57 research outputs found

    Percutaneous Curettage and Continuous Irrigation for MRSA Lumbar Spondylodiscitis: A Report of Three Cases

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    There has been a recent increase in pyogenic spondylitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) associated with an increasing number of compromised patients. As long as serious paralysis is absent, we recommend percutaneous curettage and continuous irrigation as an effective treatment for MRSA lumbar spondylodiscitis. Under local anesthesia, the affected lumbar discs were curetted using percutaneous nucleotomy, and tubes were placed for continuous irrigation. The period of continuous irrigation was generally 2 weeks. Infection was controlled after one procedure in two cases and after two procedures in one case. Postoperative radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed callus formation, normalized signal intensity in vertebral bodies, and regression of abscesses. Open surgery under general anesthesia has been considered risky in patients with poor performance status or old age. The present method, which is an application of needle biopsy, can be performed under local anesthesia and is minimally invasive

    Percutaneous Discectomy—Continuous Irrigation and Drainage for Tuberculous Lumbar Spondylitis: A Report of Two Cases

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    Percutaneous curettage and continuous irrigation were performed for definitive diagnosis and treatment of tuberculous (TB) lumbar spondylitis. Under local anaesthesia, affected lumbar discs were curetted using a procedure of percutaneous nucleotomy, and in-tube and the out-tube were placed for continuous irrigation. The period of continuous irrigation was 12–16 days. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was demonstrated in case 1 by culture and PCR, whereas histology showed tuberculous lesion with caseous necrosis in both cases. Postoperative MRI showed markedly reduced abscesses after 3 months in both cases. The signal intensity in vertebral bodies was improved. In Case 2, CT observations showed remodeling over time in the vertebral body cavities. This method is advantageous in that although minimally invasive, it achieves identification of pathogenic bacteria and treatment simultaneously. This surgical procedure is expected to prove effective for both TB and pyogenic spondylitis

    イニュウシュオナジショウジョウバエ ノ トットリケン カラ ノ カクニン フロク:トットリケンサン ショウジョウバエ

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    外来種オナジショウジョウバエの鳥取県における生息を確認するため、2008年9月に鳥取市湖山の鳥取大構内の4カ所と鳥取市桂見の1カ所に合計9個のトラップを設置し、16種2,030個体のショウジョウバエを採集した。オナジショウジョウバエは設置したすべてのトラップから合計155個体採集され、鳥取県における定着が確認された。鳥取県における過去のショウジョウバエ調査と島根県からの最初のオナジショウジョウバエの記録から、本種の鳥取県への侵入時期は1990年前後と推定される。採集された種のうち、Drosophila kuntzei カクレポシショウウジョウバエとDrosophila annulipes ダンダラショウジョウバエも鳥取県新記録である。文献調査と今回のデータに基づき、鳥取県のショウジョウバエとして56種の記録を末尾に掲げる。 To confirm occurrence of Drosophila simulans, an exotic species of Drosophilidae (Diptera) in Japan, we collected drosophilid flies using nine bait (banana mixed with yeasts) traps in the campus of Tottori University and Katsurami, Tottori City in September 2008. We found a total of 155 adults of Drosophila simulans from all the traps among 2,030 flies of a total of 16 drosophilid species, and it confirmed settlement of the species in Tottori Prefecture. It is estimated that the species invaded Tottori Prefecture around 1990, since no flies of this species had been found in the faunal surveys of Drosophila conducted in the 1980s in Tottori City and the species was discovered in 193 in Matsue City of Shimane Prefecture, which is adjacent to Tottori Prefecture. Drosophila (Sophophora) kuntzei and D. (S.) annulipes were also new to fauna of Tottori Prefecture. On the basis of literature survey and the present data, a list of 56 drosophilid species of Tottori Prefecture is presented

    トットリケン ニ オケル クロガケジグモ ノ ブンプ ハンイ

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    最近,鳥取県において生息が確認された外来性クモ,クロガケジグモ(ウシオグモ科)の鳥取県内における分布範囲を調査した。クロガケジグモはこれまで知られていた鳥取市に加え,倉吉市周辺から国道9号線沿いに琴浦町まで分布していることを確認した。鳥取市内では本種の生息範囲は千代川河口付近-湯所町-桂見-湖山町西に囲まれた範囲にまだ限定されているが,生息範囲内ではどこでも高密度である。倉吉市では1993年にすでに本種の営巣が確認されていることがわかった。生息範囲も県中部がもっとも広い。したがって鳥取県での最初の侵入は倉吉市で,鳥取市の集団もそこから拡大した可能性が高い。 The present range of distribution of an exotic spider Badumna insignis (Araneae: Desidae) in Tottori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan, where the species has recently settled, was surveyed. In addition to a part of the urban area of Tottori City, the spider was also found from Kurayoshi City and its vicinities along Route 9 west to Kotoura-cho. In Tottori City, the rage was limited to an area of ca. 5 km radius,indicating the species range is in the process of expanding. Density of the spiders is extraordinarily high (usually more than 20 per 10 m long of bridge balustrades, or guard rails along roads) everywhere in the area settled It was found that invasion of the spider in Kurayoshi City dates back to 193 at least

    Case Report Percutaneous Curettage and Continuous Irrigation for MRSA Lumbar Spondylodiscitis: A Report of Three Cases

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    There has been a recent increase in pyogenic spondylitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) associated with an increasing number of compromised patients. As long as serious paralysis is absent, we recommend percutaneous curettage and continuous irrigation as an effective treatment for MRSA lumbar spondylodiscitis. Under local anesthesia, the affected lumbar discs were curetted using percutaneous nucleotomy, and tubes were placed for continuous irrigation. The period of continuous irrigation was generally 2 weeks. Infection was controlled after one procedure in two cases and after two procedures in one case. Postoperative radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed callus formation, normalized signal intensity in vertebral bodies, and regression of abscesses. Open surgery under general anesthesia has been considered risky in patients with poor performance status or old age. The present method, which is an application of needle biopsy, can be performed under local anesthesia and is minimally invasive

    トットリケン ニ オケル ガイライセイ ハンシモク ニシュ ノ ブンプ

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    鳥取県に最近侵入したと考えられる外来性の半翅目昆虫2 種,アワダチソウグンバイとセイタカアワダチソウヒゲナガアブラムシの鳥取県内における分布を調べた。アワダチソウグンバイはセイタカアワダチソウの調査地点ではほとんどの場所で確認された.よって本種はすでに全県的に分布を拡大していると思われる。また,本県の東部から西部までの広範囲で,セイタカアワダチソウヒゲナガアブラムシの生息を鳥取県から初めて確認した。 / The lace bug, Corythucha marmorata iptera: Tingidae) is an exotic species of Tingidae which was recently introduced to Tottori Prefecture. Although the species utilizes an exotic plant, goldenrod Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae) as a main host, it also attacks crops such as the sweet potato Ipomoea batatas (Convolvulaceae). Thus special attention is needed for the expansion of the species range. We surveyed present range of distribution of C. marmorata in Tottori Prefecture, by checking S. altissima growing roadside along main national roads. The species was widely found from various sites of Tottori Prefecture. During the survey, we also found colonies of an exotic aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Aphididae) which is also parasitic on S. altissima from various sites in the prefecture

    A tripartite paternally methylated region within the Gpr1-Zdbf2 imprinted domain on mouse chromosome 1 identified by meDIP-on-chip

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    The parent-of-origin specific expression of imprinted genes relies on DNA methylation of CpG-dinucleotides at differentially methylated regions (DMRs) during gametogenesis. To date, four paternally methylated DMRs have been identified in screens based on conventional approaches. These DMRs are linked to the imprinted genes H19, Gtl2 (IG-DMR), Rasgrf1 and, most recently, Zdbf2 which encodes zinc finger, DBF-type containing 2. In this study, we applied a novel methylated-DNA immunoprecipitation-on-chip (meDIP-on-chip) method to genomic DNA from mouse parthenogenetic- and androgenetic-derived stem cells and sperm and identified 458 putative DMRs. This included the majority of known DMRs. We further characterized the paternally methylated Zdbf2/ZDBF2 DMR. In mice, this extensive germ line DMR spanned 16 kb and possessed an unusual tripartite structure. Methylation was dependent on DNA methyltransferase 3a (Dnmt3a), similar to H19 DMR and IG-DMR. In both humans and mice, the adjacent gene, Gpr1/GPR1, which encodes a G-protein-coupled receptor 1 protein with transmembrane domain, was also imprinted and paternally expressed. The Gpr1-Zdbf2 domain was most similar to the Rasgrf1 domain as both DNA methylation and the actively expressed allele were in cis on the paternal chromosome. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of meDIP-on-chip as a technique for identifying DMRs