589 research outputs found

    Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak Dalam Kitab Kitab Ahlakul Lil Banin Karya Umar Ibnu Ahmad Barjah

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    Umar Ibnu Ahmad Barjah adalah seorang yang mempunyai Kepandaiannya dalam karya tulis, beliau menguasai bahasa Arab dan sastranya, ilmu tafsir dan Hadits, ilmu fiqih dan tasawuf, ilmu sirah dan tarikh. Ditambah, penguasaan bahasa Belanda dan bahasa Inggris.  Salah  satu  karya  besar  beliau adalah  kitab  akhlakul  lil banin, secara khusus menyoroti tentang pendidikan akhlak kepada anak, kitab yang sering di jadikan rujukan pada dunia pendidikan terutama dunia pondok pesantren. Berawal dari inilah peneliti melakukan penelitian ribrary research dari kitab akhlakul lil banin dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data, content analisis yang terdiri   dari   reduksi   data,   coding,   inductive   and   deductive approaches to coding in qualitative content analysis. Yang mendapatkan kesimpulan tentang pendidikan akhlak perspektif Umar  Ibnu  Ahmad  Barjah  dalam  kitabnya  akhlakul  lil  banin, yaitu:  Pendidikan  akhlak  menjadi  hal  yang  wajib  ditanamkan kepada anak sejak kecil, di mulai dari pendidikan Akhlak kepada Allah, Akhlak kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, Akhlak kepada kedua orang tua, Akhlak kepada saudara, Akhlak kepada tetangga, Akhlak kepada guru


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    This paper will describe the present perspective, namely independent learning design, a learning model whose purpose is not to alienate students from their learning friends and from their teachers. But in essence, it is a learning process without the help of others so that a student does not depend on an educator, mentor and learning partner. This paper uses a theoretical way of thinking approach that is systematically packaged because independent learning is a new learning approach model but some people consider it long. In essence, the reading results state that the students 'independent learning model is that they can perform independent actions by designing and connecting academic knowledge with students' daily lives, with or without the presence of a teacher and not dependent on others. Everything will be revealed in detail later


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    This paper will describe the perspective of the 21st century era in the world of education, especially in learning, which requires strategies in achieving learning goals. Especially in the study of jurisprudence in a field of Shari'a, in which it clearly discusses various laws to regulate human life, but in this paper it is focused on class V learning of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. mnemonic for example becomes a solution in learning to help memory performance in students, and can optimize memory performance. Due to the Hajj material in class V the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah has several sections and requires a deeper understanding of this material

    Analisis Faktor Integrasi Sosio-Kultural-Historis pada Masyarakat Multikultural

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    AbstractPost-1998 reform of the Indonesian nation was shocked by the social conflict that was previously unimaginable. The social conflict immediately arouse awareness to build a positive attitude through the effort to explore the factors of integration in a society. This article aims to explore the factors of integration in a multicultural society. For qualitative descriptive study was carried out, by doing participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The result was found three factors of integration as follows. First, the historical factors concerning the friendly relations between the Mataram kingdom and the kingdom of Buleleng, which boiled down to the relationship of brotherhood and kinship, between the Muslims and the Hindus that took place since the 17th century. Secondly, the occurrence of inter-ethnic marriages (amalgamation) among the Javanese and Balinese thus eliminating the psychological distance and distance sociological, reinforced with Menyama Braya conception and Ukhuwah Basyariah conception. Third, assimilation and acculturation between Islamic culture and the culture of Bali that still survive today.AbstrakPasca reformasi 1998 bangsa Indonesia dikejutkan oleh konflik sosial yang tak terbayangkan sebelumnya. Konflik sosial tersebut segera menggugah kesadaran untuk membangun sikap positif melalui upaya menggali factor-faktor integrasi dalam suatu masyarakat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali faktor-faktor integrasi dalam masyarakat Pegayaman yang multikultural. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan melakukan observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasilnya adalah ditemukan adanya tiga faktor integrasi sebagai berikut. Pertama, faktor historis menyangkut hubungan persahabatan antara kerajaan Mataram dan kerajaan Buleleng, yang mengerucut pada hubungan persaudaraan dan kekeluargaan, antara orang-orang Islam dan orang-orang Hindu yang berlangsung sejak abad ke-17. Kedua, terjadinya perkawinan antaretnik (amalgamasi) antara orang-orang Jawa dengan orang-orang Bali sehingga menghilangkan jarak psikologis dan jarak sosiologis, yang diperkuat dengan konsepsi menyama braya dan konsepsi ukhuwah basyariah. Ketiga, terjadinya asimilasi dan akulturasi antara budaya Islam dan budaya Bali yang masih bertahan hingga saat ini.Pengutipan: Arif, M. (2016). Analisis Faktor Integrasi Sosio-Kultural-Historis pada Masyarakat Multikultural. SOSIO DIDAKTIKA: Social Science Education Journal, 3(2), 2016, 126-134. doi:10.15408/sd.v3i2.4374.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/sd.v3i2.437


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    Realitas lapangan yang menunjukan bahwa reorganisasi pendidikan kesetaraan menjadi pendidikan formal dan nomenklatur kelembagaan PNFI menjadi PAUDNI merupakan sebuah permasalahan yang menunjukan adanya anomali dalam pendidikan nonformal. Penelitian ini mencoba menguraikan kembali konsep pendidikan nonformal kedalam kajian ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiologi. Kajian teoritis penelitian ini membahas pendidikan nonformal dari beberapa negara di Asia dan Eropa. Untuk dapat melaksanakan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif guna memaparkan data dari hasil wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi serta triagulasi. Sumber data penelitian ini terdiri dari ahli pendidikan nonformal yang terdiri dari praktisi dan akademisi, partisipan pendidikan nonformal dan fakta lapangan pendidikan nonformal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari sudut ontologi, objek material pendidikan nonformal adalah masyarakat dengan berbagai perwujudannya dan objek formal pendidikan nonformal adalah potensi intelektual masyarakat (pengetahuan, ilmu dan keterampilan fungsional) serta sikap dan kepribadian profesional. Dari sudut epistemologi, metode dan konten yang ada di pendidikan nonformal adalah cara dan konten yang telah membumi menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat. Dari sudut aksiologi, salah satu fungsi pendidikan nonformal adalah melahirkan kesalehan bermasyarakat yang dengan demikian fungsi tersebut merupakan fungsi untuk melengkapi pendidikan formal dan informal dalam rangka mendidik masyarakat menjadi pembelajar seumur hidup. Implikasi penelitian terhadap kelembagaan akademik adalah jurusan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah disarankan untuk diganti menjadi jurusan Studi Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Sosial, dan para akademisi harus lebih sering melakukan kajian atau penelitian yang bersifat multi facet guna mengatasi terbatasnya literatur pendidikan nonformal. Implikasi penelitian pada kelembagaan pemerintah adalah 1) UU/20/2003 perlu ditinjau kembali, 2) Pemerintah harus memberikan perhatian yang seimbang pada pendidikan formal, nonformal dan informal, 3) Pemerintah perlu mengevaluasi anggaran dana yang telah dikeluarkan, 4) output pendidikan kesetaraan perlu diperbaiki dan diambil alih oleh pendidikan formal, dan 5) Penamaan kelembagaan PAUDNI harus tunduk terhadap UU/20/2003 sebagai regulasi kelembagan tertinggi. --------- The actual reality which indicates the reorganization of Packet A, B, and C Program as the subdivision of non-formal education to be incorporated in formal education and the institutional nomenclature of PNFI to become PAUDNI constitutes an anomalous problem in non-formal education. This study reiterates the concept of non-formal education from the perspectives of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The theoretical study examines non-formal education in Asia and Europe. By applying the qualitative research and the descriptive method, the collected data of interviews, observations, documentations, and triangulations are interpreted. The data sources of this study consist of non-formal education experts, i.e. practitioners and academics, non-formal education participants, and field facts. The study results in three point of views. From Ontological point of view, the material object of non-formal education is the assorted embodiment of society and its formal object is the intellectual potential of society (knowledge, science and functional skills) with professional attitudes and personalities. Epistemologically, the method and content of non-formal education is already been grounded as a part of social life. In Axiological point of view, the main function of non-formal education is the production of societal piety in order to educate people becoming lifetime learners. The implications towards academic institutions imply that the Department of Non-Formal Education should be changed to the Department of Educational Study and Social Development with the continual multi-facet study to overcome the limitation of non-formal education literatures. There are implications of government institution: 1. The reconsideration of the Act of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 20, Year 2003 (UU/20/2003), 2. The equitable attention of the government to formal, non-formal, and informal education, 3. The evaluation of the government budgetary funds, 4. The positioning of the Packet A, B, and C Program either in non-formal or formal education as well as the improvement of its educational the program quality, 5. The submission of nomenclature of PAUDNI to UU/20/2003 as the highest institutional regulation and most of it

    Penahanan Ditinjau Dari Aspek Yurudis Dan Hak Asasi Manusia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai penahanan dalam KUHAP telah cukup memadai menghadapi berbagai kendala dalam praktek penahanan dan bagaimana ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai penahanan dalam KUHAP telah memberikan perlindungan yang memadai terhadap hak asasi tersangka/terdakwa. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Kendala-kendala bersifat yuridis, yaitu: penahanan terhadap seorang anak. Indonesia telah memiliki Undang-undang Nomor 3 Tahun 199 tentang Pengadilan Anak, tetapi secara yuridis masih menjadi pertanyaan, apakah seorang anak belum berumur 8 (delapan) tahun telah dapat dikenakan penahanan atau tidak. Penahanan terhadap wanita yang hampir melahirkan atau baru saja melahirkan. Dalam KUHAP tidak ada ketentuan khusus berkenaan dengan penahanan terhadap wanita yang hampir melahirkan atau baru saja melahirkan, melainkan diserahkan kepada kebijakan pihak yang berwenang melakukan penahanan. 2. KUHAP telah memberikan perlindungan yang memadai terhadap hak asasi tersangka/terdakwa, antara lain dengan ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai perlunya surat perintah penahanan atau penetapan Hakim, pembatasan yang tegas tentang jangka waktu penahanan, dan perlu sekurang-kurangnya dua alat bukti yang sah tentang dugaan sebagai pelaku tindak pidana. Perlindungan terhadap hak asasi tersangka/terdakwa, tidaklah dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi hak masyarakat, melainkan untuk menghindari terjadinya penahanan yang sewenang-wenang

    Effect of Carbon Nitrogen (C:N) ratio towards population of bagworm in Ladang Risda Durian Mas 2, Dungun, Terengganu / Muhamad Arif Yusof

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    Bagworms (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) is one of the important pest in oil palm plantation industry in Malaysia and this infestation could cause yield to decline from 33% to 40% and can become more severe if no measurement taken to control it. The population of bagworm always related with nitrogen as NPK fertilizer that usually used in plantation sector may affect the bagworm population. This study was conducted to determine the population of bagworm in Ladang Risda Durian Mas 2, Dungun, Terengganu. The data was collected for 7 weeks that start from July until August 2018. Furthermore, the objective of this study is to determine the relationship between carbon nitrogen (C:N) ratio and population of bagworms. As for the leaves sample analysis, the sample will be run using the Thermo Flash 2000 CHNS analyzer. From the sample analysis data, it show moderate negative correlation (-0.343) for the population of bagworm and carbon. However, strong positive correlation (0.649) will produce for nitrogen and bagworm population. This strong correlation means that the increase in nitrogen value will increase the bagworm population. Therefore, the management need to optimize the rate for fertilizer applied by using at recommended dosage and not overuse as it can attract bagworm and other pest. Lastly, if there are symptoms for bagworm infestation the effective controlled measurement must be taken immediately to prevent it from become more serious

    Performance of Isolated Digit Speech Recognition in Crowded Environment.

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    Speech recognition is a process that recognizes what the speaker says. Its objective is to extract, characterize and recognize the information in the speech signal conveying what the speaker says. One of major problems in speech recognition domain is disturbance caused by background noise. This disturbance can decrease the effectiveness and reliability of the system and its accuracy. This research objective is to measure the performance of isolated digit speech recognition in crowded environment. VQSR prototype uses two kinds of distance measure: Euclidean distance and city block distance. Noisy digit speech, which is constructed from TIDigit speech database and cafeteria noise from CLSU database, is used to train and test the prototype. The prototype is also tested using real data that been recorded in a crowded and noisy cafeteria. Results of training and testing phases are recorded and compared between these two distance measures using a set of performance measurement analysis. This set includes Sensitivity, Specificity, Total Accuracy, False Acceptance Rate, False Rejection Rate and Half Total Error Rate analysis. Based on the performance measurement, a robust and reliable digit speech can be used by user that has high possibility of success and low probability in making errors. Finally, the proposed model and guideline in evaluating the digit speech performance can be use in other speech domain
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