27 research outputs found

    Aphid and Plant Volatiles Induce Oviposition in an Aphidophagous Hoverfly

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    Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera, Syrphidae) is an abundant and efficient aphid-specific predator. We tested the electroantennographic (EAG) response of this syrphid fly to the common aphid alarm pheromone, (E)-ÎČ-farnesene (EÎČF), and to several plant volatiles, including terpenoids (mono- and sesquiterpenes) and green leaf volatiles (C6 and C9 alcohols and aldehydes). Monoterpenes evoked significant EAG responses, whereas sesquiterpenes were inactive, except for the aphid alarm pheromone (EÎČF). The most pronounced antennal responses were elicited by six and nine carbon green leaf alcohols and aldehydes [i.e., (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-2-hexenol, (E)-2-hexenal, and hexanal]. To investigate the behavioral activity of some of these EAG-active compounds, E. balteatus females were exposed to R-(+)-limonene (monoterpene), (Z)-3-hexenol (green leaf alcohol), and EÎČF (sesquiterpene, common aphid alarm pheromone). A single E. balteatus gravid female was exposed for 10 min to an aphid-free Vicia faba plant that was co-located with a semiochemical dispenser. Without additional semiochemical, hoverfly females were not attracted to this plant, and no oviposition was observed. The monoterpene R-(+)-limonene did not affect the females’ foraging behavior, whereas (Z)-3-hexenol and EÎČF increased the time of flight and acceptance of the host plant. Moreover, these two chemicals induced oviposition on aphid-free plants, suggesting that selection of the oviposition site by predatory hoverflies relies on the perception of a volatile blend composed of prey pheromone and typical plant green leaf volatiles

    A Genome-Wide Association Scan on the Levels of Markers of Inflammation in Sardinians Reveals Associations That Underpin Its Complex Regulation

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    Identifying the genes that influence levels of pro-inflammatory molecules can help to elucidate the mechanisms underlying this process. We first conducted a two-stage genome-wide association scan (GWAS) for the key inflammatory biomarkers Interleukin-6 (IL-6), the general measure of inflammation erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in a large cohort of individuals from the founder population of Sardinia. By analysing 731,213 autosomal or X chromosome SNPs and an additional ∌1.9 million imputed variants in 4,694 individuals, we identified several SNPs associated with the selected quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and replicated all the top signals in an independent sample of 1,392 individuals from the same population. Next, to increase power to detect and resolve associations, we further genotyped the whole cohort (6,145 individuals) for 293,875 variants included on the ImmunoChip and MetaboChip custom arrays. Overall, our combined approach led to the identification of 9 genome-wide significant novel independent signals—5 of which were identified only with the custom arrays—and provided confirmatory evidence for an additional 7. Novel signals include: for IL-6, in the ABO gene (rs657152, p = 2.13×10−29); for ESR, at the HBB (rs4910472, p = 2.31×10−11) and UCN119B/SPPL3 (rs11829037, p = 8.91×10−10) loci; for MCP-1, near its receptor CCR2 (rs17141006, p = 7.53×10−13) and in CADM3 (rs3026968, p = 7.63×10−13); for hsCRP, within the CRP gene (rs3093077, p = 5.73×10−21), near DARC (rs3845624, p = 1.43×10−10), UNC119B/SPPL3 (rs11829037, p = 1.50×10−14), and ICOSLG/AIRE (rs113459440, p = 1.54×10−08) loci. Confirmatory evidence was found for IL-6 in the IL-6R gene (rs4129267); for ESR at CR1 (rs12567990) and TMEM57 (rs10903129); for MCP-1 at DARC (rs12075); and for hsCRP at CRP (rs1205), HNF1A (rs225918), and APOC-I (rs4420638). Our results improve the current knowledge of genetic variants underlying inflammation and provide novel clues for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating this complex process

    Role of the dioxygen input for the bone regeneration in ischemic area : study in segmental mandible defect

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    Dans les dĂ©fauts osseux mandibulaires interrupteurs Ă©tendus, les transplants micro-anastomosĂ©s restent le gold standard mais au prix de procĂ©dĂ©s chirurgicaux lourds et d’une morbiditĂ©Ì accrue au niveau du site de prĂ©lĂšvement. L’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire osseuse a pour objectif d’éviter le prĂ©lĂšvement autologue par l’utilisation de biomatĂ©riaux qui servent de support Ă  la repousse osseuse. Les Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes ont montrĂ©Ì la nĂ©cessitĂ©Ì d’y associer des adjuvants cellulaires et molĂ©culaires pour permettre une formation osseuse. Cependant l’efficacitĂ©Ì reste limitĂ©e Ă  des volumes osseux restreints. Cette problĂ©matique est principalement due Ă  la difficultĂ©Ì de pouvoir contrĂŽler les macro et microarchitectures du scaffold qui doivent favoriser sa colonisation par les cellules endothĂ©liales et ostĂ©ogĂšnes. L'autre dĂ©fi est de pouvoir assurer un apport pĂ©renne en dioxygĂšne et nutriments. Ainsi, l'objectif de ce travail a Ă©tĂ© de concevoir une cĂ©ramique phosphocalcique sur mesure pour une reconstruction segmentaire mandibulaire incluant des caractĂ©ristiques architecturales propices Ă  la nĂ©oformation osseuse. Une Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire de faisabilitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez le rat (dĂ©fauts calvariaux) en associant de la moelle osseuse totale (MOT) Ă  l’implant. Une seconde Ă©tude prĂ©clinique chez le gros animal (brebis) a ensuite Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en implantant une biocĂ©ramique phosphocalcique sur mesure incluant une boucle vasculaire et de la MOT afin de reconstruire un dĂ©faut mandibulaire interrupteur.In the craniofacial area, the causes of segmental mandible loss can be from several origins such as oncological excision, trauma or congenital deformities. In this context, autologous free tissue transfer remains the gold standard allowing satisfying functional and aesthetical outcomes but involving heavy surgical procedure, prolonged operative-time and substantial morbidity of the donor site. The goal of bone tissue engineering is to avoid the autologous harvest by the use of biomaterials that serve as support for bone healing. Previous studies have shown the need to combine cellular and molecular adjuvants (e.g., bone marrow, growth factors, osteoprogenitor cells) to scaffolds to obtain de novo bone formation. However, the efficiency for mandible reconstruction remains limited. To contribute to solving this reconstructive roadblock, the control of the scaffold architecture is the cornerstone fostering the colonization by the endothelial and osteogenic cells. The challenge is also to ensure sufficient vascular supply to keep endogenous and exogenous cells alive and functional. Thus, the objective of this work was to design a custom-made macroporous bioceramic tailored to a segmental mandible defect with architectural features, adjuvants and intrinsic vascularization favoring the bone formation. a preliminary study was performed in the rat model to assess the ability of a tailored phosphate calcium bioceramic to promote the bone healing. Then, a preclinical study in larger animal model (sheep) was performed by implanting a biphasic calcium phosphate custom-made bioceramic including a vascular loop and total bone marrow in order to reconstruct a segmental mandibular defect

    Simuler les déplacements de piétons dans une station de métro : une approche à base d'agents

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    La marche à pied est aujourd'hui encore l'un des modes de déplacement les moins bien connus. Pourtant, au coeur de toute chaßne de déplacements, elle est partie intégrante des objectifs de la planification urbaine et de la gestion des espaces de transport, tels que les stations de métro. Mieux connaßtre les déplacements piétonniers dans ces espaces souterrains, pour y adapter les aménagements et en améliorer la sécurité, est en effet un objectif prioritaire, rendu difficile à atteindre à la fois par des conditions d'observation souvent peu favorables et des possibilités d'expérimentation souvent limitées. La simulation informatique offre, de ce point de vue, des perspectives considérables. Le modÚle MAGE (modélisation de la mobilité par agents à grande échelle) a été construit dans cet objectif. Le modÚle est décrit de maniÚre détaillée, ainsi que son application à la station de métro de la gare Montparnasse à Paris. Un protocole expérimental permet

    Assessing the effectiveness of botulinum toxin injections into masticatory muscles in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders

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    Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a common and invalidating disease sometimes difficult to treat. Current international recommendations favour reversible and non-invasive treatments, including the injection of botulinum toxin (BTX) into masticatory muscles. There is no strong evidence of its effectiveness. Objective: The main goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of BTX six months following injection, in terms of pain, mouth opening, improvement of symptoms and duration of effect. Materials and methods: A retrospective study carried out at Nantes University Hospital between 2014 and 2016. Results: Thirty-four patients were included. The mean age was 37 years (17–76) and seventy six percents were female. Eighty percent of patients reported a significant improvement, notably in cases of arthralgia, which decreased in 8/18 (44%) patients (p < 0.05). The mean duration of measured efficacy was 4.2 months. Discussion: Significant improvement in cases of arthralgia and a tendency for improvement in cases of myalgia, with a mean duration of action of 4.2 months. Although BTX injection do not guarantee complete resolution of myofascial pain, it have been shown to have beneficial effects on some symptoms have been shown. Conclusion: Botulinum toxin should be considered as an alternative treatment when other conservative methods fail to yield satisfactory results. A thorough multicentre assessment is necessary in the future to scientifically validate its use

    Congenital Midline Upper Lip Sinuses

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    International audienceCongenital sinuses of the upper lip are rare congenital malformations. There have been only 40 cases described in the literature. We report 3 cases of congenital midline upper lip sinus in Caucasian children. Two of those lesions were associated with other anomalies (complete cleft palate and hemifacial macrosomia or submucous cleft palate with bifid uvula). The pathophysiology remains unexplained yet. Congenital upper lip sinuses can be considered as possible microforms of cleft-lips. Associated anomalies are frequent and must be sought. The treatment is a full excision of the sinus tract and of the skin around the punctum in order to avoid risks of recurrence

    Radiographic evaluation of percutaneous transfacial wiring versus open internal fixation for surgical treatment of unstable zygomatic bone fractures

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION:The fixation of unstable zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fractures can be achieved by open reduction with rigid internal fixation (ORIF) and/or by closed reduction with percutaneous transfacial Kirschner wire fixation (CRWF). The aim of this study was to tomographically assess the symmetry and the protrusion of the cheekbone with unstable ZMC fractures that had been treated by ORIF vs. CRWF.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Sixty patients exhibiting a surgically unstable tetrapodal ZMC fracture were included in this multicenter retrospective study. The coordinates of 5 landmarks representing the zygomatic protrusion were comparatively studied on the healthy and on the broken side using preoperative and postoperative tridimensional computed tomography (CT) scans or cone beam CT.RESULTS:No significant difference was found in the zygomatic protrusion irrespective of the surgical technique that was used. The zygomatico-maxillary ansa was found to be the most complicated area to reduce, particularly in the frontal plane with both the CRWF and the ORIF technique (p1 = 0.001 and p2 = 0.0009, respectively). There was no difference in terms of the level of complications, while the mean duration of the surgery was significantly less for the CRWF group.CONCLUSION:With good postoperative radiographic outcomes, the CRWF can be proposed as an alternative or in association with the ORIF technique for fixation of tetrapodal fractures of the ZMC

    An Extrudable Partially Demineralized Allogeneic Bone Paste Exhibits a Similar Bone Healing Capacity as the “Gold Standard” Bone Graft

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    International audienceAutologous bone grafts (BGs) remain the reference grafting technique in various clinical contexts of bone grafting procedures despite their numerous peri- and post-operative limitations. The use of allogeneic bone is a viable option for overcoming these limitations, as it is reliable and it has been widely utilized in various forms for decades. However, the lack of versatility of conventional allogeneic BGs (e.g., blocks, powders) limits their potential for use with irregular or hard-to-reach bone defects. In this context, a ready- and easy-to-use partially demineralized allogeneic BG in a paste form has been developed, with the aim of facilitating such bone grafting procedures. The regenerative properties of this bone paste (BP) was assessed and compared to that of a syngeneic BG in a pre-clinical model of intramembranous bone healing in critical size defects in rat calvaria. The microcomputed tridimensional quantifications and the histological observations at 7 weeks after the implantation revealed that the in vivo bone regeneration of critical-size defects (CSDs) filled with the BP was similar to syngeneic bone grafts (BGs). Thus, this ready-to-use, injectable, and moldable partially demineralized allogeneic BP, displaying equivalent bone healing capacity than the “gold standard,” may be of particular clinical relevance in the context of oral and maxillofacial bone reconstructions