4,062 research outputs found

    Mécanismes de propagation du roseau commun envahisseur au Québec

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    Les invasions biologiques sont considérées actuellement par la communauté scientifique comme des vecteurs de modification de la biodiversité et de changement des écosystèmes. La rapide invasion de la sous-espèce exotique du roseau commun (Phragmites australis) dans le nord-est de l'Amérique du Nord est un exemple spectaculaire d'envahissement végétal. Un programme de prévention et de contrôle de cette herbacée nécessite une connaissance adéquate de la biologie, de la génétique et de l'écologie de cette plante envahissante. Le but général de ma thèse de doctorat est d'améliorer le savoir sur la dynamique de dispersion du roseau commun envahisseur au Québec, en étudiant ses caractéristiques de reproduction biologique, de diversité génétique et de tolérance écologique qui favorisent son succès d'établissement au cours de la phase de propagation. Le premier objectif est de déterminer la contribution relative des modes de reproduction sexuée et asexuée dans la dispersion à courte et longue distance, en utilisant des observations de terrain de nouveaux individus et des analyses de génétique des populations établies. Le deuxième objectif est de décrire la diversité génétique des populations par le biais de milliers de marqueurs nucléotidiques, en utilisant une meilleure résolution des génotypes et distinction des clones grâce à une nouvelle technologie de dernière génération, le génotypage-par-séquençage. Le troisième objectif est d'identifier le niveau de tolérance écologique du roseau et les facteurs environnementaux hostiles à sa prolifération, en utilisant des régressions logistiques binaires basées sur des données biotiques et abiotiques de sites envahis et non envahis par l'espèce. Le premier volet confirme que le roseau s'établit majoritairement par graines sur de vastes territoires, et se propage latéralement par rhizomes et stolons à l'échelle locale. La fondation de nouvelles populations le long des routes est également assurée par la dissémination de fragments végétatifs. Le deuxième volet confirme que le roseau dispose d'une forte recombinaison génétique par reproduction sexuée qui lui permet d'acquérir un potentiel évolutif et une adaptation rapide. La nouvelle approche de génotypage permet de réduire les imprécisions liées à l'utilisation d'un petit nombre de marqueurs microsatellites. Le troisième volet confirme que le roseau colonise des fossés de drainage ouverts exposés au soleil et dénués de végétation arborée. Cette espèce ne tolère pas la présence de ligneux et l'absence de lumière. En somme, cette thèse présente un portrait biologique, génétique et écologique des caractéristiques du roseau envahisseur qui influencent sa propagation au Québec. Ces résultats justifient l'ensemencement d'herbacées indigènes et la plantation de haies arbustives pour restaurer les écosystèmes perturbés afin de prévenir l'existence de lits de germination propices à l'établissement par graines du roseau. Cependant, la gestion du roseau commun envahisseur dépend du contexte, puisque cette plante peut également rendre bon nombre de services écologiques.Biological invasions are currently considered by the scientific community drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem change. The rapid invasion of the exotic subspecies of common reed (Phragmites australis) in the northeast of North America is a spectacular example of plant invasion. A prevention and control program of this grass requires adequate knowledge of biology, genetics and ecology of this invasive plant. The overall aim of my thesis is to improve knowledge on the dynamics of dispersal of the invasive common reed in Quebec, by studying its characteristics of biological reproduction, genetic diversity and ecological tolerance that promote its establishment success during the spread stage. The first objective is to determine the relative contribution of sexual and asexual reproduction modes in the short and long distance dispersal, using field observations of new individuals and genetic analysis of established populations. The second objective is to describe the genetic diversity of populations through thousands of nucleotide markers, using higher resolution of genotypes and distinction of clones through a novel next-generation technology, the genotyping-by-sequencing. The third objective is to identify the level of ecological tolerance of common reed and the adverse environmental conditions to its proliferation, using binary logistic regression models based on biotic and abiotic data collected in invaded and non-invaded sites by the species. The first project confirms that common reed mainly establishes by seeds over large areas, and laterally expands by rhizomes and stolons at the local scale. New populations are also founded along roads by the dispersal of vegetative fragments. The second project confirms that common reed has a high genetic recombination by sexual reproduction that allows to gain an evolutionary potential and rapid adaptation. The new genotyping approach reduces uncertainties associated with the use of a limited number of microsatellite markers. The third project confirms that common reed colonizes open drainage ditches exposed to sunlight and free of trees. This species does not tolerate the presence of wood and the absence of light. In summary, this thesis presents a biological, genetic and ecological portrait of the characteristics of the invasive common reed that influence its spread in Quebec. These results support the seeding of native herbaceous and the planting of shrub hedges to restore disturbed ecosystems in order to prevent the existence of seedbeds suitable for the establishment of the common reed by seeds. However, the management of invasive common reed depends on the context, since this plant can also provide many ecological services

    Limits on the nuclearite flux using the ANTARES neutrino telescope

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    The authors acknowledge the financial support of the funding agencies: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies alternatives (CEA), Commission Europeenne (FEDER fund and Marie Curie Program), Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), LabEx UnivEarthS (ANR-10-LABX-0023 and ANR-18-IDEX-0001), Region Ile-de-France (DIM-ACAV), Region Alsace (contrat CPER), Region Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, Departement du Var and Ville de La Seyne-sur-Mer, France; Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy; Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), the Netherlands; Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), Romania; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion, Investigacion y Universidades (MCIU): Programa Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento (refs. PGC2018-096663-B-C41,-A-C42, -B-C43, -B-C44 and refs. PID2021-124591NB-C41, -C42, -C43) (MCIU/FEDER), Generalitat Valenciana: Prometeo (PROMETEO/2020/019), Grisolia (refs. GRISOLIA/2018/119,/2021/192) and GenT (refs. CIDEGENT/2018/034,/2019/043,/2020/049,/2021/023) programs, Junta de Andalucia (ref. A-FQM-053-UGR18), La Caixa Foundation (ref. LCF/BQ/IN17/11620019), EU: MSC program (ref. 101025085), Spain; Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Morocco, and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Kuwait. We also acknowledge the technical support of Ifremer, AIM and Foselev Marine for the sea operation and the CC-IN2P3 for the computing facilities.In this work, a search for nuclearites of strange quark matter by using nine years of ANTARES data taken in the period 2009-2017 is presented. The passage through matter of these particles is simulated taking into account a detailed description of the detector response to nuclearites and of the data acquisition conditions. A down- going flux of cosmic nuclearites with Galactic velocities (β = 10−3) was considered for this study. The mass threshold for detecting these particles at the detector level is 4 × 1013 GeV/c2. Upper limits on the nuclearite flux for masses up to 1017 GeV/c2 at the level of ∼ 5 × 10−17 cm−2 s−1 sr−1 are obtained. These are the first upper limits on nuclearites established with a neutrino telescope and the most stringent ever set for Galactic velocities.Commission Europeenne (FEDER fund)Marie Curie Actions European Union (EU)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación, Investigación y Universidades (MCIU): Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento PGC2018-096663-B-C41, PGC2018-096663-A-C42, PGC2018-096663-B-C43, PGC2018-096663-B-C44, PID2021-124591NB-C41, PID2021-124591NB-C42, PID2021-124591NB-C43Center for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF) PROMETEO/2020/019, GRISOLIA/2018/119, GRISOLIA/2021/192, CIDEGENT/2018/034, CIDEGENT/2019/043, CIDEGENT/2020/049, CIDEGENT/2021/023Junta de Andalucía A-FQM-053-UGR18La Caixa Foundation LCF/BQ/IN17/11620019EU: MSC program, Spain 10102508

    In inflammatory myopathies, dropped head/bent spine syndrome is associated with scleromyositis: an international case–control study

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    Dermatomyositis; Polymyositis; Systemic sclerosisDermatomiositis; Polimiositis; Esclerosis sistémicaDermatomiositis; Polimiositis; Esclerosi sistèmicaBackground Some myopathies can lead to dropped head or bent spine syndrome (DH/BS). The significance of this symptom has not been studied in inflammatory myopathies (IM). Objectives To assess the significance of DH/BS in patients with IM. Methods Practitioners from five IM networks were invited to report patients with IM suffering from DH/BS (without other known cause than IM). IM patients without DH/BS, randomly selected in each participating centre, were included as controls at a ratio of 2 to 1. Results 49 DH/BS-IM patients (DH: 57.1%, BS: 42.9%) were compared with 98 control-IM patients. DH/BS-IM patients were older (65 years vs 53 years, p<0.0001) and the diagnosis of IM was delayed (6 months vs 3 months, p=0.009). Weakness prevailing in the upper limbs (42.9% vs 15.3%), dysphagia (57.1% vs 25.5%), muscle atrophy (65.3% vs 34.7%), weight loss (61.2% vs 23.5%) and loss of the ability to walk (24.5% vs 5.1%) were hallmarks of DH/BS-IM (p≤0.0005), for which the patients more frequently received intravenous immunoglobulins (65.3% vs 34.7%, p=0.0004). Moreover, DH/BS-IM patients frequently featured signs and/or complications of systemic sclerosis (SSc), fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology criteria for this disease in 40.8% of the cases (vs 5.1%, p<0.0001). Distribution of the myopathy, its severity and its association with SSc were independently associated with DH/BS (p<0.05). Mortality was higher in the DH/BS-IM patients and loss of walking ability was independently associated with survival (p<0.05). Conclusion In IM patients, DH/BS is a marker of severity and is associated with SSc (scleromyositis)

    Electroencephalography-based machine learning for cognitive profiling in Parkinson's disease:Preliminary results

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    Background Cognitive symptoms are common in patients with Parkinson's disease. Characterization of a patient's cognitive profile is an essential step toward the identification of predictors of cognitive worsening. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the use of the combination of resting-state EEG and data-mining techniques to build characterization models. Methods Dense EEG data from 118 patients with Parkinson's disease, classified into 5 different groups according to the severity of their cognitive impairments, were considered. Spectral power analysis within 7 frequency bands was performed on the EEG signals. The obtained quantitative EEG features of 100 patients were mined using 2 machine-learning algorithms to build and train characterization models, namely, support vector machines and k-nearest neighbors models. The models were then blindly tested on data from 18 patients. Results The overall classification accuracies were 84% and 88% for the support vector machines and k-nearest algorithms, respectively. The worst classifications were observed for patients from groups with small sample sizes, corresponding to patients with the severe cognitive deficits. Whereas for the remaining groups for whom an accurate diagnosis was required to plan the future healthcare, the classification was very accurate. Conclusion These results suggest that EEG features computed from a daily clinical practice exploration modality in-that it is nonexpensive, available anywhere, and requires minimal cooperation from the patient-can be used as a screening method to identify the severity of cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease. (c) 2018 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society</p

    A gate-variable spin current demultiplexer based on graphene

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    Spintronics, which utilizes spin as information carrier, is a promising solution for nonvolatile memory and low-power computing in the post-Moore era. An important challenge is to realize long distance spin transport, together with efficient manipulation of spin current for novel logic-processing applications. Here, we describe a gate-variable spin current demultiplexer (GSDM) based on graphene, serving as a fundamental building block of reconfigurable spin current logic circuits. The concept relies on electrical gating of carrier density dependent conductivity and spin diffusion length in graphene. As a demo, GSDM is realized for both single-layer and bilayer graphene. The distribution and propagation of spin current in the two branches of GSDM depend on spin relaxation characteristics of graphene. Compared with Elliot-Yafet spin relaxation mechanism, D'yakonov-Perel mechanism results in more appreciable gate-tuning performance. These unique features of GSDM would give rise to abundant spin logic applications, such as on-chip spin current modulators and reconfigurable spin logic circuits.Comment: 18 pages,3 figures,1 tabl

    Mercury in the snow and firn at Summit Station, Central Greenland, and implications for the study of past atmospheric mercury levels

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    Gaseous Elemental Mercury (Hg&amp;deg; or GEM) was investigated at Summit Station, Greenland, in the interstitial air extracted from the perennial snowpack (firn) at depths ranging from the surface to 30 m, during summer 2005 and spring 2006. Photolytic production and destruction of Hg&amp;deg; were observed close to the snow surface during summer 2005 and spring 2006, and we observed dark oxidation of GEM up to 270 cm depth in June 2006. Photochemical transformation of gaseous elemental mercury resulted in diel variations in the concentrations of this gas in the near-surface interstitial air, but destruction of Hg&amp;deg; was predominant in June, and production was the main process in July. This seasonal evolution of the chemical mechanisms involving gaseous elemental mercury produces a signal that propagates downward through the firn air, but is unobservably small below 15 m in depth. As a consequence, multi-annual averaged records of GEM concentration should be well preserved in deep firn air at depths below 15 m, and available for the reconstruction of the past atmospheric history of GEM over the last decades

    Green Cooling of High Performance Micro Processors: Parametric Study between Flow Boiling and Water Cooling

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    Due to the increase in energy prices and spiralling consumption, there is a need to greatly reduce the cost of electricity within data centers, where it makes up 50% of the total cost of the IT infrastructure. A technological solution to this is using on-chip cooling with a single-phase or evaporating liquid to replace energy intensive air-cooling. The energy carried away by the liquid or vapour can also potentially be used in district heating, as an example. Thus, the important issue here is “what is the most energy efficient heat removal process?” As an answer, this paper presents a direct comparison of single-phase water, a 50% water ethylene glycol mixture and several two-phase refrigerants, including the new fourth generation refrigerants HFO1234yf and HFO1234ze. Two-phase cooling using HFC134a had an average junction temperature 9 to 15˚C lower than for single-phase cooling, while the required pumping power for the CPU cooling element for single-phase cooling was on the order of 20-130 times higher to achieve the same junction temperature uniformity. Hot-spot simulations also showed that two-phase refrigerant cooling was able to adjust to local hot-spots because of flow boiling's dependency on the local heat flux, with junction temperatures being 20 to 30˚C lower when compared to water and the 50% water-ethylene glycol mixture, respectively. An exergy analysis was developed considering a cooling cycle composed by a pump, a condenser and a multi-microchannel cooler. The focus was to show the exergetic efficiency of each component and of the entire cycle when the subject energy recovery is considered. Water and HFC134a were the working fluids evaluated in such analysis. The overall exergetic efficiency was higher when using HFC134a (about 2%) and the exergy destroyed, i.e. irreversibilities, showed that the cooling cycle proposed still have a huge potential to increase the thermodynamic performance

    A multi-wavelength study of the unidentified TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1626-490

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    HESS J1626-490, so far only detected with the H.E.S.S. array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, could not be unambiguously identified with any source seen at lower energies. Therefore, we analyzed data from an archival XMM-Newton observation, pointed towards HESS J1626-490, to classify detected X-ray point-sources according to their spectral properties and their near-infrared counterparts from the 2MASS catalog. Furthermore, we characterized in detail the diffuse X-ray emission from a region compatible with the extended VHE signal. To characterize the Interstellar Medium surrounding HESS J1626-490 we analyzed 12^{12}CO(J=1-0) molecular line data from the NANTEN Galactic plane survey, HI data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey and Spitzer data from the GLIMPSE and MIPSGAL surveys. None of the detected X-ray point sources fulfills the energetic requirements to be considered as the synchrotron radiation (SR) counterpart to the VHE source assuming an Inverse Compton (IC) emission scenario. We did not detect any diffuse X-ray excess emission originating from the region around HESS J1626-490 above the Galactic Background and the derived upper limit for the total X-ray flux disfavors a purely leptonic emission scenario for HESS J1626-490. We found a good morphological match between molecular and atomic gas in the -27km/s to -18km/s line-of-sight velocity range and HESS J1626-490. The cloud has a mass of 1.8times104times 10^4Modot_{odot} and is located at a mean kinematic distance of dd = 1.8 kpc. Furthermore, we found a density depression in the HI gas at a similar distance which is spatially consistent with the SNR G335.2+00.1. We discuss various scenarios for the VHE emission, including the CO molecular cloud being a passive target for cosmic ray protons accelerated by the nearby SNR G335.2+00.1.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, A&A in press, updated to the final versio

    A population of isolated hard X-ray sources near the supernova remnant Kes 69

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    Recent X-ray observations of the supernova remnant IC443 interacting with molecular clouds have shown the presence of a new population of hard X-ray sources related to the remnant itself, which has been interpreted in terms of fast ejecta fragment propagating inside the dense environment. Prompted by these studies, we have obtained a deep {\sl XMM-Newton} observation of the supernova remnant (SNR) Kes 69, which also shows signs of shock-cloud interaction. We report on the detection of 18 hard X-ray sources in the field of Kes 69, a significant excess of the expected galactic source population in the field, spatially correlated with CO emission from the cloud in the remnant environment. The spectra of 3 of the 18 sources can be described as hard power laws with photon index <2 plus line emission associated to K-shell transitions. We discuss the two most promising scenarios for the interpretation of the sources, namely fast ejecta fragments (as in IC443) and cataclysmic variables. While most of the observational evidences are consistent with the former interpretation, we cannot rule out the latter.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, A&A in pres