13 research outputs found

    Il Grigoriu del manoscritto Vat. Gr. 2252. Saggio di edizione di un importante testo salentino del Trecento

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    EnIn this paper, a chapter of an Old Salentino medieval text is edited and analyzed, for the first time, as a source of linguistic information. The so-colled Grigoriu is an anonymous vernacular translation of the Tetrastichae Sententiae, a 4th century Greek poetic work by Gregory of Nazianzus. The Old Salentino translation, written in the Greek alphabet, survives in a unique manuscript, the codex Vaticano Greco 2252, copied in Terra d'Otranto around the 1330s. The Sententiae are here translated along with the commentary on the text by Nicola / Nilo Dossapatre, written in the 12th century. A linguistic analysis shows the importance of the data provided by the Vatican manuscript for the reconstruction of the historical grammar of the Salentino dialects.ItSi fornisce per la prima volta un significativo saggio di edizione del cosiddetto Grigoriu, anonimo volgarizzamento salentino delle Tetrastichae Sententiae di Gregorio Nazianzeno e del relativo commento di Nicola/Nilo Dossapatre. Il testo, scritto in caratteri greci, è trasmesso unicamente dal manoscritto Vaticano Greco 2252, copiato in Terra d'Otranto intorno agli anni '30 del Trecento. L'analisi linguistica del saggio di edizione punta a mettere in luce la centralità dei dati forniti da questo testo per la ricostruzione della grammatica storica dei dialetti salentini

    Cosimo De Giorgi epigrafista

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    EnIn this paper we intend to disclose the contribution given by Cosimo De Giorgi to the start of epigraphic studies in Salento. The discussion is carried out in three distinct paragraphs: the first offers a survey of all the inscriptions, both in dialect and in Italian, mentioned in the famous "travel sketches"; in the second one takes stock of the situation on the major epigraphs in the vernacular still available in the Terra d'Otranto, pointing out three unpublished inscriptions; in the third and in the appendix there is news of an autograph by De Giorgi containing a large collection of Salento inscriptions. Contextually, the relationship between De Giorgi and some important Byzantinists of the time is outlined.ItIn questo articolo intendiamo mettere in rilievo il contributo dato da Cosimo De Giorgi all'avvio degli studi epigrafici nel Salento. La trattazione è svolta in tre distinti paragrafi: nel primo si offre la ricognizione di tutte le iscrizioni dialettali e italiane citate nei famosi "bozzetti di viaggio"; nel secondo si fa il punto della situazione sulle maggiori epigrafi in volgare ancora reperibili in Terra d'Otranto, segnalando tre iscrizioni inedite; nel terzo e in appendice si dà notizia di un autografo degiorgiano contenente un'ampia silloge di iscrizioni salentine. Contestualmente, si delineano i rapporti tra De Giorgi e alcuni impor-tanti bizantinisti dell'epoca

    La penitenza dei monaci a S. Maria del Patir e a S. Nicola di Casole

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    The Ἐπιτίμια κοινά, attributed to Theodore the Studite, were received in various versions (still unpublished, except for the text published in Patrologia Graeca). In this article the author publishes the text of the penitential in use at the monastery of St. Nicola di Casole (Otranto) and St. Mary of Patir (Rossano). The two versions show similarities and differences relating to the greater or lesser seriousness of the sins and the severity of their punishment ; they shed light on the practice of penance in the two Greek-Italian monasteries and represent a major source to learn about the relationships among the monks, between the monks and the hegumen, and between the community and the outside world.Gli Ἐπιτίμια κοινά, attribuiti a Teodoro Studita, sono pervenuti in diverse redazioni (ancora inedite, se si eccettua il testo stampato nella Patrologia Graeca). In questo articolo l’autore pubblica il testo del penitenziale in vigore presso il monastero di S. Nicola di Casole (Otranto) e di S. Maria del Patir (Rossano). Le due versioni presentano analogie e differenze circa la minore o maggiore gravità delle colpe e la severità delle rispettive punizioni ; gettano luce sulla pratica della penitenza nei due monasteri italo-greci e costituiscono una fonte rilevante per conoscere i rapporti fra i monaci, fra questi e l’egumeno e fra la comunità ed il mondo esterno.Arnesano Daniele. La penitenza dei monaci a S. Maria del Patir e a S. Nicola di Casole. In: Revue des études byzantines, tome 72, 2014. pp. 249-273

    La formula matrimoniale del codice Hunter 475: il testo più antico in volgare siciliano?

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    Il manoscritto Glasgow, University Library, Hunter 475 è un evangeliario greco medievale, appartenuto anticamente al monastero del SS. Salvatore di Messina. Il codice conserva, nella sua prima carta, una formula matrimoniale in volgare siciliano scritta in caratteri greci. La formula potrebbe risalire agli anni 1259/1266, durante il regno di Manfredi di Svevia: si tratterebbe in tal caso del più antico testo in volgare siciliano giuntoci in veste presumibilmente originale. L’articolo propone la prima edizione della formula corredata di un profilo linguistico e di un capitolo di analisi paleografica.The manuscript Glasgow, University Library, Hunter 475 is a medieval Byzantine Gospel book, previously belonging to the monastery of San Salvatore in Messina. The book holds in its very first page an Old Sicilian wedding ritual formula, written in Greek alphabet. This text may date to the years 1259/1266, during the reign of Manfred of Sicily, hence being the oldest known Sicilian text. The paper provides the first critical edition of the formula, together with a chapter of linguistic analysis and a paleographic description

    Il Grigoriu del manoscritto Vat. Gr. 2252. Saggio di edizione di un importante testo salentino del Trecento

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    EnIn this paper, a chapter of an Old Salentino medieval text is edited and analyzed, for the first time, as a source of linguistic information. The so-colled Grigoriu is an anonymous vernacular translation of the Tetrastichae Sententiae, a 4th century Greek poetic work by Gregory of Nazianzus. The Old Salentino translation, written in the Greek alphabet, survives in a unique manuscript, the codex Vaticano Greco 2252, copied in Terra d'Otranto around the 1330s. The Sententiae are here translated along with the commentary on the text by Nicola / Nilo Dossapatre, written in the 12th century. A linguistic analysis shows the importance of the data provided by the Vatican manuscript for the reconstruction of the historical grammar of the Salentino dialects.ItSi fornisce per la prima volta un significativo saggio di edizione del cosiddetto Grigoriu, anonimo volgarizzamento salentino delle Tetrastichae Sententiae di Gregorio Nazianzeno e del relativo commento di Nicola/Nilo Dossapatre. Il testo, scritto in caratteri greci, è trasmesso unicamente dal manoscritto Vaticano Greco 2252, copiato in Terra d'Otranto intorno agli anni '30 del Trecento. L'analisi linguistica del saggio di edizione punta a mettere in luce la centralità dei dati forniti da questo testo per la ricostruzione della grammatica storica dei dialetti salentini

    Cytotoxic pathways activated by multifunctional thiosemicarbazones targeting sigma-2 receptors in breast and lung carcinoma cells

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    Background: Multifunctional thiosemicarbazones (TSCs) able to bind sigma receptors and chelate metals are considered as a promising avenue for the treatment of pancreatic cancer due to the encouraging results obtained on in vitro and in vivo models. Here, we assessed the biochemical mechanism of these TSCs also on lung (A549) and breast (MCF7) cancer cells. Methods: The density of sigma-2 receptors in normal (BEAS-2B and MCF10A) and in lung and breast (A549 and MCF7) cancer cells was evaluated by flow cytometry. In these cells, cytotoxicity (MTT assay) and activation of ER- and mitochondria-dependent cell death pathways (by spectrofluorimetric assays to measure Caspases 3/7/9; qRT-PCR detection of GRP78, ATF6, IRE1, PERK; MitoSOX, DCFDA-AM and JC-1 staining), induced by the TSCs FA4, MLP44, PS3 and ACThio1, were evaluated. Results: FA4 and PS3 exerted more potent cytotoxicity than MLP44 and ACThio1 in all cancer cell lines, where the density of sigma-2 receptors was higher than in normal cells. Remarkably, FA4 promoted ER- and mitochondria-dependent cell death pathways in both cell models, whereas the other TSCs had variable, cell-dependent effects on the activation of the two proapoptotic pathways. Conclusions: Our data suggest that FA4 is a promising compound that deserves to be further studied for lung and breast cancer treatment. However, the other multifunctional TSCs also hold promise for the development of therapies towards a personalized medicine approach. Indeed, the presence of the sigma-2 receptor-targeting moiety would lead to a more specific tumor delivery embracing the characteristics of individual tumor types

    Duplications of an iron-sulphur tripeptide leads to the formation of a protoferredoxin

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    Based on UV-Vis, NMR, and EPR spectroscopies and DFT and molecular dynamics calculations, a model prebiotic [2Fe-2S] tripeptide was shown to accept and donate electrons. Duplications of the tripeptide sequence led to a protoferredoxin with increased stability. Duplications of primitive peptides may have contributed to the formation of contemporary ferredoxins

    Molecular Dynamics and Structural Studies of Zinc Chloroquine Complexes

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    Chloroquine (CQ) is a first-choice drug against malaria and autoimmune diseases. It may act as a zinc ionophore. In this study, state-of-the-art computations and experiments were leveraged to solve the structure of the Zn chloride-CQ complex in solution and in solid state. The integration of different techniques (NMR, ESI-MS, X-ray absorption and diffraction methods) together with ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, overcomes the issues related to the kinetic lability of zinc complexes. Within the physiological pH range, CQ binds Zn2+ through the quinoline ring nitrogen, forming [Zn(CQH)Clx(H2O)3–x](3+)–x (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) tetrahedral complexes. The Zn(CQH)Cl3 species is stable at neutral pH and at high chloride concentrations typical of the extracellular medium, but metal coordination is lost at moderately low pH, suggesting the release of Zn2+ ions into the lysosomal lumen. [Zn(CQH)(H2O)4]3+ may exist in the absence of chloride. This in vitro / in silico approach can be extended to other metal-targeting drugs and and bioinorganic systems

    Molecular Dynamics and Structural Studies of Zinc Chloroquine Complexes

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    Chloroquine (CQ) is a first-choice drug against malaria and autoimmune diseases. It has been co-administered with zinc against SARS-CoV-2 and soon dismissed because of safety issues. The structural features of Zn–CQ complexes and the effect of CQ on zinc distribution in cells are poorly known. In this study, state-of-the-art computations combined with experiments were leveraged to solve the structural determinants of zinc–CQ interactions in solution and the solid state. NMR, ESI-MS, and X-ray absorption and diffraction methods were combined with ab initio molecular dynamics calculations to address the kinetic lability of this complex. Within the physiological pH range, CQ binds Zn2+ through the quinoline ring nitrogen, forming [Zn(CQH)Clx(H2O)3–x](3+)–x (x = 0, 1, 2, and 3) tetrahedral complexes. The Zn(CQH)Cl3 species is stable at neutral pH and at high chloride concentrations typical of the extracellular medium, but metal coordination is lost at a moderately low pH as in the lysosomal lumen. The pentacoordinate complex [Zn(CQH)(H2O)4]3+ may exist in the absence of chloride. This in vitro/in silico approach can be extended to other metal-targeting drugs and bioinorganic systems