518 research outputs found

    Le luci del tramonto: i manager e l\u2019ageismo

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    La diversit\ue0 generazionale pu\uf2 affliggere le organizzazioni a vari livelli di aggregazione, dai sistemi-Paese fino alle organizzazioni minori. Tra gli aspetti salienti legati a tale fenomeno, lo studio internazionale qui sintetizzato e commentato affronta il tema del rapporto tra manager pi\uf9 giovani e lavoratori pi\uf9 anziani

    Antibacterial Activity of Extracts of Mistletoe (Tapinanthus dodoneifollus (Dc) Dancer) from Cocoa Tree (Theobrama cacao)

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    This study to investigate the antibacterial activities of mistletoe grown on cocoa trees, 4 different extracts (1% HCl, ethanol, acetone and 5% acetic acid) were prepared and tested against some strains of bacterial organisms (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphyloccocus aureus and Klebsiella aerogenes). Following standard laboratory procedures, the extracts were prepared and the minimum inhibitory concentration (lowest concentration of extract that did not allowed growth within the incubation period) was determined. The results showed extract of 5% acetic acid to act against the four test organism. Ethanolic extract of mistletoe showed antibacterial potential against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and K. aerugenes. Except for E. coli, ethanolic extract presented the best antibacterial potential followed by 5% acetic acid, acetone and lastly 1% HCl. The MIC activity ranged from 8.6Όg/ml for ethanolic extract on K. aerogenes to 150Όg/ml for 1% HCl on S. aureus. The present study reveals that the antibacterial activities of mistletoe depend on the extraction solution and the bacterial type. This result points to the role mistletoe could play as an antibacterial and as a precursor for the preparation of drugs.Keywords: Antibacterial, Mistletoe, Microorganisms, Traditional medicin

    Environmentally friendly analysis of emerging contaminants by pressurized hot water extraction-stir bar sorptive extraction-derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    This work describes the development, optimiza- tion, and validation of a new method for the simultaneous determination of a wide range of pharmaceuticals (beta- blockers, lipid regulators ... ) and personal care products (fragrances, UV filters, phthalates ... ) in both aqueous and solid environmental matrices. Target compounds were extracted from sediments using pressurized hot water ex- traction followed by stir bar sorptive extraction. The first stage was performed at 1,500 psi during three static extrac- tion cycles of 5 min each after optimizing the extraction temperature (50 – 150 °C) and addition of organic modifiers (% methanol) to water, the extraction solvent. Next, aqueous extracts and water samples were processed using polydime- thylsiloxane bars. Several parameters were optimized for this technique, including extraction and desorption time, ionic strength, presence of organic modifiers, and pH. Fi- nally, analytes were extracted from the bars by ultrasonic irradiation using a reduced amount of solvent (0.2 mL) prior to derivatization and gas chromatography – mass spectrome- try analysis. The optimized protocol uses minimal amounts of organic solvents (<10 mL/sample) and time ( ≈ 8 h/sam- ple) compared to previous ex isting methodologies. Low standard deviation (usually below 10 %) and limits of de- tection (sub-ppb) vouch for the applicability of the method- ology for the analysis of target compounds at trace levels. Once developed, the method was applied to determin

    LTC4 synthase polymorphism modifies efficacy of botanical seed oil combination in asthma

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    Botanical seed oils reduce the generation of leukotrienes in patients with asthma. Our objective was to determine the efficacy of a botanical seed oil combination against airflow obstruction in asthma, and to determine the pharmacogenomic effect of the leukotriene C4 synthase (LTC4S) polymorphism A-444C. We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over clinical trial in mild to moderate asthmatics to determine the change in FEV1 after 6 weeks of therapy with borage and echium seed oils versus corn oil placebo. We also examined the effect of the variant LTC4S -444C allele on the change in lung function. We did not identify a difference in FEV1 in the study cohort as a whole (n = 28), nor in the group of A homozygotes. In the C allele carriers (n = 9), FEV1 improved by 3% after treatment with borage and echium seed oils and declined by 4% after placebo corn oil (p = 0.02). All 9 C allele carriers demonstrated an improvement in their FEV1 on active treatment compared to placebo as compared to only 7 out of 19 A allele homozygotes (p = 0.007). We observed transient differences in ex vivo leukotriene generation from circulating basophils and granulocytes. We did not observe significant differences in urinary LTE4 levels. We conclude that compared to corn oil, a combination of borage and echium seed oils improves airflow obstruction in mild to moderate asthmatics who carry the variant allele in the LTC4S gene (A-444C). Botanical oil supplementation may have therapeutic potential in asthma if used in a personalized manner. Trial registration: This trial was registered at http://www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00806442

    Mannosylated glycans impair normal T-cell development by reprogramming commitment and repertoire diversity

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    T-cell development ensures the formation of diverse repertoires of T-cell receptors (TCRs) that recognize a variety of antigens. Glycosylation is a major posttranslational modification present in virtually all cells, including T-lymphocytes, that regulates activity/functions. Although these structures are known to be involved in TCR-selection in DP thymocytes, it is unclear how glycans regulate other thymic development processes and how they influence susceptibility to disease. Here, we discovered stage-specific glycome compositions during T-cell development in human and murine thymocytes, as well as dynamic alterations. After restricting the N-glycosylation profile of thymocytes to high-mannose structures, using specific glycoengineered mice (Rag1CreMgat1fl/fl), we showed remarkable defects in key developmental checkpoints, including ß-selection, regulatory T-cell generation and γήT-cell development, associated with increased susceptibility to colon and kidney inflammation and infection. We further demonstrated that a single N-glycan antenna (modeled in Rag1CreMgat2fl/fl mice) is the sine-qua-non condition to ensure normal development. In conclusion, we revealed that mannosylated thymocytes lead to a dysregulation in T-cell development that is associated with inflammation susceptibility.Funded by the “2022 Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) Lupus Innovation Award”. Institutional funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): projects NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029, POCI-01/0145-FEDER-016601, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028772, and PTDC/MEC-REU/28772/2017 (SSP). This study was co-funded by the European Union (ERC Synergy, GlycanSwitch, 101071386). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. The study was also co-funded by the European Union, GlycanTrigger project, Grant Agreement No: 101093997. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. A grant was received from the Portuguese group of study in autoimmune diseases (NEDAI) to SSP. MMV (PD/BD/135452/2017; COVID/BD/152488/2022) received funding from the FCT
