mayor abundancia relativa en las secciones mas profundas del sondeo. Sin embargo, la distribución global de los biomarcadores lipídicos estudiados muestra la complejidad de las fuentes de MO en este estuario, y que incluye las descargas del río y deposiciones de sedimentos marinos. Algunas variaciones observadas pueden deberse a contribuciones de MO terrígena debidas a descargas elevadas procedentes del río Miño. No obstante, a la hora de interpretar los cámbios observados en la distribución de determinados biomarcadores en este ambiente geodinámicamente activo, se debe tener en cuenta la posible ocurrencia de fenómenos de degradación preferencial o selectiva en el sedimento.Peer Reviewe

    Using Regulatory and Epistatic Networks to Extend the Findings of a Genome Scan: Identifying the Gene Drivers of Pigmentation in Merino Sheep

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    Extending genome wide association analysis by the inclusion of gene expression data may assist in the dissection of complex traits. We examined piebald, a pigmentation phenotype in both human and Merino sheep, by analysing multiple data types using a systems approach. First, a case control analysis of 49,034 ovine SNP was performed which confirmed a multigenic basis for the condition. We combined these results with gene expression data from five tissue types analysed with a skin-specific microarray. Promoter sequence analysis of differentially expressed genes allowed us to reverse-engineer a regulatory network. Likewise, by testing two-loci models derived from all pair-wise comparisons across piebald-associated SNP, we generated an epistatic network. At the intersection of both networks, we identified thirteen genes with insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7), platelet-derived growth factor alpha (PDGFRA) and the tetraspanin platelet activator CD9 at the kernel of the intersection. Further, we report a number of differentially expressed genes in regions containing highly associated SNP including ATRN, DOCK7, FGFR1OP, GLI3, SILV and TBX15. The application of network theory facilitated co-analysis of genetic variation with gene expression, recapitulated aspects of the known molecular biology of skin pigmentation and provided insights into the transcription regulation and epistatic interactions involved in piebald Merino sheep

    Determination of refractory organic matter in marine sediments by chemical oxidation, analytical pyrolysis and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Seeking to quantify the amount of refractory organic matter (ROM), which includes black carbon-like material (BC), in marine sediments, we have applied a two-step procedure that consists of a chemical oxidation with sodium chlorite of the demineralized sediments followed by integration of the aromatic C region in the remaining residues by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The efficacy for lignin removal was tested by analytical pyrolysis in the presence of tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Riverine, estuarine and offshore marine sediment samples were collected from the southwest Atlantic coast of Spain, a site of geological and environmental interest. Measured contents of BC-like material ranged between 3.0 and 45.7% of the total organic carbon. Greater relative BC contents were found in riverine sediments close to urban areas, which show an elevated input of anthropogenic organic material. The contents of BC-like material in offshore marine sediments (5.5–6.1%) were similar to those previously reported for these kinds of samples. However, NMR and pyrolysis-GC/MS of the isolated ROM reveals that abundant refractory aliphatic organic material remains in most of the marine samples after chlorite oxidation. We suggest that this pool of aliphatic carbon may play an important role as a stable carbon pool within the global C cycle.The Spanish Ministry of Education provided financial support for this research (fellowship BES-2003-1900 and project CGL2006-12730-C03-C01).9 páginas, 3 figuras, 6 tablas, 38 referencias.-- [email protected] reviewe