11 research outputs found

    MODEL ANALISIS Z SCORE TERHADAP PREDIKSI KEBANGKRUTAN ( Studi pada PT Garuda Indonesia,Tbk tahun 2015-2017)

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    The purpose of this study was able to be used in predicting bankruptcy using the Altman Z-score analysis method. This research is quantitative descriptive. The object of this research is PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk with the year of observation 2015 to 2017. Data from this research are secondary data and data sources taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of PT Garuda Tbk financial statements 2015 through 2017. The results of this research reveal that the variable X1 (working capital / Total Asset) in 2015 has a value of -0.047, in 2016 has a value of -0.0760 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1781. Variable X2 (retained earnings / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.00155, in 2016 has a value of 0.0013 and in 2017 has a value of 0.0013. Variable X3 (earning before interest and taxes / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.0057, in 2016 has a value of 0.0147 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1314. Variable X4 (market value equity / book value of total liabilities) in 2015 has a value of 1.442, in 2016 has a value of 1.442 and in 2017 has a value of 1.248. Variable X5 (sales / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 1,150, in 2016 has a value of 1,247 and in 2017 has a value of 1,105. For Z -Score value in 2015 has a value of 2.55, in 2016 has a value of 2.21 and in 2017 has a value of 2.04.. For the highest Z-Score number in 2015 is 2.55 and the lowest Z-Score is in 2017 at 2.04. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the Altman Z score method is able to answer bankruptcy predictions before 2 years the condition of corporate profits has decreased


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    This study aims to analyze the financial performance of PT. Fast Food Indonesia in 2013-2017 with the approach of Economic Value Added (EVA). This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with quantitative data types, because this study examines a case at PT. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk which is carried out intensively, deeply and comprehensively. The research analysis of financial performance of PT. Fast Food Indonesia, produces EVA> 0 (positive value), this can be said that the company has good financial performance. However, when viewed from the accumulation of calculation data from the 2013-2017 period, the EVA value fluctuated quite significantly and tended to decline, but it still could produce economic added value


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    Crowdfunding is an internet-based financial intermediation platform that collects funds from the general public to finance a project or business unit. This study aims to determine the development of crowdfunding in Indonesia, as well as how the development of Indonesian crowdfunding when compared to Asian countries. This Research is a descriptive qualitative study with literature studies. The results of this study can be concluded that the development of crowdfunding platforms in Indonesia is mostly Debt Based. Indonesian society, especially in urban society, they still have not utilized it maximally because there is minimum of literacy related to crowdfunding as alternative funding. The number of crowdfunding in Indonesia compared to other Asian countries, namely India and Malaysia is quite competitive. However, in terms of the percentage level of entrepreneurship, Indonesia is still far behind.Keywords : , , ,


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    This study aims to analyze the financial performance of PT. Fast Food Indonesia in 2013-2017 with the approach of Economic Value Added (EVA). This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with quantitative data types, because this study examines a case at PT. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk which is carried out intensively, deeply and comprehensively. The research analysis of financial performance of PT. Fast Food Indonesia, produces EVA> 0 (positive value), this can be said that the company has good financial performance. However, when viewed from the accumulation of calculation data from the 2013-2017 period, the EVA value fluctuated quite significantly and tended to decline, but it still could produce economic added value

    Perencanaan PembangunanIrigasi Bagi Kelompok Tani Di Desa krangkong Kepohbaru Bojonegoro

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    Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan para petani di Desa Krangkong, Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Dalam hal ini para petani terancam gagal panen dikarenakan musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan sehingga sumber air yang dibutuhkan para petani berkurang. Dalam permasalahan tersebut peserta KKN UNISDA Lamongan mengajukan program perencanaan pembangunan irigasi bagi kelompok tani. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksankan pada tanggal 26 Juli 2019 yang berada di Desa Krangkong, Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Tujuan peneliti ini adalah mengetahui jumlah petani dan luas lahan petani supaya dalam perencanaan pemberian air irigasi mudah dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian Desa Krangkong akan mengalami peningkatan hasil panen

    Perencanaan PembangunanIrigasi Bagi Kelompok Tani Di Desa krangkong Kepohbaru Bojonegoro

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    Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan para petani di Desa Krangkong, Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Dalam hal ini para petani terancam gagal panen dikarenakan musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan sehingga sumber air yang dibutuhkan para petani berkurang. Dalam permasalahan tersebut peserta KKN UNISDA Lamongan mengajukan program perencanaan pembangunan irigasi bagi kelompok tani. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksankan pada tanggal 26 Juli 2019 yang berada di Desa Krangkong, Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Tujuan peneliti ini adalah mengetahui jumlah petani dan luas lahan petani supaya dalam perencanaan pemberian air irigasi mudah dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian Desa Krangkong akan mengalami peningkatan hasil panen

    Conjugation of Anti-EpCAM Antibody on Alginate–RIP MJ-30 Nanoparticle through Carbodiimide Reaction as a Model of Targeted Protein Therapy

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    Ribosome inactivating proteins from Mirabilis jalapa L. (RIP MJ) has shown higher cytotoxic activity when being formulated as a nanoparticle. However, the selectivity of the delivery system is also an important aspect when it comes to cytotoxic cell therapy. Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a monomeric glycoprotein which is overexpressed in epithelial cancer cells. This study aim was to develop a model of targeted protein delivery system by formulating the base fraction of RIP MJ (RIP MJ-30) into alginate nanoparticles and conjugating it with anti-EpCAM antibody. RIP MJ-30 was formulated in to nanoparticle using alginate and CaCl2 as cross-linker. Optimization of conjugation reaction condition was done in the pH variation of 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5. The success of conjugation was analyzed qualitatively using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (native-PAGE) method and BCA assay. The optimum formula of RIP MJ-30 nanoparticles was produced using 0.3% alginate and 0.2% CaCl2. Results indicated that optimum conjugation reaction was carried out at pH level of 5.5. The optimum native-PAGE condition was by using 8% polyacrylamide gel in duration of 6h. Characterization of nanoparticle resulted in particle size of 205.0nm, zeta potential of -6.9mV, entrapment efficiency of 71.11±4.84%, and conjugation efficiency of 89.55±6.18%. It was concluded that RIP MJ-30 was successfully formulated into alginate nanoparticle and conjugated to anti-EpCAM antibody through carbodiimide reaction using 1-ethyl-(dimethylprophilamine) carbodiimide (EDAC)

    Prolonged infusion causes an increase in the incidence of phlebitis in hospitalized patients: a systematic review

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    Infusion is a medical therapy carried out invasively using an effective method to supply fluids, electrolytes, nutrients, and drugs through the blood vessels. Intravenous therapy should be monitored continuously because fluid and electrolyte imbalances can endanger the patient. However, the long-term infusion can increase the occurrence of an infection in the blood vessels called phlebitis. This study literature aims to find evidence of a relationship between the duration of use of intravenous infusions and the incidence of phlebitis. The Study Literature method is a Systematic Literature Review. This Study Literature uses five research journals from the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The analysis of 5 journals showed a relationship between the infusion length and phlebitis incidence. It is expected that the nurses on duty are expected to be able to pay attention to the time and date of the patient's intravenous infusion and replace the intravenous infusion no more than three days or 72 hours. Further researchers are expected to be able to develop this literature study using other study focuses, namely in the form of factors that can affect phlebitis and increase information, references, and insights in using Literature review as a reference for compiling the final project