12 research outputs found

    The Development of Maqasid Al Shari’a on The Role of Women in Environmental Conservation

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang implementasi maqasid al syari’ah dalam isu ekofemenisme (sebuah gerakan sosial yang menghubungkan ekologi dengan persoalan perempuan). Berdasarkan data dari kementerian lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan (KLHK), peran perempuan menggerakkan sebuah komunitas sangat besar, oleh sebab itu antara lingkungan dan kesehatan perempuan memiliki hubungan yang erat, apalagi didukung oleh pengembangan proyek industri di Indonesia yang banyak mengorbankan petani dan perempuan akibat konversi lahan pertanian yang dirubah menjadi proyek industri. Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak telah menyuarakan bahwa perempuan di Indonesia mendukung pelestarian lingkungan hidup, karena konversi lahan pertanian ke proyek industri berpeluang besar merampas kesuburan tanah dan kesehatan perempuan, ditengah problem distorsi ekologi tersebut, perempuan harus berjuang untuk melindungi fungsi alat reproduksinya. Terkait perampasan hak perempuan tersebut, Islam mengajarkan umat manusia untuk merawat lingkungan (hifdz al-bi’ah) karena tanpa penjagaan dan perawatan lingkungan, sebuah oknum akan terus melanggengkan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dari sisi biologis, historis dan kultural. Dalam artikel ini penulis berargumen bahwa gerakan ekofeminisme adalah titik jihad perempuan dalam melawan krisis ekologi ditengah maraknya industri dan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan yang patriarkhi, ekofeminisme hadir untuk menangkal aksi-aksi yang tidak manusiawi, dan dalam khazanah Islam, ekofeminisme sejalan dengan hifdz al bi’ah karena memiliki spirit dalam penjagaan dan pelestarian lingkungan untuk kemaslahatan perempuan dan mahluk hidup lainnya. [This article discusses the implementation of maqasid al syari’ah in the issue of eco-femenism (a social movement that links ecology with women’s issues). Based on data from the ministry of environment and forestry (KLHK), the role of women in driving a community is very large; therefore, the environment and women’s health have a very close relationship, mainly supported by the development of industrial projects in Indonesia which sacrificed many farmers and women due to converting agricultural land into industrial projects. The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection has voiced that women in Indonesia support environmental preservation because the conversion of agricultural land to industrial projects has a great opportunity to deprive soil fertility and women’s health, amidst the problem of ecological distortion; women must fight to protect the function of their reproductive organs. Regarding the deprivation of women’s rights, Islam teaches humankind to take care of the environment (hifdz al-bi’ah), without protecting and caring for the environment, a person will continue to perpetuate discrimination against women based on biological, historical, and cultural reasons. In this article the author concludes that the ecofeminism movement is the point of women’s jihad against the ecological crisis amidst the rise of industry and the development of patriarchal science, this theory developed to counteract inhuman actions, and in Islamic literature, this theory is in line with hifdz al bi’ah because it has a spirit in protecting and preserving the environment for the benefit of women and other living things.

    Gender Construction in The Perspective of Living Fiqh in Indonesia

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    This article aims to comprehensively explain the uniqueness of the emergence of gender issues in Indonesia and contribute to the development of Islamic law in terms of the discovery of Islamic legal products, and introduce local culture underlying the forming of laws depending on place and era, including gender issues, where western and eastern cultures certainly differ in various sides. Living fiqh on gender is a term for responding to women’s issues through interpretation, considering Indonesia’s local culture. Living fiqh is a term for strengthening Islamic legal products, prioritizing the principle of locality. This study used a qualitative method to respond to the concept of living fiqh in Indonesia. The first step in this research was to explore the genealogy of gender issues in Indonesia compared to the history of gender issues in the West. After that, the differences in the causes of gender issues in Indonesia and the West were classified. Finally, the products of fiqh on gender in Indonesian madzhab were found. In this article, the author argues that the products of fiqh on gender in Indonesia have relations with Indonesian culture. Besides, fiqh on gender in Indonesia emerged from the women activists’ anxiety against discrimination in marriage and rules. Fiqh on Indonesian madhab contributes to minimizing gender inequality that emerged massively after strengthening colonialism and the influence of transnational Islam, changing the interpretation of the scripture and madhab fanaticism.


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    In understanding a text, of which focus is to find meaning in an openand comprehensive meaning, it needs to take into account not onlyliteral but also moral ideas. The effort needs to be done to revive thedestination stored in the one of the methods used by contemporarycommentators is Hermeneutics. In this article the writer employshistory analysis (Historically effected consciousness) and preunderstanding(Vorverstandnis) to understand the text. On the basis ofthe use of the theory of hermeneutics, the writer applies these theoriesin defining gender topics. Selection of gender topics is based on theconsideration that many laws that do not contain moral ideas as aresult of the reading of the text. The application of the two analysesabove will result in objective interpretations as the meaning of textwhich is intended by its commentators.Kata kunci: Peran Sosial Domestik, Perempuan, Tafsir Ibn Katsi

    Contestation between Fiqh and Culture in Indonesia: The Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah Paradigm in Dangers of Forced Marriage against Women

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    This article addresses the contentious issues between Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) and cultural practices related to forced marriage. Motivated by the widespread prevalence of forced marriage in society, often perpetuated with religious arguments, the research aims to provide insights into the meaning of the term “ijbar” in fiqh discourse. While fiqh interprets “ijbar” as a custodian’s right to coerce their daughter, the article highlights the specific term “ikrah” for coercion in Islamic law. Utilizing a qualitative method, the study involves document analysis through an in-depth examination of fiqh literature. Data sources include classical and contemporary jurisprudence literature, information on forced marriages in Indonesia, and religious fatwas from the Indonesian Women’s Ulama Congress (KUPI). The article argues that forced marriage contradicts the maqāṣid al-sharī'ah, evidenced by spiritual and religious decline, domestic violence, restricted access to education, adverse reproductive effects, and limited economic resources


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    A concern in the elimination of discrimination against women with special treatment is recognized by the international community. This is manifested in the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW), which aims at achieving the equality and justice. The elimination of discrimination acts as the mainstreaming of women towards the gender equality. It is even formulated as a basic need for the promotion of the human rights in the millennium development goals. This article discusses maqāṣid asy-syarī'ah with the principle of substantive equality, the principle of non-discrimination in the fulfillment of basic freedoms and human rights, and the principle of state obligation that has the responsibility to ensure the realization of the right equality of men and women using the approach of al-maṣlaḥah.[Perhatian pada penghapusan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dengan perlakuan khusus diakui oleh dunia Internasional. Hal ini diwujudkan dalam Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Againts Women (CEDAW) yang bertujuan untuk mencapai persamaan dan keadilan. Penghapusan diskriminasi tersebut berperan sebagai pengarusutamaan perempuan menuju kesetaraan gender. Bahkan hal ini dirumuskan sebagai kebutuhan dasar pemajuan hak asasi manusia dalam millenium development goals. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan maqāṣid asy-syarī'ah dengan prinsip kesetaraan substantif, prinsip non-diskriminasi dalam pemenuhan kebebasan-kebebasan dasar dan hak asasi manusia, serta prinsip kewajiban negara yang memiliki tanggungjawab untuk memastikan terwujudnya persamaan hak laki-laki dan perempuan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan al-maṣlaḥah.


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    In contrast with the history gender abroad, women's attitudes and relations with various sectors in Indonesia can be said to be completely different.  without distinguishing between both of them, local culture and approaches that affect one's perspective. This article describes the history of gender in Indonesia that is inseparable from the dogma and history of Indonesian women who fight for justice before the law, the variety of religions and cultures which are the main concerns that will distinguish the history of gender in Indonesia from others. This article narrates that gender as a perspective is strongly influenced by the doctrines of the ulama towards women through tafsir and methods. Women ulama brought up several gender issues in Indonesia which later became the product of a fatwa, including the elaboration of kyai Husein Muhammad highlighting how women's rights fighters in Indonesia seek to ratify the marriage law and bunyai Nur Rafiah’s argument saying that gender in Indonesia will never be separated from the method of Islamic studies which views the essential justice for which positions ultimate justice for women as the ultimate target, this argument leads to laws in Indonesia which are starting to lead to the mainstreaming of regulations. This discussion is further reinforced by kyai Faqihudin Abdul Kodir who argued that the goal of gender in Indonesia is the ratification of CEDAW, hence the issuance of UU no. 7 of 1984

    Konsep ri’ayah al-maslahah Najmuddin al-Thufi relevansi dengan konsep reaktualisasi hukum Islam

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    INDONESIA: Ri’ayah al-Maslahah, adalah merupakan tujuan hukum yang dalam hukum Eropa disebut dengan doelma tigheid (rech-idea), yakni litahqiq mashalih al-Nash (dalam rangka merealisasikan kemaslahatan umat manusia), begitu juga dalam hal ini, konsep ri’ayah al-Maslahah, oleh Najmuddin al-Thufi seorang Hanabilah yang menjadikan al-Maslahah sebagai pertimbangan hukum pertama serta independen tanpa didukung nash tertentu maupun makna yang terkandung di dalam sejumlah nash, di mana dengan pandangannya tersebut menjadi kontroversi di antara kalangan ulama, karena pandangannya tersebut sangat bertentangan dengan pandangan Madzhab Hanbali yang dianutnya, di mana Madzhab Hanbali adalah merupakan Madzhab yang terkenal dengan konsistentsi yang kuat dalam memegang al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah dalam menentukan sebuah hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pemahaman ri’ayah al- Maslahah serta epistemologi Najmuddin al-thufi dan relevansinya dengan reaktualisasi hukum Islam, Adapun tujuan khusus dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan kerangka epistemologi tasyri’ ria’yah al-Maslahah al-Thufi, khususnya yang menjelaskan relevansi ri’ayah al-Maslahah al-Thufi, dengan reaktualisasi hukum Islam. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan jenis penelitian pustaka (library reseach) di samping menggunakan pendekatan ushuliyah yaitu pendekatan yang lebih mengakomodir teori-teori ushul dalam kerangkanya. Lebih khusunya dalam penelitian ini, adalah menggunakan teori al-Maslahah yang menjelaskan fungsi serta kedudukan al-Maslahah dalam menggali sebuah hukum serta kedudukan al-Maslahah sebagai dalil. Hasil penelitian, bersinggungan dengan zaman yang jauh dengan masa di mana al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah mulai dilegislasikan sebagai sumber hukum tertinggi, maka reaktualisasi hukum Islam mulai dimunculkan dalam rangka penataan hukum dan penyerasian terhadap kondisi Negara Indonesia yang memiliki dasar Negara Pancasila, dengan perwujudan kemaslahatan pada Negara demokrasi ini dan ri’ayah al-Maslahah memiliki keterkaitan dengan reaktualisasi hukum Islam dalam usaha mengkontekstualisasikan ajaran Islam yang berkaitan dengan persoalan mu’amalah serta bagaimana mempertahankan nilai Islam serta ber elaborasi dengan kondisi masyarakat Islam Indonesia yang majemuk

    Between Culture and The Sacredness of Fiqh: The Role of Lebe in Child Marriage Practices in Brebes, Indonesia

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    This article analyses the role of lebe (penghulu or local marriage officiant) in the practice of child marriage in Brebes, Indonesia. Ranked second after Indramayu, Brebes is a district that still has a Sundanese cultural heritage with its deep-rooted practice of child marriage. The fundamental question in this article is, what is the role of lebe in the practice of child marriage in Brebes? Is child marriage in Brebes a generic culture from its predecessors, or is this culture a form of cultural appropriation (perpetuating a culture that is not its own because of cultural domination)? Using a socio-legal research framework, the author argues that lebe plays a vital role in rooting the practice of child marriage in Brebes. His understanding of classical fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) as a dogma legitimizes the practice of child marriage in Brebes. He prioritizes aspects of the readiness of the bride and groom rather than the minimum age limit for marriage regulated by the state. Besides the role of lebe, the understanding of the community who views that the age of marriage is relative, women must be protected, the culture of child marriage as a stepping stone to a better life, and the cultural war between populists (community) and elitists (village government officials), distrust of education is another factor that perpetuates the practice of child marriage in Brebes


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    Dalam belantika khazanah ilmu keislaman, Kajian tentang gender dalam jangkar pengetahuan Islam masih menarik untuk dikaji, kenyataan ini didukung oleh banyaknya respon para ilmuwan dan peneliti tentang polemik gender baik dari sisi sejarah, gender yang tidak ada koheren dengan aturan dan kebijakan pemerintah, hingga perdebatanya yang terus berkelanjutan dalam teks-teks keagamaan. Meskipun demikian, berdasarkan pembacaan penulis, gender lebih dikenal sebagai produk barat dan dalam penggunaan sumber atau rujukan yang marak digunakan oleh para ilmuwan adalah literature dari barat dan timur tengah, Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan menjelaskan pemikiran ulama Indonesia yang karyanya berjudul kitab al nikah telah dikaji oleh beberapa kelompok masyarakat ,serta memiliki sumbangsih dalam perkembangan hukum Islam di Indonesi

    THE ISLAMIC FEMINISM: A Methodological Reconstruction of Contemporary Islamic Era

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    Abstract: Feminism always be a favorable discussion among academics. It is supported by the increasing blending of non-dichotomous intellectual and study area, between the pure-Islamic studies and anti-Islamic studies. The studies were started to be integral since the 19th century marked by the emergence of the various Islamic studies. Muslim scholars have conducted research on women from various perspectives, family-law, and humiliation in the society. The study of women has attracted attention of international Muslim scholar that respond to the methodological reconstruction. It occurred due to the concern of women existence especially for women who require a distinct protection. This paper employed a historical-methodological approach which analysed the views of two Muslim scholars which are well-known with western education and concern about women’s issues, namely Khaled Abou el Fadl who reviewed the notes on the fatwa of the middle eastern scholars at the CRLO institutions (council for scientific research and legal opinion) and Ziba Mir Hosseini who studies about the sacredness and profanity of Islamic law, especially the position of women in family law.الملخص: إن الحديث عن المساواة بين الجنسين حديث جذّاب عند الأكاديميين. هذا الواقع مؤيّد بارتقاء  الثقافة الأكاديمية وعدم التفريق بين الدراسات الإسلامية المحضة وما في خارجها. بدأ أن اتّحدت العلوم في القرن التاسع عشر بظهور أنواع العلوم الإسلامية. ثمة من العلماء المسلمين قاموا بالدراسات عن النساء من وجهات نظر متعددة بداية من مكانتها في فقه الأحوال الشخصية، ووصمة عار المجتمع، بل وإن الدراسات عن النساء تثير اهتمام الخبراء المسلمين في المستوى العالمي وتدفعهم إلى إعادة البناء المنهجي. هذه الحالة نوع من اهتمام الخبراء المسلمين تجاه النساء لكونهن في حاجة إلى الرعاية الخاصة ولكثرة الحديث عن وجودهن. استخدم هذا المقال المدخل التاريخي المنهجي ويناقش رأي العالمين المسلمين المعاصرين الكائنين في لب التربية الغربية ومهتمين تجاه قضايا النساء ( خالد أبو فضل وزبا مر حسين) . انتقد خالد الفتاوى التى أصدرها علماء الشرق الأوسط في مؤسسة  CRLO (council for scientific research and legal opinion)  ، وزيبا قامت بدراسة قدسية الأحكام الإسلامية، خاصة مكانة المرأة في فقه الأحوال الشخصية.Abstrak: Feminisme merupakan kajian kontemporer yang selalu hangat dibicarakan di tengah-tengah insan akademik. Hal ini didukung oleh semakin meningkatnya budaya intelektual dan wilayah kajian yang non dikotomis, antara kajian Islam murni dengan pengetahuan di luarnya. Keilmuan mulai bersifat integral sejak abad ke-19 yang ditandai dengan munculnya berbagai keilmuan Islam. Banyak intelektual Islam yang melakukan penelitian tentang perempuan dari berbagai sudut pandangnya, mulai kedudukannya dalam hukum keluarga, stigma masyarakat, bahkan kajian mengenai perempuan menyita perhatian Muslim scholar Internasional yang menciptakan respon Muslim scholar kontemporer untuk melakukan rekonstruksi metodologis. Tindakan ini adalah bentuk kepedulian Muslim scholar terhadap perempuan yang keberadaannya banyak diperbincangkan dan memerlukan perlindungan khusus. Artikel ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis-metodologis mengulas pandangan dua intelektual Islam kontemporer yang berjibaku dengan pendidikan Barat, dan konsen terhadap isu-isu perempuan, yaitu Khaled Abou el Fadl yang memberikan catatan terhadap fatwa Muslim scholar Timur Tengah dalam lembaga CRLO (council for scientific research and legal opinion) dan Ziba Mir Hosseini yang melakukan kajian sakralitas dan profanitas hukum Islam, terutama kedudukan perempuan dalam hukum keluarga