68 research outputs found

    European Court of Human Rights case-law on religious freedom: a legal and political analysis

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    Este artículo analiza los rasgos generales de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en relación con el artículo 9 del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, sobre la libertad religiosa, agrupándolos en tres niveles. En primer lugar, el Tribunal entiende la libertad religiosa en el sentido clásico liberal, como un derecho individual que garantiza una protección frente a la coacción del Estado o de otros individuos. Por otra parte, el concepto de igualdad asociado a la libertad religiosa es asumido en su sentido formal, es decir, sin incluir prestaciones positivas o de derechos especiales para los grupos religiosos en situación de desventaja. Finalmente, la jurisprudencia europea deja a los Estados un margen de apreciación bastante amplio al momento de establecer restricciones al derecho en cuestión.This article analyzes the general characteristics of the European Human Rights Court case-law about religious freedom (article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights). First, according to the Court, religious freedom is, in a liberal classical sense, an individual right which guarantees protection against coercion from the State or from other individuals. Second, the idea of equality associated to religious freedom is considered in a formal way, so it does not include the recognition of positive benefits or special rights to disadvantaged groups. Finally, European case-law gives the States a wide margin of appreciation in order to impose limitations on this right

    Sexual orientation discrimination and autonomy of religious groups in the Inter-American case law

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    Religious freedom encompasses the right of religious groups to define the tenets of their faith andto organise themselves according to these tenets, without arbitrary State interference. However, the limitsof religious groups’ autonomy are controversial, especially in those cases where the exercise of religiousautonomy seems to be at odds with non-discrimination standards. The Inter-American Court of HumanRights has adopted many decisions on sexual orientation discrimination, but its case law on religiousfreedom is much scarcer. The two issues converged in the recent decision Pavez Pavez v Chile, in which theCourt set the limits of the autonomy of religious groups when confronted with non-discrimination standards

    Environmental Protection in the Argentinian Supreme Court Case Law

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    According to Article 41 of the Argentinian Constitution, all inhabitants have a right to environmental protection. Citizens have a right to a healthy and balanced environment, suitable for human development and productive activities to satisfy present needs without compromising those of future generations. The paper aims to analyze the tensions implicit in applying this constitutional norm by the Federal Supreme Court using the methodology of public law and legal theory. Indeed, the constitutional provision is broad, and its interpretation can lead to different solutions in a specific case. There are three main issues of legal interest discussed here. First, there is a delicate balance of protecting the environment against private property and economic activity, which the latter also being assured by the constitution. The point is particularly acute in Argentina, whose economy strongly depends on the primary sector. Second, there are tensions between the political branches (legislative/executive) and the judiciary. Environmental standards established by the judiciary are usually higher than those decided by the legislative branch. However, giving the judges the possibility to determine those standards in the absence of any previous legal norm (or even, sometimes, against that norm) could be a source of legal uncertainty. Finally, due to the federal nature of the Argentinian political system, the distribution of legislative and jurisdictional powers between the federal and local governments is disputed. In this equation, leaning towards the federal government may favor more homogeneity in environmental standards, which would simultaneously reduce local autonomy. This paper shows that the Supreme Court tries to balance different constitutional values in resolving these tensions. The difficulty of finding an adequate constitutional balance is usually added to the legal and factual complexity of environmental issues, and the result is not always completely satisfactory. KEYWORDS: Argentina, Environmental Protection, Supreme Court Case Law

    Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Autonomy of Religious Groups in the Inter-American Case Law

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    Religious freedom encompasses the right of religious groups to define the tenets of their faith andto organise themselves according to these tenets, without arbitrary State interference. However, the limitsof religious groups’ autonomy are controversial, especially in those cases where the exercise of religiousautonomy seems to be at odds with non-discrimination standards. The Inter-American Court of HumanRights has adopted many decisions on sexual orientation discrimination, but its case law on religiousfreedom is much scarcer. The two issues converged in the recent decision Pavez Pavez v Chile, in which theCourt set the limits of the autonomy of religious groups when confronted with non-discrimination standards

    González Ordovás, María José (coord.). Más allá de Babel. Paradojas de la globaliza-ción. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2021

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    Reseña de: González Ordovás, María José (coord.). Más allá de Babel. Paradojas de la globaliza-ción. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2021. ISBN 978-84-18970-51-1

    Perspectiva interamericana sobre a afetação da liberdade de menores em procedimentos migratórios

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    In its recent consultative opinion on the “Rights and Guarantees of Boys and Girls Within The Context of Migrations and/or the Need for International Protection”, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has expounded upon the state of Inter- American law as regards the migration of minors. One of the themes of the opinion, and taken up in this article, relates to the possibility and conditions under which the liberty of minors is affected in relation to migration proceedings. Even though the solutions given by the Court are a testimony to the strong expansion of human rights, more technical precision would have been desirable in the decision.En su reciente opinión consultiva sobre los derechos y garantías de niñas y niños en el contexto de la migración y/o en necesidad de protección internacional, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ha expuesto el estado del derecho interamericano en relación con los menores migrantes. Uno de los temas de esa opinión, abordado en este artículo, es el relativo a la posibilidad y las condiciones de la afectación de libertad de menores en relación con procedimientos migratorios. Aunque las soluciones dadas por la Corte testimonian la fuerza expansiva de los derechos humanos, habría sido deseable una mayor precisión técnica en el pronunciamiento.Dans un récent avis consultatif sur les droits et garanties des enfants dans le contexte de la migration et/ou ayant besoin d’une protection internationale, la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme expose l’état du droit interaméricain concernant les enfants migrants. L’article aborde l’un des thèmes de cet avis : la possibilité et les conditions de l’atteinte à la liberté des enfants en rapport avec les procédures migratoires. On conclut que si les solutions apportées par la Cour témoignent de la force expansive des droits de l’homme, cependant une plus grande précision technique dans l’avis eût été souhaitable. Em sua recente Opinião Consultiva sobre os Direitos e garantias de crianças no contexto da migração e/ou em necessidade de proteção internacional, a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos tem exposto o estado do direito interamericano em relação com os menores migrantes. Um dos temas dessa Opinião, abordado neste artigo, é o relativo à possibilidade e as condições da afetação de liberdade de menores em relação com procedimentos migratórios. Ainda que as soluções dadas pela Corte testemunham a força expansiva dos direitos humanos, haveria sido desejável uma maior precisão técnica no pronunciament

    La expulsión de extranjeros en el pacto internacional de derechos civiles y políticos

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    The paper addresses the issue of the expulsion of aliens under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. General aspects of the expulsion of aliens, as well as the situation of aliens under the Covenant, are first studied. Then the paper approaches the expulsion of aliens under the Covenant from a double point of view: the substantive limits to the power to expel an alien (which may come, for example, from the rules that protect life, physical integrity or family) and the procedural rules which must be respected. The paper considers the interpretative activity carried out by the Human Rights Committee, expressed both through its general observations and its individual decisions. It also mentions the interpretative criteria of the International Court of Justice

    El estatuto de los grupos religiosos en el proyecto de ley de libertad religiosa y sus implicaciones constitucionales

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    El artículo aborda el régimen legal de los grupos religiosos y el sistema de registro establecido para ellos en el proyecto de ley de libertad religiosa que el Poder Ejecutivo envió al Congreso de la Nación en 2017. Se comparan las disposiciones del proyec to con las normas actualmente vigentes y se analizan las implicaciones constitucionales de la regulación proyectada. The article examines the legal regime and the registration process for religious organisations, contained in the draft project for religious freedom , sent by the Executive Branch to the Argentinian Congress in 2017. The article compares the current rules with those in the project to understand its constitutional dimensions

    O difícil enquadramento do asilo diplomático como direito humano. A propósito da opinião consultiva número 25 da corte interamericana

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    In its advisory opinion number 25, adopted at the request of Ecuador, the Inter-American Court returns to the issue of asylum, which it had already addressed in previous pronouncements. The Court insists on the problematic idea that the American Convention and the American Declaration consecrate an individual right to receive asylum. Moreover, according to the Court, although that right does not include diplomatic asylum, States must refrain from handing over asylum applicants when there is a risk to their life or liberty. However, it is not clear what the obligations of the territorial State are when another State refuses to hand over or grants diplomatic asylum to an individual.En su opinión consultiva número 25, adoptada a solicitud de Ecuador, la Corte Interamericana vuelve sobre el tema del asilo, que ya había tratado en pronunciamientos anteriores. Insiste en su afirmación, que se muestra problemática, de que la Convención y la Declaración americanas consagran un verdadero derecho individual a recibir asilo. Por otra parte, según la Corte, aunque ese derecho no incluye el asilo diplomático, por aplicación del principio de no devolución, los Estados deben abstenerse de entregar a las personas que lo solicitan cuando exista un riesgo para su vida o libertad. No surge claramente, sin embargo, cuáles son las obligaciones del Estado territorial ante el otorgamiento del asilo diplomático o la abstención de entrega basada en el principio de no devolución por parte de otro Estado.Em sua opinião consecutiva número, adotada a solicitação do Equador, a corte interamericana volta sobre o tema do asilo, que já tinha tratado em pronunciamentos anteriores. Insiste em sua afirmação, que se mostra problemática, de que a convenção e a declaração americanas consagram um verdadeiro direito individual a receber asilo. Por outra parte, segundo a corte, mesmo que esse direito não inclui o asilo diplomático, por aplicação do princípio de não devolução os estados devem abster-se de entregar para as pessoas que o solicitam quando exista um risco para sua vida ou liberdade. Não surge claramente, porém, quais são as obrigações do estado territorial ante o a aceitação do asilo diplomático ou abstenção de entrega baseada no princípio da não devolução por parte de outro estado

    Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Autonomy of Religious Groups in the Inter-American Case Law

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    Religious freedom encompasses the right of religious groups to define the tenets of their faith andto organise themselves according to these tenets, without arbitrary State interference. However, the limitsof religious groups’ autonomy are controversial, especially in those cases where the exercise of religiousautonomy seems to be at odds with non-discrimination standards. The Inter-American Court of HumanRights has adopted many decisions on sexual orientation discrimination, but its case law on religiousfreedom is much scarcer. The two issues converged in the recent decision Pavez Pavez v Chile, in which theCourt set the limits of the autonomy of religious groups when confronted with non-discrimination standards