145 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Science and technology on modern human create dualism result which complete opposite. Those results are as proper instrument to fulfill increasingly complex of human needand as nature exploltatlon instrument with dehumanization as result and also the trap of historical ratlona/lty. The hedonism ethics trend has a significant role on the second result. It means, whether the hedonism terminology is /lmlted with "lust" meaning which .refer to ego existence. Therefore the nature will define as "phallus" which will explolt freely as the exploitation subject to fulfill the lust, and the heavy pollution on environment is unavoidable. This historical ratlona/lty should be cut as an effort to save thefuture. Local wisdom is a promising therapy alternative. Local wisdom has universal values to return to the nature path,\u27 namely ethical values with natura magistrate prlnclpal on interaction, interrelation and interdependency relation between human and nature. Only thls harmony will able to maintenance the sustainable environmental protection to the future. Keyword. : local wisdom, hedonism, environmental pollutio

    Refleksi Filosofis Mengenal Keadilan dan Ketahanan Nasional.

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    Kata kunci: Keadilan - Ketahanan Nasioal

    Kearifan Lokal Batak Toba Dalihan Na Tolu Dan Good Governance Dalam Birokrasi Publik

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    Starting with the problem of dalihan na tolu as a cultural value and public bureaucracy that based on good governance principles, in the context of local wisdom surely it will be aproblem for Batak Toba community. Local wisdom is not able tosolve directly local problems in their plurality and complexity as it takes place in Batak Toba community. Local wisdom, therefore, in the context of culture is only able to support its community. If it faces other cultures, then, there will be some cultural distortions. In order to eliminate the cultural friction and support community structure, therefore, it needs a more sublime local wisdom to create a creative and intelligence local culture. Someone may critically and ironically ask questions: why, in global era when the world had been a global village, men as a person or a group want to comeback to local images; and what it is like a cultural differential phenomenon that makes priority to the images and just want to be a different performance in the context of deconstruction


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    Perkembangan politik yang berlangsung dalam lingkungan nasional saat ini cenderung menempatkan Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), dan khususnya TNI AD pada posisi yang makin rentan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pemahaman dari berbagai pihak dalam melihat TNI sebagai salah satu aset bangsa yang perlu dipelihara eksistensi dalam nzenegakkan kedaulatan bangsa dan negara. Era perubahan ini menuntut TNI AD sebagai salah satu kekuatan pertahanan negara perlu mengambi/ posisi yang sesuai dengan tuntutan reformasi. Selain itu kondisi ini sangat dipengaruhi juga oleh perkembangan lingkungan strategis yang cenderung menuntut peran TNI AD sebagai komponen bangsa yang sangat penting agar lebih tanggap dalam mengantisipasi setiap isue yang berkembang menyangkut pertahanan nasional, yang selama ini telah dilakukan melalui strategi pembinaan teritorial


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian inibertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif solusi terhadap upaya mengurangi dampak kerusakan lingkungan akibat ekploitasi sumberdaya alam yang dilakukan manusia melalui proses pembangunan dengan pendekatan filosofi apakah hakikat dan esensi dari manusiadan bagaimana kedudukannya di alam semesta ini? Apa yang harus dilakukan manusia untuk menjaga dan mengembangkan kehidupan diri dan lingkungannya?Penelitian merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat kualitatif. Metoda yang digunakan adalah  verstehen,interpretasi,  hermeneutika dan heuristik. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwaproses pembangunan dan upaya manusia dalam melakukan eksploitasi sumberdaya alam yang tidak rasional dan hanya mementingkan “syahwat” keserakahan dan kenikmatan (hedonisme) telah memberi andil yang cukup penting dalam membentuk selera konsumtifisme. Eksploitasi sumberdaya alam berdasarkan pandangan yang individualistik-materialistik, telah menyebabkan timbulnya konflik-konflik yang berakibat pada korban manusia dan kerusakan lingkungan serta menciptakan jurang pemisah antara kesejahteraan dan kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu, dalam pembangunan diperlukan kerangka pemikiran yang bersifat antro-ekologis-filsafati (human ecology). Karena dengan kerangka pemikiran atau paradigma tersebut berbagai dimensi dapat terangkum di dalameksistensi manusia dan eksistensi lain menurut ukuran kemanusiandi dalam dirinya. Dengan demikian,apa yang dikatakan pembangunan yang berwajah insani dan lestari lingkungannya dalam pertimbangan dimensi waktu, manusia, alam serta dimensi religius dapat terbawa. Analisa dampak lingkungan dalam perencanaan pembangunan tidak cukup hanya dengan mempertimbangkan aspek teknis seperti analisa kerusakan, pencemaran dan kelestarian lingkungan, akan tetapi aspek non-teknis, yakni nilai etis yang didasarkan pada kearifan manusia dan kearifan lokal juga penting diperhatikan,agar tidak terjadi penolakan-penolakan dan konflik antarunsur ekologi dalam suatu ekosistem,sehingga terjadi interaksi yang harmoni dan seimbang antara pemanfaatan dan pemeliharaan sumberdaya alam dalam pembangunan. ABSTRACTThis research aims to give alternative solution in reducing environmental damage as the result of human exploitation on natural resource in development process. The approach in use is philosophical approach to understand the fact and essence of human role in the universe. What human must do to maintenance and keep himself and his environment? This research is a qualitative bibliographical research. The method in use is versetehen, interpretation, hermeneutic and heuristic. The result shows the development process and human effort in exploiting natural resource is irrational and full of greediness and also hedonism. This result has important role to create consumptiveness. Natural resource base on individualistic-materialistic perspective has created various conflicts with human toll and environmental damage. It also created segregation between wealth and poverty. Therefore, development need critical framework with anthro-ecology-philosophy (human ecology). This critical framework or paradigm could resume various dimensions in human existence or another existence with human measurement. Thus, humanist development and environmental maintenance with time dimension, human, nature and religious dimension measurement are included. Environmental effect analysis in development planning not only base on technical aspect such as damage analysis, pollution and environmental maintenance but also non-technical aspects, namely ethical values base on human and local wisdom. Those attentive aspects are mentioned to avoid rejections and conflicts between ecological elements in an ecosystem to create harmonic interaction and balance between use and natural resource maintenance in development


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    Permendagri No. 16 2011 on the Change on Permendagri No. 11 2006 on Regional Intelligence Community shows the strategic value for the regional government to detect every regional potential threats. Therefore there is an anticipation to solve the developing problems.This research was done to find out coordination role in regional intelligence community activities at Demak regency. This research is qualitative descriptive. The data collecting in use is observation and interview. The Demak regional intelligence community does its role due to the intelligence functions such as investigation, security and support. Therefore coordination is a very important in every activity. Optimal coordination and communication in routineactivities and incidental meetings are needed to maximize intelligence information meeting. Strategy to optimize Demak regional intelligence community role is needed to organize it to face every potential threats in supporting regional government and its related elements to establish regional resilience


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    This research is entitled “Construction of Nationalism Identity in Baduy Society Based on Pikukuh and Buyut.” This is a library research on the philosophical life of the Baduy, a traditional community in Indonesia. Analysis was conducted using interpretation, inductive and deductive, internal coherence, and holistica approaches. This research resulted is some conclusions. First, the Baduy community was found to uphold a form of ethno-nationalism which is based on Pikukuh and Buyut with a strong focus on the meaning of leadership, communal life, and observance of laws. However, this ethno-nationalism does not conflict with the state nationalism upheld by the Indonesian government. Indeed, seba shows that there has always been good relationship between the Baduy people (which uphold ethno-nationalism) and the Indonesian government (which upholds state nationalism). Secondly, the “imagined” nationalism in the Baduy community is founded based on traditional bond, in which case nationalism is not separated from tradition. Consequently, the values are oriented towards basic rationality in order to construct an identity of nationalism unique to the Baduy community. However, at the same time, instrumental rationality and the value-oriented rationality have the same role, in that they serve to construct the meaning of nationalism in the Baduy community. All of these factors result in a harmonious relationship between ethno-nationalism upheld by the the Baduy community and state nationalism upheld by the Indonesian government

    Eksistensi Manusia dalam Filsafat Soren Kierkegaard

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    indirectly with cultural issues. The problems also have touched values of human rights, such as: restlessness, isolation, etc. Modern-man increasingly is trapped by a hole which is dug by him(her)self. Technological advances in modern civilization have made man arrogant that eventually plunged the man into a visible-life problem. Those basic or fundamental problems are very urgent and demanding an answer. To give the answer, it is needed an approach which orientates to human existence. It can be found in  thoughts of Sören Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard distinguishes the human existence into three distinctive levels, namely: (1) the aesthetic existence, (2) the ethics existence, (3) the religious existence. These levels will affect the human existence and it is its way. He differs from other existentialist philosophers who in general are atheists. Keywords: human existence, Sören Kierkegaard, cultural issues, the aesthetic existence, the ethics existence, the religious existenc
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