10 research outputs found

    Simultaneous solvent extraction and transesterification of jatropha oil for biodiesel production, and potential application of the obtained cakes for binderless particleboard

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    This study investigated biodiesel production from jatropha seeds in a single step, i.e. by simultaneous solvent extraction and transesterification of jatropha oil, and possibility to transform the obtained cakes into binderless particleboards. n-Hexane was used as extracting solvent. The best operating conditions were identified to obtain optimal biodiesel yield and quality, and optimal physical and mechanical properties for binderless particleboards. Biodiesel yield was usually influenced by operating conditions, and the influences of both n-hexane to seed and methanol to oil ratios were most significant. An increase in n-hexane to seed ratio (from 1:1 to 3:1) combined with the decrease in methanol to oil ratio (from 13.3:1 to 8.0:1) led to an improvement in biodiesel yield. The best biodiesel yield (92% with a fatty acid methyl ester purity >98%) was obtained from 2:1 n-hexane to seed ratio, 10.6:1 methanol to oil ratio, 200–600 rpm stirring speed, 50 °C temperature and 6 h reaction time. Operating conditions had no significant effect on the biodiesel quality, except the n-hexane to seed ratio. Moreover, cohesive particleboards were produced from the obtained cakes, proteins and fibers acting respectively as binder and reinforcing fillers. An increase in the cake moisture content significantly improved the particleboard properties. The most promising binderless particleboard was manufactured from cake B under 20% cake moisture content and 160 °C pressing temperature. Its properties were 0.87 g/cm3 density, 8.4% moisture content, 7.2 MPa modulus of rupture, 10.4 GPa modulus of elasticity, 0.14 MPa internal bonding strength, 52% water absorption and 20% thickness swelling after 24 h immersion in water

    Biodiesel production from jatropha seeds: Solvent extraction and in situ transesterification in a single step

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    The objective of this study was to investigate solvent extraction and in situ transesterification in a single step to allow direct production of biodiesel from jatropha seeds. Experiments were conducted using milled jatropha seeds, and n-hexane as extracting solvent. The influence of methanol to seed ratio (2:1–6:1), amount of alkali (KOH) catalyst (0.05–0.1 mol/L in methanol), stirring speed (700–900 rpm), temperature (40–60 °C) and reaction time (3–5 h) was examined to define optimum biodiesel yield and biodiesel quality after water washing and drying. When stirring speed, temperature and reaction time were fixed at 700 rpm, 60 °C and 4 h respectively, highest biodiesel yield (80% with a fatty acid methyl ester purity of 99.9%) and optimum biodiesel quality were obtained with a methanol to seed ratio of 6:1 and 0.075 mol/L KOH in methanol. Subsequently, the influence of stirring speed, temperature and reaction time on biodiesel yield and biodiesel quality was studied, by applying the randomized factorial experimental design with ANOVA (F-test at p = 0.05), and using the optimum values previously found for methanol to seed ratio and KOH catalyst level. Most experimental runs conducted at 50 °C resulted to high biodiesel yields, while stirring speed and reaction time did not give significantly effect. The highest biodiesel yield (87% with a fatty acid methyl ester purity of 99.7%) was obtained with a methanol to seed ratio of 6:1, KOH catalyst of 0.075 mol/L in methanol, a stirring speed of 800 rpm, a temperature of 50 °C, and a reaction time of 5 h. The effects of stirring speed, temperature and reaction time on biodiesel quality were not significant. Most of the biodiesel quality obtained in this study conformed to the Indonesian Biodiesel Standard

    Direct Calophyllum oil extraction and resin separation with a binary solvent of n-hexane and methanol mixture

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    This study investigated the use of a mixture of n-hexane and methanol as a binary solvent for the direct oil extraction and resin separation from Calophyllum seeds, in a single step. Optimal oil and resin yields and physicochemical properties were determined by identifying the best extraction conditions. The solvent mixture tested extracted oil and resin effectively from Calophyllum seeds, and separated resin from oil. Extraction conditions affected oil and resin yields and their physicochemical properties, with the n-hexane-to-methanol ratio being the most critical factor. Oil yield improved as n-hexane-to-methanol ratio increased from 0.5:1 to 2:1, and resin yield increased as methanol-to-n-hexane ratio increased from 0.5:1 to 2:1. Physicochemical properties of oil and resin, particularly for acid value and impurity content, improved as the n-hexane-to-methanol ratio decreased from 2:1 to 0.5:1. The best oil (51% with more than 95% triglycerides) and resin (18% with more than 5% polyphenols) yields were obtained with n-hexane-to-methanol ratios of 2:1 and 0.5:1, respectively, at a temperature of 50 °C, with an extraction time of 5 h. The best values for physicochemical property of oil were a density of 0.885 g/cm3, a viscosity of 26.0 mPa.s, an acid value of 13 mg KOH/g, an iodine value of 127 g/100 g, an unsaponifiable content of 1.5%, a moisture content of 0.8% and an ash content of 0.04%

    Sintesa Kalsium Karbonat Presipitat

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    Calcium carbonate is one of the chemical substances, which is largely used in chemical industries such as coating and fìlters in paper, toothpaste, paint etc. Based on bulk density, this substance is classified into two kinds, which are light and heavy calcium carbonate. The need of calcium carbonate especially the light type is increased with the development of the chemical industries, but the domestic production of calcium carbonate cannot fulfill this need, so still needs to be improved. Precipitated calcíum carbonate (PCC) is the light type of high purity of calcium carbonate which is yielded from precipitation processes. Lìght PCC has intenal bulk density between 0,15-0.60 g/cm'. Synthesis of PCC from límestone consist of calcination, hydration and carbonation processes. In the calcination process, Iimestone is burnt in a high temperature to form CaO. The calcination process is usually done by the small scale industry. In the hydration process, CaO react with water to form Ca(OH), solution. Then in the carbonation process, Ca(OH),react with CO2 to form light PCC.The experíment is focused in hydration and carbonatation processes has purpose to learn the ffict of ratio of CaO/HrO during hydration process and the effect of CO2, dilution by N, gas flow rate during carbonøtion process against percentage of CbaO converted to PCC. The result of this experiment are (l) maximum conversion of CaO to PCC is 50% and (2) the quality of product light PCC has fulfilled the specification for paper fille

    The Effect of Polymer Concentration on Flux Stability of Polysulfone Membrane

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    362-368The influence of various polymer concentrations on flux stability of polysulfone membranes was investigated. The polysulfone membrane was prepared by blending polysulfone in DMAc with 25%wt concentration of PEG400 and 4% wt concentration of acetone. It was found that the pure water flux was sharply decreased from 1230 to7 Lm-2h-1, when the polysulfone concentration was increased from 14% to 24%wt. Furthermore, the increase of polysulfone concentration also affects the fouling behavior of the membranes, in which almost of 90% of FRR was achieved by the addition of 18 %wt of polysulfone concentration. It was suggested that fouling formed on the membrane surface was dominated by reversible fouling, thus it could be easily cleaned by flushing method. In addition, the applied transmembrane pressure (TMP) also plays an important role in fouling behavior of polysulfone membrane. It was observed that irreversible fouling of organic matter was deteriorated by the increase of TMP, which contributed to the reduction of water flux. More stable membrane flux performance was achieved although it was operated at high TMP, when 20% wt concentration of polysulfone was added into membrane solution