21 research outputs found

    Embryo Incision as a New Technique for Double Seedling Production of Indonesian Elite Coconut Type âKopyorâ

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    One of the present major limitations of seedling production of kopyor type coconut using embryo culture is that only one seedling can be produced from a single embryo. Therefore, we report on the development of a new breakthrough technique for the production of double seedlings from a single embryo. The technique consists of four steps, viz. (i) germination; (ii) incision; (iii) splitting; and (iv) recovery. A histological study was carried out on the development of the halved embryo into a new shoot. The best recovery process was obtained when the incised embryo was split into two and recovered into Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 μM IBA and 15 μM kinetin. Following this protocol, an average of 56 shoots was successfully recovered from 30 zygotic embryos. The histological study also revealed that the meristem tissue of the halved embryo was able to produce a new meristem and primordial leaf. Most of the shoots then went on to produce normal seedlings and could be acclimatized successfully after having developed 2 or 3 leaves. This protocol is useful for routine seedling production of the kopyor-type coconut

    Effectiveness of Herbal Diet Nigella sativa and Gracilaria verrucosa Against Non-specific Immunity of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    The addition of Nigella sativa and Gracilaria verrucosa to feed is used as a supplement to increase non-specific immunity in tilapia. The addition of herbal supplements is safe for consumption, easy to decompose, has no residue on the fish's body, and does not harm the environment. This study aims to find the effectiveness of the addition of the herbs Nigella sativa and Gracilaria verrucosa to increase non-specific immunity in tilapia. The study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design, applying 4 treatments and 1 control to tilapia. The dietary doses of Nigella sativa were T0 (control, without Nigella sativa), T1 (2.5), T2 (5), T3 (7.5), and T4 (10) (g kg-1 feed). While the dietary doses of Gracilaria verrucosa were T0 (control, without G. verrucosa), T1 (0.5), T2 (1), T3 (1.5), and T4 (2) (g kg-1 feed). The results showed that the percentage of hematocrite increased significantly with the Nigella sativa diet, while on the Gracilaria verrucosa diet, the percentage of hematocrit was not significant. Further, the Nigella sativa diet and the Gracilaria verrucosa diet can significantly increase the percentage of lymphocytes, but not significantly to the percentage of monocytes. In fish farming, the Nigella sativa and Gracilaria verrucosa diets have the potential to be used to increase non-specific immunity in tilapia, but it is more effective to use the Nigella sativa diet at a dose of 5 g kg-1 feed


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    We are now facing a tsunami wave of social media development. Anyone and anywhere can access religious information. The impact of this correlates with the vital flow of globalization to all levels of society. The negative influence from the media development side gives a strong impetus for social insecurity. Our integrity as citizens will be at stake because of the appeal of social media. To maintain this, it is essential to strengthen and foster so as not to get out of the path of the nation's ideals. This research discusses how students establish relationships with God and each other in the frame of love for the homeland, surrounded by a plurality of religions, tribes, ethnicities, and cultures, to create an attitude of religious moderation. This type of research is included in field research with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Internalization of spiritual values and love for the homeland in students showed positive results. The results of respondent data show that the strong tendency of religious influence has a positive impact and correlates with love for the homeland. Based on the data, 60% strongly agree, and 28% agree with maintaining relationships with others regardless of anything. This reflects that students' religious understanding has shown an inclusive category, which means they can openly accept differences irrespective of religion, ethnicity, and culture, which is necessary in the Republic of Indonesia

    Comparison of catching efficiency of two Indonesian traditional traps, Ayunan and Tamba

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    The catching efficiency of traditional traps: Ayunan and Tamba were tested in Sungai Batang River, South Kalimantan of Indonesia. Trials consisted of 320-trap hauls/type using 1-day submersion time of 24 hr. The baited traps sampling accounted for 82 specimens assigned to 5 species of 5 families. There was a large variability in number of catch between prawns and fish species collected (T=2.318, P<0.05). The prawns catch was represented by only the species Macrobrachium rossenbergii with total of 53 and 1,015 g weight. The prawns weight of Tamba was significantly higher than that of Ayunan (T=3.453, P<0.01).The fish catch composed of Mystus gulio 79%, Osteochilus hasselti 10%, Hypostomus plecostomus 7%, and Macrognathus aculeatus 3%, with total weight ranged from 35 to 560 g. A clear difference was found in catching efficiency. Comparative fishing trials showed that Tamba collected specimens were 1.8 times higher than Ayunan (T=2.223, P<0.05). Catch per unit effort for Tamba ranged from 58.13 to 80.00, and for Ayunan ranged from 5.31 to 7.19. The gear modifications and various treatments (e.g. bait odor, light) are necessary to be taken to increase their relative catching efficiency

    Tingkat Kepuasan Peserta Didik Atraksi Pencak Silat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh temuan deskriptif tentang kepuasan peserta didik atraksi pencak silat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan angket/kuesioner sebagai instrument melalui Google Form dengan mengacu pada tingkat kepuasan terdiri dari 4 faktor yakni Bukti Fisik (Tangible), Kehandalan(Reliability), Daya tanggap (Responsiveness), Jaminan (Assurance), dan Empati (Emphaty). Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini Accidental Sampling sebanyak 484 responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta didik yang mengikuti atraksi pencak silat merasa puas terhadap pelayanan panitia maupun pelatih dilihat dari faktor bukti fisik, kehandalan, daya tanggap, asuransi serta empati

    Identification of Garbage in the River Based on The YOLO Algorithm

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    This paper discusses the identification of garbage using the YOLO algorithm. In the rivers, it is usually difficult to distinguish between garbage and plants, especially when it is done in real-time and at the time of too much light. Therefore, there is a need for an appropriate method. The HSV and SIFT methods were used as preliminary tests. The tests were quite successful even in close conditions, however, there were still many problems faced in using this method since it is only based on pixel and shape readings. Meanwhile, the YOLO algorithm was able to identify garbage and water hyacinth even though they were closed to each other

    Efektivitas dan Potensi Herbal untuk Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Benih Lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus)

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    Potensi perikanan Indonesia sangat besar namun belum berhasil seluruhnya dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan seperti adanya hambatan penyakit yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan. Pertumbuhan yang optimal merupakan factor utama agar dapat mencapai produktivitas biomass ikan yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemumukan efektivitas herbal akuatik maupun teresterial untuk memperoleh pertumbuhan optimal. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimen laboratorium menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), masing-maisng dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan herbal teresterial temulawak yang dikombinasikan dengan bawang putih dapat meningkatkan semua indikator pertumbuhan yang signifikan dibanding kontrol dengan dosis optimal 20 g temulawak + 4,50 g bawang putih pada lele dumbo. Demikian pula diet herbal teresterial Aloe vera lebih efektif dibanding diet bawang putih yang ditunjukkan dengan capaian berat akhir dan pertambahan berat yang signifikan pada lele dumbo. Selanjutnya, kombinasi herbal akuatik dan teresterial yaitu diet (fucoidan + kunyit) lebih efektif dibanding hanya pemberian diet tunggal fucoidan saja pada lele dumbo dengan meningkatnya pertambahan berat dan panjang yang lebih optimal. Herbal akuatik fucoidan maupun herbal teresterial temulawak, bawang putih, Aloe vera dan kunyit berpotensi digunakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan pada budidaya ikan yang dapat diberikan secara tunggal maupun kombinasi

    Turmeric Flour Supplementation Through Feed-in Biofloc System Cultivation on the Growth of Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti)

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    Nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti) is favored by the community because of its chewy meat texture, good taste, and relatively cheap price, so it has the potential to be developed. However, the growth of nilem fish is slow therefore it needs to be given an immunostimulant to increase its growth. Biofloc is known as a cultivation system that can maintain water quality and provide sufficient floc for additional fish feed. This study aims to determine the effect of using turmeric flour in feed to increase the growth of nilem fish reared in the biofloc system. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD), with 3 treatments and 1 control each repeated 4 times. The treatments were supplementation of turmeric flour through feed at a dose of 1.125 g (B), 0.75 g (C), and 0.375 g (D) kg-1 feed and control (A) in cultivation with a biofloc system. The study lasted for 90 days with feeding 3%/kg of biomass weight given 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. Parameters observed in this study were weight (WG) and length growth (LG), daily growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and feed efficiency (EF). The data collection method was carried out by weighing and measuring the weight and length of the fish and the amount of feed consumed. The data obtained were collected and analyzed using SPSS 2.0.The results showed that supplementation of turmeric flour through feed reared in the biofloc system could increase weight and length growth, daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and feed efficiency. The optimal dose was obtained in the treatment of 1.125 g kg-1 feed (B), proving that supplementation of turmeric flour through feed has the potential to be applied to fish culture using the biofloc system

    Kandungan Asam Amino Tepung Bulu Ayam yang Difermentasi dengan Bacillus licheniformis B2560 dan Bacillus subtilis Sebagai Bahan Baku Pakan Ikan

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    Kualitas pakan ikan salah satunya ditentukan oleh kandungan protein dan asam amino. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji kandungan asam amino tepung bulu ayam yang difermentasi dengan Bacillus licheniformis B2560 dan Bacillus subtilis sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial, yaitu perlakuan I : fermentasi (A1 : kontrol/non fermentasi, A2 : fermentasi dengan B. licheniformis B2560, A3 : fermentasi dengan B. subtilis), dan perlakuan II : jumlah inokulum (B1 : jumlah inokulum 5 mL, B2 : jumlah inokulum 10 mL, B3 : jumlah inokulum 15 mL, masing-masing untuk tepung bulu ayam sebanyak 2 g). Parameter penelitian yang diamati adalah kandungan asam amino. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (Anova) dan dilanjutkan dengan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf uji 5%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi tepung bulu ayam menggunakan B. licheniformis B2560 dapat meningkatkan kandungan beberapa jenis asam amino lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan B. subtilis. Jumlah inokulum 15 mL lebih optimal dalam mendegradasi protein keratin menjadi asam amino. Jenis asam amino dengan kandungan yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan ikan adalah asam glutamat, serin, glisin, treonin, arginin, tirosin, valin, fenilalanin, isoleusin, dan leusin

    Non-Specific Immune Potentiating activity of Multivitamins in Catfish (Clarias sp.)

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    Fish farming is well developed because many people like to consume fish. The main problem in cultivation is an attack of a disease. Generally, the disease in fish is MAS (Motile Aeromonas Septicemia) which is caused by Aeromonas hydrophila. Prevention of diseases in fish can be done by increasing immunity through the addition of multivitamins in feed. This study aims to determine the ability of multivitamins against non-specific immune responses in African catfish (C. gariepinus) as well as to know the optimum dose. The study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design using 3 treatments, 1 control, and 4 individual replications. The treatment using a multivitamin through feed with a dose of T1 = 2 g kg-1, T2 = 2.5 g kg-1, T3 = 3 g kg-1 and T0 = control. The parameters observed were phagocytic activity, and differential leukocytes of monocytes and lymphocytes. Data were analyzed using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 95% confidence level. If there is a real difference, then proceed with the Duncan Multiple Range test Test (DMRT) at a 95% confidence level. The results showed that the addition of multivitamins through feed on African catfish had a significant effect (p 0.05) on differential leucocytes of lymphocyte. The optimum dose for increasing non-specific immune responses in African catfish is T2 at a dose of 2.5 g kg-1 of feed. Based on research, the addition of multivitamins through the feed can potentially be used in fish farming to increase immunity