7 research outputs found

    Circuit design of a dual-versioning L1 data cache

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    This paper proposes a novel L1 data cache design with dual-versioning SRAM cells (dvSRAM) for chip multi-processors that implement optimistic concurrency proposals. In this cache architecture, each dvSRAM cell has two cells, a main cell and a secondary cell, which keep two versions of the same logical data. These values can be accessed, modified, moved back and forth between the main and secondary cells within the access time of the cache. We design and simulate a 32 KB dual-versioning L1 data cache and introduce three well-known use cases that make use of optimistic concurrency execution that can benefit from our proposed design. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work is supported by the cooperation agreement between the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft Research, by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain and the European Union (FEDER funds) under contracts TIN2007-60625 and TIN2008-02055-E, by the European Network of Excellence on High-Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC) and by the European Commission FP7 project VELOX (216852).Peer Reviewe

    Mont-Blanc 2020: Towards Scalable and Power Efficient European HPC Processors

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    The Mont-Blanc 2020 (MB2020) project has triggered the development of the next generation industrial processor for Big Data and High Performance Computing (HPC). MB2020 is paving the way to the future low-power European processor for exascale, defining the System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture and implementing new critical building blocks to be integrated in such an SoC. In this paper, we first present an overview of the MB2020 project, then we describe our experimental infrastructure, the requirements of relevant applications, and the IP blocks developed in the project. Finally, we present our emulation-based final demonstrator and explain how it integrates within our first generation of HPC processors.This work is supported by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme under the Mont-Blanc 2020 project, grant agreement n. 779877.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multilevel simulation-based co-design of next generation HPC microprocessors

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    This paper demonstrates the combined use of three simulation tools in support of a co-design methodology for an HPC-focused System-on-a-Chip (SoC) design. The simulation tools make different trade-offs between simulation speed, accuracy and model abstraction level, and are shown to be complementary. We apply the MUSA trace-based simulator for the initial sizing of vector register length, system-level cache (SLC) size and memory bandwidth. It has proven to be very efficient at pruning the design space, as its models enable sufficient accuracy without having to resort to highly detailed simulations. Then we apply gem5, a cycle-accurate micro-architecture simulator, for a more refined analysis of the performance potential of our reference SoC architecture, with models able to capture detailed hardware behavior at the cost of simulation speed. Furthermore, we study the network-on-chip (NoC) topology and IP placements using both gem5 for representative small- to medium-scale configurations and SESAM/VPSim, a transaction-level emulator for larger scale systems with good simulation speed and sufficient architectural details. Overall, we consider several system design concerns, such as processor subsystem sizing and NoC settings.We apply the selected simulation tools, focusing on different levels of abstraction, to study several configurations with various design concerns and evaluate them to guide architectural design and optimization decisions. Performance analysis is carried out with a number of representative benchmarks. The obtained numerical results provide guidance and hints to designers regarding SIMD instruction width, SLC sizing, memory bandwidth as well as the best placement of memory controllers and NoC form factor.Thus, we provide critical insights for efficient design of future HPC microprocessors

    Towards Resilient EU HPC Systems: A Blueprint

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    This document aims to spearhead a Europe-wide discussion on HPC system resilience and to help the European HPC community define best practices for resilience. It analyses a wide range of state-of-the-art resilience mechanisms and recommend the most effective approaches to employ in large-scale HPC systems. These guidelines will be useful in the allocation of available resources, as well as guiding researchers and research funding towards the enhancement of resilience approaches with the highest priority and utility. Although it is focused on the needs of next generation HPC systems in Europe, the principles and evaluations are applicable globally. This document is the first output of the ongoing European HPC resilience initiative and it covers individual nodes in HPC systems, encompassing CPU, memory, intra-node interconnect and emerging FPGA-based hardware accelerators. With community support and feedback on this initial document, we will update the analysis and expand the scope to include other types of accelerators, as well as networks and storage. The need for resilience features is analysed based on three guiding principles: 1. The resilience features implemented in HPC systems should assure that the failure rate of the system is below an acceptable threshold, representative of the technology, system size and target application. 2. Given the high cost incurred by uncorrected error propagation, hardware errors should be detected and corrected frequently and at low overhead, which is likely only possible in hardware. 3. Overheating is one of the main causes of unreliable device behaviour. Production HPC systems should prevent overheating while balancing power/energy and performance. Based on these principles, the main outcome of this document is that the following features should be given priority during the design, implementation and operation of any large-scale HPC system: • ECC in main memory • Memory demand and patrol scrub • Memory address parity protection • Error detection in CPU caches and registers • Error detection in the intra-node interconnect • Packet retry in the intra-node interconnect • Reporting corrected errors to the BIOS or OS (system software requirement) • Memory thermal throttling • Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling for CPUs, FPGAs and ASICs • Over-temperature shutdown mechanism for FPGAs • ECC in FPGA on-chip data memories as well as in configuration memories The remaining state-of-the-art resilience features surveyed in this document should only be developed and implemented after a more detailed and specific cost–benefit analysis

    The gem5 Simulator: Version 20.0+

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    The open-source and community-supported gem5 simulator is one of the most popular tools for computer architecture research. This simulation infrastructure allows researchers to model modern computer hardware at the cycle level, and it has enough fidelity to boot unmodified Linux-based operating systems and run full applications for multiple architectures including x86, Arm®, and RISC-V. The gem5 simulator has been under active development over the last nine years since the original gem5 release. In this time, there have been over 7000 commits to the codebase from over 250 unique contributors which have improved the simulator by adding new features, fixing bugs, and increasing the code quality. In this paper, we give an overview of gem5's usage and features, describe the current state of the gem5 simulator, and enumerate the major changes since the initial release of gem5. We also discuss how the gem5 simulator has transitioned to a formal governance model to enable continued improvement and community support for the next 20 years of computer architecture research