29 research outputs found

    Human Resource Planning and Selection Strategy at PT Kimia Farma, tbk

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    The objective of this study is to find out the strategy of planning and selection of human resources (HR) in PT Kimia Farma, Tbk. This study is qualitative research. This study's primary data were collected from interviews, observation, and recording, while secondary data were collected from the company and other external sources. Furthermore, the data were analyzed, and it is used to present the results of the study. The validity of the data is measured by evaluating the correctness of the data (triangulation). This study found that the company has implemented a human resource development strategy through 1) the planning programs for human resource requirements which support the organization's vision and mission; 2) the recruitment process is conducted openly with a rigorous selection process to determine and obtain qualified candidates based on requirements. This study also presents the results of the synthesis of HR planning & selection that can be used in the pharmaceutical industry and PT Kimia Farma, Tbk in particular


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    HR planning is a strategic matter in implementing corporate strategy, through HR planning it can increase the company's chances of getting the right people, in the right place, at the time needed. Good HR planning must be in-line with the company's vision, mission, long-term objectives, and short-term objectives. This HR planning must be able to be implemented properly by the HR division in order to find the best candidate for the company. This research is a descriptive qualitative research by analyzing the relevant literature related to HR planning. The results showed that the company must be able to compile HR planning that is in line with its vision, mission, long-term objectives, and short-term objectives; the HR division must be able to translate HR planning based on organizational design, job design, in the form of job descriptions, tasks, responsibilities, authorities, as the basis for determining HR planning; HR planning tailored to the company's business development; workload analysis, become the basis for HR planning; and employee turnover rate, can be used as a determination of the company's HR planning


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    This research is a qualitative research with case study at PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. The purpose of this research is to understand the overall development strategy of human capital of the Company. Data were collected from primary data through interview, observation, and recording; while secodary data were obtained from PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk or from the externals that are used by the researcher to strengthen the premise, theory building, or data from previous researchers.  The data collected from primary and secondary sources are then processed. The validity of data is checked though data accuracy checking process (triangulation). This research found that the Company has conducted human reseource development strategy through 1) Integrated HR Development with the Company’s visions and missions; 2) open recruitment and selection process will decide and find the candidates who meet the qualifications; 3) preparing assessement center to select the right candidate for the right position; 4) employees training can improve the employees’ competence; and 5) the right development of human capital to prepare for the competitiveness in the future.. Keywords: Human Capital, Development, Strategy, HR Plannin

    Karakter Kepemimpinan Cendekia pada Generasi Milenial

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    Tujuan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini untuk mengidentifikasi karakter kepemimpinan cendekia pada generasi milenial dari berbagai kajian literatur. Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif terhadap literatur pendukung. Karakter kepemimpinan yang baik dan ideal dalam proses manajemen organisasi sangat diperlukan di era milenial. Seorang pemimpin yang dapat mengarahkan dan memimpin bawahannya untuk mengarahkan potensi secara optimal sangat diperlukan oleh organisasi. Keberhasilan seorang pemimpin dipengaruhi oleh gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan.  Generasi milenial saat ini lebih unggul di bidang teknologi. Generasi ini kini mulai menjadi trend-setter teknologi, politik, budaya, dan ekonomi sehingga dibutuhkan karakter kepemimpinan yang ideal pada generasi milenial ini. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang karakter pemimpin cendekia yang sesuai untuk generasi milenial. Karakter tersebut didasarkan pada penelitian literatur tentang karakter yang harus dimiliki oleh pemimpin cendekia yang IKHTIAR yaitu 1) integrity (integritas), 2) keep on collaborating (berkolaborasi) 3) humble (rendah hati), 4) tactful (bijaksana), 5) inspiring others (mampu menginspirasi), 6) agile (lincah) dan 7) respect (rasa hormat)


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    Nilai-nilai Kepemimpinan Cendekia adalah syiar dan doa—Ia adalah nilai-nilai/karakter yang harus diinternalisasikan di setiap diri pemimpin, dengannya diharapkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Indonesia dapat menuju kesuksesan seperti para pemimpin bangsa sebelumnya. Syiar berarti kemuliaan—Ia adalah  Syukur, Istikamah, Amanah, dan Refleksi Diri. Doa tentang bermunajat kepada-Nya, agar permintaan dan harapan kita menembus arasy-Nya, maka mimpi itu harus diciptakan (develop vision), selalu melihat pelung dari pada mengeluh saja (opportunities seekers), dan yakinlah—dengan segala potensi yang dimiliki—Anda bisa! (amaze yourself).  Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri kajian pustaka terkait dengan nilai-nilai kepemimpinan cendekia berdasarkan model Syiar dan Doa

    What Expert Say about Empowering Human Resources in Supporting Leadership Function in Higher Education in the 21st Century

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    In Indonesia, universities and non-formal education institutions play an essential role in creating leadership qualities in both colonial and modern time. Although these two education models have different supports, the resulting figures are expected to be involved in community development with intervention through research and community service with the budget and recognition given to them. This qualitative study was going to understand what research evidence says about the leadership role in higher education. To ascertain how these educational institutions' involvement and role are. The researchers have conducted electronic searches on online data sources such as the Google Scholar application, ERIC Publications, and Microsoft Academic for publications from 2010 to 2021. Furthermore, analyzing the data by involving understanding the problem, coding the data. Evaluation and in-depth interpretation to obtain valid and reliable findings. Based on the discussion of the findings data and previous research evidence, the researchers reported the results, the transition period to a more advanced future, and higher education's role in more strategic and dynamic planning. Higher education leaders must work to foster the public by encouraging lecturers and faculty with study data and dedication to achieve development goals towards success. They take great responsibility for the success of nation-building in all directions. Thus, these findings become an essential input in developing the role of higher education leadership. Keywords: Empowering Human Research, Leadership Function, Higher Educatio

    Human Resources Education and Innovation to face the demands of Business in the Digital Age

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    This article discussed the importance of education and human resource (HR) innovation in dealing with business demands in the digital era. Human resources meet business demands through education and innovation to achieve profit and business sustainability goals. Therefore, we have conducted a series of data searches and analyses to answer this paper's core discussion. This research was carried out on several data findings from literature sources of well-known journal publications such as Google Book, Google Scholar, Taylor & France, Elsevier, and other publications that discuss issues of strengthening human business resources towards the era of technology. To get answers to the problems of this study, we involve a coding system, data interpretation, and high-level evaluation to get valid and reliable data. Based on the findings and discussion data, this result show that the importance of education and innovation in increasing the capacity of human business resources was dynamic and adaptable to the demands of the high-tech business era. Thus, this finding answer the search for business HR solutions and become a meaningful input for future business study efforts. Keywords: Innovation Education, Human Resource Education, Digital Ag

    The Influence of the Occupational of Safety & Health and Work Environment on Work Employees Productivity at Production Division of PT Trimitra Chitrahasta

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    This research was conducted at PT Trimitra Chitrahasta. This study aims to analyze how much influence Occupational Safety & Health and work environment have on work productivity in the production department at PT Trimitra Chitrahasta. The research methodology used is a quantitative method. The sample used in this study consisted of 150 respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire, where each respondent was given 18 questions. The data was then analyzed using validity test, reliability test and classical assumption test using SPSS version 26 program. The results of this study indicate that: (1)The effect of occupational safety and health on productivity has an interpretation value of 4.29 which means good (2)The influence of the work environment on productivity has an interpretation value of 3.95 which means good (3)The R Square value is 64.6% while 35.4% is influenced by other variables that are not included in this study

    Integritas Dan Kepemimpinan Milenial: Kasus Pada HR Leader

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    Generasi milenial merupakan generasi yang tumbuh di tengah berkembangnya teknologi dengan pesat. Generasi ini diharapkan sebagai penerus generasi sebelumnya untuk menjadi pemimpin di masa depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat nilai-nilai integritas pada pemimpin milenial sehingga mampu memberikan pengaruh yang kuat terhadap bawahannya dalam memajukan organisasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan melakukan survei terhadap HR Leader. Data diperoleh dari para milenial pada rentang usia 20—40 tahun dengan posisi minimal supervisor di unit kerja/divisi/departemen SDM sebanyak 107 responden. Data kemudian dianalisis dan diinterpretasikan sehingga menjadi dasar dan rekomendasi kepemimpinan milenial. Dari penelitain ini didapati bahwa integritas, dengan nilai kejujuran, amanah, komitmen, dan kesetiaan telah dijalankan dengan baik. Nilai integritas tersebut merupakan modal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang individu yang akan menjadi pemimpin khususnya pada generasi milenial