916 research outputs found

    Characterization of ZnSe scintillating bolometers for Double Beta Decay

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    ZnSe scintillating bolometers are good candidates for future Double Beta Decay searches, because of the 82Se high Q-value and thanks to the possibility of alpha background rejection on the basis of the scintillation signal. In this paper we report the characteristics and the anomalies observed in an extensive study of these devices. Among them, an unexpected high emission from alpha particles, accompanied with an unusual pattern of the light vs. heat scatter plot. The perspectives for the application of this kind of detectors to search for the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 82Se are presented.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    The Planetary Nebulae Luminosity Function and distances to Virgo, Hydra I and Coma clusters

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    The luminosity function of planetary nebulae populations in galaxies within 10-15 Mpc distance has a cut-off at bright magnitudes and a functional form that is observed to be invariant in different galaxy morphological types. Thus it is used as a secondary distance indicator in both early and late-type galaxies. Recent deep surveys of planetary nebulae populations in brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) seem to indicate that their luminosity functions deviate from those observed in the nearby galaxies. We discuss the evidence for such deviations in Virgo, and indicate which physical mechanisms may alter the evolution of a planetary nebula envelope and its central star in the halo of BCGs. We then discuss preliminary results for distances for the Virgo, Hydra I and Coma clusters based on the observed planetary nebulae luminosity functions.Comment: 5 pages, one figure. To appear on the Proceedings of the IAU Symp. 289 "Advancing the physics of cosmic distances

    CdWO4 scintillating bolometer for Double Beta Decay: Light and Heat anticorrelation, light yield and quenching factors

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    We report the performances of a 0.51 kg CdWO4 scintillating bolometer to be used for future Double Beta Decay Experiments. The simultaneous read-out of the heat and the scintillation light allows to discriminate between different interacting particles aiming at the disentanglement and the reduction of background contribution, key issue for next generation experiments. We will describe the observed anticorrelation between the heat and the light signal and we will show how this feature can be used in order to increase the energy resolution of the bolometer over the entire energy spectrum, improving up to a factor 2.6 on the 2615 keV line of 208Tl. The detector was tested in a 433 h background measurement that permitted to estimate extremely low internal trace contaminations of 232Th and 238U. The light yield of gamma/beta, alpha and neutrons is presented. Furthermore we developed a method in order to correctly evaluate the absolute thermal quenching factor of alpha particles in scintillating bolometers.Comment: 8 pages 7 figure

    Pulse Shape Analysis with scintillating bolometers

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    Among the detectors used for rare event searches, such as neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0ν\nuDBD) and Dark Matter experiments, bolometers are very promising because of their favorable properties (excellent energy resolution, high detector efficiency, a wide choice of different materials used as absorber, ...). However, up to now, the actual interesting possibility to identify the interacting particle, and thus to greatly reduce the background, can be fulfilled only with a double read-out (i.e. the simultaneous and independent read out of heat and scintillation light or heat and ionization). This double read-out could greatly complicate the assembly of a huge, multi-detector array, such as CUORE and EURECA. The possibility to recognize the interacting particle through the shape of the thermal pulse is then clearly a very interesting opportunity. While detailed analyses of the signal time development in purely thermal detectors have not produced so far interesting results, similar analyses on macro-bolometers (\sim10-500 g) built with scintillating crystals showed that it is possible to distinguish between an electron or γ\gamma-ray and an α\alpha particle interaction (i.e. the main source of background for 0ν\nuDBD experiments based on the bolometric technique). Results on pulse shape analysis of a CaMoO4_4 crystal operated as bolometer is reported as an example. An explanation of this behavior, based on the energy partition in the heat and scintillation channels, is also presented.Comment: Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, proceedings to be published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    A neutral hydrogen survey of polar ring galaxies IV. Parkes observations

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    A total of 33 polar ring galaxies and polar ring galaxy candidates were observed in the 21-cm HI line with the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. The objects, selected by their optical morphology, are all south of declination -39 degrees and in only 5 of them HI had been reported previously. HI line emission was detected towards 18 objects, though in 3 cases the detection may be confused by another galaxy in the telescope beam, and one is a marginal detection. Eight objects were detected for the first time in HI, of which 5 did not have previously known redshifts.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics, 12/2/2002; new references added on 20/2/200

    The planetary nebula population in the halo of M87

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    We investigate the diffuse light in the outer regions of the nearby elliptical galaxy M87 in the Virgo cluster, using planetary nebulas (PNs) as tracers. The surveyed areas (0.43 squared degrees) cover M87 up to a radial distance of 150 kpc, in the ransition region between galaxy halo and intracluster light (ICL). All PNs are identified through the on-off band technique using automatic selection criteria based on the distribution of the detected sources in the colour-magnitude diagram and the properties of their point-spread function. We extract a catalogue of 688 objects down to m_5007=28.4, with an estimated residual contamination from foreground stars and background Lyalpha galaxies, which amounts to ~35% of the sample. This is one of the largest extragalactic PN samples in number of candidates, magnitude depth, and radial extent, which allows us to carry out an unprecedented photometric study of the PN population in the outer regions of M87. We find that the logarithmic density profile of the PN distribution is shallower than the surface brightness profile at large radii. This behaviour is consistent with the superposition of two components associated with the halo of M87 and with the ICL, which have different luminosity specific PN numbers, the ICL contributing three times more PNs per unit light. Because of the depth of this survey we are also able to study the shape of the PN luminosity function (PNLF) in the outer regions of M87. We find a slope for the PNLF that is steeper at fainter magnitudes than the standard analytical PNLF formula and adopt a generalised model that treats the slope as a free parameter. Comparing the PNLF of M87 and the M31 bulge, both normalised by the sampled luminosity, the M87 PNLF contains fewer bright PNs and has a steeper slope towards fainter magnitudes.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Diffuse light and galaxy interactions in the core of nearby clusters

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    The kinematics of the diffuse light in the densest regions of the nearby clusters can be unmasked using the planetary nebulae (PNs) as probes of the stellar motions. The position-velocity diagrams around the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) identify the relative contributions from the outer halos and the intracluster light (ICL), defined as the light radiated by the stars floating in the cluster potential. The kinematics of the ICL can then be used to asses the dynamical status of the nearby cluster cores and to infer their formation histories. The cores of the Virgo and Coma are observed to be far from equilibrium, with mergers currently on-going, while the ICL properties in the Fornax and Hydra clusters show the presence of sub-components being accreted in their cores, but superposed to an otherwise relaxed population of stars. Finally the comparison of the observed ICL properties with those predicted from Lambda-CDM simulations indicates a qualitative agreement and provides insights on the ICL formation. Both observations and simulations indicate that BCG halos and ICL are physically distinct components, with the ``hotter" ICL dominating at large radial distances from the BCGs halos as the latter become progressively fainter.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Invited review to appear in the proceedings of "Galaxies and their masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. and Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York

    Monte Carlo evaluation of the external gamma, neutron and muon induced background sources in the CUORE experiment

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    CUORE is a 1 ton scale cryogenic experiment aiming at the measurement of the Majorana mass of the electron neutrino. The detector is an array of 988 TeO2 bolometers used for a calorimetric detection of the two electrons emitted in the BB0n of 130Te. The sensitivity of the experiment to the lowest Majorana mass is determined by the rate of background events that can mimic a BB0n. In this paper we investigate the contribution of external sources i.e. environmental gammas, neutrons and cosmic ray muons to the CUORE background and show that the shielding setup designed for CUORE guarantees a reduction of this external background down to a level <1.0E-02 c/keV/kg/y at the Q-value, as required by the physical goal of the experiment.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure