107 research outputs found

    SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Automated Reasoning: a Unifying Perspective

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    Propositional reasoning (SAT) is an essential part of many reasoning tasks. Many problems in computer science can be compiled to SAT and then effectively decided using state-of-the-art solvers. Alternatively, if reduction to SAT is not feasible, the ideas and technology of state-of-the-art SAT solvers can be useful in deciding the propositional component of the reasoning task being considered. This last approach has been used in different contexts by different authors, many times by authors of this paper. Because of the essential role played by the SAT solver, these decision procedures have been called "SAT-based". SAT-based decision procedures have been proposed for various logics, but also in other areas such as planning. In this paper we present a unifying perspective on the various SAT-based approaches to these different reasoning tasks

    SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Classical Modal Logics

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    We present a set of SAT-based decision procedures for various classical modal logics. By SAT-based, we mean built on top of a SAT solver. We show how the SAT-based approach allows for a modular implementation for these logics. For some of the logics we deal with, we are not aware of any other implementation. For the others, we define a testing methodology which generalizes the 3CNFK methodology by Giunchiglia and Sebastiani. The experimental evaluation shows that our decision procedures perform better than or as well as other state-of-the-art decision procedures

    Consistency of property specification patterns with boolean and constrained numerical signals

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    Property Specification Patterns (PSPs) have been proposed to solve recurring specification needs, to ease the formalization of requirements, and enable automated verification thereof. In this paper, we extend PSPs by considering Boolean as well as atomic numerical assertions. This extension enables us to reason about functional requirements which would not be captured by basic PSPs. We contribute an encoding from constrained PSPs to LTL formulae, and we show experimental results demonstrating that our approach scales on requirements of realistic size generated using a probabilistic model. Finally, we show that our extension enables us to prove (in)consistency of requirements about an embedded controller for a robotic manipulator

    Formal Verification of Neural Networks: a Case Study about Adaptive Cruise Control

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    Formal verification of neural networks is a promising technique to improve their dependability for safety critical applications. Autonomous driving is one such application where the controllers supervising different functions in a car should undergo a rigorous certification process. In this pa- per we present an example about learning and verification of an adaptive cruise control function on an autonomous car. We detail the learning process as well as the attempts to ver- ify various safety properties using the tool NEVER2, a new framework that integrates learning and verification in a sin- gle easy-to-use package intended for practictioners rather than experts in formal methods and/or machine learning


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    Poster: Automatic Consistency Checking of Requirements with ReqV

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    In the context of Requirements Engineering, checking the consistency of functional requirements is an important and still mostly open problem. In case of requirements written in natural language, the corresponding manual review is time consuming and error prone. On the other hand, automated consistency checking most often requires overburdening formalizations. In this paper we introduce REQV, a tool for formal consistency checking of requirements. The main goal of the tool is to provide an easy-to-use environment for the verification of requirements in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). REQV takes as input a set of requirements expressed in a structured natural language, translates them in a formal language and it checks their inner consistency. In case of failure, REQV can also extracts a minimal set of conflicting requirements to help designers in correcting the specification

    Designing a solver competition: the QBFEVAL'10 case study

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    In this paper we report about QBFEVAL'10, the seventh in a series of events established with the aim of assessing the advancements in reasoning about quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs). The paper discusses the results obtained and the evaluation setup, from the criteria used to select QBF instances down to the hardware infrastructure. We also discuss the current state-of-the-art in light of past challenges and we envision future research directions that are motivated by the results of QBFEVAL'10

    Quantifier Structure in Search-Based Procedures for QBFs

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