188 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of G272.2-3.2. Evidence of stellar ejecta in the central region

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    Aims. We aim to study the spatial distribution of the physical and chemical properties of the X-ray emitting plasma of the supernova remnant G272.2−3.2 in order to obtain important constraints on its ionization stage, the progenitor supernova explosion, and the age of the remnant. Methods. We report on combined XMM-Newton and Chandra images, median photon energy maps, silicon and sulfur equivalent width maps, and a spatially resolved spectral analysis for a set of regions of the remnant. Complementary radio and Hα observations, available in the literature, are also used to study the multi-wavelength connection of all detected emissions. Results. The X-ray morphology of the remnant displays an overall structure with an almost circular appearance and a centrally brightened hard region with a peculiar elongated hard structure oriented along the northwest-southeast direction of the central part. The X-ray spectral study of the regions shows distinct Kα emission-line features of metal elements, confirming the thermal origin of the emission. The X-ray spectra are well represented by an absorbed variable abundance non-equilibrium ionization thermal plasma model, which produces elevated abundances of Si, S, and Fe in the circular central region, typical of ejecta material. The values of abundances found in the central region of the supernova remnant favor a Type Ia progenitor for this remnant. The outer region shows abundances below the solar value, to be expected if the emission arises from the shocked interstellar medium. The relatively low ionization timescales suggest non-equilibrium ionization. We identify the location of the contact discontinuity. Its distance to the outer shock is higher than expected for expansion in a uniform media, which suggests that the remnant spent most of its time in more dense medium.Fil: Sánchez Ayaso, E.. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Combi, Jorge Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (i); ArgentinaFil: Bocchino, F.. Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica; ItaliaFil: Albacete Colombo, Juan Facundo. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: López-santiago, J.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Martí, J.. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Castro, E.. Universidad de Jaén; Españ

    XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of G272.2-3.2. Evidence of stellar ejecta in the central region

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    Aims. We aim to study the spatial distribution of the physical and chemical properties of the X-ray emitting plasma of the supernova remnant G272.2-3.2 in order to obtain important constraints on its ionization stage, the progenitor supernova explosion, and the age of the remnant. Methods. We report on combined XMM-Newton and Chandra images, median photon energy maps, silicon and sulfur equivalent width maps, and a spatially resolved spectral analysis for a set of regions of the remnant. Complementary radio and Hα observations, available in the literature, are also used to study the multi-wavelength connection of all detected emissions. Results. The X-ray morphology of the remnant displays an overall structure with an almost circular appearance and a centrally brightened hard region with a peculiar elongated hard structure oriented along the northwest-southeast direction of the central part. The X-ray spectral study of the regions shows distinct Kα emission-line features of metal elements, confirming the thermal origin of the emission. The X-ray spectra are well represented by an absorbed variable abundance non-equilibrium ionization thermal plasma model, which produces elevated abundances of Si, S, and Fe in the circular central region, typical of ejecta material. The values of abundances found in the central region of the supernova remnant favor a Type Ia progenitor for this remnant. The outer region shows abundances below the solar value, to be expected if the emission arises from the shocked interstellar medium. The relatively low ionization timescales suggest non-equilibrium ionization. We identify the location of the contact discontinuity. Its distance to the outer shock is higher than expected for expansion in a uniform media, which suggests that the remnant spent most of its time in more dense medium.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de Radioastronomí

    LLAMAS: An acquisition, control and monitoring software for LLAMA

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    The Large Latin American Millimeter Array is a 12?m Nasmyth antenna to be installed at 4850 m above see level in the Argentinian Atacama Region. LLAMA will operate both in single dish mode and as a VLBI station. LLAMAS is the software, under development, that will acquire the data from the receivers, control the different devices and monitor the safe functioning of the sub-parts. It is based on the ALMA Common Software (ACS), that implements the concept of containers and distributed component objects. It is programmed in JAVA, C++ andPython, and uses the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) infrastructure to exchange messages between the subsystems. LLAMAS must be as heterogeneous as the telescope operation: single dish observing modes with simultaneous readouts from single-pixel receivers, and two different polarization channels in continuum (total?power) or spectral mode, single-dish from multi-pixel cameras, and coordinated interferometric observations as a VLBI station. Since the antenna will be located at a very high altitude, the control room will be at a safer lower place 20 km away, and therefore the operation will be remote. Moreover, the high altitude requires the use of disk-less computers and the immediate data transfer to the control room through a fast connection link. It is also envisaged a Web based observing proposal submission and data querying system for the astronomers, making the whole observing process world wide available. In this work we present the conceptual software design of the observation cycle, that we call from the Astronomer to the Astronomer (A2A), and we describe the different subsystems needed to accomplish this goal.Fil: Giménez de Castro, Guillermo C.. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie; BrasilFil: Larrarte, Juan Jose. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Ibsen, J. J.. Atacama Large Millimiter/submillimeter Array; ChileFil: Abraham, Zulema. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Bareilles, Federico Ariel. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Hauscarriaga, Fernando Pablo. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Strauss, C.. National Institute For Space Research; BrasilFil: Zanella, D.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilXXXIX Reunião Anual da Sociedade Astronômica BrasileiraOuro PretoBrasilSociedade Astronômica Brasileir

    Experiencias en la incorporación de energía solar fotovoltaica en establecimientos de baja tensión

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    A fin de evaluar el efecto que la presencia del generador tiene sobre la red preexistente, se realizaron mediciones de armónicas normalizadas, tanto en la tensión como en la corriente, justamente en bornes de los paneles y los respectivos convertidores. Adicionalmente, se midió la energía generada e inyectada a la red interna, como así también el Nivel de Tensión en la barra. En este Trabajo se presenta un análisis completo de las mediciones efectuadas, evaluando el contenido armónico según la hora del día y por lo tanto conforme a la energía generada por los paneles. Se presta particular atención, además, al tipo de día que se trate (laborable o no laborable), dado que esto afecta directamente al consumo global del edificio. Finalmente, se concluye si la inclusión del generador fotovoltaico tiene - o no - un impacto directo sobre el establecimiento, en materia de Calidad de Servicio Eléctrico.In order to assess the effect of the PV-Generator on the preexisting LV network, normalized measurements of harmonic content were performed. Such measurements were performed at the point of coupling between the generator – and the corresponding converters – and the internal LV network. In addition, the energy generated and injected to the LV network as well as the Voltage Magnitude in the internal bar were also measured. In the article a complete analysis of the measurement results is presented. The harmonic content is assessed according to the hour of the day, and consequently the energy generated by the PV panels. Added to this, we analyze the harmonic content distinguishing between working days and weekends, since the global consumption of the building depends on the type of day. Finally, it is concluded whether the inclusion of the PV generator affects the building, basically in terms of Power Quality.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Experiencias en la incorporación de energía solar fotovoltaica en establecimientos de baja tensión

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    A fin de evaluar el efecto que la presencia del generador tiene sobre la red preexistente, se realizaron mediciones de armónicas normalizadas, tanto en la tensión como en la corriente, justamente en bornes de los paneles y los respectivos convertidores. Adicionalmente, se midió la energía generada e inyectada a la red interna, como así también el Nivel de Tensión en la barra. En este Trabajo se presenta un análisis completo de las mediciones efectuadas, evaluando el contenido armónico según la hora del día y por lo tanto conforme a la energía generada por los paneles. Se presta particular atención, además, al tipo de día que se trate (laborable o no laborable), dado que esto afecta directamente al consumo global del edificio. Finalmente, se concluye si la inclusión del generador fotovoltaico tiene – o no – un impacto directo sobre el establecimiento, en materia de Calidad de Servicio Eléctrico.In order to assess the effect of the PV-Generator on the preexisting LV network, normalized measurements of harmonic content were performed. Such measurements were performed at the point of coupling between the generator – and the corresponding converters – and the internal LV network. In addition, the energy generated and injected to the LV network as well as the Voltage Magnitude in the internal bar were also measured. In the article a complete analysis of the measurement results is presented. The harmonic content is assessed according to the hour of the day, and consequently the energy generated by the PV panels. Added to this, we analyze the harmonic content distinguishing between working days and weekends, since the global consumption of the building depends on the type of day. Finally, it is concluded whether the inclusion of the PV generator affects the building, basically in terms of Power Quality.Tema 4: Energía solar, conversión fotovoltaica.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Experiencias en la incorporación de energía solar fotovoltaica en establecimientos de baja tensión

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    A fin de evaluar el efecto que la presencia del generador tiene sobre la red preexistente, se realizaron mediciones de armónicas normalizadas, tanto en la tensión como en la corriente, justamente en bornes de los paneles y los respectivos convertidores. Adicionalmente, se midió la energía generada e inyectada a la red interna, como así también el Nivel de Tensión en la barra. En este Trabajo se presenta un análisis completo de las mediciones efectuadas, evaluando el contenido armónico según la hora del día y por lo tanto conforme a la energía generada por los paneles. Se presta particular atención, además, al tipo de día que se trate (laborable o no laborable), dado que esto afecta directamente al consumo global del edificio. Finalmente, se concluye si la inclusión del generador fotovoltaico tiene – o no – un impacto directo sobre el establecimiento, en materia de Calidad de Servicio Eléctrico.In order to assess the effect of the PV-Generator on the preexisting LV network, normalized measurements of harmonic content were performed. Such measurements were performed at the point of coupling between the generator – and the corresponding converters – and the internal LV network. In addition, the energy generated and injected to the LV network as well as the Voltage Magnitude in the internal bar were also measured. In the article a complete analysis of the measurement results is presented. The harmonic content is assessed according to the hour of the day, and consequently the energy generated by the PV panels. Added to this, we analyze the harmonic content distinguishing between working days and weekends, since the global consumption of the building depends on the type of day. Finally, it is concluded whether the inclusion of the PV generator affects the building, basically in terms of Power Quality.Tema 4: Energía solar, conversión fotovoltaica.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of G272.2-3.2. Evidence of stellar ejecta in the central region

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    Aims. We aim to study the spatial distribution of the physical and chemical properties of the X-ray emitting plasma of the supernova remnant G272.2-3.2 in order to obtain important constraints on its ionization stage, the progenitor supernova explosion, and the age of the remnant. Methods. We report on combined XMM-Newton and Chandra images, median photon energy maps, silicon and sulfur equivalent width maps, and a spatially resolved spectral analysis for a set of regions of the remnant. Complementary radio and Hα observations, available in the literature, are also used to study the multi-wavelength connection of all detected emissions. Results. The X-ray morphology of the remnant displays an overall structure with an almost circular appearance and a centrally brightened hard region with a peculiar elongated hard structure oriented along the northwest-southeast direction of the central part. The X-ray spectral study of the regions shows distinct Kα emission-line features of metal elements, confirming the thermal origin of the emission. The X-ray spectra are well represented by an absorbed variable abundance non-equilibrium ionization thermal plasma model, which produces elevated abundances of Si, S, and Fe in the circular central region, typical of ejecta material. The values of abundances found in the central region of the supernova remnant favor a Type Ia progenitor for this remnant. The outer region shows abundances below the solar value, to be expected if the emission arises from the shocked interstellar medium. The relatively low ionization timescales suggest non-equilibrium ionization. We identify the location of the contact discontinuity. Its distance to the outer shock is higher than expected for expansion in a uniform media, which suggests that the remnant spent most of its time in more dense medium.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de Radioastronomí

    Effect of exacerbation history on clinical response to dupilumab in moderate-to-severe uncontrolled asthma

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    Background The phase 3 LIBERTY ASTHMA QUEST study (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02414854) in patients with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma has demonstrated the efficacy and safety of dupilumab 200 and 300 mg every 2 weeks versus placebo. This post hoc analysis assessed the effect of dupilumab on efficacy outcomes and asthma control across a range of historical exacerbation rates in patients with type 2-high asthma. Methods Annualised severe exacerbation rates over the 52-week treatment period, pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) at weeks 12 and 52, and the five-item Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ-5) score at weeks 24 and 52 were assessed in patients with ≥1, ≥2 or ≥3 exacerbations in the previous year. Subgroups were stratified by baseline blood eosinophils ≥150 or ≥300 cells·μL-1 or baseline exhaled nitric oxide fraction ≥25 ppb and baseline inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) dose. Results Across all type 2-high subgroups, dupilumab versus placebo significantly reduced severe exacerbations by 54–90%, with greater improvements in patients with more exacerbations prior to study initiation. Similarly, improvements in FEV1 (least squares (LS) mean difference versus placebo: ≥1 exacerbations, 0.15–0.25 L; ≥2 exacerbations, 0.12–0.32 L; ≥3 exacerbations, 0.09–0.38 L; majority p<0.05) and ACQ-5 score (LS mean difference range: ≥1 exacerbations, -0.30 to -0.57; ≥2 exacerbations, -0.29 to -0.56; ≥3 exacerbations, -0.43 to -0.61; all p<0.05) were observed, irrespective of prior exacerbation history, across all subgroups. Conclusions Dupilumab significantly reduced severe exacerbations and improved FEV1 and asthma control in patients with elevated type 2 biomarkers irrespective of exacerbation history and baseline ICS dose

    Presynaptic adenosine receptor-mediated regulation of diverse thalamocortical short-term plasticity in the mouse whisker pathway

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    Short-term synaptic plasticity (STP) sets the sensitivity of a synapse to incoming activity and determines the temporal patterns that it best transmits. In “driver” thalamocortical (TC) synaptic populations, STP is dominated by depression during stimulation from rest. However, during ongoing stimulation, lemniscal TC connections onto layer 4 neurons in mouse barrel cortex express variable STP. Each synapse responds to input trains with a distinct pattern of depression or facilitation around its mean steady-state response. As a result, in common with other synaptic populations, lemniscal TC synapses express diverse rather than uniform dynamics, allowing for a rich representation of temporally varying stimuli. Here, we show that this STP diversity is regulated presynaptically. Presynaptic adenosine receptors of the A1R type, but not kainate receptors (KARs), modulate STP behavior. Blocking the receptors does not eliminate diversity, indicating that diversity is related to heterogeneous expression of multiple mechanisms in the pathway from presynaptic calcium influx to neurotransmitter release