354 research outputs found

    Involvement of MicroRNA Families in Cancer

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    Collecting representative sets of cancer microRNAs (miRs) from the literature we show that their corresponding families are enriched in sets of highly interacting miR families. Targeting cancer genes on a statistically significant level, such cancer miR families strongly intervene with signaling pathways that harbor numerous cancer genes. Clustering miR family-specific profiles of pathway intervention, we found that different miR families share similar interaction patterns. Resembling corresponding patterns of cancer miRs families, such interaction patterns may indicate a miR family’s potential role in cancer. As we find that the number of targeted cancer genes is a naı¨ve proxy for a cancer miR family, we design a simple method to predict candidate miR families based on gene-specific interaction profiles. Assessing the impact of miR families to distinguish between (non-)cancer genes, we predict a set of 84 potential candidate families, including 75% of initially collected cancer miR families. Further confirming their relevance, predicted cancer miR families are significantly indicated in increasing, non-random numbers of tumor types

    Health promotion or pharmacological treatment for chronic diseases?

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    Over the last years medicine has progressed very rapidly. Com- municable diseases, which were the leading causes of mortali- ties, are not anymore, especially in developed countries. Cur- rently, non-communicable diseases are more prevalent, and most of them are related to changes in our daily habits and degenerative processes. Most of these diseases are chronic, need continuous care and treatment with limited improvement and high costs. The General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 65/238 recognized the primary role and responsibility of Governments in responding to the challenge of non- communicable diseases and the essential need for the efforts and engagement of all sectors of society to generate an effec- tive response. Special emphasis has been concentrated on phar- macological treatments for most of chronic non-communicable diseases with the challenge to discover new drugs for treating, in most cases, chronic irreversible degenerative diseases asso- ciated with aging. Little care was given to non-pharmacological lines of treatment

    Sulfone directed alkylative bridge cleavage of oxabicyclic vinyl sulfones with organolithium reagents

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    Se describe una interesante rotura alquilante regio-y estereocontrolada del puente de oxabiciclo vinil sulfonas. Las 7-oxabiciclo[2.2.1] heptenil y 8-oxabiciclo [3.2.1.] octenil sulfonas sufren aperturas syn S~' cuando se tratan con una amplia variedad de reactivos organolíticos e hiduro de litio y aluminio. De esta forma, se obtienen ciclohexenil y cicloheptenil sulfonas, altamente funcionalizadas, que son intermedios sintéticos versátiles. La completa estereoselectividad encontrada en la adición conjugada exo puede explicarse en base a la quelación del reactivo organometálico con el oxígeno puente.An efficient regio- and stereocontrolled methodology for the alkylative bridge cleavage of oxabicyclic vinyl sulfones is described. A range of 7 -oxabicyclic[2.2.1. ]heptenyl and 8-oxabicyclic [3.2.1.]octenyl sulfones has been found to undergo an overall syn S~' opening when treated with a wide variety of organolithium reagents and lithium aluminum hydride. In this manner, higWy functionalized cyclohexenyl and cycloheptenyl sulfones, versatile synthetic intermediates, are now available in high yields. The complete stereoselectivity encountered in the exo conjugate addition may be explained by chelation of the organometallic reagent with the oxygen bridge and steric factors. Furthermore, less-strained substrates allow for complete control of the addition and elimination stages

    Fuzzy Networked Control Systems Design Considering Scheduling Restrictions

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    Nowadays network control systems present a common approximation when connectivity is the issue to be solved based on time delays coupling from external factors. However, this approach tends to be complex in terms of time delays. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior of the delays as well as the integration into differential equations of these bounded delays. The related time delays needs to be known a priory but from a dynamic real-time behavior. To do so, the use of priority dynamic Priority exchange scheduling is performed. The objective of this paper is to show a way to tackle multiple time delays that are bounded and the dynamic response from real-time scheduling approximation. The related control law is designed considering fuzzy logic approximation for nonlinear time delays coupling, where the main advantage is the integration of this behavior through extended state space representation keeping certain linear and bounded behavior and leading to a stable situation during events presentation by guaranteeing stability through Lyapunov

    Annual distribution of the Sun’s angular positions, study at 21 degrees of latitude

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    Por experiencia sabemos que la posición del Sol, relativa a un observador situado sobre la superficie de la Tierra, cambia según el día del año y la latitud en la que se encuentra dicho observador. En general, el Sol describe, en la bóveda celeste, una trayectoria diferente para cada día del año que está determinada por los ángulos del azimut y del zenit. El cálculo analítico para determinar la posición angular en cualquier momento (hora solar) resulta ser una tarea abrumadora. En el lenguaje de programación del software Mathematica®, desarrollamos un código que nos permite determinar, con precisión temporal de 60 segundos (1 minuto), y para cualquier latitud, los ángulos del azimut y del zenit que determinan la posición del Sol a lo largo de un año. Con el propósito de presentar resultados de interés en situaciones prácticas, en este trabajo estudiamos resultados de la distribución anual de las posiciones angulares y las horas de luz en la latitud 21 grados (correspondiente a la Ciudad de Mérida). Los resultados muestran que el Sol sigue trayectorias con inclinación hacia el norte para días de más de 12 horas de luz solar, y hacia el sur para días de menos de 12 horas de luz solar. La información que se presenta puede utilizarse en diversas situaciones, por ejemplo, para un aprovechamiento óptimo de las horas de luz de colectores solares, sistemas autónomos de seguimiento solar, ubicación y orientación de paneles solares, así como para el diseño y orientación espacial de casas habitación en las que se desee que la radiación solar incida de manera parcial sobre paredes verticales y aumentar el confort térmico.It is well know that the Sun position, measured over the heart surface is a function of the latitude and the hour of a particular day. Usually, the Sun follows a different path from one day to the next, and this is determined by the azimuth and zenith angles. The analytical calculations for determining the angular position at any time (solar hour) are an overwhelming task. We use the Mathematica® software to write a home code for determining at any time (in intervals of one minute) and latitude, the azimuth and zenith angles of the Sun for every day of the year. In order to show general results of interest, in this work we present the annual distribution of the angular positions and the length of the day (hours of light) for the 21 degrees of latitude. This information could be used for optimizing the orientation of solar panels and collectors and for the design of cheap houses where the walls can be exposed to the minimal solar incidence.Peer Reviewe

    Optics of Astigmatism and Retinal Image Quality

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    In the first part of this chapter, the optical condition of astigmatism is defined. The main causes and available classifications of ocular astigmatism are briefly described. The most relevant optical properties of image formation in an astigmatic eye are analysed and compared to that of an emmetropic eye and an eye with spherical ametropia. The spectacle prescription and axis notation for astigmatism are introduced, and the correction of astigmatism by means of lenses is briefly described. The formation of the retinal image for extended objects and the related blurring are also analysed, and the real limits of tolerance of uncorrected astigmatism are provided. Simulations of retinal images in astigmatic eyes, obtained by means of commercial optical design software, are also presented. Finally, the clinical assessment of retinal image quality by means of wavefront aberrometry and double-pass systems in eyes with astigmatism is presented, and current trends in research related to this topic are highlighted.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    High-speed noise-free optical quantum memory

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    Quantum networks promise to revolutionise computing, simulation, and communication. Light is the ideal information carrier for quantum networks, as its properties are not degraded by noise in ambient conditions, and it can support large bandwidths enabling fast operations and a large information capacity. Quantum memories, devices that store, manipulate, and release on demand quantum light, have been identified as critical components of photonic quantum networks, because they facilitate scalability. However, any noise introduced by the memory can render the device classical by destroying the quantum character of the light. Here we introduce an intrinsically noise-free memory protocol based on two-photon off-resonant cascaded absorption (ORCA). We consequently demonstrate for the first time successful storage of GHz-bandwidth heralded single photons in a warm atomic vapour with no added noise; confirmed by the unaltered photon statistics upon recall. Our ORCA memory platform meets the stringent noise-requirements for quantum memories whilst offering technical simplicity and high-speed operation, and therefore is immediately applicable to low-latency quantum networks

    Revista Ciencias y Humanidades (Vol. II no. 2 ene-jun 2016)

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    La revista tiene como objetivo la difusión de material académico de corte investigativo relacionado con las disciplinas sociales y humanas; teniendo cabida en sus páginas: la educación y la pedagogía, la historia, la antropología y etnografía, la sociología, psicología, lingüística, el análisis y la crítica literaria, economía, política, geografía humana, psicoanálisis, la filosofía, la estética y las artes. El contenido de la revista está dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales dedicados a la investigación o interesados en el conocimiento de los resultados investigativos en las disciplinas ya mencionadas. El articulado de esta publicación es íntegramente inédito. La revista Ciencias y Humanidades no condiciona a los autores a una línea o postura ideológica. Es así como los resultados de investigaciones, las reseñas, traducciones, entrevistas, análisis, y todo el material que impregna las páginas de esta publicación está terciado por un aroma a libertad desde los cimientos plantados por la ilustración y la modernidadContenido La prensa literaria colombiana: La lucha por las reglas del juego en el campo literario nacional. 1836 1865. Laura Sánchez Guerra. 9-26 Temporalité, consommation et individualité : une approche critique. Juan Diego González Rúa. Fernando Pessoa y la negación de la acción a través de la literatura del desasosiego. Mauricio Calle Zapata. 81-99 Narrativa filosófica o filosofía estetizada: rasgos del humanismo alemán en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges. Juan Carlos Herrera Ruíz. 101-114 Paraíso prohibido. Imágenes dialécticas en la construcción del Estado del Interior. Fernando Londoño. 115-133 Centro de Estudios en Ciencias y Humanidades Federico Guillermo García Arjona, Mauricio Calle Zapata, Rosa María Moreno Cardona, Fernando Londoño, Myriam Verónica Pérez Carvajal, Mauricio García Echeverri y el Dr. Federico García Posada. 135-14