14 research outputs found

    Barriers to Diffusion in Dendrites and Estimation of Calcium Spread Following Synaptic Inputs

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    The motion of ions, molecules or proteins in dendrites is restricted by cytoplasmic obstacles such as organelles, microtubules and actin network. To account for molecular crowding, we study the effect of diffusion barriers on local calcium spread in a dendrite. We first present a model based on a dimension reduction approach to approximate a three dimensional diffusion in a cylindrical dendrite by a one-dimensional effective diffusion process. By comparing uncaging experiments of an inert dye in a spiny dendrite and in a thin glass tube, we quantify the change in diffusion constants due to molecular crowding as Dcyto/Dwater = 1/20. We validate our approach by reconstructing the uncaging experiments using Brownian simulations in a realistic 3D model dendrite. Finally, we construct a reduced reaction-diffusion equation to model calcium spread in a dendrite under the presence of additional buffers, pumps and synaptic input. We find that for moderate crowding, calcium dynamics is mainly regulated by the buffer concentration, but not by the cytoplasmic crowding, dendritic spines or synaptic inputs. Following high frequency stimulations, we predict that calcium spread in dendrites is limited to small microdomains of the order of a few microns (<5 μm)

    D7.4 How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions

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    This handbook aims to support higher education institutions with the integration of FAIR-related content in their curricula and teaching. It was written and edited by a group of about 40 collaborators in a series of six book sprint events that took place between 1 and 10 June 2021. The document provides practical material, such as competence profiles, learning outcomes and lesson plans, and supporting information. It incorporates community feedback received during the public consultation which ran from 27 July to 12 September 2021

    P22. Digital Preservation in iSchool Curricula

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    The current restructuring of the Master in Library and Information Studies at UCL Qatar provides the motive for a curriculum analysis of the leading programs in the field. One topic of interest is the extent and depth of digital preservation content in the training of future information professionals. The study looked at the online available information to identify modules of these master’s programs dealing with digital preservation topics as indicated in module titles and descriptions

    Setting up a National Research Data Curation Service for Qatar: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Over the past decade, Qatar has been making considerable progress towards developing a sustainable research culture for the nation. The main driver behind Qatar’s progress in research and innovation is Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development (QF), a private, non-profit organization that aims to utilise research as a catalyst for expanding, diversifying and improving the country’s economy, health and environment. While this has resulted in a significant growth in the number of research publications produced by Qatari researchers in recent years, a nationally co-ordinated approach is needed to address some of the emerging but increasingly important aspects of research data curation, such as management and publication of research data as important outputs, and their long-term digital preservation. Qatar National Library (QNL), launched in November 2012 under the umbrella of QF, aims to establish itself as a centre of excellence in Qatar for research data management, curation and publishing to address the research data-related needs of Qatari researchers and academics. This paper describes QNL’s approach towards establishing a national research data curation service for Qatar, highlighting the associated opportunities and key challenges

    Digital Preservation with the Islandora Framework at Qatar National Library: Poster - iPRES 2016 - Swiss National Library, Bern

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    This poster outlines how Qatar National Library builds a versatile multi-purpose repository that will provide digital preservation solutions to a wide range of national stakeholders and use cases

    Kompetent im Einsatz - Variable Autonomie Lernender Systeme in lebensfeindlichen Umgebungen

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    Egal ob im Weltraum, in der Tiefsee oder in Katastrophengebieten - Einsätze in solchen lebensfeindlichen Umgebungen stellen für den Menschen eine große Herausforderung und erhebliche Risiken dar. Autonome, Lernende Systeme können hier helfen, Gefahren und Risiken für Menschen zu verringern oder solche Umgebungen überhaupt erst erschließen zu können. Die Missionskonfigurationen, der Grad der Autonomie eines selbstlernenden Systems sowie die Intensität der Interaktion mit Menschen können dabei enorm variieren. Entscheidend für das Gelingen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Menschen und Lernenden Systemen ist eine gute Arbeitsteilung. Expertinnen und Experten der Arbeitsgruppe Lebensfeindliche Umgebungen der Plattform Lernende Systeme haben im vorliegenden Whitepaper Schlüsselvoraussetzungen für diese Arbeitsteilung zwischen Mensch und Lernendem System sowie für die Kompetenz des Lernenden Systems im jeweiligen situativen Anwendungskontext untersucht. Das Whitepaper zeigt, dass Lernende Systeme in einer lebensfeindlichen Umgebung im Vergleich zu Anwendungsdomänen wie Industrie und Verkehr sehr individuell ausgestaltet sind und derartige Einsätze zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nicht ohne den Menschen als Überwacher des Geschehens konzipiert werden können. Stattdessen geht es darum, den Menschen zu unterstützen und sein Gefahrenrisiko zu minimieren: So viel Autonomie wie möglich - nur so viel menschlicher Eingriff wie nötig. Das Whitepaper adressiert mit Bezug zu praxisorientierten Anwendungsfällen die Fragen, warum für Lernende Systeme in lebensfeindlichen Umgebungen eine variable Autonomie angestrebt werden sollte, welche Architekturkomponenten solche Systeme benötigen, welche Forschungsbedarfe existieren und welche Fragestellungen sich daraus für Anwendungen ergeben