375 research outputs found

    A Quaternionic Wavelet Transform-based Approach for Object Recognition

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    Recognizing the objects in complex natural scenes is the challenging task as the object may be occluded, may vary in shape, position and in size. In this paper a method to recognize objects from different categories of images using quaternionic wavelet transform (QWT) is presented. This transform separates the information contained in the image better than a traditional Discrete wavelet transform and provides a multiscale image analysis whose coefficients are 2D analytic, with one near-shift invariant magnitude and three phases. The two phases encode local image shifts and the third one contains texture information. In the domain of object recognition, it is often to classify objects from images that make only limited part of the image. Hence to identify local features and certain region of images, patches are extracted over the interest points detected from the original image using Wavelet based interest point detector. Here QWT magnitude and phase features are computed for every patch. Then these features are trained, tested and classified using SVM classifier in order to have supervised learning model. In order to compare the performance of local feature with global feature, the transform is applied to the entire image and the global features are derived. The performance of QWT is compared with discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and dual tree discrete wavelet transform (DTDWT). Observations revealed that QWT outperforms the DWT and shift invariant DTDWT with lesser equal error rate. The experimental evaluation is done using the complex Graz databases.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 4, July 2014, pp. 350-357, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.450

    Comparison between ‘three in one femoral nerve block’ and psoas compartment block for post-operative pain relief following lower limb surgical procedures

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    Aim of this study was to compare anterior approach (‘three in one block’) and posterior approach (psoas compartment block) of lumbar plexus block in relieving the post-operative pain in patients operated for unilateral hip, femur or knee surgery under spinal anaesthesia. 40 patients undergoing elective orthopedic procedure in hip, femur or knee were randomized into group A and group B. Surgery was done under spinal anaesthesia. At the end of the surgery, single shot lumbar plexus block was given by anterior approach (3 in 1 block) in group A and by posterior approach (psoas compartment block) in group-B patients with 30 ml of 0.25% of bupivacaine. Pain was assessed using verbal rating scale. The time for first rescue analgesic, need of additional analgesic and overall satisfaction of post-operative pain relief were noted. Both the groups were comparable in age, sex, weight, height, vital signs, duration and type of surgery. There is no significant difference in pain level between two groups. The mean time for first rescue analgesia was 9.10 (± 1.52) and 9.90 (± 1.21) hours in group A and group B respectively (p>0.05 not significant). Requirement of additional analgesic was reduced in both groups. More than 90% of patients expressed overall satisfaction of post-operative pain relief in both groups. Both approaches of lumbar plexus block by Three in one femoral nerve block (Group A) and psoas compartment block (Group B) were effective in providing post-operative analgesia after hip, femur, or knee surgery

    Mapping of Compositional Diversity and Chronological Ages of Lunar Farside Multiring Mare Moscoviense Basin: Implications to the Middle Imbrian Mare Basalts

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    The Mare Moscoviense is an astonishing rare flatland multi-ring basin and one of the recognizable mare regions on the Moon’s farside. The mineralogical, chronological, topographical and morphological studies of the maria surface of the Moon provide a primary understanding of the origin and evolution of the mare provinces. In this study, the Chandrayaan-1 M3 data have been employed to prepare optical maturity index, FeO and TiO2 concentration, and standard band ratio map to detect the mafic indexes like olivine and pyroxene minerals. The crater size frequency distribution method has been applied to LROC WAC data to obtain the absolute model ages of the Moscoviense basin. The four geological unit ages were observed as 3.57 Ga (U-2), 3.65 Ga (U-1), 3.8 Ga (U-3) and 3.92 Ga (U-4), which could have been formed between the Imbrian and Nectarian epochs. The M3 imaging and reflectance spectral parameters were used to reveal the minerals like pyroxene, olivine, ilmenite, plagioclase, orthopyroxene-olivine-spinel lithology, and olivine-pyroxene mixtures present in the gabbroic basalt, anorthositic and massive ilmenite rocks, and validated with the existing database. The results show that the Moscoviense basin is dominated by intermediate TiO2 basalts that derived from olivine-ilmenite-pyroxene cumulate depths ranging from 200 to 500 km between 3.5 Ga and 3.6 Ga

    Effect of timing and graded levels of nitrogen and potassium in SRI cultivation

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    A field experiment was carried out at Annamalai University Experimental farm, Annamalai nagar, during Kuruvai and Navarai in the year 2008-09. To study the timing and graded levels of nitrogen and potassium in rice crop under SRI (System of rice intensification) cultivation. The experiment was laid out on deep clay soil by adopting randomized block design with factorial technique (FRBD). The results of field experiment revealed that the maximum growth and yield attributes were recorded in the treatment which received P2O5 as fully basal dose and nitrogen as three split doses viz., 50% basal and 25% each at tillering and panicle initiation stages. Potassium was applied as 33.3% K2O each at 15, 30 and 45 DAT. This treatment significantly recorded higher grain yield of 6278.7 kg ha-1 in field experiment – I and 6577.9 kg ha-1 in field experiment – II; and the straw yield of 7010.3 and 7309.7 kg ha-1 in field experiment I and II respectively. The shoot and grain uptake of nutrients (N, P and K) were high during 15, 30 and 45 DAT and at harvest which received 33.3 % K2O each at 15, 30 and 45 DAT

    Curvelet and Ridgelet-based Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Weighted Similarity Approach

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    Biometric security artifacts for establishing the identity of a person with high confidence have evoked enormous interest in security and access control applications for the past few years. Biometric systems based solely on unimodal biometrics often suffer from problems such as noise, intra-class variations and spoof attacks. This paper presents a novel multimodal biometric recognition system by integrating three biometric traits namely iris, fingerprint and face using weighted similarity approach. In this work, the multi-resolution features are extracted independently from query images using curvelet and ridgelet transforms, and are then compared to the enrolled templates stored in the database containing features of each biometric trait. The final decision is made by normalizing the feature vectors, assigning different weights to the modalities and fusing the computed scores using score combination techniques. This system is tested with the public unimodal databases such as CASIA–Iris-V3-Interval, FVC2004, ORL and self-built multimodal databases. Experimental results obtained shows that the designed system achieves an excellent recognition rate of 98.75 per cent and 100 per cent for the public and self-built databases respectively and provides ultra high security than unimodal biometric systems.Defence Science Journal, 2014, 64(2), pp. 106-114. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.346

    Nutrient Content and Nutrient Uptake of Rice by The Impact of Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Sources of Nutrients in An Inceptisol Soil of Tamil Nadu

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    Using the rice variety ADT-37, a field experiment was conducted in the rabi season of 2023 in Tamil Nadu.  The scope of the study is to find out the impact of different sources of nutrients on nutrient content and uptake of rice.  Most of the previous research work has combined inorganic and organic sources, or inorganic alone or organic alone or anyone with biological.  Here we have included inorganic, organic and biological sources of nutrients. The experiment included of nine treatments viz., T1 – Control, T2 - 100% RDF, T3 - 125% RDF , T4 - 100% RDF + Press mud @ 10 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, T5 – 100% RDF + Vermicompost @ 6 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, T6 – 100% RDF + Coirpith Compost @ 6 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, T7 – 125% RDF + Press mud @ 10 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, T8 – 125% RDF + Vermicompost @ 6 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, T9 – 125% RDF + Coirpith Compost @ 6 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria.  The result concluded that 125% RDF + Vermicompost @ 6 t ha-1 + 2% Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria (T8) resulted maximum values in nutrient content and significantly higher in nutrient uptake values

    Detection of unhealthy region of plant leaves and classification of plant leaf diseases using texture features

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    Plant diseases have turned into a dilemma as it can cause significant reduction in both quality and quantity of agricultural products.  Automatic detection of plant diseases is an essential research topic as it may prove benefits in monitoring large fields of crops, and thus automatically detect the symptoms of diseases as soon as they appear on plant leaves.  The proposed system is a software solution for automatic detection and classification of plant leaf diseases.  The developed processing scheme consists of four main steps, first a color transformation structure for the input RGB image is created, then the green pixels are masked and removed using specific threshold value followed by segmentation process, the texture statistics are computed for the useful segments, finally the extracted features are passed through the classifier.  The proposed algorithm’s efficiency can successfully detect and classify the examined diseases with an accuracy of 94%.  Experimental results on a database of about 500 plant leaves confirm the robustness of the proposed approach.   Keywords: HSI, color co-occurrence matrix, texture, SVM, plant leaf disease

    Functional Outcome of various modalities of management of Distal Tibial Fractures

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    INTRODUCTION: Distal tibial fractures remain a challenge to orthopaedic surgeons. They usually occur as a result of high energy trauma in young patients, but in the elderly they can result from a simple fall. In the elderly, the problem is compounded by poor bone-stock, their limited ability to partially weight bear and co-morbid conditions. The main challenges: 1.The compromised skin and soft tissue envelope as in open fractures lead to a high incidence of complications following open reduction and internal fixation. 2. In the metaphysis, fixation is less rigid and early loosening is a frequent event as the cancellous bone is open and ‘cell- like’ and therefore ill equipped to support a screw thread. 3. Comminuted fracture patterns, which create difficulty in achieving rigid fixation since the purchase in trabecular bone is less than optimal to permit weight bearing or even start early joint mobilization.These conditions that restrict mobility lead to decubitus ulcers, deep vein thrombosis, joint stiffness and secondary osteoarthritis. 4. These high energy fractures may be associated with extremely damaged soft tissue envelope, as well as comminuted metaphyseal region and articular surface making anatomical reduction difficult. AIM OF THE STUDY: To analyze and individualize the choice of fixation in the management of distal tibial fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study deals with the analysis of out come of various modalities of treatment of distal tibial fractures depending on the type of fracture, location of the fracture and the status of the soft tissue envelope. The Study was conducted in Government Royapettah Hospital, Kilpauk Medical College between 2004 – 2006. Patients admitted with distal tibial fractures with or without intra articular extension and those having closed or open injuries were considered for this study. All patients having distal third tibial fractures were admitted and evaluated for co-morbid conditions. Routine investigations are done for anesthetic fitness and also to rule out systemic illness. Associated medical conditions were treated by corresponding specialists. The patients were maintained in POP and calcaneal pin traction in the case of compound fractures. Patients with compound fractures were treated with broad spectrum antibiotics. The time of surgery varied from 5 days to 25 days. There were 10 open injuries, of which there were 6 – Grade1; 3 – Grade 2 and 1-grade 3 open injuries. Those 5 patients who were not willing to undergo surgical procedures were treated conservatively by applying POP after 3 weeks of pin traction and check x-ray. RESULTS: The outcome of treatment of distal tibial fractures, is most affected by the severity of injury, management of the fracture and occurrence of certain complications. There are no uniformly accepted criteria for rating results. A number of factors are important for assessing results of tibial shaft fractures. Most reports omit one (or) more of them. For example Anderson et al., used only shortening and angulation to classify results of treatment into categories of excellent, good, fair, and poor. He rejected range of motion of the ankle joint as a criteria. However Horne and Colleagues with Hutching found ankle motion was a major determinant of functions. CONCLUSION: A short series of results of various modalities of management of distal tibial fractures were analyzed and the overall results including quality of reduction, functional recovery and the presence or absence of complications have led to us to individualise the option of treatment according to the status of the soft tissue, fracture location; fracture pattern and articular involvement. We are aware of the fact that the number of patients and duration of study may not give us the liberty to conclusively arrive at a protocol and might need a more elaborate study for standardization of the different methods available for the management of fractures of distal tibia

    Structural and Optical Properties of Electro Sprayed Tin Oxide Thin Films

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    Semiconducting transparent SnO2 thin films were prepared by microcontroller processed electro spraying technique. The structural and optical properties of the films were studied using X-ray diffractometer, UV-Vis spectrophotometer and Photoluminescence spectroscopy respectively. The polycrystalline nature of the films with tetragonal structure was observed from XRD pattern with the mean grain size of 17 nm. The Optical band gap of the films was calculated from the absorption curve and the interference pattern was observed on transmittance spectra. The calculated band gap of 3.5 eV is larger than the bulk band gap of Tin oxide. The blue emission band at 388 nm was observed from room temperature photoluminescence analysis and the effect of excitation wavelength of the films were studied and discussed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3598

    Heat Transfer Analysis of Flat Plate Subjected to Multi-Jet Air Impingement using Principal Component Analysis and Computational Technique

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    The aim of this work is to investigate experimentally the variation in temperature, heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number of a hot plate subjected to multi-jet air impingement cooling to use the multi-objective optimization technique to arrive at optimum conditions. A flat plate of 15 cm x 10 cm is heated through a heating foil with a constant heat flux of 7667 W/m2. Air jets with and without swirling action are considered, fixing the distance of target surface from nozzle exit at 2D, 4D and 6D. Reynolds numbers 18000, 20000and 22000 and pipe diameters 8mm, 10mm and 12 mm have been considered for investigation. Experiments are designed and analyzed using Taguchi’s technique, coupled with principal component analysis for multi-variate optimization by calculating multi-response performance index (MRPI). Based on the observations made, it is concluded that lower H/D ratio and higher Reynolds number result in higher heat transfer coefficient, in accordance with the first principles. Heat transfer coefficient obtained for jets with swirl is compared with that of jet without swirling for the same Reynolds number and H/D ratio. Furthermore, it is concluded that introducing swirl results in increase of heat transfer coefficients for all the test conditions for 10mm and 12mm diameter jets. However for 8mm jet, introduction of swirl reduced the heat transfer rate for all the test conditions. From Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), it is found that significant contributions on outputs are due to the effect of H/D ratio and Reynolds number. Confirmation experiments with optimum condition result in improved heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number. Numerical simulation has also been performed with the optimum condition. It is observed that the simulation results are in consistence with the experimental results