122 research outputs found

    The dead shall be raised : Multidisciplinary analysis of human skeletons reveals complexity in 19th century immigrant socioeconomic history and identity in New Haven, Connecticut

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    In July 2011, renovations to Yale-New Haven Hospital inadvertently exposed the cemetery of Christ Church, New Haven, Connecticut’s first Catholic cemetery. While this cemetery was active between 1833 and 1851, both the church and its cemetery disappeared from public records, making the discovery serendipitous. Four relatively well-preserved adult skeletons were recovered with few artifacts. All four individuals show indicators of manual labor, health and disease stressors, and dental health issues. Two show indicators of trauma, with the possibility of judicial hanging in one individual. Musculoskeletal markings are consistent with physical stress, and two individuals have arthritic indicators of repetitive movement/specialized activities. Radiographic analyses show osteopenia, healed trauma, and other pathologies in several individuals. Dental calculus analysis did not identify any tuberculosis indicators, despite osteological markers. Isotopic analyses of teeth indicate that all four were likely recent immigrants to the Northeastern United States. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA were recovered from three individuals, and these analyses identified ancestry, hair/eye color, and relatedness. Genetic and isotopic results upended our initial ancestry assessment based on burial context alone. These individuals provide biocultural evidence of New Haven’s Industrial Revolution and the plasticity of ethnic and religious identity in the immigrant experience. Their recovery and the multifaceted analyses described here illuminate a previously undescribed part of the city’s rich history. The collective expertise of biological, geochemical, archaeological, and historical researchers interprets socioeconomic and cultural identity better than any one could alone. Our combined efforts changed our initial assumptions of a poor urban Catholic cemetery’s membership, and provide a template for future discoveries and analyses

    Agents increasing cyclic GMP amplify 5-HT4-elicited positive inotropic response in failing rat cardiac ventricle

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    Activation of 5-HT4 receptors in failing ventricles elicits a cAMP-dependent positive inotropic response which is mainly limited by the cGMP-inhibitable phosphodiesterase (PDE) 3. However, PDE4 plays an additional role which is demasked by PDE3 inhibition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cGMP generated by particulate and soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) on the 5-HT4-mediated inotropic response. Extensive myocardial infarctions were induced by coronary artery ligation in Wistar rats, exhibiting heart failure 6 weeks after surgery. Contractility was measured in left ventricular preparations. Cyclic GMP was measured by EIA. In ventricular preparations, ANP or BNP displayed no impact on 5-HT4-mediated inotropic response. However, CNP increased the 5-HT4-mediated inotropic response as well as the β1-adrenoceptor (β1-AR)-mediated response to a similar extent as PDE3 inhibition by cilostamide. Pretreatment with cilostamide eliminated the effect of CNP. Inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthase and soluble GC by l-NAME and ODQ, respectively, attenuated the 5-HT4-mediated inotropic response, whereas the NO donor Sin-1 increased this response. The effects were absent during PDE3 inhibition, suggesting cGMP-dependent inhibition of PDE3. However, in contrast to the effects on the 5-HT4 response, Sin-1 inhibited whereas l-NAME and ODQ enhanced the β1-AR-mediated inotropic response. cGMP generated both by particulate (NPR-B) and soluble GC increases the 5-HT4-mediated inotropic response in failing hearts, probably through inhibition of PDE3. β1-AR and 5-HT4 receptor signalling are subject to opposite regulatory control by cGMP generated by soluble GC in failing hearts. Thus, cGMP from different sources is functionally compartmented, giving differential regulation of different Gs-coupled receptors

    Attenuated Fatigue in Slow Twitch Skeletal Muscle during Isotonic Exercise in Rats with Chronic Heart Failure

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    During isometric contractions, slow twitch soleus muscles (SOL) from rats with chronic heart failure (chf) are more fatigable than those of sham animals. However, a muscle normally shortens during activity and fatigue development is highly task dependent. Therefore, we examined the development of skeletal muscle fatigue during shortening (isotonic) contractions in chf and sham-operated rats. Six weeks following coronary artery ligation, infarcted animals were classified as failing (chf) if left ventricle end diastolic pressure was >15mmHg. During isoflurane anaesthesia, SOL with intact blood supply was stimulated (1s on 1s off) at 30Hz for 15 min and allowed to shorten isotonically against a constant afterload. Muscle temperature was maintained at 37°C. In resting muscle, maximum isometric force (Fmax) and the concentrations of ATP and CrP were not different in the two groups. During stimulation, Fmax and the concentrations declined in parallel sham and chf. Fatigue, which was evident as reduced shortening during stimulation, was also not different in the two groups. The isometric force decline was fitted to a bi-exponential decay equation. Both time constants increased transiently and returned to initial values after approximately 200 s of the fatigue protocol. This resulted in a transient rise in baseline tension between stimulations, although this effect which was less prominent in chf than sham. Myosin light chain 2s phosphorylation declined in both groups after 100 s of isotonic contractions, and remained at this level throughout 15 min of stimulation. In spite of higher energy demand during isotonic than isometric contractions, both shortening capacity and rate of isometric force decline were as well or better preserved in fatigued SOL from chf rats than in sham. This observation is in striking contrast to previous reports which have employed isometric contractions to induce fatigue

    JETSET: Physics at LEAR with an Internal Gas Jet Target and an Advanced General Purpose Detector

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    ABSTRACT We argue the importance of installing at LEAR an internal gas jet target together with a powerful detection system. We discuss an advanced detector which will offer large acceptance and complete information on charged and neutral tracks, in its final implementation. We propose here a phase 1 realisation of this detector which will allow us to carry out a set of fundamental experiments at LEAR during the early operation of ACOL. They comprise studies of .p.p and K\K O s production, on both Wlpolarized and polarized hydrogen targets, over the range 1960 < .Js < 2400 :vleV

    Changes in Intracellular Na+ following Enhancement of Late Na+ Current in Virtual Human Ventricular Myocytes

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    The slowly inactivating or late Na+ current, INa-L, can contribute to the initiation of both atrial and ventricular rhythm disturbances in the human heart. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie these pro-arrhythmic influences are not fully understood. At present, the major working hypothesis is that the Na+ influx corresponding to I(Na-L)significantly increases intracellular Na+, [Na]; and the resulting reduction in the electrochemical driving force for Na+ reduces and (may reverse) Na+/Ca2+ exchange. These changes increase intracellular Ca2+, [Ca2+]; which may further enhance I(Na-L)due to calmodulindependent phosphorylation of the Na+ channels. This paper is based on mathematical simulations using the O'Hara et al (2011) model of baseline or healthy human ventricular action potential waveforms(s) and its [Ca2(+)]; homeostasis mechanisms. Somewhat surprisingly, our results reveal only very small changes (<= 1.5 mM) in [Na] even when INa-L is increased 5-fold and steady-state stimulation rate is approximately 2 times the normal human heart rate (i.e. 2 Hz). Previous work done using well-established models of the rabbit and human ventricular action potential in heart failure settings also reported little or no change in [Na] when I(Na-L)was increased. Based on our simulations, the major short-term effect of markedly augmenting I(Na-L)is a significant prolongation of the action potential and an associated increase in the likelihood of reactivation of the L-type Ca2+ current, Ica-L. Furthermore, this action potential prolongation does not contribute to [Na]; increase.This work was supported by (i) the "VI Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica" from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (grant number TIN2012-37546-C03-01) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds-ERDF-FEDER), (ii) by the Direccion General de Politica Cientifica de la Generalitat Valenciana (grant number GV/2013/119), and by (iii), Programa Prometeo (PROMETEO/2016/088) de la Conselleria d'Educacio Formacio I Ocupacio, Generalitat Valenciana. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.K Cardona; Trénor Gomis, BA.; W Giles (2016). Changes in Intracellular Na+ following Enhancement of Late Na+ Current in Virtual Human Ventricular Myocytes. PLoS ONE. 11(11). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167060S111

    The operational sex ratio and density influence spatial relationships between breeding pipefish

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    The operational sex ratio (ratio of sexually receptive males to females) has been extensively studied in behavioral ecology, whereas other demographic factors such as the effect of density on mating behavior have received less empirical attention. We manipulated mating competition by establishing breeding populations of the sex-role reversed broad-nosed pipefish (Syngnathus typhle) at 2 sex ratios (male biased or female biased) and 2 densities. We used mean crowding (m*) and the index of association (X) to measure spatial distributions within and between the sexes, respectively, and investigated how these measures reflect the predicted strength of mating competition. In general, female m* increased as fewer males were available for mating, which suggests increased intrasexual competition in the most competitive sex. However, male m* also increased as the operational sex ratio became more female biased, suggesting that m* did not reflect mating competition for males. Association between the sexes (X) was higher under male bias than female bias, probably because males were still available for mating under male bias. In addition, X decreased in the female-biased treatment as the operational sex ratio became even more female biased. Higher density increased m* in both sex ratios and sexes, although for both sexes in the female-biased high-density treatment the operational sex ratio did not influence m*, probably because female–female competition inhibits further crowding in this treatment. In this study, we show that the use of m* and X can be a useful tool in behavioral studies but their interpretation requires detailed information about the mating system. Therefore, we recommend caution with their broadscale application
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