290 research outputs found

    An exploration of the organisational stressors encountered by international disability footballers

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    Presently, disability athletes remain under-represented in organisational stressor research. Our study sought to bring novel insights to this area by determining the organisational stressors experienced by international disability footballers. Twelve current international disability footballers (10 male, 2 female) from a range of UK impairment squads took part in the study. Semi-structured interviews were completed with each participant, and data were analysed by content analysis procedures. Organisational stressors data were abstracted into Arnold, Wagstaff, Steadman, and Pratt’s (2017) concepts, and Arnold and Fletcher’s (2012) four general dimensions: leadership and personnel issues, cultural and team issues, logistical and environmental issues, and performance and personal issues, revealing a series of football specific nuances. Our study is the first exploration of the prevalence of organisational stressors within international disability football. Our study also provides practitioners with an understanding of the common and unique organisational stressors faced by international disability footballers. Finally, we suggest a series of practical recommendations for policy development within disability football organisations to aid athletes to effective manage organisational stressors.</div

    The RNA polymerase activity of SARS-coronavirus nsp12 is primer dependent

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    An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) is the central catalytic subunit of the RNA-synthesizing machinery of all positive-strand RNA viruses. Usually, RdRp domains are readily identifiable by comparative sequence analysis, but biochemical confirmation and characterization can be hampered by intrinsic protein properties and technical complications. It is presumed that replication and transcription of the approximately 30-kb severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SARS-CoV) RNA genome are catalyzed by an RdRp domain in the C-terminal part of nonstructural protein 12 (nsp12), one of 16 replicase subunits. However, thus far full-length nsp12 has proven refractory to expression in bacterial systems, which has hindered both the biochemical characterization of coronavirus RNA synthesis and RdRp-targeted antiviral drug design. Here, we describe a combined strategy involving bacterial expression of an nsp12 fusion protein and its in vivo cleavage to generate and purify stable SARS-CoV nsp12 (106 kDa) with a natural N-terminus and C-terminal hexahistidine tag. This recombinant protein possesses robust in vitro RdRp activity, as well as a significant DNA-dependent activity that may facilitate future inhibitor studies. The SARS-CoV nsp12 is primer dependent on both homo- and heteropolymeric templates, supporting the likeliness of a close enzymatic collaboration with the intriguing RNA primase activity that was recently proposed for coronavirus nsp8

    An exploration of the organisational stressors encountered by international disability footballers

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    Presently, disability athletes remain under-represented in organisational stressor research. Our study sought to bring novel insights to this area by determining the organisational stressors experienced by international disability footballers. Twelve current international disability footballers (10 male, 2 female) from a range of UK impairment squads took part in the study. Semi-structured interviews were completed with each participant, and data were analysed by content analysis procedures. Organisational stressors data were abstracted into Arnold, Wagstaff, Steadman, and Pratt’s (2017) concepts, and Arnold and Fletcher’s (2012) four general dimensions: leadership and personnel issues, cultural and team issues, logistical and environmental issues, and performance and personal issues, revealing a series of football specific nuances. Our study is the first exploration of the prevalence of organisational stressors within international disability football. Our study also provides practitioners with an understanding of the common and unique organisational stressors faced by international disability footballers. Finally, we suggest a series of practical recommendations for policy development within disability football organisations to aid athletes to effective manage organisational stressors

    The enterovirus genome can be translated in an IRES-independent manner that requires the initiation factors eIF2A/eIF2D

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    RNA recombination in positive-strand RNA viruses is a molecular-genetic process, which permits the greatest evolution of the genome and may be essential to stabilizing the genome from the deleterious consequences of accumulated mutations. Enteroviruses represent a useful system to elucidate the details of this process. On the biochemical level, it is known that RNA recombination is catalyzed by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase using a template-switching mechanism. For this mechanism to function in cells, the recombining genomes must be located in the same subcellular compartment. How a viral genome is trafficked to the site of genome replication and recombination, which is membrane associated and isolated from the cytoplasm, is not known. We hypothesized that genome translation was essential for colocalization of genomes for recombination. We show that complete inactivation of internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation of a donor enteroviral genome enhanced recombination instead of impairing it. Recombination did not occur by a nonreplicative mechanism. Rather, sufficient translation of the nonstructural region of the genome occurred to support subsequent steps required for recombination. The noncanonical translation initiation factors, eIF2A and eIF2D, were required for IRES-independent translation. Our results support an eIF2A/eIF2D-dependent mechanism under conditions in which the eIF2-dependent mechanism is inactive. Detection of an IRES-independent mechanism for translation of the enterovirus genome provides an explanation for a variety of debated observations, including nonreplicative recombination and persistence of enteroviral RNA lacking an IRES. The existence of an eIF2A/eIF2D-dependent mechanism in enteroviruses predicts the existence of similar mechanisms in other viruses

    Erratum: The RNA polymerase activity of SARS-coronavirus nsp12 is primer dependent

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    The authors wish to apologise for an error in the concentration of tetracycline used to induce SARS-coronavirus nsp12 expression in E. coli. In the second paragraph of Materials and Methods, the sentence: “Subsequently, the cells were slowly cooled to room temperature, tetracycline was added to a final concentration of 200 μg/ml and the cells were further grown at 20°C for another 16 h.” should read “Subsequently, the cells were slowly cooled to room temperature, tetracycline was added to a final concentration of 200 ng/ml and the cells were further grown at 20°C for another 16 h.

    Monitoring a simple hydrolysis process in an organic solid by observing methyl group rotation

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    We report a variety of experiments and calculations and their interpretations regarding methyl group (CH3) rotation in samples of pure 3-methylglutaric anhydride (1), pure 3-methylglutaric acid (2), and samples where the anhydride is slowly absorbing water from the air and converting to the acid [C6H8O3(1) + H2O → C6H10O4(2)]. The techniques are solid state 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-lattice relaxation, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electronic structure calculations in both isolated molecules and in clusters of molecules that mimic the crystal structure, field emission scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and high resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy. The solid state 1H spin-lattice relaxation experiments allow us to observe the temperature dependence of the parameters that characterize methyl group rotation in both compounds and in mixtures of the two compounds. In the mixtures, both types of methyl groups (that is, molecules of 1 and 2) can be observed independently and simultaneously at low temperatures because the solid state 1H spin-lattice relaxation is appropriately described by a double exponential. We have followed the conversion 1 → 2 over periods of two years. The solid state 1H spin-lattice relaxation experiments in pure samples of 1 and 2 indicate that there is a distribution of NMR activation energies for methyl group rotation in 1 but not in 2 and we are able to explain this in terms of the particle sizes seen in the field emission scanning electron microscopy images

    Phosphate release contributes to the rate-limiting step for unwinding by an RNA helicase

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    RNA helicases function in numerous aspects of RNA biology. These enzymes are RNA-stimulated ATPases that translocate on RNA and unwind or remodel structured RNA in an ATP-dependent fashion. How ATP and the ATPase cycle fuel the work performed by helicases is not completely clear. The hepatitis C virus RNA helicase, NS3, is an important model system for this class of enzymes. NS3 binding to a single-/double-strand RNA or DNA junction leads to ATP-independent melting of the duplex and formation of a complex capable of ATP-dependent unwinding by using a spring-loaded mechanism. We have established an RNA substrate for NS3 that can be unwound in a single sub-step. Our studies are consistent with a model in which a single ATP binding and/or hydrolysis event sets the unwinding spring and phosphate dissociation contributes to release of the spring, thereby driving the power stroke used for unwinding

    Fidelity Variants of RNA Dependent RNA Polymerases Uncover an Indirect, Mutagenic Activity of Amiloride Compounds

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    In a screen for RNA mutagen resistance, we isolated a high fidelity RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) variant of Coxsackie virus B3 (CVB3). Curiously, this variant A372V is also resistant to amiloride. We hypothesize that amiloride has a previously undescribed mutagenic activity. Indeed, amiloride compounds increase the mutation frequencies of CVB3 and poliovirus and high fidelity variants of both viruses are more resistant to this effect. We hypothesize that this mutagenic activity is mediated through alterations in intracellular ions such as Mg2+ and Mn2+, which in turn increase virus mutation frequency by affecting RdRp fidelity. Furthermore, we show that another amiloride-resistant RdRp variant, S299T, is completely resistant to this mutagenic activity and unaffected by changes in ion concentrations. We show that RdRp variants resist the mutagenic activity of amiloride via two different mechanisms: 1) increased fidelity that generates virus populations presenting lower basal mutation frequencies or 2) resisting changes in divalent cation concentrations that affect polymerase fidelity. Our results uncover a new antiviral approach based on mutagenesis

    The Effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing on Prospective Imagery and Anxiety in Golfers

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    © 2018, Copyright © Association for Applied Sport Psychology. In this study we make a novel contribution by examining the effects of an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) intervention on detrimental prospective imagery in 4 amateur golfers, using a single-case multiple-baseline across-participants design. Postintervention, all participants reported reduced negative imagery effects; Participants 1, 3, and 4 showed reduced cognitive anxiety, Participants 1 and 4 reduced somatic anxiety, and Participant 3 positively relabeled somatic anxiety experiences. Social validation data demonstrated EMDR to be perceived positively and effective in delivering notable changes. Consultancy experiences of using EMDR in golf are discussed, and areas for future researchers and applied practitioners are outlined

    Sensitivity of Mitochondrial Transcription and Resistance of RNA Polymerase II Dependent Nuclear Transcription to Antiviral Ribonucleosides

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    Ribonucleoside analogues have potential utility as anti-viral, -parasitic, -bacterial and -cancer agents. However, their clinical applications have been limited by off target effects. Development of antiviral ribonucleosides for treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has been hampered by appearance of toxicity during clinical trials that evaded detection during preclinical studies. It is well established that the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase is an off target for deoxyribonucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Here we test the hypothesis that triphosphorylated metabolites of therapeutic ribonucleoside analogues are substrates for cellular RNA polymerases. We have used ribonucleoside analogues with activity against HCV as model compounds for therapeutic ribonucleosides. We have included ribonucleoside analogues containing 2′-C-methyl, 4′-methyl and 4′-azido substituents that are non-obligate chain terminators of the HCV RNA polymerase. We show that all of the anti-HCV ribonucleoside analogues are substrates for human mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT) and eukaryotic core RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in vitro. Unexpectedly, analogues containing 2′-C-methyl, 4′-methyl and 4′-azido substituents were inhibitors of POLRMT and Pol II. Importantly, the proofreading activity of TFIIS was capable of excising these analogues from Pol II transcripts. Evaluation of transcription in cells confirmed sensitivity of POLRMT to antiviral ribonucleosides, while Pol II remained predominantly refractory. We introduce a parameter termed the mitovir (mitochondrial dysfunction caused by antiviral ribonucleoside) score that can be readily obtained during preclinical studies that quantifies the mitochondrial toxicity potential of compounds. We suggest the possibility that patients exhibiting adverse effects during clinical trials may be more susceptible to damage by nucleoside analogs because of defects in mitochondrial or nuclear transcription. The paradigm reported here should facilitate development of ribonucleosides with a lower potential for toxicity