288 research outputs found

    Effect of Enzyme Addition in the Making of Pedro Ximenez Sweet Wines Using Dynamic Pre-fermentative Maceration

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    This work evaluated the effect of two commercial pectolytic enzymes on some oenological parameters before andafter enzymatic treatments with pre-fermentative dynamic maceration at room temperature for three hours. Thestudy was conducted on an industrial scale using musts from sun-dried grapes of the Pedro Ximenez variety.Statistical analysis and sensory rating showed that the resulting wines varied significantly in total soluble solids(ºBrix) and in the final sensorial controls. On the other hand, the enzyme treatment had no effect on the contentof total polyphenols (TPI) and other chemical characteristics of the obtained musts. A higher qualitative level wasobserved with regard to aroma and gustative quality compared to the control. The results also demonstrate thattotal juice yield improved after enzyme addition together with dynamic maceration

    Sistema de percepción de alta precisión para sistemas inteligentes de transporte

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    Robocity2030 7th Workshop. Móstoles. Spain. Oct, 2010. Visión en Robótica (2010).Este trabajo describe el sistema de percepción de alta precisión implementado sobre un autobús articulado para su conducción automática a través de un carril guía. Entre las infraestructuras de transporte más prometedoras de los sistemas de transporte automáticos, el bus articulado presenta un costo bajo relacionada con la cantidad de pasajeros que puede transportar, además del confort de los mismos relacionados con otros medios de transporte masivo. La plataforma experimental que se presenta en este trabajo consiste en un vehículo móvil y un circuito privado dentro de las instalaciones del CSIC. El sistema de percepción que se presenta en este trabajo está basado en dos escáneres láser 2D, donde la principal objetivo radica en la detección de un carril guía construido en el circuito, mediante un algoritmo híbrido eficiente de extracción de líneas, y la detección de obstáculos posibles sobre el recorrido del circuito.Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco del proyecto Robocity2030-II S2009/DPI-1559 subvencionado por la Dirección General de Investigación de la Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid e IMADE PIE/62/2008 (Comunidad de Madrid, ALDESA CONSTRUCCIONES SA, MAXIMASDE), y la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) en el marco del proyecto FORTUNA D/026706/09. El Dr. Héctor Montes agradece el apoyo recibido de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá y del CSIC bajo el Programa JAE-Doc.Peer reviewe

    La satisfacción del usuario como indicador de calidad en el servicio municipal de deportes. Percepción, análisis y evolución

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    A longitudinal study will be conducted which can be useful for the benchmarking of future public sports managers. The objectives of this study will be determining the degree of present user satisfaction with communal sports services offered by the city council of Cartagena, analyzing the development of user satisfaction over time, between 1991 and 2015, in order to update quality levels offered by those services and providing a practical example of management that is quality oriented.The global analysis of the dimensions of the survey shows that all resources of the communal sports services determine the quality although some are more important that others concerning the satisfaction of the citizens, the most important part of the organization at both times are the people who provide the service. The data will ensure that decisions will be made to enhance those aspects that were rated the worst by the users and that systems will be applied to secure quality, satisfaction and citizen loyalty to the communal sports services.Abordamos un estudio longitudinal para determinar el grado de satisfacción del usuario con los servicios deportivos municipales del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena, analizar la evolución de la satisfacción a lo largo del tiempo, entre 1991 y 2015, para actualizar los niveles de calidad que ofrecen estos servicios y aportar un caso práctico de gestión orientado a la calidad, que pueda servir al benchmarking de los futuros gestores deportivos públicos.El análisis global de las dimensiones de la encuesta indica que todos los recursos del servicio condicionan la calidad, aunque unos tienen mayor peso que otros en la satisfacción percibida, siendo en ambos periodos, las personas que prestan el servicio lo mejor valorado. Estos datos facilitan la toma de decisiones de mejora sobre los aspectos peor valorados y la aplicación de sistemas para afianzar la calidad, la satisfacción y la fidelización de los ciudadanos al servicio municipal de deportes.

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the prevalence of apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment in an adult Brazilian population

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    Introduction This cross-sectional study evaluated the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) and endodontic treatment in type 2 diabetic individuals as compared with nondiabetics from an adult Brazilian population. Methods Full-mouth radiographs from 30 type 2 diabetic and 60 age- and sex-matched nondiabetic individuals were examined, and the presence of AP lesions in untreated and root canal-treated teeth was recorded. The number of teeth and the prevalence of root canal treatment were also evaluated. Results AP was significantly more present in teeth from diabetic individuals (98/652, 15%) than in nondiabetic controls (162/1,368, 12%) (P = .05). A separate analysis of untreated and treated teeth revealed that significance was mostly because of the prevalence of AP in untreated teeth, which was 10% in diabetics and 7% in nondiabetics (P = .03). No significant difference between diabetics and nondiabetics was observed for the other parameters under study, including the prevalence of AP in root canal–treated teeth, the number of teeth in the oral cavity, the number of treated teeth per individual, the number of individuals with at least 1 AP lesion or 1 root canal treatment, and the number of teeth with AP per individual (P > .05). Conclusions AP was significantly more prevalent in untreated teeth from type 2 diabetics. This suggests that diabetes may serve as a disease modifier of AP in the sense that individuals with diabetes can be more prone to develop primary disease. However, findings do not confirm that diabetes may influence the response to root canal treatment because treated teeth had no increased prevalence of AP when compared with controls

    Estudio cardiológico de las líneas celulares BHK -21, 135 el-7 y PK -15 empleadas en vacunas de uso veterinario

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    La gran importancia que tienen los cultivos celulares, radica principalmente en que en ellos es posible efectuar aislamiento primario de virus, investigación bioquímica básica y producción de vacunas entre otras (Fenner y White, 1981). Actualmente un g

    Activated protein C, severe sepsis and 28-day mortality

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    Protein C (PC) de ciency is prevalent in severe sepsis, studies showing that more than 80% of patients with severe sepsis have a baseline PC level below the lower limit of normal [1,2]. The aim of the study was to relate the anticoagulation activity evaluated by PC, with clinical parameters and 28-day mortality.Ye

    Pulmonary ballon valvuloplasty in 95 dogs: effect of valve morphology on immediate and late outcome

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    Pulmonic stenosis (PS) is one of the most common congenital heart defects in dogs. Pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty (PBV) is now the treatment of choice for PS in humans as in dogs. In human PBV has gained acceptance as the first option in the management of PS in any age group (newborn, children, adult) and any valve morphology (typical or dysplastic). Valve morphology, hinge point diameter and immediate higher residual gradient are identified as the most significant independent predictors of long term results. Concerning dogs, only few studies analyzed the importance of valve morphology as selection criteria for PBV. The first purpose of this retrospective study is evaluating if valve morphology is an important factor for successful PBV as it has been confirmed for human. PBV was performed in 95 dogs (75 type A PS, 16 a type B and 4 intermediate type). The mean peak Doppler gradient before PBV was 124 mmHg (\ub140) in dogs with type A (range 45-227 mmHg) and 133 mmHg (\ub130) in dogs with type B (range 65-182 mmHg). The mean peak Doppler gradient after the PBV (24h) was for the type A 49 mmHg (\ub121) (range 15-104 mmHg) and for the type B 68 mmHg (\ub124) (range 35-109 mmHg), documenting a significant reduction of gradient in both groups (P<0,0001). The mean peak Doppler gradient at 1 year was 55 mmHg (\ub120) in dogs with type A (range 15-110 mmHg) and 73 mmHg (\ub131) in dogs with type B (range 25-119 mmHg), confirming a persistent gradient reduction in both groups (P<0,0001). The mean pressure gradient after the procedure at 24h (P<0,001) and at 1 year (P<0,05) between group A and B resulted to be lower in type A, suggesting better results. The PBV was considered successful (more than 50% reduction in pressure gradient from baseline) in 65 dog with type A (90%) and in 7 dogs with PS type B (54%). The PBV was performed without significant complications in 93% of dogs (88 dogs: 71 with type A, 13 with type B and 4 with intermediate type). Our study allows the following conclusions: PBV is effective in type A and B PS, furthermore PBV is more effective in type A. In human literature similar results are reported. The PBV of patient with dysplastic valve was less effective (61,11%) when compared with those with typical PS (80,59%). Despite the success rate was lower in the dysplastic group, PBV is still considered the first treatment option in both types of PS. Finally PBV in type B (or dysplastic) may avoided or delayed the need of surgery and provided a good long outcome in dogs as it occurs in humans