9 research outputs found

    Prevalence of sport injuries, sport participation and drop out due to injury in young adults

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenInngangur:Þátttaka í íþróttum og líkamsrækt hefur farið vaxandi undanfarna áratugi og íþróttameiðsli því orðin algengari. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að meta algengi íþróttameiðsla og brottfall vegna þeirra. Að auki var tilgangurinn að skoða hvort íþróttameiðsli hefðu tengsl við kyn, aldur, þrek, holdafar og iðkun sem var meiri en 6 klukkustundir á viku, miðað við 6 klukkustundir eða minna. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin var þversniðsrannsókn á 457 ungmennum, 17 og 23 ára. Hæð, þyngd, líkamsfita, fitulaus mjúkvefjamassi, beinmassi og þrek (W/kg) voru mæld en spurningalisti notaður til þess að meta þátttöku í íþróttum og líkamsrækt, algengi íþróttameiðsla og brottfall. Niðurstöður: Fjögurhundruð og fjörutíu (96%) höfðu einhvern tímann stundað íþróttir með íþróttafélagi en 277 (63%) voru hætt, fleiri (p=0,058) í hópi stúlkna (67,6%) en drengja (58,8%). Þrjátíu og sjö (8,4%) hættu vegna íþróttameiðsla. Af þeim sem æfðu með íþróttafélagi síðastliðna 12 mánuði voru 51% sem þurftu læknisfræðilega aðstoð einu sinni eða oftar vegna íþróttameiðsla. Þeir sem æfðu meira en 6 klukkustundir á viku höfðu fimmfalt hærra líkindahlutfall þess að hafa leitað læknisfræðilegrar aðstoðar (OR = 5,30; 95% CI: 3,00-9,42) en þeir sem æfðu 6 klukkustundir eða minna. Ályktun: Íþróttameiðsli eru talsvert vandamál sem geta valdið brottfalli úr íþróttum. Áhættuþætti íþróttameiðsla þarf að rannsaka betur svo hægt verði að efla forvarnir og tryggja þjálfun sem byggir á gagnreyndum aðferðum.Introduction: Sport participation has increased during the past few decades, with accompanying rise in sport injuries. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of sport injuries, and drop-out due to them along with possible risk factors (hours of sports participation, sex, age, aerobic fitness and body composition). Material and methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional design was used and the 457 participants were 17 and 23 years old. Height, weight, body fat, lean soft tissue, bone mass, and aerobic fitness (W/kg) were measured. Participation in sports and physical training, and the prevalence of sport injuries and drop-out were estimated using questionnaires. Results: Four hundred and forty participants (96%) had at some time point participated in organized sports, but 277 (63%) were no longer practicing, more commonly (p=0.058) among girls (67.6%) than boys (58.8%). Thirty-seven (8.4%) dropped-out due to sport injuries. Of those participating in organized sports for the past 12 months, 51% required medical assistance at least once because of sport injuries. Multiple regression analysis revealed 5-fold increased risk for requiring medical assistance among those practicing more than 6 hours per week compared to those who practiced 6 hours or less (OR = 5.30, 95% CI: 3.00 to 9.42). Conclusion: Youth sport injuries are a significant problem that can cause drop-out from participation in sport. More research is needed to better understand the impact of risk factors in order to promote prevention and ensure evidence-based training.Rannís, Lýðheilsusjóður, Embætti landlæknis, Íþróttasjóður Mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneytis, Rannsóknarsjóður HÍ, Hjartavernd, Landsbankinn, Síminn, Icepharma, Bílaleigu Akureyrar

    Ground-Based Measurements of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Volcanic Cloud (Iceland)

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    The 2014–2015 Bárðarbunga fissure eruption at Holuhraun in central Iceland was distinguished by the high emission of gases, in total 9.6 Mt SO2, with almost no tephra. This work collates all ground-based measurements of this extraordinary eruption cloud made under particularly challenging conditions: remote location, optically dense cloud with high SO2 column amounts, low UV intensity, frequent clouds and precipitation, an extensive and hot lava field, developing ramparts, and high-latitude winter conditions. Semi-continuous measurements of SO2 flux with three scanning DOAS instruments were augmented by car traverses along the ring-road and along the lava. The ratios of other gases/SO2 were measured by OP-FTIR, MultiGAS, and filter packs. Ratios SO2/HCl = 30–110 and SO2/HF = 30–130 show a halogen-poor eruption cloud. Scientists on-site reported extremely minor tephra production during the eruption. OPC and filter packs showed low particle concentrations similar to non-eruption cloud conditions. Three weather radars detected a droplet-rich eruption cloud. Top of eruption cloud heights of 0.3–5.5 km agl were measured with ground- and aircraft-based visual observations, web camera and NicAIR II infrared images, triangulation of scanning DOAS instruments, and the location of SO2 peaks measured by DOAS traverses. Cloud height and emission rate measurements were critical for initializing gas dispersal simulations for hazard forecasting

    Prevalence of sport injuries, sport participation and drop out due to injury in young adults

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenInngangur:Þátttaka í íþróttum og líkamsrækt hefur farið vaxandi undanfarna áratugi og íþróttameiðsli því orðin algengari. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að meta algengi íþróttameiðsla og brottfall vegna þeirra. Að auki var tilgangurinn að skoða hvort íþróttameiðsli hefðu tengsl við kyn, aldur, þrek, holdafar og iðkun sem var meiri en 6 klukkustundir á viku, miðað við 6 klukkustundir eða minna. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin var þversniðsrannsókn á 457 ungmennum, 17 og 23 ára. Hæð, þyngd, líkamsfita, fitulaus mjúkvefjamassi, beinmassi og þrek (W/kg) voru mæld en spurningalisti notaður til þess að meta þátttöku í íþróttum og líkamsrækt, algengi íþróttameiðsla og brottfall. Niðurstöður: Fjögurhundruð og fjörutíu (96%) höfðu einhvern tímann stundað íþróttir með íþróttafélagi en 277 (63%) voru hætt, fleiri (p=0,058) í hópi stúlkna (67,6%) en drengja (58,8%). Þrjátíu og sjö (8,4%) hættu vegna íþróttameiðsla. Af þeim sem æfðu með íþróttafélagi síðastliðna 12 mánuði voru 51% sem þurftu læknisfræðilega aðstoð einu sinni eða oftar vegna íþróttameiðsla. Þeir sem æfðu meira en 6 klukkustundir á viku höfðu fimmfalt hærra líkindahlutfall þess að hafa leitað læknisfræðilegrar aðstoðar (OR = 5,30; 95% CI: 3,00-9,42) en þeir sem æfðu 6 klukkustundir eða minna. Ályktun: Íþróttameiðsli eru talsvert vandamál sem geta valdið brottfalli úr íþróttum. Áhættuþætti íþróttameiðsla þarf að rannsaka betur svo hægt verði að efla forvarnir og tryggja þjálfun sem byggir á gagnreyndum aðferðum.Introduction: Sport participation has increased during the past few decades, with accompanying rise in sport injuries. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of sport injuries, and drop-out due to them along with possible risk factors (hours of sports participation, sex, age, aerobic fitness and body composition). Material and methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional design was used and the 457 participants were 17 and 23 years old. Height, weight, body fat, lean soft tissue, bone mass, and aerobic fitness (W/kg) were measured. Participation in sports and physical training, and the prevalence of sport injuries and drop-out were estimated using questionnaires. Results: Four hundred and forty participants (96%) had at some time point participated in organized sports, but 277 (63%) were no longer practicing, more commonly (p=0.058) among girls (67.6%) than boys (58.8%). Thirty-seven (8.4%) dropped-out due to sport injuries. Of those participating in organized sports for the past 12 months, 51% required medical assistance at least once because of sport injuries. Multiple regression analysis revealed 5-fold increased risk for requiring medical assistance among those practicing more than 6 hours per week compared to those who practiced 6 hours or less (OR = 5.30, 95% CI: 3.00 to 9.42). Conclusion: Youth sport injuries are a significant problem that can cause drop-out from participation in sport. More research is needed to better understand the impact of risk factors in order to promote prevention and ensure evidence-based training.Rannís, Lýðheilsusjóður, Embætti landlæknis, Íþróttasjóður Mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneytis, Rannsóknarsjóður HÍ, Hjartavernd, Landsbankinn, Síminn, Icepharma, Bílaleigu Akureyrar

    Genetic epidemiologic aspects of gastric cancer in Iceland.

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    BACKGROUND: Association between gastric cancer and environmental factors (diet and infections) has been established, and genetic changes are well described in adenocarcinomas of the stomach. Less is known about clinical features of hereditary gastric cancer and whether the disease is associated with family clustering. STUDY DESIGN: Family trees of patients diagnosed with gastric cancer in Iceland between 1955 and 1999 were identified in the Genealogical Database of the University of Iceland. All probands with age of onset younger than 60 years were used in the study. Families of all probands (n = 455 men and 161 women) were traced to third degree. Through linkage of the genealogic data obtained by the Icelandic Cancer Registry (between 1955 and 1999), all reported cancers were identified in those families. The expected number of cases was calculated using age-specific population rates in Iceland. RESULTS: A relative risk (RR) of 2.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.6-3.0) and 1.3 (95% CI = 1.0-1.7) for the gastric cancer risk was observed among 2,846 first- and 8,658 second-degree relatives of male probands. For female probands the corresponding relative risks were 1.6 (95% CI = 1.1-2.6, n = 7,396) and 1.4 (95% CI = 0.9-2.0, n = 2,764). The increased risk was more pronounced for relatives of men and women diagnosed with gastric cancer before the age of 50 years. A minor difference in relative risk was found between relatives of probands who were diagnosed with intestinal type or diffuse type gastric cancer. Fifty-eight families with two or more relatives with cancer were identified. In 32 families 2 relatives with gastric cancer were identified and in 26 families 3 or more relatives had gastric cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Relatives of gastric cancer patients have two- to three-fold increased risk of developing gastric cancer. The risk is elevated for both genders

    The ERAP2 gene is associated with preeclampsia in Australian and Norwegian populations

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    Preeclampsia is a heritable pregnancy disorder that presents new onset hypertension and proteinuria. We have previously reported genetic linkage to preeclampsia on chromosomes 2q, 5q and 13q in an Australian/New Zealand (Aust/NZ) familial cohort. This current study centered on identifying the susceptibility gene(s) at the 5q locus. We first prioritized candidate genes using a bioinformatic tool designed for this purpose. We then selected a panel of known SNPs within ten prioritized genes and genotyped them in an extended set of the Aust/NZ families and in a very large, independent Norwegian case/control cohort (1,139 cases, 2,269 controls). In the Aust/NZ cohort we identified evidence of a genetic association for the endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) gene (rs3734016, Puncorr = 0.009) and for the endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) gene (rs2549782, Puncorr = 0.004). In the Norwegian cohort we identified evidence of a genetic association for ERAP1 (rs34750, Puncorr = 0.011) and for ERAP2 (rs17408150, P uncorr = 0.009). The ERAP2 SNPs in both cohorts remained statistically significant (rs2549782, Pcorr = 0.018; rs17408150, Pcorr = 0.039) after corrections at an experiment-wide level. The ERAP1 and ERAP2 genes encode enzymes that are reported to play a role in blood pressure regulation and essential hypertension in addition to innate immune and inflammatory responses. Perturbations within vascular, immunological and inflammatory pathways constitute important physiological mechanisms in preeclampsia pathogenesis. We herein report a novel preeclampsia risk locus, ERAP2, in a region of known genetic linkage to this pregnancy-specific disorder