154 research outputs found

    Upprepad administrering av trimetoprim/sulfadiazin till neonatala föl

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    Today most dosages used in horse medicine are based on studies in adult horses. Since there are differences between adult and neonatal horses with respect to different pharmacological parameters this can cause problems when administring drugs to neonatal foals. Neonatal sepsis is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in foals and aggressive antibiotic treatment is needed immediately when sepsis is suspected. In Sweden the combination of trimethoprim/sulphadiazine and bensylpenicillin is often used as the initial treatment. When administering drugs, interactions can occur between the drugs and endogenous substances. An example of such an interaction is called "displacement" and refers in this case to the competition for binding places on plasma proteins between drugs and highly protein-bound enogenous substances. Drugs that themselves are highly protein-bound are at a greater risk for displacement. Bilirubin is an example of an endogenous substance that to a great extent (>99 %) is bound to albumin. When displacement occur more free unconjugated bilirubin becomes available systemically and to a greater extent can pass the blood-brain barrier and cause cellular damage, so called kernicterus. Kernicterus has mostly been reported in neonatal children and is rarely seen in animals. Kernicterus in foals in association with trimethoprim/sulfadiazine treatment has not been reported but it is theoretically possible that also foals could be affected. The aims of the study were to evaluate the dosage used today and its safety with respect to displacement of bilirubin. Seven healthy foals were treated with trimethoprim/sulfadiazine, 15 mg/kg q 12 h for three days. Blood samples were taken daily at the same time points during four days and the concentrations of total protein, albumin and bilrubin (total, conjugated, unconjugated and free unconjugated) were analysed in plasma. Blood samples were taken at the same time points in a matched control group with seven healthy foals. No differences in levels between the different parameters were seen betweeen the foals treated with trimetoprim/sulfadiazin and the controls. The concentration of free unconjugated bilirubin was analysed with equilibrium dialysis and no differences were seen between the foals treated with trimetoprim/sulfadiazin and the control group. The protein binding was 23 % for trimethoprim and 14 % for sulfadiazine, which is a bit lower than the protein binding measured in adult horses at 35 % and 20% respectively. The results in this study, and the clinical experience without reported cases of kernicterus associated with treatment of trimethoprim/sulfadiazin, implies that the dosage used today does not seem to enhance the risk of kernicterus in neonatal foals. One should, however, consider that this study was performed on clinically healthy foals. Since it is known that many diseases affect the turnover of different endogenous and exogenous substances, further studies are warranted in which focus should be put on septicaemic foals, younger neonatal and prenatal foals.Idag bygger de flesta doseringsangivelser inom hĂ€stmedicinen pĂ„ data frĂ„n vuxna hĂ€star. Detta kan skapa problem dĂ„ lĂ€kemedelsomsĂ€ttningen hos neonatala föl kan skilja sig frĂ„n omsĂ€ttningen hos vuxna hĂ€star. Neonatal sepsis Ă€r en vanlig anledning till morbiditet och mortalitet hos föl och krĂ€ver snabbt insatt antibiotikabehandling. I Sverige anvĂ€nds ofta kombinationen trimetoprim/sulfadiazin tillsammans med bensylpenicillin. Vid anvĂ€ndning av lĂ€kemedel kan interaktioner mellan lĂ€kemedlen och endogena substanser intrĂ€ffa. Ett exempel pĂ„ detta Ă€r sĂ„ kallad ”displacement” dĂ€r det uppstĂ„r en konkurrenssituation mellan lĂ€kemedlet och endogena substanser om bindningplatser pĂ„ plasmaproteiner. Detta gĂ€ller framför allt endogena substanser med hög proteinbindningsgrad och risken för displacement Ă€r större vid anvĂ€ndning av ett lĂ€kemedel som sjĂ€lv har hög proteinbindningsgrad. Bilirubin Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ en endogen substans med hög proteinbindningsgrad, > 99 %. Vid displacement innebĂ€r detta att fritt okonjugerat bilirubin i större utstrĂ€ckning riskerar att passera blodhjĂ€rnbarriĂ€ren och orsaka skada, sĂ„ kallad kernikterus. Kernikterus har framförallt rapporterats pĂ„ neonatala barn och Ă€r vĂ€ldigt sĂ€llsynt hos djur. Kernikterus pĂ„ föl i samband med trimetoprimsulfabehandling finns inte rapporterat men teoretiskt Ă€r det fullt möjligt att föl skulle kunna drabbas. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om den nuvarande doseringen för trimetoprim/sulfadiazin Ă€r sĂ€ker att anvĂ€nda för neonatala föl med avseende pĂ„ displacement av bilirubin. Sju kliniskt friska varmblodiga travarföl injicerades intravenöst med trimetoprim/sulfadiazin i doseringen 15 mg/kg q 12 h under tre dagar. Blodprov togs dagligen vid samma tidpunkt i fyra dagar och koncentrationen totalprotein, albumin och bilirubin (totalt, konjugerat, okonjugerat samt fritt okonjugerat) i plasma analyserades. Blodprov togs vid samma tidpunkter hos en matchad kontrollgrupp pĂ„ sju friska föl. Inga skillnader i nivĂ„er av de olika parametrarna kunde ses mellan fölen som behandlats med trimetoprim/sulfadiazin och kontrollgruppen. Koncentrationen fritt okonjugerat bilirubin analyserades med hjĂ€lp av jĂ€mviktsdialys och inte heller dĂ€r sĂ„gs nĂ„gra skillnader mellan fölen som behandlats med trimetoprim/sulfadiazin och kontrollgruppen. Proteinbindningsgraden uppmĂ€ttes till 23 % för trimetoprim och 14 % för sulfadiazine, vilket Ă€r lĂ€gre Ă€n proteinbindningsgraden för vuxna hĂ€star pĂ„ 35 % respektive 20 %. Resultaten i denna studie, samt den kliniska erfarenheten med avsaknad av rapporterade fall av kernikterus pĂ„ föl i samband med trimetoprim/sulfadiazinbehandling, tyder pĂ„ att den dosering av trimetoprim/sulfadiazin som idag anvĂ€nds inte ökar risken för kernikterus hos neonatala föl. Denna studie har dock utförts pĂ„ kliniskt friska föl. Eftersom man vet att diverse sjukdomstillstĂ„nd pĂ„verkar omsĂ€ttningen av olika substanser bör vidare studier utföras dĂ€r man fokuserar pĂ„ föl sjuka i sepsis, och gĂ€rna Ă€ven yngre neonatala samt prenatala föl

    Personality may influence reactivity to stress

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    BACKGROUND: Possible mechanisms behind psychophysiological hyperreactivity may be located at a cognitive-emotional level. Several personality traits have been associated with increased cardiovascular reactivity. Subjects with white coat hypertension, which may constitute a kind of hyperreactivity, are found to suppress their emotions and adapt to the surroundings to a larger extent than controls. We hypothesized in this study that a) stress reactivity is related to personality, and that b) responses to cold pressor test (CPT) and mental stress test (MST) are associated with different personality traits. METHODS: 87 men were selected from the 1(st), 50(th )and 99(th )percentile of a blood pressure screening. Cardiovascular and catecholamine responses to MST and CPT were recorded. Fifteen personality traits were assessed using the Karolinska Scale of Personality. Possible independent explanatory predictors for cardiovascular and catecholamine variables at baseline and during stress were analyzed in multiple linear regression analyses using a stepwise forward procedure. RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses showed that muscular tension (ÎČ = 0.298, p = 0.004), irritability (ÎČ = 0.282, p = 0.016), detachment (ÎČ = 0.272, p = 0.017), psychasthenia (ÎČ = 0.234, p = 0.031) and somatic anxiety (ÎČ = 0.225, p = 0.046) were significant explanatory variables of reactivity to CPT. During MST, verbal aggression (ÎČ = -0.252, 0.031) and detachment (ÎČ = 0.253, p = 0.044) were significant predictors of norepinephrine and diastolic blood pressure response, respectively. Based on KSP-trait quartiles, delta (Δ) systolic (p = 0.025) and Δ diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.003) during MST were related to detachment score, with the highest reactivity in the 4(th )quartile, while Δ norepinephrine was significantly related to muscular tension (p = 0.033). Δ systolic and Δ diastolic blood pressure responses to CPT were dependent on detachment (p = 0.049 and p = 0.011, respectively) and psychasthenia (p = 0.020 and p = 0.015), while high verbal aggression was associated with lower reactivity measured by Δ norepinephrine (p = 0.037). CONCLUSION: The present study indicates that stress reactivity is clearly related to different personality traits, without any single trait being dominant over others. Furthermore, personality seems to have as much, or even more, importance of predicting responses to CPT than responses to MST

    Prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism in atrial fibrillation: A case control study in 75-year old subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) is increasing world wide and amongst factors that aggravate the risk is diabetes mellitus (DM), also in epidemic development.</p> <p>However, although DM is a potentially modifiable risk factor for AF, few, if any, studies have explored the prevalence of undiagnosed dysglycaemia among subjects with AF or if duration of AF are related to parameters of glycaemia or dysglycaemia prevalence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this case control study, amongst 75-year old subjects with and without AF, the prevalence of dysglycaemia, i.e., impaired fasting glycaemia, impaired glucose tolerance or DM, according to World Health Organisation criteria was assessed by a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Prevalence of undiagnosed DM among the 108 subjects (male/female 73/35, BMI 25.4 ± 3.2) without and the 46 (male/female 34/12, BMI 25.3 ± 3.7) with AF (median AF duration five years) where 3.7% and 13.0%, respectively (p = 0.031, Odds ratio (OR) 3.86 (95% Confidence interval [CI]: 1.01, 16.25)) whereas the overall prevalence of dysglycaemia (prediabetes and DM) where similar (respectively 43.5% and 39.1%, p = 0.46, OR 0.83 [95% CI: 0.41, 1.69]). Patients with AF duration ≄ 5 years had however a higher dysglycaemia prevalence (61.1% [DM 22.2%, prediabetes 38.9%]) as compared to AF duration < 5 years (25% [DM 7.1%, prediabetes 17.9%], p = 0.0014, OR 4.7 [95% CI: 1.30, 16.90]) or no AF (p = 0.17, OR 2.04 [95% CI: 0.73, 5.66]). There was also a significant correlation between the duration of AF and HbA1c (r = 0.408, p = 0.005) and fasting glucose levels (r = 0.353, p = 0.016).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>AF is associated with chronic hyperglycaemia amongst 75-year old subjects. Prediabetes and DM should be pro-actively assessed if AF duration ≄ 5 years.</p

    Sammenheng mellom teknologiske og organisatorisk utvikling innenfor oljeboring.

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    Master in Business Administration (MBA) - Nord universitet 201

    Non-invasive evaluation of the effect of metoprolol on the atrioventricular node during permanent atrial fibrillation.

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    During atrial fibrillation (AF), conventional electrophysiological techniques for assessment of refractory period or conduction velocity of the atrioventricular (AV) node cannot be used. We aimed at evaluating changes in AV nodal properties during administration of metoprolol from electrocardiogram data, and to support our findings with simulated data based on results from an electrophysiological study

    Loss-of-Function Variants in Cytoskeletal Genes Are Associated with Early-Onset Atrial Fibrillation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, and it is associated with an increased risk of heart failure, stroke, dementia, and death. Recently, titin-truncating variants (TTNtv), which are predominantly associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), were associated with early-onset AF. Furthermore, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) associated AF with other structural genes. In this study, we investigated whether early-onset AF was associated with loss-of-function variants in DCM-associated genes encoding cytoskeletal proteins. Using targeted sequencing, we examined a cohort of 527 Scandinavian individuals with early-onset AF and a control group of individuals free of AF (n = 383). The patients had onset of AF before 50 years of age, normal echocardiogram, and no other cardiovascular disease at onset of AF. We identified six individuals with rare loss-of-function variants in three different genes (dystrophin (DMD), actin-associated LIM protein (PDLIM3), and fukutin (FKTN)), of which two variants were novel. Loss-of-function variants in cytoskeletal genes were significantly associated with early-onset AF when patients were compared with controls (p = 0.044). Using publicly available GWAS data, we performed genetic correlation analyses between AF and 13 other traits, e.g., showing genetic correlation between AF and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (p = 0.0003). Our data suggest that rare loss-of-function variants in cytoskeletal genes previously associated with DCM may have a role in early-onset AF, perhaps through the development of an atrial cardiomyopathy

    Prevalence and incidence rates of atrial fibrillation in Norway 2004-2014

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    Objective: To study time trends in incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the entire Norwegian population from 2004 to 2014, by age and sex, and to estimate the prevalence of AF at the end of the study period. Methods: A national cohort of patients with AF (≄18 years) was identified from inpatient admissions with AF and deaths with AF as underlying cause (1994–2014), and AF outpatient visits (2008–2014) in the Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) project. AF admissions or out-of-hospital death from AF, with no AF admission the previous 10 years defined incident AF. Age-standardised incidence rates (IR) and incidence rate ratios (IRR) were calculated. All AF cases identified through inpatient admissions and outpatient visits and alive as of 31 December 2014 defined AF prevalence. Results: We identified 175 979 incident AF cases (30% primary diagnosis, 69% secondary diagnosis, 0.6% out-of-hospital deaths). AF IRs (95% confidence intervals) per 100 000 person years were stable from 2004 (433 (426–440)) to 2014 (440 (433–447)). IRs were stable or declining across strata of sex and age with the exception of an average yearly increase of 2.4% in 18–44 year-olds: IRR 1.024 (1.014–1.034). In 2014, the prevalence of AF in the adult population was 3.4%. Conclusions: We found overall stable IRs of AF for the adult Norwegian population from 2004 to 2014. The prevalence of AF was 3.4% at the end of 2014, which is higher than reported in previous studies. Signs of an increasing incidence of early-onset AF (<45 years) are worrying and need further investigation.publishedVersio
