578 research outputs found

    Grazing Effects of Ciliates on Microcolony Formation in Bacterial Biofilms

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    The attachment to surfaces and the subsequent formation of biofilms are a life strategy of bacteria offering several advantages for microorganisms, for example, a protection against toxins and antibiotics and profits due to synergistic effects in biofilm environment. Moreover, biofilm formation is thought to serve as grazing protection against predators. From pelagic systems it is known that feeding of bacterivorous protists may strongly influence the morphology, taxonomic composition and physiological status of bacterial communities and thus may be an important driving force for a change in bacterial growth and shift in morphology towards filaments and flocs. Bacteria in biofilms had to evolve several other defence strategies: production of extrapolymeric substances (EPS) or toxins, formation of specific growth forms with strong attachment, specific chemical surface properties and motility. In addition, bacteria can communicate via quorum sensing and react on grazing pressure. The results of the case study presented here showed that even microcolonies in bacterial biofilms are affected by the activity of grazers, though it may depend on the nutrient supply. Feedback effects due to remineralization of nutrients because of intensive grazing may stimulate biofilm growth and thereby enhancing grazing defence. Predator effects might be much more complex than they are currently believed to be

    Reform des LĂ€nderfinanzausgleichs?

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    Bayern und Baden-WĂŒrttemberg haben fĂŒr den Fall, daß unter den BundeslĂ€ndern bis Juli dieses Jahres keine Einigung ĂŒber eine Reform des LĂ€nderfinanzausgleichs erzielt wird, eine Klage vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht angekĂŒndigt. Auf welchen Argumenten basiert die Forderung nach einer Reform des LĂ€nderfinanzausgleichs? Wie könnte sie aussehen? --

    Linguistic Processing and Classification of Semi Structured Bibliographic Data on Complementary Medicine

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    Complementary and alternative therapies and medicines (CAM) such as acupuncture or mistletoe treatment are much asked for by cancer patients. With a growing interest in such therapies, physicians need a simple tool with which to get an overview of the scientific publications on CAM, particularly those that are not listed in common bibliographic databases like MEDLINE. CAMbase is an XML-based bibliographical database on CAM which serves to address this need. A custom front end search engine performs semantic analysis of textual input enabling users to quickly find information relevant to the search queries. This article describes the technical background and the architecture behind CAMbase, a free online database on CAM (www.cambase.de). We give examples on its use, describe the underlying algorithms and present recent statistics for search terms related to complementary therapies in oncology

    Functional ecology of aquatic phagotrophic protists - Concepts, limitations, and perspectives

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    Special issue Current trends in protistology – results from the VII ECOP - ISOP Joint Meeting 2015.-- 25 pages, 6 figures, 1 tableFunctional ecology is a subdiscipline that aims to enable a mechanistic understanding of patterns and processes from the organismic to the ecosystem level. This paper addresses some main aspects of the process-oriented current knowledge on phagotrophic, i.e. heterotrophic and mixotrophic, protists in aquatic food webs. This is not an exhaustive review; rather, we focus on conceptual issues, in particular on the numerical and functional response of these organisms. We discuss the evolution of concepts and define parameters to evaluate predator–prey dynamics ranging from Lotka–Volterra to the Independent Response Model. Since protists have extremely versatile feeding modes, we explore if there are systematic differences related to their taxonomic affiliation and life strategies. We differentiate between intrinsic factors (nutritional history, acclimatisation) and extrinsic factors (temperature, food, turbulence) affecting feeding, growth, and survival of protist populations. We briefly consider intraspecific variability of some key parameters and constraints inherent in laboratory microcosm experiments. We then upscale the significance of phagotrophic protists in food webs to the ocean level. Finally, we discuss limitations of the mechanistic understanding of protist functional ecology resulting from principal unpredictability of nonlinear dynamics. We conclude by defining open questions and identifying perspectives for future research on functional ecology of aquatic phagotrophic protistsHA was supported by grants from the German Research Foundation (DFG; AR 288/16) and from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF: 03G0237B; 02WRM1364D). Project FERMI (CGL2014-59227-R) was awarded to AC from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. RA was supported by the the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 658882). PJH was supported by the Danish Council for independent Reseach, project DDF-4181-00484. TW was financially supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, projects P20118-B17 and P20360-B17). DJSM received no support for his efforts on this study, other than his salary provided by the University of LiverpoolPeer Reviewe

    Protist communities of microbial mats from the extreme environments of five saline Andean lagoons at high altitudes in the Atacama Desert

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    IntroductionHeterotrophic protists colonizing microbial mats have received little attention over the last few years, despite their importance in microbial food webs. A significant challenge originates from the fact that many protists remain uncultivable and their functions remain poorly understood.MethodsMetabarcoding studies of protists in microbial mats across high-altitude lagoons of different salinities (4.3–34 practical salinity units) were carried out to provide insights into their vertical stratification at the millimeter scale. DNA and cDNA were analyzed for selected stations.ResultsSequence variants classified as the amoeboid rhizarian Rhogostoma and the ciliate Euplotes were found to be common members of the heterotrophic protist communities. They were accompanied by diatoms and kinetoplastids. Correlation analyses point to the salinity of the water column as a main driver influencing the structure of the protist communities at the five studied microbial mats. The active part of the protist communities was detected to be higher at lower salinities (<20 practical salinity units).DiscussionWe found a restricted overlap of the protist community between the different microbial mats indicating the uniqueness of these different aquatic habitats. On the other hand, the dominating genotypes present in metabarcoding were similar and could be isolated and sequenced in comparative studies (Rhogostoma, Euplotes, Neobodo). Our results provide a snapshot of the unculturable protist diversity thriving the benthic zone of five athalossohaline lagoons across the Andean plateau

    Protist diversity and function in the dark ocean - challenging the paradigms of deep-sea ecology with special emphasis on foraminiferans and naked protists

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    The dark ocean and the underlying deep seafloor together represent the largest environment on this planet, comprising about 80% of the oceanic volume and covering more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface, as well as hosting a major part of the total biosphere. Emerging evidence suggests that these vast pelagic and benthic habitats play a major role in ocean biogeochemistry and represent an “untapped reservoir” of high genetic and metabolic microbial diversity. Due to its huge volume, the water column of the dark ocean is the largest reservoir of organic carbon in the biosphere and likely plays a major role in the global carbon budget. The dark ocean and the seafloor beneath it are also home to a largely enigmatic food web comprising little-known and sometimes spectacular organisms, mainly prokaryotes and protists. This review considers the globally important role of pelagic and benthic protists across all protistan size classes in the deep-sea realm, with a focus on their taxonomy, diversity, and physiological properties, including their role in deep microbial food webs. We argue that, given the important contribution that protists must make to deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystem processes, they should not be overlooked in biological studies of the deep ocean

    Diversity and substrate-specificity of green algae and other micro-eukaryotes colonizing amphibian clutches in Germany, revealed by DNA metabarcoding

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    Amphibian clutches are colonized by diverse but poorly studied communities of micro-organisms. One of the most noted ones is the unicellular green alga, Oophila amblystomatis, but the occurrence and role of other micro-organisms in the capsular chamber surrounding amphibian clutches have remained largely unstudied. Here, we undertook a multi-marker DNA metabarcoding study to characterize the community of algae and other micro-eukaryotes associated with agile frog (Rana dalmatina) clutches. Samplings were performed at three small ponds in Germany, from four substrates: water, sediment, tree leaves from the bottom of the pond, and R. dalmatina clutches. Sampling substrate strongly determined the community compositions of algae and other micro-eukaryotes. Therefore, as expected, the frog clutch-associated communities formed clearly distinct clusters. Clutch-associated communities in our study were structured by a plethora of not only green algae, but also diatoms and other ochrophytes. The most abundant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in clutch samples were taxa from Chlamydomonas, Oophila, but also from Nitzschia and other ochrophytes. Sequences of Oophila “Clade B” were found exclusively in clutches. Based on additional phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA and of a matrix of 18 nuclear genes derived from transcriptomes, we confirmed in our samples the existence of two distinct clades of green algae assigned to Oophila in past studies. We hypothesize that “Clade B” algae correspond to the true Oophila, whereas “Clade A” algae are a series of Chlorococcum species that, along with other green algae, ochrophytes and protists, colonize amphibian clutches opportunistically and are often cultured from clutch samples due to their robust growth performance. The clutch-associated communities were subject to filtering by sampling location, suggesting that the taxa colonizing amphibian clutches can drastically differ depending on environmental conditions

    pH‐dependent protonation of surface carboxylate groups in PsbO enables local buffering and triggers structural changes

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    Photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes the splitting of water, releasing protons and dioxygen. Its highly conserved subunit PsbO extends from the oxygen‐evolving center (OEC) into the thylakoid lumen and stabilizes the catalytic Mn4CaO5 cluster. The high degree of conservation of accessible negatively charged surface residues in PsbO suggests additional functions, as local pH buffer or by affecting the flow of protons. For this discussion, we provide an experimental basis, through the determination of pKa values of water‐accessible aspartate and glutamate side‐chain carboxylate groups by means of NMR. Their distribution is strikingly uneven, with high pKa values around 4.9 clustered on the luminal PsbO side and values below 3.5 on the side facing PSII. pH‐dependent changes in backbone chemical shifts in the area of the lumen‐exposed loops are observed, indicating conformational changes. In conclusion, we present a site‐specific analysis of carboxylate group proton affinities in PsbO, providing a basis for further understanding of proton transport in photosynthesis

    Potential contribution of surface-dwelling Sargassum algae to deep-sea ecosystems in the southern North Atlantic

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    Deep-sea ecosystems, limited by their inability to use primary production as a source of carbon, rely on other sources to maintain life. Sedimentation of organic carbon into the deep sea has been previously studied, however, the high biomass of sedimented Sargassum algae discovered during the VEMA Transit expedition in 2014/2015 to the southern North Atlantic, and its potential as a regular carbon input, has been an underestimated phenomenon. To determine the potential for this carbon flux, a literature survey of previous studies that estimated the abundance of surface water Sargassum was conducted. We compared these estimates with quantitative analyses of sedimented Sargassum appearing on photos taken with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) directly above the abyssal sediment during the expedition. Organismal communities associated to Sargassum fluitans from surface waters were investigated and Sargassum samples collected from surface waters and the deep sea were biochemically analyzed (fatty acids, stable isotopes, C:N ratios) to determine degradation potential and the trophic significance within deep-sea communities. The estimated Sargassum biomass (fresh weight) in the deep sea (0.07 − 3.75 g/m2) was several times higher than that estimated from surface waters in the North Atlantic (0.024 – 0.84 g/m2). Biochemical analysis showed degradation of Sargassum occurring during sedimentation or in the deep sea, however, fatty acid and stable isotope analysis did not indicate direct trophic interactions between the algae and benthic organisms. Thus, it is assumed that components of the deep-sea microbial food web form an important link between the macroalgae and larger benthic organisms. Evaluation of the epifauna showed a diverse nano- micro-, meio, and macrofauna on surface Sargassum and maybe transported across the Atlantic, but we had no evidence for a vertical exchange of fauna components. The large-scale sedimentation of Sargassum forms an important trophic link between surface and benthic production and has to be further considered in the future as a regular carbon input to the deep-sea floor in the North Atlantic

    Treatment delay of bone tumours, compilation of a sociodemographic risk profile: A retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone tumours are comparatively rare tumours and delays in diagnosis and treatment are common. The purpose of this study was to analyse sociodemographic risk factors for bone tumour patients in order to identify those at risk of prolonged patients delay (time span from first symptoms to consultation), professional delay (from consultation to treatment) or symptom interval (from first symptoms to treatment). Understanding these relationships might enable us to shorten time to diagnosis and therapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We carried out a retrospective analysis of 265 patients with bone tumours documenting sociodemographic factors, patient delay, professional delay and symptom interval. A multivariate explorative Cox model was performed for each delay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Female gender was associated with a prolonged patient delay. Age under 30 years and rural living predisposes to a prolonged professional delay and symptom interval.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are required for successful management of most bone tumour patients. We succeeded in identifying the histology independent risk factors of age under 30 years and rural habitation for treatment delay in bone tumour patients. Knowing about the existence of these risk groups age under 30 years and female gender could help the physician to diagnose bone tumours earlier. The causes for the treatment delays of patients living in a rural area have to be investigated further. If the delay initiates in the lower education of rural general physicians, further training about bone tumours might advance early detection. Hence the outcome of patients with bone tumours could be improved.</p
