20 research outputs found


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    The teaching of culture is considered to be an important part of teaching foreign language i.e. Arabic, since one major aim of language teaching is to increase the understanding and tolerance between cultures. As a result, it is very reasonable to say that learning a language is also learning culture of native speakers. Teaching a new language will accordingly inevitably involve teaching a new culture. Only through introducing and developing understanding of the culture of the target language will a language learner be able to function properly in the target language. In teaching Arabic as Foreign Language (AFL), textbooks play an important role in today’s school world since most of Arabic teachers of SMA/MA in Indonesia use them as the most important tool and teaching resources. The purpose of this research are (1) to describe authors’ awareness to insert cultural elements into the selected texbook of Bahasa Arab (BA) X, XI and XII and تعهٛى انهغت انعسبٛت Pelajaran Bahasa Arab (PBA) X, XI, XII as materials for teaching and learning Arabic, (2) to identify what cultural aspects are included in the Arabic textbooks currently used by Madrasah Aliyah in Serang, (3) to identify the patterns of insertion of these cultural aspects in the Arabic textbooks used. As the method of research, the researcher used content analysis. The data is selected taxtbook of تعليماللغة العربية , Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Madrasah Aliyah Kelas X, XI, XII writen by Dr. D. Hidayat, Published by PT Karya Toha Putra, Semarang Indonesia, 2013 and Pelajaran Bahasa Arab untuk SMA Kelas X, XI, XII written by Darsono and Sururi Abdul Jalal, published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2011 by using Byram (1994:51-52) and Risager (1994: 52-53) criteria i.e. Social identity and social groups, Social interaction, Belief and behavior, Socio-political institutions, Socialization and the life-cycle, National history, National geography, National cultural heritage, Stereotypes and national identity, International and intercultural issue, and Point of view and style of the textbook auhtor (s). The result of this research are that (1) the authors have awareness to insert cultural aspects into the textbook, (2) of the eleven criteria only three of them are not inserted into the textbooks i.e. Social identity and social groups, Social interaction, Belief and behavior, National geography, National cultural heritage, Stereotypes and national identity, International and intercultural issue, and Point of view and style of the textbook auhtor (s), (3) the patterns of insertion of these cultural aspects in the Arabic textbooks are both writings and pictures

    Ideological Tendencies in the Six English Qur’an Translation on Qs. Ar-Rum 41

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    Lessons from the Qur’an can be learned from its translation by those who do not understand Arabic, although the Qur’an does not state the meaning obviously. Still, some translators may interpret the Qur’an differently from each other depend on what ideology belongs to the translators. To know the ideology, this study employs Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) approach. The sources of data of this research are six English Qur’an translational texts. The research data are clause unites in the English Qur’an translation of the QS. Ar-Rum 41. They are divided into four clauses. The results showed that the translation of the Qur’an has a connection with the ideology embraced by translators. Saheeh International – Jeddah Qur’an translation bears the Aswaja ideology consistenly; Maulawi Sher Ali – Islamabad Qur’an translation bears the Ahmadiyah ideology consistenly; Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-DIn Al-Hilali, and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan - Madinah Al-Munawwarah Qur’an translation bears the Sunni ideology consistenly. Edip Yuksel – US Qur’an translation bears the ideology of reformism combined with the ideology of Ahlussunnah, Ahmed Ali Qur’an translation bears the ideology of reformism combined with the ideology of tafsiriyah that makes it less stylish, and Aisha Bewley Qur’an translation bears the ideology of Liberal and stylistic. The variety of ideologies in the English Qur’an translation is due to the influence of religious understanding of the authors as well as their efforts to promote specific ideologies in the English Qur’an translation


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    The research aims to find out the cultural elements in the four English Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks of SMA written by Indonesian authors. The data were collected from the four English textbooks; a) Interlanguage, b) Look Ahead, c) Bahasa Inggris KTSP, and d) Bahasa Inggris K13. The researcher uses content analysis method to have the comprehensive understanding about the cultural elements of either English Native Language (ENL), English Second Language (ESL) or English Foreign Language (EFL) speakers, the categories and the themes of cultures as well as to know the pragmatic aspects and, the cultural introduction in those books. The research finds that the integrated cultures in the textbooks are classified into the ENL speakers' cultures (47.8%), the ESL speakers' cultures (14.3%), and the EFL speakers' cultures (39.2%). There are three categories of the cultural domain in the textbooks, namely are knowledge, behaviours, and artefact. The research also finds that there are six themes of cultures, namely social, economy, geography, entertainment, politic, and tourism. Besides, the books have two types of technique of introducing target language cultures, namely direct introduction and indirect introduction. They have the pragmatic aspects of English teaching, including speech act or language function, metapragmatic information, and contextual variables. Finally, the research concludes that the four EFL textbooks of SMA provide not only learning experiences about syntax and semantics but also culture of speakers of either ENL, ESL or EFL as both knowledge and instruction media. The books also provide technique of introducing cultures of both direct and indirect as well as develop students' communicative competencies, including speech act or language use, pragmatic function and contextual variables. Keywords : English Textbook, Culture, EFL learnin


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    Pada setiap proses pembelajaran, penilaian menjadi komponen penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh setiap guru. Alasanya adalah, bahwa setiap pembelajaran,  apapun kurikulumnya. Berbasis Kompetensi atau kurikulum-kurikulum sebelumnya,  berkaitan erat dengan sebuah proses yang terencana dan terukur untuk mencapai tujuan dan isi sesuai dengan ketentuan kurikulum yang  berlaku.  Untuk itu diperlukan perangkat untuk menilai ketercapaian proses tersebut. Pada umumnya penilaian proses belajar di kelas masih berorientasi pada tes-tes  tertulis; seperti pilihan ganda, menjodohkan, dan essay. Bentuk penilaian ini tentu tidak menggambarkan proses pembelajarn siswa yang sebenarnya. Sebagaimana diketahui, bahwa standar isi pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada KTSP menekankan kompetensi komunikatif dengan pendekatan PAKEM/CTL. Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CTL akan lebih bermakna jika diukur dengan penilaian otentik. Penilaian otentik (Authentic Assessment) merupakan jenis dari Performance-based Assessment (PBA) yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media untuk mendorong dan membangun kompetensi siswa memadukan antara pengetahuan kognitif dan dunia nyata disekitarnya. Jenis tes ini lebih potensial untuk memotifasi siswa dari pada jenis-jenis tes lain, karena Penilaian Otentik dalam prakteknya melibatkan siswa secara langsung dalam menggunakan bahasa sesuai dengan situasinya. Pembelajaran bahasa berbasis kontekstual (Contextual Language Teaching)  tentu akan menjadi tidak bermakna bagi siswa jika pencapaian proses pembelajaran (SK/KD) diukur dengan model penilaian standar (standardized test) seperti multiple choise, essay, fill-inblank dll. Karena jenis tes model ini, hanya mengukur keterampilan berpikir tingkat rendah siswa, dan tidak mengukur apa bagaimana yang sebenarnya siswa kita. Model tes ini sangat efektif untuk mengukur kompetensi siswa secara nyata. Makalah ini menyajikan analisis tentang authentic assessment pada pangajaran bahasa Inggris dengan disertai contoh-contoh rubrik penilaian otentik

    The Effectiveness of Using Fairy Tale in Teaching Writing Narrative Text

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    This research is conducted on the research questions: 1.) How is student ability in writing narrative text at second grade of MTsN 1 Pandeglang? 2.) How is the faity tale applied in teaching narrative text at second grade of MTsN 1Pandeglang? How is the effectiveness of using fairy tales in teaching writing narrative text to the second grade of MTsN 1 Pandeglang? The method used in this research is quasi experiment. The research conducted in the second grade (VIII) of MTsN 1 Pandeglang as the population and class VIII A consists of 25 students as experimental class and VIII B consists of 25 students as control class are taken as the sample. The result of the research shows that using fairy tales has significant difference on students’ writing skill. It can be seen from the result that researcher has got the mean of the pre-test 58.04 and post-test score 78.92 from the experimental class and the pre-test score is 49,48 and post-test 67.56 from the control class. The writer got that to (t observation) is higher than tt (t table). The result of tt on significant 5% = 1,67 and 1% = 2,40. It indicates that to> tt or 5.5 > 1,67 and 5.5 > 2,40 so the null hypothesis (Ho) are rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted that there is significant difference of using fairy tales writing skill

    Pengaruh Daya Tarik Iklan, Celebrity Endorser, Brand Image Dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pengguna Shopeefood (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Malang)

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    Abstract Based on research conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of advertising attractiveness, celebrity endorser, brand image and price perception on purchasing decisions on shopee food users. The sample in this study were 92 shopee food users. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling where every customer who has made a repeat purchase has the opportunity to be a sample. The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis with hypothesis testing using the F test and t test. From this study it is known that partially and simultaneously the variables of advertising attractiveness, celebrity endorser, brand image and price perception on purchasing decisions Keywords: Advertising Appeal, Celebrity Endorser, Brand Image, Price Perception, Purchase Decisio

    Developing Model Test of Reading Comprehension for Islamic Studies

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      Abstract: This research is aimed to produce model test of reading comprehension for Islamic Studies which is one of the sections of English Proficiency Test (EPT) in UIN SMH Banten. This is Research and Development (R&D) which employs ADDIE model i.e. Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.  The data are reading texts which are developed based on Islamic Studies and General Science needed in Islam. The result produces a new model of reading comprehension (third section) of EPT in UIN SMH Banten, i.e. model Test of English (TE)-A, TE-B, TE-C, and TE-D. Each of the model test consists of 50% Islamic Studies and 50% general science needed in Islam. For Islamic Studies consists of seven themes i.e. Al-Qur’an and Hadith Studies, Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Morality (Akhlaq) belief (Tauhid) Mu’amalah, and Siasah. The General Science consists of seven themes i.e. Economy, Law, Linguistics, Education, culture, arts, and politics. The level of difficulty of the texts is standardized into academic reading standard that is usually used in Universities and Colleges.&nbsp

    Manajemen Administratif Guru

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    Pendidikan merupakan jalan strategis untuk membangun peradaban bangsa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut tentunya diperlukan interaksi positif antara sekolah, guru dan peserta didik. Namun, faktanya banyak di sekolah konvensional seorang guru menjadikan peserta didik sebagai celengan yang selalu dijejali materi, dimana guru lebih aktif dan mendominasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, MTs Negeri 1 Semarang membuat manajemen administratif sekolah dan dalam pembelajaran, khususnya pada Pendidikan Agama Islam agar antara sekolah, guru, dan siswa saling mendominasi, teratur melaksanakan apa yang telah direncanakan dan sesuai pada manajemen tersebut. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada manajemen administrasi guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Negeri 1 Semarang. Tujuan peneltian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manajemen administratif sekolah dan manajemen administratif guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Negeri 1 Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data yang meliputi: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen administratif guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs negeri 1 Semarang sudah berjalan baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan terpenuhinya semua komponen manajemen yaitu meliputi: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengorganisasian, evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil temuan, disarankan kepada seluruh stakeholders sekolah untuk saling bekerjasama mengawal dan mengarahkan potensi peserta didik.Kata Kunci: Manajemen administratif, gur


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    This research was conducted to investigate the sex ratio and the first gonadal maturity size of mackerel fish(Decapterus macrosomas Bleeker 1841). Samples were taken from June to October 2013 in the sub-district ofPanyula, District of East Riattang, in Bone region. Sample analysis was conducted at the Fisheries biologylaboratory, Department of Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. Sex ratio was analyzed by using chiquadrat-testwhereas the first gonadal maturity size was obtained from the first size of the third-gonadal-maturitystage. There were 782 fish collected with male to female ratio 1,02:1,00. Statistically, the sex ratio from Bone waterswas 1:1, in other words, it is still in a balance condition. The male fish reached gonadal maturity stage at the size of195 mm, whereas the female at 210 mm. Keywords: sex ratio, gonadal maturity size, Mackarel fish, Bone strait

    Musim Pemijahan Ikan Tongkol Lisong (Auxis rochei Risso,1810) di Perairan Majene Sulawesi Barat

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    Tongkol lisong dengan nama latin Auxis rochei merupakan salah satu ikan pelagis dari familiscombridae yang banyak ditangkap oleh nelayan di Perairan Selat Makassar terkhusus di PerairanMajene, Sulawesi Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis musim pemijahan ikan tongkol diperairan Majene, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan selama enam bulansejak Mei hingga Oktober 2018 di Kel. Pangali-Ali Kabupaten Majene, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat.Penangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap jaring lingkar dan pancing. Ikan diukur panjang,ditimbang beratnya, dibedah, diidentifikasi jenis kelamin dan tingkat kematangannya gonadnya.Untuk menentukan musim pemijahan ikan tongkol dilakukan analisis Indeks Kematangan Gonad(IKG). Indeks kematangan gonad adalah suatu nilai dalam persen yang merupakan hasil dariperbandingan antara bobot gonad dan bobot tubuh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian jumlah ikantongkol diperoleh selama penelitian sebanyak 372 ekor ikan (216 jantan dan 156 betina). Hasilanalisis IKG ikan tongkol lisong di pada setiap waktu pengambilan sampel k di perairan Majenemenunjukkan nilai IKG tertinggi diperoleh pada Bulan Agustus. Tingginya Nilai IKG tertinggipada bulan tersebut diduga merupakan puncak pemijahan.Kata kunci: ikan tongkol, musim pemijahan, Majene