30 research outputs found

    Overhead-Free Channel Estimation based on Phase-domain Injected Training for FM-OFDM

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    Frequency-Modulated Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FM-OFDM) is a novel constant envelope multi-carrier waveform proposed to be exploited in high-mobility scenarios, which is a typical case to be coped in the 6G. Moreover, it also exhibits a strong robustness to phase noise and carrier frequency offsets. However, it assumes that the channel estimates are perfectly given. In this paper, phase injected training (PIT) is proposed in order to obtain accurate enough channel estimates with a zero overhead for the case of FM-OFDM, since the pilot symbols are embedded in the phase component of the data symbols. Theoretical expressions and numerical results prove the feasibility of FM-OFDM using a realistic channel estimation method

    Characterization of the knee joint phenotype in the Portuguese population

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    Background: Neutral constitutional alignment and neutral joint line obliquity has been the standard alignment strategy for total knee arthroplasty. This one-for-all measure may negatively impact gait pattern and knee biomechanics. Novel alignment strategies surged, considering the variability in phenotypes found across the literature, as different populations may present different phenotype distributions. The Portuguese population has a distinct genetic origin, with no phenotype distribution data. Our objective was to characterise the population’s knee morphology, searching and analysing adjacent joint osteoarthrosis, and calculating the pre-disease coronal alignment. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. Full-length X-rays performed between 2016-2023 were analysed. Five alignment parameters were measured (LDFA, MPTA, JLCA, TJLA, HKA), and two parameters were calculated (aHKA, JLO). Knees were classified according to the CPAK classification. Results: For the arthritic cohort, CPAK-I (23%) II (20%) were most common, aHKA increases as KL increases (r=0.8352; p<0.001). For the healthy, Type-II (42%) and Type-I (15%) were most common. For paediatric, Type-II (43%) and Type-V (21%) were most common. CPAK Types-VII/VIII/IX were rare. Differences between genders for healthy and arthritic cohorts were statistically significant. The arthritic had higher prevalence of adjacent joint osteoarthritis. Conclusions: The Portuguese population presents a similar knee phenotype comparing with other populations, some differences have been found regarding the Asian continent. The most common phenotype was a neutral alignment if either healthy or paediatric, or a varus alignment if knee OA. Coronal alignment may not have a major impact in the prevalence of ankle and hip osteoarthritis; however, higher prevalence is observed in patients with knee OA

    Deep Learning-aided Robust Integrated Sensing and Communications with OTFS and Superimposed Training

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    One of the most awaited services promised by the sixth generation (6G) of mobile communication technologies is integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), which will offer a wealth of new benefits and applications. One of the most widely used waveforms for this purpose is orthogonal time-frequency space (OTFS), which together with superimposed training (ST) allows communication and target localization in the delay-Doppler (DD) domain with zero overhead. The conventional technique uses a threshold for the possible detection of a target. However, the optimal choice of this threshold requires statistical analysis of the received signal and prior knowledge of the channel, which is initially unknown. To address this problem, this paper proposes a target detection technique based on deep learning (DL), which is able to assist in the detection of targets without the need of a prior computation of any statistical parameter. The proposed deep neural network (DNN) outperforms the conventional threshold decision method and approaches the ideal performance

    1,2,4-Trioxolane and 1,2,4,5-Tetraoxane endoperoxides against old-world Leishmania parasites: in vitro activity and mode of action

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    Leishmaniasis remains one of the ten Neglected Tropical Diseases with significant morbidity and mortality in humans. Current treatment of visceral leishmaniasis is difficult due to a lack of effective, non-toxic, and non-extensive medications. This study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of 12 synthetic endoperoxides (1,2,4-trioxolanes; 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes) and uncover their biochemical effects on Leishmania parasites responsible for visceral leishmaniasis. The compounds were screened for in vitro activity against L. infantum and L. donovani and for cytotoxicity in two monocytic cell lines (J774A.1 and THP-1) using the methyl thiazol tetrazolium assay. Reactive oxygen species formation, apoptosis, and mitochondrial impairment were measured by flow cytometry. The compounds exhibited fair to moderate anti-proliferative activity against promastigotes of the 2 Leishmania species, with IC50 values ranging from 13.0 ± 1.7 µM to 793.0 ± 37.2 µM. Tetraoxanes LC132 and LC138 demonstrated good leishmanicidal activity on L. infantum amastigotes (IC50 13.2 ± 5.2 and 23.9 ± 2.7 µM) with low cytotoxicity in mammalian cells (SIs 22.1 and 118.6), indicating selectivity towards the parasite. Furthermore, LC138 was able to induce late apoptosis and dose-dependent oxidative stress without affecting mithocondria. Compounds LC132 and LC138 can be further explored as potential antileishmanial chemotypes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estado de micorrización de árboles truferos en función de su carácter productivo y su edad. Primeros resultados del Subproyecto 1 del Plan de Desarrollo Integral de la Truficultura de Teruel

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    La truficultura es una actividad con clara dimensión forestal, entre otras razones porque las especies implicadas, tanto el hongo como su árbol simbionte, son de gran valor silvícola. Además, la truficultura y la selvicultura trufera son prácticas que contribuyen a la recuperación de masas forestales y zonas potencialmente boscosas, con el valor añadido de la obtención de las trufas, de modo, en la mayor parte de las ocasiones, totalmente ecológico. El Plan Específico para Teruel (PET) integra varias actuaciones promovidas por el Gobierno Español entre las que se encuentra la ejecución de un Proyecto de Investigación denominado “Desarrollo Integral de la Truficultura de Teruel”, financiado por INIA, en el que se pretende apoyar al sector trufero turolense mediante el conocimiento y la mejora de sus técnicas de cultivo, producción y comercialización. La presente comunicación resume los primeros resultados obtenidos en uno de los 7 subproyectos que lo integran y que afecta al estudio del cortejo micorrícico de los árboles de las plantaciones, productoras o no, y su relación con la producción. La composición micorrícica de los árboles truferos es un factor esencial para realizar predicciones sobre la producción futura. Tanto la ausencia de micorrizas de trufa negra como la detección de otras, capaces de desplazar a la primera de las raíces de los árboles, puede permitir el diagnóstico precoz de fracasos de plantaciones y por lo tanto el ahorro de muchos años de cuidados a la espera de las primeras recolecciones. Para el estudio, se han seleccionado 3 grupos de plantaciones por edad, con 2 localizaciones distintas. Se está desarrollando un inventario periódico de las micorrizas presentes en un total de 48 árboles. Se propone una clasificación de las mismas en función de su capacidad para comprometer la producción de trufa negra, factor que se ha determinado en base al carácter productor o no productor de cada árbol

    Effects of collagen membranes enriched with in vitro-differentiated N1E-115 cells on rat sciatic nerve regeneration after end-to-end repair

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    Peripheral nerves possess the capacity of self-regeneration after traumatic injury but the extent of regeneration is often poor and may benefit from exogenous factors that enhance growth. The use of cellular systems is a rational approach for delivering neurotrophic factors at the nerve lesion site, and in the present study we investigated the effects of enwrapping the site of end-to-end rat sciatic nerve repair with an equine type III collagen membrane enriched or not with N1E-115 pre-differentiated neural cells. After neurotmesis, the sciatic nerve was repaired by end-to-end suture (End-to-End group), end-to-end suture enwrapped with an equine collagen type III membrane (End-to-EndMemb group); and end-to-end suture enwrapped with an equine collagen type III membrane previously covered with neural cells pre-differentiated in vitro from N1E-115 cells (End-to-EndMembCell group). Along the postoperative, motor and sensory functional recovery was evaluated using extensor postural thrust (EPT), withdrawal reflex latency (WRL) and ankle kinematics. After 20 weeks animals were sacrificed and the repaired sciatic nerves were processed for histological and stereological analysis. Results showed that enwrapment of the rapair site with a collagen membrane, with or without neural cell enrichment, did not lead to any significant improvement in most of functional and stereological predictors of nerve regeneration that we have assessed, with the exception of EPT which recovered significantly better after neural cell enriched membrane employment. It can thus be concluded that this particular type of nerve tissue engineering approach has very limited effects on nerve regeneration after sciatic end-to-end nerve reconstruction in the rat

    Biological Evaluation of Products Formed from the Irradiation of Chlorpromazine with a 266 nm Laser Beam

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    Models that can predict consumer choices are essential technical support fordecision makers in many contexts. The focus of this thesis is to address predictionproblems in discrete choice models and to develop methods to increase the predictivepower of these models with application to car type choice. In this thesis we challengethe common practice of prediction that is using statistical inference to estimateand select the ‘best’ model and project the results to a future situation. We showthat while the inference approaches are powerful explanatory tools in validating theexisting theories, their restrictive theory-driven assumptions make them not tailormadefor predictions. We further explore how modeling considerations for inferenceand prediction are different.Different papers of this thesis present various aspects of the prediction problemand suggest approaches and solutions to each of them.In paper 1, the problem of aggregation over alternatives, and its effects on bothestimation and prediction, is discussed. The focus of paper 2 is the model selectionfor the purpose of improving the predictive power of discrete choice models. Inpaper 3, the problem of consistency when using disaggregate logit models for anaggregate prediction question is discussed, and a model combination is proposedas tool. In paper 4, an updated version of the Swedish car fleet model is appliedto assess a Bonus-Malus policy package. Finally, in the last paper, we present thereal world applications of the Swedish car fleet model where the sensitivity of logitmodels to the specification of choice set affects prediction accuracy.QC 20160115</p