920 research outputs found

    The latitudinal distribution of cloud cover from tiros iii photographs

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    Latitudinal distribution of cloud cover from TIROS III satellite photograph

    The proper weighting function for retrieving temperatures from satellite measured radiances

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    One class of methods for converting satellite measured radiances into atmospheric temperature profiles, involves a linearization of the radiative transfer equation: delta r = the sum of (W sub i) (delta T sub i) where (i=1...s) and where delta T sub i is the deviation of the temperature in layer i from that of a reference atmosphere, delta R is the difference in the radiance at satellite altitude from the corresponding radiance for the reference atmosphere, and W sub i is the discrete (or vector) form of the T-weighting (i.e., temperature weighting) function W(P), where P is pressure. The top layer of the atmosphere corresponds to i = 1, the bottom layer to i = s - 1, and i = s refers to the surface. Linearization in temperature (or some function of temperature) is at the heart of all linear or matrix methods. The weighting function that should be used is developed

    The influence of line shape and band structure on temperatures in planetary atmospheres

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    Numerical experiments are performed to examine the effects of line shape and band structure on the radiative equilibrium temperature profile in planetary atmospheres. In order to accurately determine these effects, a method for calculating radiative terms is developed which avoids the usual approximations. It differs from the more commonly used methods in that it allows arbitrary dependence of the absorption coefficient on wave number, without requiring tedious line by line integration and without the constraints of band models. The present formulation is restricted to homogeneous atmospheres but the concept can be extended to the more general case. The numerical experiments reveal that the line shape and band structure of the absorbing gases have a large effect on temperatures in the higher layers of the atmosphere (corresponding to the stratosphere and mesosphere). The more nongrey the spectrum (that is, the higher the peaks and the deeper the troughs in the spectrum), the lower the temperature

    A Fourier approach to cloud motion estimation

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    A Fourier technique is described for estimating cloud motion from pairs of pictures using the phase of the cross spectral density. The method allows motion estimates to be made for individual spatial frequencies, which are related to cloud pattern dimensions. Results obtained are presented and compared with the results of a Fourier domain cross correlation scheme. Using both artificial and real cloud data show that the technique is relatively sensitive to the presence of mixtures of motions, changes in cloud shape, and edge effects

    Computation of infrared cooling rates in the water vapor bands

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    A fast but accurate method for calculating the infrared radiative terms due to water vapor has been developed. It makes use of the far wing approximation to scale transmission along an inhomogeneous path to an equivalent homogeneous path. Rather than using standard conditions for scaling, the reference temperatures and pressures are chosen in this study to correspond to the regions where cooling is most significant. This greatly increased the accuracy of the new method. Compared to line by line calculations, the new method has errors up to 4% of the maximum cooling rate, while a commonly used method based upon the Goody band model (Rodgers and Walshaw, 1966) introduces errors up to 11%. The effect of temperature dependence of transmittance has also been evaluated; the cooling rate errors range up to 11% when the temperature dependence is ignored. In addition to being more accurate, the new method is much faster than those based upon the Goody band model

    Meteorological satellite accomplishments

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    The various types of meteorological satellites are enumerated. Vertical sounding, parameter extraction technique, and both macroscale and mesoscale meteorological phenomena are discussed. The heat budget of the earth-atmosphere system is considered, along with ocean surface and hydrology

    Validation and extension of an empirical Bayes method for SNP calling on Affymetrix microarrays

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    Extended and validated CRLMM is shown to be more accurate than the Affymetrix default programs, and datasets and methods for validation are presented that can serve as standard benchmarks by which future SNP chip calling algorithms can be measured

    Validation and extension of an empirical Bayes method for SNP calling on Affymetrix microarrays

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    Extended and validated CRLMM is shown to be more accurate than the Affymetrix default programs, and datasets and methods for validation are presented that can serve as standard benchmarks by which future SNP chip calling algorithms can be measured

    Consequences of increased longevity for wealth, fertility, and population growth

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    We present, solve and numerically simulate a simple model that describes the consequences of increased longevity on fertility rates, population growth and the distribution of wealth in developed societies. We look at the consequences of the repeated use of life extension techniques and show that they represent a novel commodity whose introduction will profoundly influence key aspects of economy and society in general. In particular, we uncover two phases within our simplified model, labeled as 'mortal' and 'immortal'. Within the life extension scenario it is possible to have sustainable economic growth in a population of stable size, as a result of dynamical equilibrium between the two phases.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, uses elsart.cl
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