820 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan Pasien tentang Pemberian Informasi Obat di Puskesmas Meuraxa dan Puskesmas Batoh Kota Banda Aceh

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    Pelaksanaan pelayanan informasi obat merupakan kewajiban tenaga kefarmasian yang didasarkan pada kepentingan pasien, dimana salah satu bentuk pelayanan informasi obat yang wajib diberikan oleh tenaga kefarmasian yaitu penggunaan obat secara  tepat,  aman  dan  rasional. Pemberian informasi obat yang diberikan oleh tenaga kefarmasian berdampak dengan ketidak patuhan pasien dalam mengkonsumsi obat. Penelitian  ini  bertujuan untuk  mengetahui pengetahuan  pasien  tentang pemberian informasi obat di Puskesmas Meuraxa dan Puskesmas Batoh Kota Banda Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara survey. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive dan quota sampling yaitu digunakan untuk menentukan sampel dari 98 pasien puskesmas Meuraxa dan 97 pasien puskesmas Batoh Kota Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan   responden   tentang  pengetahuan   pasien   di   Puskesmas Meuraxa tergolong cukup (35,7%) dan di  Puskesmas  Batoh  tergolong  baik (45,4%). Pengetahuan pasien tentang pemberian informasi obat di Puskesmas Meuraxa dan Puskesmas Batoh termasuk kategori baik

    Pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer untuk efi siensi penyelenggaraan makanan di Instalasi Gizi RS Militer Malang

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    ABSTRACTBackground: The rapid development of science and technology in the globalization era, particularly information technology enables data or information to be processed quickly and accurately. Nutrition service in the form of food provision in hospitals requires precision and accuracy  as well as speed in its process. Therefore the utilization of science and technology especially computer-based information system will be of much help. Nutrition installation of Malang Military Hospital still uses manual method in calculating the need for food stock so that it needs more time and nutrition staff to do the work.    Method: The study was a quasi experimental study (before and after) without control group to fi nd out the difference in duration of food stock need calculation before and after the implementation of computer-based information system in the food provision at Nutrition Installation of Malang Military Hospital.Result: The implementation of computer-based information system at nutrition installation improved nutrition staff and time effi ciency in the calculation of food stock needs. Only one nutrition staff was needed to operate computer, whereas in the manual calculation method two nutrition staff were needed to do the work. The time needed to calculate food stock before the implementation of computer-based information system in average was 3.5 hours and after the implementation was 1.6 hours, based on statistical test at signifi cance level 95% p<α(0.05) whereby 0.003<0.05. This meant there was difference in duration of time needed before and after the implementation of computer-based information system in food provision at Nutrition Installation of Malang Military Hospital.Conclusion: The development of computer-based information system improved nutrition staff and time effi ciency in the calculation of food stock need in food provision at Nutrition Installation of Malang Military Hospital.KEYWORDS: information system, effi ciency, food stock calculation, nutrition installation, food provisionABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Perkembangan iptek pada era globalisasi yang begitu pesat, terutama teknologi informasi akan memungkinkan proses data atau informasi dengan cepat dan akurat. Pelayanan gizi, dalam hal penyelenggaraan makanan rumah sakit dalam prosesnya memerlukan ketelitian dan ketepatan serta kecepatan waktu yang digunakan. Untuk itu, pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknolgi dalam hal ini sistem informasi berbasis komputer akan sangat membantu. Instalasi Gizi Rumah Sakit Militer Malang (RSMM), dalam kegiatan perhitungan kebutuhan bahan makanan masih menggunakan penghitungan secara manual sehingga memerlukan waktu dan tenaga kerja gizi yang lebih untuk menyelesaikannya.Tujuan: Mengembangkan sistem informasi berbasis komputer untuk meningkatkan efi siensi waktu dan tenaga kerja gizi dalam perhitungan kebutuhan bahan makanan pada penyelenggaraan makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSMM.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experimental (before-after) tanpa kelompok kontrol untuk mengetahui perbedaan durasi waktu yang digunakan dalam perhitungan kebutuhan bahan makanan sebelum dan sesudah menerapkan sistem informasi berbasis komputer pada penyelenggaraan makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSMM.Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan penerapan sistem informasi berbasis komputer pada instalasi gizi akan meningkatkan efi siensi tenaga kerja gizi dan waktu dalam perhitungan kebutuhan bahan makanan. Satu tenaga kerja gizi cukup digunakan untuk operasional computer yangsebelumnya 2 tenaga kerja gizi untuk perhitungan secara manual. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk perhitungan bahan makanan sebelum dan sesudah menerapkan sistem informasi berbasis komputer berbeda nyata dengan rata-rata adalah 3,5 jam dan 1,6 jam(p<0,05).Kesimpulan: Pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer akan meningkatkan efi siensi tenaga kerja gizi dan waktu dalam perhitungan kebutuhan bahan makanan pada penyelenggaraan makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSMM.KATA KUNCI: sistem Informasi, komputer, efi siensi tenaga kerja gizi dan waktu, perhitungan kebutuhan bahan makana

    Tipo de Lactancia y su Relación con el Grado de Severidad de Bronquiolitis Aguda

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    Determinar la relación entre el tipo de lactancia y el grado de severidad de Bronquiolitis Aguda. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Se realizó un estudio Observacional, Transversal, Retrospectivo, Analítico, en 67 pacientes con diagnóstico de Bronquiolitis Aguda atendidos en el servicio de Emergencia Pediátrica del Hospital Belén de Trujillo en el año 2019, de quienes recolectamos información de la historia clínica para poder medir la severidad de la Bronquiolitis según la “Escala de Bierman y Pierson modificada por Tal” e identificando el tipo de Lactancia. Utilizamos la prueba no paramétrica de Chi-Cuadrado para medir la relación entre el tipo de lactancia y el grado de severidad de la bronquiolitis. RESULTADOS Se reportó simultáneamente la distribución de los pacientes pediátricos con bronquiolitis según el tipo de lactancia y la severidad de la bronquiolitis. Los menores con lactancia materna, el 97.5% presentó una bronquiolitis leve y el 2.5% una bronquiolitis severa; del total de menores con lactancia no materna el 51.9% presentó una bronquiolitis leve y el 48.1% bronquiolitis severa. CONCLUSIÓN Se puede distinguir que en los pacientes con lactancia materna tienen un mayor porcentaje de presentar una bronquiolitis leve respecto a los que No mantienen una 5 Lactancia Materna, con una diferencia porcentual notable, situación que es corroborada por la prueba chi cuadrado 2=20.32, que encuentra evidencias suficientes de alta significación estadística y que permite señalar que la lactancia materna es un factor protector para la severidad de la bronquiolitis (p=0.000, p<0.01 relación estadística altamente significativa)To determine the relationship between the type of lactation and the degree of severity of Acute Bronchiolitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS An Observational, Cross-sectional, Retrospective, Analytical study was carried out in 67 patients with a diagnosis of Acute Bronchiolitis treated at the Pediatric Emergency Service of the Hospital Belén de Trujillo in 2019, from whom we collected information from the clinical history to be able to measure the severity of Bronchiolitis according to the ""Bierman and Pierson Scale modified by Tal"" and identifying the type of Breastfeeding. We used the nonparametric Chi-Square test to measure the relationship between the type of lactation and the degree of severity of bronchiolitis. RESULTS The distribution of pediatric patients with bronchiolitis according to the type of lactation and the severity of bronchiolitis was simultaneously reported. The minors with breastfeeding, 97.5% presented mild bronchiolitis and 2.5% severe bronchiolitis; Of the total number of minors not breastfeeding, 51.9% presented mild bronchiolitis and 48.1% severe bronchiolitis. CONCLUSION It can be distinguished that in patients with breastfeeding they have a higher percentage of presenting mild bronchiolitis compared to those who do not maintain a Breastfeeding, with a notable percentage difference, a situation that is corroborated by 7 the chi-square test 2=20.32, which finds sufficient evidence of high statistical significance and that allows us to point out that breastfeeding is a protective factor for the severity of bronchiolitis (p=0.000, p<0.01 highly significant statistical relationship).Tesi


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    ABSTRAK Model Pembelajaran adalah strategi yang digunakan dalam dunia pendidikan dengan menerapkan pada mata pelajaran tertentu. Rendahnya motivasi belajar peserta didik, pemilihan model pelajaran yang belum sesuai dan masih berpusat dengan pendidik, kurangnya alat atau media sebagai alat bantu dalam pelajaran. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan berpikir kritis peserta didik sehingga peserta didik Mampu meningkatkan konsep pemahaman IPA Kelas V di MI Masyariqul Anwar Dupa. Penelitian ini menerapkan Pembelajaran model think pair share berbantuan Leafleat pada mata pelajaran IPA. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, refleksi. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, tes, angket, dokumentasi. Peneliti ini digunakan dengan tiga siklus dengan tiga kali pertemuan. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut penulis dapat memperoleh hasil data yaitu pada rata-rata hasil motivasi belajar peserta didik mencapai rata-rata terlihat dari hasil motivasi belajar pada siklus I sebesar 59,8%, yang belum mencapai keberhasilan motivasi belajar, kemudian dilanjutkan pada siklus ke II meningkat menjadi 78,6 selisih peningkatan siklus 1 ke siklus 2 yaitu (18,8%) dan pada siklus III meningkat menjadi 86,7% selisih peningkatan siklus 2 ke siklus 3 yaitu (8,1%), dan telah mencapai kriteria keberhasilan. Sedangkan pada hasil tes berpikir kritis belajar peserta didik mengalami peningkatan setiap siklus yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata pada siklus I 54,2%, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 65,7% (11,5%) kemudian di siklus III meningkat menjadi 83,8% selisih siklus 2 ke siklus 3 (18,1%) dengan indikator ketuntasan 85%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan ada peningkatan motivasi belajar dan berpikir kritis pelajaran IPA peserta didik kelas V MI Masyariqul Anwar Dupa Bandar lampung. Daftar Referensi : Kata Kunci : Pemahaman Konsep IPA, Motivasi Belajar, Leafleat, think pair shar

    A semiotic framework for the analysis of virtual architecture in digital games

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    This paper proposes a semiotic framework for the analysis of architecture in digital games that combines the theory of Umberto Eco of denotation and connotation in architecture with the concept of “anticipatory play” devised by Brian Upton. Virtual architecture is a central signifier in digital games, and its design heavily influences the gameplay as well as the narrative. In 3D games players interact with virtual environments that closely resemble our real architecture, and as such many of the tools we use to analyse real architecture can be successfully applied to virtual architecture as well. Through a series of examples this paper will illustrate how architectural signs in games communicate to players and how they can be used to enhance gameplay, narration, and immersion

    Simulazione e progettazione di sistemi per la propulsione ferroviaria

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    Il seguente lavoro di tesi è focalizzato sull’analisi e sulla simulazione dell’azionamento della locomotiva E404 facente parte dell’elettrotreno ETR 500/PLT. Il primo capitolo riguarda la descrizione generale della composizione del treno in esame, e in particolare ci si sofferma maggiormente sulle caratteristiche della locomotiva e delle carrozze, con l’aggiunta della caratteristica di trazione e di frenatura. Il secondo capitolo va ad analizzare in modo più approfondito l’architettura del sistema elettrico presente all’interno della locomotiva, attraverso una descrizione di ogni singolo componente. Nel terzo capitolo si da una descrizione delle componenti principali del circuito elettrico e delle 3 possibili configurazioni al variare del tipo di alimentazione presente in linea. Col quarto capitolo si passa alla descrizione del controllo DTC, una delle tipologie possibili per l’azionamento di un motore asincrono trifase. Il quinto capitolo si occupa invece dell’illustrazione del software Dymola che è stato utilizzato per l’implementazione del modello, e dei blocchi che costituiscono il modello stesso. Il sesto e ultimo capitolo riguarda l'illustrazione e l'analisi critica delle simulazioni effettuate

    Semiotic analysis of the Corinthian order in the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence 1420-1490

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    The purpose of this article is to apply the Threefold Laws of Meaning, developed by Lady Welby, to the Corinthian order of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence so as to analyze the morphological differences and symbols of its architectural order from 1420, when the construction of the new plan for the Basilica commissioned by Giovanni di Averardo dei Medici and designed by Brunelleschi started, to 1490, when it came to its completion under Lorenzo de Medici and the supervision of Giuliano da Sangallo. It will demonstrate how Lady Welby’s threefold laws of meaning can be successfully used to comprehend, through signs, the historical evolution of the Basilica and the transformation of architectural thought in the 15th century

    Periodo intergenésico corto post-aborto asociado a parto pretérmino

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    Objetivo: Determinar si el periodo intergenésico corto, post-aborto está asociado a parto pretérmino. Material y Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico, de tipo cohortes. La muestra, de la población de estudio, estuvo constituida por 528 gestantes con antecedente de aborto que, mediante los criterios de inclusión y exclusión se distribuyeron en 2 grupos; 264 gestantes con periodo intergenésico corto post-aborto y 264 gestantes con periodo intergenésico adecuado post-aborto. Resultados: La incidencia de parto pretérmino fue de 22.2% entre todas las gestantes con antecedente de aborto. Mientras que, la incidencia de parto pretérmino en gestantes con periodo intergenésico corto post-aborto fue de 25,5% y 17,6 % para aquellas con periodo intergenésico adecuado. Las gestantes con un periodo intergenésico corto post-aborto tuvieron 1.49 veces más probabilidades de tener un parto pretérmino. (RR: 1.489, 95%, IC. 1.073-2.067) Por último, la media de edad entre las gestantes con periodo intergenésico corto y adecuado, post-aborto fue de 27.7 y 28.5 años, respectivamente. Conclusiones: El periodo intergenésico corto post-aborto está asociado a parto pretérmino.Objective: To determine whether short interpregnancy interval, following an abortion, is associated with preterm birth. Methods: We conducted an observational, analitic, retrospective cohort study. The sample of the study consisted of 528 pregnant women with a history of abortion who, through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were divided into 2 groups; 264 pregnant women with a short interpregnancy interval and 264 pregnant women with an adequate interpregnancy interval, following the abortion. Results: The incidence of preterm birth was 22.2% in all pregnant women with a history of abortion. The incidence of preterm birth in pregnant women with a short interpregnancy interval was 25.5% and 17.6%, for those who had an adequate interpregnancy interval, following the abortion. Pregnant women with a short interpregnancy interval, following an abortion, were 1.49 times more likely to have preterm birth. (RR: 1.489, 95%, CI 1.0732.067) Finally, the mean age among pregnant women with a short and adequate interpregnancy interval, following an abortion, was 27.7 and 28.5 years, respectively. Conclusions: Short interpregnancy interval, following an abortion, is associated with preterm birth.Tesi

    Games as Authorial Platforms? An Exploration of the Legal Status of User-created Content from Digital Games

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    Digital games can be considered as composed of two main components: the props, i.e. visual, textual, and aural elements such as codes, 3D models and animations; and the form, specially the interaction between players and games, the act of playing itself. This dichotomy thus begs the question whether digital games are indeed games if nobody plays them, and ultimately: who is the owner of the gameplay and any by-product of the interaction between the game and the players? This paper explores the copyright status of content created by users with digital games, such as gameplay videos and images, for example art based on digital game assets, namely virtual photography; as well as customized in-game objects. Many modern digital games offer considerable freedom to players, in terms of how the action on screen evolves and the visual outcomes that the game can produce. Scholars have asserted that digital games avatars, the characters created in games, should be considered a joint work between players and the game developers and some game companies allow the commercial use of videos created from their games. Conversely, other companies expressly prohibit such use, and issue DMCA takedown notices to infringers. Attention will be devoted to specific games as authorial tools, such as SpaceEngine and Townscaper, where there are neither objectives nor challenges, but they are rather tools that enable players’ creativity

    Measuring pain self-efficacy and health related quality of life among hemodialysis patients in Greece: a cross-sectional study

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    Patients suffering from end-stage kidney disease often complain about pain. It is also known that the presence of chronic pain greatly impacts upon patients’ quality of life (QOL) and can play a crucial role in the co-morbidity of mental health symptoms such as depression and anxiety. The main aim of this study protocol is the investigation of pain self-efficacy, QOL as well as their relation in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. The final sample size will be around 70-80 patients. Each subject’s QOL and pain self-efficacy will be measured using the following instruments: i) the Missoula-ITAS Quality of Life Index-15 and ii) the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. QOL is expected to be related to pain self-efficacy scores. This probable association will be indicated performing regression as well as correlation analysis after controlling for gender, age, education and marital status