10,225 research outputs found

    Gauge Invariance of Resummation Schemes: The QCD Partition Function

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    We pick up a method originally developed by Cheng and Tsai for vacuum perturbation theory which allows to test the consistency of different sets of Feynman rules on a purely diagrammatic level, making explicit loop calculations superfluous. We generalize it to perturbative calculations in thermal field theory and we show that it can be adapted to check the gauge invariance of physical quantities calculated in improved perturbation schemes. Specifically, we extend this diagrammatic technique to a simple resummation scheme in imaginary time perturbation theory. As an application, we check up to O(g^4) in general covariant gauge the gauge invariance of the result for the QCD partition function which was recently obtained in Feynman gauge.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, using RevTeX and feynmf.sty, Replacement: NO changes to the paper, TeX-source now additionally avaibl

    High temperature color conductivity at next-to-leading log order

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    The non-Abelian analog of electrical conductivity at high temperature has previously been known only at leading logarithmic order: that is, neglecting effects suppressed only by an inverse logarithm of the gauge coupling. We calculate the first sub-leading correction. This has immediate application to improving, to next-to-leading log order, both effective theories of non-perturbative color dynamics, and calculations of the hot electroweak baryon number violation rate.Comment: 47 pages, 6+2 figure

    Thermalization vs. Isotropization & Azimuthal Fluctuations

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    Hydrodynamic description requires a local thermodynamic equilibrium of the system under study but an approximate hydrodynamic behaviour is already manifested when a momentum distribution of liquid components is not of equilibrium form but merely isotropic. While the process of equilibration is relatively slow, the parton system becomes isotropic rather fast due to the plasma instabilities. Azimuthal fluctuations observed in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are argued to distinguish between a fully equilibrated and only isotropic parton system produced in the collision early stage.Comment: 12 pages, presented at `Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions', MIT, April 05, minor correction

    Fluctuations from dissipation in a hot non-Abelian plasma

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    We consider a transport equation of the Boltzmann-Langevin type for non-Abelian plasmas close to equilibrium to derive the spectral functions of the underlying microscopic fluctuations from the entropy. The correlator of the stochastic source is obtained from the dissipative processes in the plasma. This approach, based on classical transport theory, exploits the well-known link between a linearized collision integral, the entropy and the spectral functions. Applied to the ultra-soft modes of a hot non-Abelian (classical or quantum) plasma, the resulting spectral functions agree with earlier findings obtained from the microscopic theory. As a by-product, it follows that B\"odeker's effective theory is consistent with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, no figures, identical to published versio

    Whitening of the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    Parton-parton collisions do not neutralize local color charges in the quark-gluon plasma as they only redistribute the charges among momentum modes. We discuss color diffusion and color conductivity as the processes responsible for the neutralization of the plasma. For this purpose, we first compute the conductivity and diffusion coefficients in the plasma that is significantly colorful. Then, the time evolution of the color density due to the conductivity and diffusion is studied. The conductivity is shown to be much more efficient than the diffusion in neutralizing the plasma at the scale longer than the screening length. Estimates of the characteristic time scales, which are based on close to global equilibrium computations, suggest that first the plasma becomes white and then the momentum degrees of freedom thermalize.Comment: 9 pages, revised, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-Correlation Coefficients and Phase-Shift Analysis for p+3^3He Elastic Scattering

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    Angular Distributions for the target spin-dependent observables A0y_{0y}, Axx_{xx}, and Ayy_{yy} have been measured using polarized proton beams at several energies between 2 and 6 MeV and a spin-exchange optical pumping polarized 3^3He target. These measurements have been included in a global phase-shift analysis following that of George and Knutson, who reported two best-fit phase-shift solutions to the previous global p+3^3He elastic scattering database below 12 MeV. These new measurements, along with measurements of cross-section and beam-analyzing power made over a similar energy range by Fisher \textit{et al.}, allowed a single, unique solution to be obtained. The new measurements and phase-shifts are compared with theoretical calculations using realistic nucleon-nucleon potential models.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Viscosity of High Energy Nuclear Fluids

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    Relativistic high energy heavy ion collision cross sections have been interpreted in terms of almost ideal liquid droplets of nuclear matter. The experimental low viscosity of these nuclear fluids have been of considerable recent quantum chromodynamic interest. The viscosity is here discussed in terms of the string fragmentation models wherein the temperature dependence of the nuclear fluid viscosity obeys the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann law.Comment: 6 pages, ReVTeX 4 format, two figures, *.eps forma

    Dynamics of Quark-Gluon-Plasma Instabilities in Discretized Hard-Loop Approximation

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    Non-Abelian plasma instabilities have been proposed as a possible explanation for fast isotropization of the quark-gluon plasma produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We study the real-time evolution of these instabilities in non-Abelian plasmas with a momentum-space anisotropy using a hard-loop effective theory that is discretized in the velocities of hard particles. We extend our previous results on the evolution of the most unstable modes, which are constant in directions transverse to the direction of anisotropy, from gauge group SU(2) to SU(3). We also present first full 3+1-dimensional simulation results based on velocity-discretized hard loops. In contrast to the effectively 1+1-dimensional transversely constant modes we find subexponential behaviour at late times.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures. v3 typos fixe

    Singularities and the distribution of density in the Burgers/adhesion model

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    We are interested in the tail behavior of the pdf of mass density within the one and dd-dimensional Burgers/adhesion model used, e.g., to model the formation of large-scale structures in the Universe after baryon-photon decoupling. We show that large densities are localized near ``kurtoparabolic'' singularities residing on space-time manifolds of codimension two (d≤2d \le 2) or higher (d≥3d \ge 3). For smooth initial conditions, such singularities are obtained from the convex hull of the Lagrangian potential (the initial velocity potential minus a parabolic term). The singularities contribute {\em \hbox{universal} power-law tails} to the density pdf when the initial conditions are random. In one dimension the singularities are preshocks (nascent shocks), whereas in two and three dimensions they persist in time and correspond to boundaries of shocks; in all cases the corresponding density pdf has the exponent -7/2, originally proposed by E, Khanin, Mazel and Sinai (1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1904) for the pdf of velocity gradients in one-dimensional forced Burgers turbulence. We also briefly consider models permitting particle crossings and thus multi-stream solutions, such as the Zel'dovich approximation and the (Jeans)--Vlasov--Poisson equation with single-stream initial data: they have singularities of codimension one, yielding power-law tails with exponent -3.Comment: LATEX 11 pages, 6 figures, revised; Physica D, in pres

    Centrality dependence of elliptic flow and QGP viscosity

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    In the Israel-Stewart's theory of second order hydrodynamics, we have analysed the recent PHENIX data on charged particles elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions. PHENIX data demand more viscous fluid in peripheral collisions than in central collisions. Over a broad range of collision centrality (0-10%- 50-60%), viscosity to entropy ratio (η/s\eta/s) varies between 0-0.17.Comment: Final version to be publiashed in J. Phys. G. 8 pages, 6 figures and 3 table
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