42 research outputs found

    Dust altitude and infrared optical depth from AIRS

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    International audienceWe show that mineral dust optical depth and altitude can be retrieved from the Aqua – Advanced Infrared Radiation Sounder (AIRS) measurements. Sensitivity studies performed with a high spectral resolution radiative transfer code show that dust effect on brightness temperatures may reach about 10 Kelvins for some channels. Using a Look-Up-Table approach, we retrieve not only the 10 ”m optical depth but also the altitude of Saharan dust layer, above the Atlantic Ocean, from April to September 2003. A key point of our method relies in its ability to retrieve dust altitude from satellite observations. The time and space distribution of the optical depth is in good agreement with the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products. Comparing MODIS and AIRS aerosol optical depths, we find that the ratio between infrared and visible optical depths decreases during transport from 0.35 to 0.22, revealing a loss in coarse particles caused by gravitational settling. The evolution of dust altitude from spring to summer is in agreement with the transport seasonality

    Retrieval of tropospheric CO column from hyperspectral infrared sounders - application to four years of Aqua/AIRS and MetOp-A/IASI

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    International audienceFour years of tropospheric integrated content of CO were retrieved from infrared hyperspectral observations of AIRS onboard Aqua and IASI onboard MetOp-A, for the period July 2007-June 2011. The retrieval method is based on a double differential approach that relies on the difference between brightness temperatures observed by the sounder and BT simulated by the Automatised Atmospheric Absorption Atlas (4A) radiative transfer model on colocated ECMWF reanalyses, for several couples of channels located in the 4.67 mu m CO band. AIRS and IASI give access to similar integrated contents of CO with a maximum sensitivity near 450 hPa and a half-height width of the weighting function between 200 and 750 hPa depending on the thermal contrast (i.e., the difference between the surface temperature and the temperature of the first pressure level). However, differences in their spectral and radiometric characteristics yield differences in the retrieval characteristics with AIRS selected couples of channels being more sensitive to surface characteristics. Moreover, IASI covers the whole CO absorption band, with a 3 times better spectral resolution, giving access to channels presenting a 3 times higher signal to noise ratio. This results in a better precision and lower standard deviation of the IASI retrievals. Conservatively, comparisons with CARIBIC aircraft measurements yield an averaged relative difference of 3.4% for IASI and 4.9% for AIRS. On average, AIRS and IASI retrievals are in very good agreement, showing the same seasonality, seasonal amplitudes, interannual variability and spatial distribution. The analysis of the monthly evolution of CO particularly highlights the expected strong influence of biomass burning on the evolution of CO in several tropical regions. In particular, a sharp increase in CO in 2010 in the southern tropics, especially over South America and South Africa, is observed, and is shown to be related to El Nino and to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

    Towards IASI-New Generation (IASI-NG): impact of improved spectral resolution and radiometric noise on the retrieval of thermodynamic, chemistry and climate variables

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    Besides their strong contribution to weather forecast improvement through data assimilation, thermal infrared sounders onboard polar-orbiting platforms are now playing a key role for monitoring atmospheric composition changes. The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) instrument developed by the French space agency (CNES) and launched by Eumetsat onboard the Metop satellite series is providing essential inputs for weather forecasting and pollution/climate monitoring owing to its smart combination of large horizontal swath, good spectral resolution and high radiometric performance. EUMETSAT is currently preparing the next polar-orbiting program (EPS-SG) with the Metop-SG satellite series that should be launched around 2020. In this framework, CNES is studying the concept of a new instrument, the IASI-New Generation (IASI-NG), characterized by an improvement of both spectral and radiometric characteristics as compared to IASI, with three objectives: (i) continuity of the IASI/Metop series; (ii) improvement of vertical resolution; (iii) improvement of the accuracy and detection threshold for atmospheric and surface components. In this paper, we show that an improvement of spectral resolution and radiometric noise fulfill these objectives by leading to (i) a better vertical coverage in the lower part of the troposphere, thanks to the increase in spectral resolution; (ii) an increase in the accuracy of the retrieval of several thermodynamic, climate and chemistry variables, thanks to the improved signal-to-noise ratio as well as less interferences between the signatures of the absorbing species in the measured radiances. The detection limit of several atmospheric species is also improved. We conclude that IASI-NG has the potential for strongly benefiting the numerical weather prediction, chemistry and climate communities now connected through the European GMES/Copernicus initiative

    Cloud climatologies from the infrared sounders AIRS and IASI: strengths and applications

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    International audienceGlobal cloud climatologies have been built from 13 years of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and 8 years of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) observations, using an updated Clouds from Infrared Sounders (CIRS) retrieval. The CIRS software can handle any infrared (IR) sounder data. Compared to the original retrieval, it uses improved radiative transfer modelling, accounts for atmospheric spectral transmissivity changes associated with CO 2 concentration and incorporates the lat-est ancillary data (atmospheric profiles, surface temperature and emissivities). The global cloud amount is estimated to be 0.67–0.70, for clouds with IR optical depth larger than about 0.1. The spread of 0.03 is associated with ancillary data. Cloud amount is partitioned into about 40 % high-level clouds, 40 % low-level clouds and 20 % mid-level clouds. The latter two categories are only detected in the absence of upper clouds. The A-Train active instruments, lidar and radar of the CALIPSO and CloudSat missions, provide a unique opportunity to evaluate the retrieved AIRS cloud properties. CIRS cloud height can be approximated either by the mean layer height (for optically thin clouds) or by the mean between cloud top and the height at which the cloud reaches opacity. This is valid for high-level as well as for low-level clouds identified by CIRS. IR sounders are particularly advantageous to retrieve upper-tropospheric cloud properties, with a reliable cirrus identification, day and night. These clouds are most abundant in the tropics, where high opaque clouds make up 7.5 %, thick cirrus 27.5 % and thin cirrus about 21.5 % of all clouds. The 5 % annual mean excess in high-level cloud amount in the Northern compared to the Southern Hemisphere has a pronounced seasonal cycle with a maximum of 25 % in boreal summer, in accordance with the moving of the ITCZ peak latitude, with annual mean of 4°N, to a maximum of 12°N. This suggests that this excess is mainly determined by the position of the ITCZ. Considering interannual variability, tropical cirrus are more frequent relative to all clouds when the global (or tropical) mean surface gets warmer. Changes in relative amount of tropical high opaque and thin cirrus with respect to mean surface temperature show different geographical patterns, suggesting that their response to climate change might differ

    The Îœ4 bands at 11 ”m: linelists for the Trans- and Cis- conformer forms of nitrous acid (HONO) in the 2019 version of the GEISA database

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    International audienceUsing parameters of line positions and line intensities existing in the literature for the Trans- and Cis- conformer forms of nitrous acid (HONO), we generated, for the first time, a linelist of positions, intensities, and line shape parameters for the Îœ4 bands of nitrous acid located at 790.117 and 851.943 cm−1 for the Trans- and Cis- conformers, respectively. A validation of this linelist was performed using spectra recorded by the IASI (InterfĂ©romĂštre AtmosphĂ©rique de Sondage Infrarouge) satellite instrument in February 2009 during the (rather) exceptional conditions of the large Australian bush fires. This list, which is now included in the 2020 version of the GEISA database (https://geisa.aeris-data.fr/), is of potential interest for the IASI-NG (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer – New Generation) instrument which will be launched on board the METOP-SG satellite in 2021

    Retrieving the Clear-Sky Vertical Longwave Radiative Budget from TOVS: Comparison of a Neural Network–Based Retrieval and a Method UsingGeophysical Parameters

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    International audienceAt a time when a new generation of satellite vertical sounders is going to be launched (including the Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer and Advanced Infrared Radiometric Sounder instruments), this paper assesses the possibilities of retrieving the vertical profiles of longwave clear-sky fluxes and cooling rates from the Television and Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) radiometers aboard the polar-orbiting National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellites since 1979. It focuses on two different methodologies that have been developed at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (France). The first one uses a neural network approach for the parameterization of the links between the TOVS radiances and the longwave fluxes. The second one combines the geophysical variables retrieved by the Improved Initialization Inversion method and a forward radiative transfer model used in atmospheric general circulation models. The accuracy of these two methods is evaluated using both theoretical studies and comparisons with global observations

    Computation of longwave radiative flux and vertical heating rate with 4A-Flux v1.0 as an integral part of the radiative transfer code 4A/OP v1.5

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    International audienceBased on advanced spectroscopic databases, line-by-line and layer-by-layer radiative transfer codes numerically solve the radiative transfer equation with very high accuracy. Taking advantage of its pre-calculated optical depth lookup table, the fast and accurate radiative transfer model Automatized Atmospheric Absorption Atlas OPerational (4A/OP) calculates the transmission and radiance spectra for a user-defined layered atmospheric model. Here, we present a module called 4A-Flux, which is developed and implemented into 4A/OP in order to include the calculation of the clear-sky longwave radiative flux profiles and heating rate profiles at a very high spectral resolution. Calculations are performed under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium, a plane-parallel atmosphere, and specular reflection on the surface. The computation takes advantage of pre-tabulated exponential integral functions that are used instead of a classic angular quadrature. Furthermore, the sub-layer variation of the Planck function is implemented to better represent the emission of layers with a high optical depth. Thanks to the implementation of 4A-Flux, 4A/OP models have participated in the Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (RFMIP-IRF) along with other state-of-the-art radiative transfer models. 4A/OP hemispheric flux profiles are compared to other models over the 1800 representative atmospheric situations of RFMIP, yielding an outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) mean difference between 4A/OP and other models of -0.148 W m-2 and a standard deviation of 0.218 W m-2, showing a good agreement between 4A/OP and other models. 4A/OP is applied to the Thermodynamic Initial Guess Retrieval (TIGR) atmospheric database to analyze the response of the OLR and vertical heating rate to several perturbations of temperature or gas concentration. This work shows that 4A/OP with 4A-Flux module can successfully be used to simulate accurate flux and heating rate profiles and provide useful sensitivity studies including sensitivities to minor trace gases such as HFC134a, HCFC22, and CFC113. We also highlight the interest for the modeling community to extend intercomparison between models to comparisons between spectroscopic databases and modeling to improve the confidence in model simulations