11 research outputs found


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    RESUMEN: Para describir el desarrollo larvario de Brycon siebenthalae, larvas reciĂ©n eclosionadas obtenidas por reproducciĂłn artificial fueron mantenidas en condiciones controladas durante 60 horas pos-eclosiĂłn. Cada tres horas fueron fijadas 100 larvas en formol 3,5 % bufferado y permanentemente monitoreadas mediante cĂĄmara de videoEl desarrollo es asincrĂłnico. Al momento de la eclosiĂłn se presentan poco desarrolladas, frĂĄgiles, traslĂșcidas y con la aleta primigenia desarrollada. El notocordo rodeado de 46 pares de somitos. Las vesĂ­culas Ăłpticas y Ăłticas transparentes. El tubo digestivo limitado al esbozo estomacal se presenta conectado al saco vitelino el cual llega a ser el 55 % del volumen del individuo. Miden 3,39±0,31mm y pesan 0,49±0,01mg. A las 36hpe, momento en que han iniciado la alimentaciĂłn exĂłgena, las aletas pectorales se han diferenciado, han iniciado el llenado de la vejiga natatoria y nadan horizontalmente.El ojo estĂĄ totalmente pigmentado. Los movimientos mandibulares son vigorosos y constantes. El estĂłmago contiene alimento consistente preferencialmente en larvas hermanas. La respiraciĂłn branquial se ha iniciado. El saco vitelino se ha reducido al 25 % y pigmentado en un 60%. Miden 5,89±0,21mm y pesan 1,40±0,04mg. A las 60hpe completan su desarrollo morfolĂłgico aunque algunas estructuras aĂșn  permanecen inmaduras. La pigmentaciĂłn caracterĂ­stica del grupo alcanza el 90% con un remanente de saco vitelino del 2%. Miden 6,76±0,40mm y pesan 2, 22±0,01mg. El crecimiento es alomĂ©trico y responde a la ecuaciĂłn P = 0,05 L196ABSTRACT: To described the development larval of Brycon siebenthalae, larva’s newly eclosioned obtained by artificial reproduction, were maintained under conditions controlled during 60 hours search-appearance (hsa). Every three hours 100 larvas were fixed in formol 3,5% buffered and permanently monitored by means of video camera.The development is asynchronous. To the moment of the eclotion the little developed are presented, fragile, translucent and with the fin primogenital developed. The surrounded notochord of 46 somites couples. The optics and otics vesicles transparent. The alimentary canal limited to the stomach, connected sketch to the vitelin sack that ends up being 55% of the individual’s volume. Measures 3.39±0.31mm and weigh 0.49±0.01mg. To the 36hsa, moment in that they have begun the exogenous feeding, the pectoral fins have been defined, filled of the bladder natatorium phisostom and the horizontal swimming has begun. The eye is presented completely pigmented. The movement’s mandibles are vigorous and constant. The stomach contains food preferment sister’s larvae. The branchial breathing has begun the same as the one.The sack viteline has decreased to 25% and pigmented in 60%. Measures 5.89±0.21mm and weighs 1.40±0.04mg. To the 60hsa they complete its morphological development although some structures even remain immature. The characteristic  pigmentation of the group reaches 90% with a remainder of vitelin sack 2% of the volume. Measures 6.76±0,40mm and weigh 2. 22±0.01mg.The growth is alometric and responds to the equation W=0.05 L196Key words:RESUMENPara describir el desarrollo larvario de Brycon siebenthalae, larvas reciĂ©n eclosionadas obtenidas por reproducciĂłn artificial fueron mantenidas en condiciones controladas durante 60 horas pos-eclosiĂłn. Cada tres horas fueron fijadas 100 larvas en formol 3,5 % bufferado y permanentemente monitoreadas mediante cĂĄmara de video.El desarrollo es asincrĂłnico. Al momento de la eclosiĂłn se presentan poco desarrolladas, frĂĄgiles, traslĂșcidas y con la aleta primigenia desarrollada. El notocordo rodeado de 46 pares de somitos. Las vesĂ­culas Ăłpticas y Ăłticas transparentes. El tubo digestivo limitado al esbozo estomacal se presenta conectado al saco vitelino el cual llega a ser el 55 % del volumen del individuo. Miden 3,39±0,31mm y pesan 0,49±0,01mg. A las 36hpe, momento en que han iniciado la alimentaciĂłn exĂłgena, las aletas pectorales se han diferenciado, han iniciado el llenado de la vejiga natatoria y nadan horizontalmente.El ojo estĂĄ totalmente pigmentado. Los movimientos mandibulares son vigorosos y constantes. El estĂłmago contiene alimento consistente preferencialmente en larvas hermanas. La respiraciĂłn branquial se ha iniciado. El saco vitelino se ha reducido al 25 % y pigmentado en un 60%. Miden 5,89±0,21mm y pesan 1,40±0,04mg. A las 60hpe completan su desarrollo morfolĂłgico aunque algunas estructuras aĂșn permanecen inmaduras. La pigmentaciĂłn caracterĂ­stica del grupo alcanza el 90% con un remanente de saco vitelino del 2%. Miden 6,76±0,40mm y pesan 2, 22±0,01mg. El crecimiento es alomĂ©trico y responde a la ecuaciĂłn P = 0,05 L196ABSTRACTTo described the development larval of Brycon siebenthalae, larva’s newly eclosioned obtained by artificial reproduction, were maintained under conditions controlled during 60 hours search-appearance (hsa). Every three hours 100 larvas were fixed in formol 3,5% buffered and permanently monitored by means of video camera.The development is asynchronous. To the moment of the eclotion the little developed are presented, fragile, translucent and with the fin primogenital developed. The surrounded notochord of 46 somites couples. The optics and otics vesicles transparent. The alimentary canal limited to the stomach, connected sketch to the vitelin sack that ends up being 55% of the individual’s volume. Measures 3.39±0.31mm and weigh 0.49±0.01mg. To the 36hsa, moment in that they have begun the exogenous feeding, the pectoral fins have been defined, filled of the bladder natatorium phisostom and the horizontal swimming has begun. The eye is presented completely pigmented. The movement’s mandibles are vigorous and constant. The stomach contains food preferment sister’s larvae. The branchial breathing has begun the same as the one.The sack viteline has decreased to 25% and pigmented in 60%. Measures 5.89±0.21mm and weighs 1.40±0.04mg. To the 60hsa they complete its morphological development although some structures even remain immature. The characteristic pigmentation of the group reaches 90% with a remainder of vitelin sack 2% of the volume. Measures 6.76±0,40mm and weigh 2. 22±0.01mg.The growth is alometric and responds to the equation W=0.05 L196Key words: Brycon siebenthalae, yamĂș, larval development, growthRESUMEN: Para describir el desarrollo larvario de Brycon siebenthalae, larvas reciĂ©n eclosionadas obtenidas por reproducciĂłn artificial fueron mantenidas en condiciones controladas durante 60 horas pos-eclosiĂłn. Cada tres horas fueron fijadas 100 larvas en formol 3,5 % bufferado y permanentemente monitoreadas mediante cĂĄmara de videoEl desarrollo es asincrĂłnico. Al momento de la eclosiĂłn se presentan poco desarrolladas, frĂĄgiles, traslĂșcidas y con la aleta primigenia desarrollada. El notocordo rodeado de 46 pares de somitos. Las vesĂ­culas Ăłpticas y Ăłticas transparentes. El tubo digestivo limitado al esbozo estomacal se presenta conectado al saco vitelino el cual llega a ser el 55 % del volumen del individuo. Miden 3,39±0,31mm y pesan 0,49±0,01mg. A las 36hpe, momento en que han iniciado la alimentaciĂłn exĂłgena, las aletas pectorales se han diferenciado, han iniciado el llenado de la vejiga natatoria y nadan horizontalmente.El ojo estĂĄ totalmente pigmentado. Los movimientos mandibulares son vigorosos y constantes. El estĂłmago contiene alimento consistente preferencialmente en larvas hermanas. La respiraciĂłn branquial se ha iniciado. El saco vitelino se ha reducido al 25 % y pigmentado en un 60%. Miden 5,89±0,21mm y pesan 1,40±0,04mg. A las 60hpe completan su desarrollo morfolĂłgico aunque algunas estructuras aĂșn  permanecen inmaduras. La pigmentaciĂłn caracterĂ­stica del grupo alcanza el 90% con un remanente de saco vitelino del 2%. Miden 6,76±0,40mm y pesan 2, 22±0,01mg. El crecimiento es alomĂ©trico y responde a la ecuaciĂłn P = 0,05 L196ABSTRACT: To described the development larval of Brycon siebenthalae, larva’s newly eclosioned obtained by artificial reproduction, were maintained under conditions controlled during 60 hours search-appearance (hsa). Every three hours 100 larvas were fixed in formol 3,5% buffered and permanently monitored by means of video camera.The development is asynchronous. To the moment of the eclotion the little developed are presented, fragile, translucent and with the fin primogenital developed. The surrounded notochord of 46 somites couples. The optics and otics vesicles transparent. The alimentary canal limited to the stomach, connected sketch to the vitelin sack that ends up being 55% of the individual’s volume. Measures 3.39±0.31mm and weigh 0.49±0.01mg. To the 36hsa, moment in that they have begun the exogenous feeding, the pectoral fins have been defined, filled of the bladder natatorium phisostom and the horizontal swimming has begun. The eye is presented completely pigmented. The movement’s mandibles are vigorous and constant. The stomach contains food preferment sister’s larvae. The branchial breathing has begun the same as the one.The sack viteline has decreased to 25% and pigmented in 60%. Measures 5.89±0.21mm and weighs 1.40±0.04mg. To the 60hsa they complete its morphological development although some structures even remain immature. The characteristic  pigmentation of the group reaches 90% with a remainder of vitelin sack 2% of the volume. Measures 6.76±0,40mm and weigh 2. 22±0.01mg.The growth is alometric and responds to the equation W=0.05 L196Key words:RESUMENPara describir el desarrollo larvario de Brycon siebenthalae, larvas reciĂ©n eclosionadas obtenidas por reproducciĂłn artificial fueron mantenidas en condiciones controladas durante 60 horas pos-eclosiĂłn. Cada tres horas fueron fijadas 100 larvas en formol 3,5 % bufferado y permanentemente monitoreadas mediante cĂĄmara de video.El desarrollo es asincrĂłnico. Al momento de la eclosiĂłn se presentan poco desarrolladas, frĂĄgiles, traslĂșcidas y con la aleta primigenia desarrollada. El notocordo rodeado de 46 pares de somitos. Las vesĂ­culas Ăłpticas y Ăłticas transparentes. El tubo digestivo limitado al esbozo estomacal se presenta conectado al saco vitelino el cual llega a ser el 55 % del volumen del individuo. Miden 3,39±0,31mm y pesan 0,49±0,01mg. A las 36hpe, momento en que han iniciado la alimentaciĂłn exĂłgena, las aletas pectorales se han diferenciado, han iniciado el llenado de la vejiga natatoria y nadan horizontalmente.El ojo estĂĄ totalmente pigmentado. Los movimientos mandibulares son vigorosos y constantes. El estĂłmago contiene alimento consistente preferencialmente en larvas hermanas. La respiraciĂłn branquial se ha iniciado. El saco vitelino se ha reducido al 25 % y pigmentado en un 60%. Miden 5,89±0,21mm y pesan 1,40±0,04mg. A las 60hpe completan su desarrollo morfolĂłgico aunque algunas estructuras aĂșn permanecen inmaduras. La pigmentaciĂłn caracterĂ­stica del grupo alcanza el 90% con un remanente de saco vitelino del 2%. Miden 6,76±0,40mm y pesan 2, 22±0,01mg. El crecimiento es alomĂ©trico y responde a la ecuaciĂłn P = 0,05 L196ABSTRACTTo described the development larval of Brycon siebenthalae, larva’s newly eclosioned obtained by artificial reproduction, were maintained under conditions controlled during 60 hours search-appearance (hsa). Every three hours 100 larvas were fixed in formol 3,5% buffered and permanently monitored by means of video camera.The development is asynchronous. To the moment of the eclotion the little developed are presented, fragile, translucent and with the fin primogenital developed. The surrounded notochord of 46 somites couples. The optics and otics vesicles transparent. The alimentary canal limited to the stomach, connected sketch to the vitelin sack that ends up being 55% of the individual’s volume. Measures 3.39±0.31mm and weigh 0.49±0.01mg. To the 36hsa, moment in that they have begun the exogenous feeding, the pectoral fins have been defined, filled of the bladder natatorium phisostom and the horizontal swimming has begun. The eye is presented completely pigmented. The movement’s mandibles are vigorous and constant. The stomach contains food preferment sister’s larvae. The branchial breathing has begun the same as the one.The sack viteline has decreased to 25% and pigmented in 60%. Measures 5.89±0.21mm and weighs 1.40±0.04mg. To the 60hsa they complete its morphological development although some structures even remain immature. The characteristic pigmentation of the group reaches 90% with a remainder of vitelin sack 2% of the volume. Measures 6.76±0,40mm and weigh 2. 22±0.01mg.The growth is alometric and responds to the equation W=0.05 L196Key words: Brycon siebenthalae, yamĂș, larval development, growt


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    RESUMEN: Los estudios sanguĂ­neos sobre especies de peces nativos de Colombia son escasos, con todo y la gran utilidad para la comprensiĂłn de su fisiologĂ­a. En este trabajo se comparan las variables hematolĂłgicas y los valores de quĂ­mica sanguĂ­nea en alevinos, juveniles y reproductores cultivados. Una muestra sanguĂ­nea obtenida por punciĂłn de la vena caudal fue centrifugada y el plasma utilizado para las pruebas quĂ­micas por colorimetrĂ­a y ReflotrĂłnÂź. El hematocrito determinado por microhematocrito, la hemoglobina por espectrofotometrĂ­a. El recuento de eritrocitos y leucocitos con tinciones diferenciales en cĂĄmara de Neubauer y extendidos.El hematocrito oscilĂł entre 42,4-45% y el recuento de leucocitos entre 5,9-4,4 103/mm3, sin diferencias significativas entre edades. No se hallaron diferencias en el recuento de eritrocitos entre alevinos y juveniles pero sĂ­ entre estos y adultos. Hubo diferencias entre levinos y los otros dos grupos en la hemoglobina y recuento de trombocitos, linfocitos, neutrĂłfilos y eosinĂłfilos. La cantidad de monocitos variĂł entre los tres grupos. Lo anterior indica, de manera general, la influencia de la edad en los indicadores hematolĂłgicos de la especie. De la comparaciĂłn del hemograma y el leucograma se deduce la similitud de la especie con otros brycĂłnidos. Llama la atenciĂłn los altos valores de linfocitos y trombocitos en alevinos, lo que podrĂ­a sugerir respuestas del sistema inmune de diverso origen. Las proteĂ­nas totales (hasta 10,1±4,0gr/dL), glucosa (hasta 147,6±34,2mg/dL), colesterol (hasta 365,9±75,2mg/dL) y triglicĂ©ridos (hasta 343, 7±62,6) se encontraron dentro de los mĂĄrgenes reportados para peces de agua dulce, en especial en los ejemplares adultos, pero con diferencias importantes entre edades.Palabras claves: Brycon siebenthalae, yamĂș, hematologĂ­a, quĂ­mica sanguĂ­nea.ABSTRACT: The sanguine studies on species of native fish of Colombia are scarce, with utility for the understanding of their physiology. In this work the variable hematolĂłgicas and the values of sanguine chemistry are compared in cultivated fingerlings, juvenile and reproducers. A sanguine sample obtained by punction of theve in flow was centrifuged and the plasm used for the chemical tests by colorimetric methods and ReflotrĂłnÂź. The hematocrite determined by microhematocrite, the haemoglobin for espectrofotometric. The erythrocytes recount and leukocytes with differential tints in camera of Neubauer and extended. The hematocrite oscillated between 42,4-45% and the recount of leukocytes among 5,9-4,4 103/mm3, without significant differences among ages. They were not differences in the erythrocytes recount among fingers and juvenile but yes between these and adults. There were differences between fingers and the other two groups in the hemoglobin and trombocytes recount, lymphocytes, neutrophyles and eosinophyles. The quantity of monocytes varies among the three groups. The above-mentioned indicates, in a general way, the influence of the age in the indicative hematologic of the species. Of the comparison of the hemogram and the leucogram the similarity of the species is deduced with other brycĂłnidos. Calls the attention the high lymphocytes values and trombocytes in alevins, what could suggest answers of the immune system of diverse origin. The total proteins (up to 10,1±4,0gr/dL), glucose (up to 147,6±34,2mg/dL), cholesterol (up to 365,9± 75,2mg/dL) and triglycerides (up to 343, 7±62,6) they were inside the margins reported for fish of fresh water, especially in the mature specimens, but with important differences among ages.RESUMEN: Los estudios sanguĂ­neos sobre especies de peces nativos de Colombia son escasos, con todo y la gran utilidad para la comprensiĂłn de su fisiologĂ­a. En este trabajo se comparan las variables hematolĂłgicas y los valores de quĂ­mica sanguĂ­nea en alevinos, juveniles y reproductores cultivados. Una muestra sanguĂ­nea obtenida por punciĂłn de la vena caudal fue centrifugada y el plasma utilizado para las pruebas quĂ­micas por colorimetrĂ­a y ReflotrĂłnÂź. El hematocrito determinado por microhematocrito, la hemoglobina por espectrofotometrĂ­a. El recuento de eritrocitos y leucocitos con tinciones diferenciales en cĂĄmara de Neubauer y extendidos.El hematocrito oscilĂł entre 42,4-45% y el recuento de leucocitos entre 5,9-4,4 103/mm3, sin diferencias significativas entre edades. No se hallaron diferencias en el recuento de eritrocitos entre alevinos y juveniles pero sĂ­ entre estos y adultos. Hubo diferencias entre levinos y los otros dos grupos en la hemoglobina y recuento de trombocitos, linfocitos, neutrĂłfilos y eosinĂłfilos. La cantidad de monocitos variĂł entre los tres grupos. Lo anterior indica, de manera general, la influencia de la edad en los indicadores hematolĂłgicos de la especie. De la comparaciĂłn del hemograma y el leucograma se deduce la similitud de la especie con otros brycĂłnidos. Llama la atenciĂłn los altos valores de linfocitos y trombocitos en alevinos, lo que podrĂ­a sugerir respuestas del sistema inmune de diverso origen. Las proteĂ­nas totales (hasta 10,1±4,0gr/dL), glucosa (hasta 147,6±34,2mg/dL), colesterol (hasta 365,9±75,2mg/dL) y triglicĂ©ridos (hasta 343, 7±62,6) se encontraron dentro de los mĂĄrgenes reportados para peces de agua dulce, en especial en los ejemplares adultos, pero con diferencias importantes entre edades.Palabras claves: Brycon siebenthalae, yamĂș, hematologĂ­a, quĂ­mica sanguĂ­nea.ABSTRACT: The sanguine studies on species of native fish of Colombia are scarce, with utility for the understanding of their physiology. In this work the variable hematolĂłgicas and the values of sanguine chemistry are compared in cultivated fingerlings, juvenile and reproducers. A sanguine sample obtained by punction of theve in flow was centrifuged and the plasm used for the chemical tests by colorimetric methods and ReflotrĂłnÂź. The hematocrite determined by microhematocrite, the haemoglobin for espectrofotometric. The erythrocytes recount and leukocytes with differential tints in camera of Neubauer and extended. The hematocrite oscillated between 42,4-45% and the recount of leukocytes among 5,9-4,4 103/mm3, without significant differences among ages. They were not differences in the erythrocytes recount among fingers and juvenile but yes between these and adults. There were differences between fingers and the other two groups in the hemoglobin and trombocytes recount, lymphocytes, neutrophyles and eosinophyles. The quantity of monocytes varies among the three groups. The above-mentioned indicates, in a general way, the influence of the age in the indicative hematologic of the species. Of the comparison of the hemogram and the leucogram the similarity of the species is deduced with other brycĂłnidos. Calls the attention the high lymphocytes values and trombocytes in alevins, what could suggest answers of the immune system of diverse origin. The total proteins (up to 10,1±4,0gr/dL), glucose (up to 147,6±34,2mg/dL), cholesterol (up to 365,9± 75,2mg/dL) and triglycerides (up to 343, 7±62,6) they were inside the margins reported for fish of fresh water, especially in the mature specimens, but with important differences among ages

    SelecciĂłn de hembras de yamĂș Brycon siebenthalae, para reproducciĂłn inducida mediante el factor de condiciĂłn relativo (Kn)

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    RESUMEN: De los varios criterios  que se emplean para  seleccionar hembras de peces para inducciĂłn reproductiva, el factor de condiciĂłn  relativo (Kn) es poco conocido y por lo tanto poco utilizado. En este  trabajo  se utilizĂł Kn = Pt / Pe (factor de condiciĂłn relativo como el  cociente del peso registrado y el peso teĂłrico esperado estimado este Ășltimo atravĂ©s de la relaciĂłn peso-longitud), durante cuatro periodos reproductivos consecutivos, para seleccionar hembras de yamĂș de un mismo grupo. El Kn fuĂ© un criterio eficiente en un 84 % de las veces para seleccionar hembras Ăłptimas para inducciĂłn. La toma de los registros para su calculo no ocasionaron riesgos traumĂĄticos  ni de estrĂ©s importantes como otros procedimientos de selecciĂłn. El estudio permitiĂł establecer la edad de cuatro años como la de mejor desempeño de hembras de Brycon siebenthalae en cautiverio.Palabras clave:  Brycon siebenthalae,  yamĂș, factor de condiciĂłn relativo, reproducciĂłn inducida.ASBTRACT: Of the several approaches  that can be used to select females of fish to the reproductive induction with  hor mones,  the  relative condition factor (Kn) is one that is not very well known and for the same thing little used. In this study it was used Kn = Pt / Pe (relative condition factor as the quotient of the registered weight and the dear prospective theoretical  weight through the relationship weight-length) during four serial  reproductive periods to select females of the same group. It  was found that Kn was an efficient approach to select  good females  for  the reproduction (84% of the cases), it   didn’t   cause   traumatic important risks neither of stress like other  selection procedures and it allowed to establish the four year-old age like that  of better acting of females of Brycon siebenthalae in captivity.Key word:  Brycon siebenthalae, yamĂș, relative condition factor, reproduction.RESUMEN: De los varios criterios  que se emplean para  seleccionar hembras de peces para inducciĂłn reproductiva, el factor de condiciĂłn  relativo (Kn) es poco conocido y por lo tanto poco utilizado. En este  trabajo  se utilizĂł Kn = Pt / Pe (factor de condiciĂłn relativo como el  cociente del peso registrado y el peso teĂłrico esperado estimado este Ășltimo atravĂ©s de la relaciĂłn peso-longitud), durante cuatro periodos reproductivos consecutivos, para seleccionar hembras de yamĂș de un mismo grupo. El Kn fuĂ© un criterio eficiente en un 84 % de las veces para seleccionar hembras Ăłptimas para inducciĂłn. La toma de los registros para su calculo no ocasionaron riesgos traumĂĄticos  ni de estrĂ©s importantes como otros procedimientos de selecciĂłn. El estudio permitiĂł establecer la edad de cuatro años como la de mejor desempeño de hembras de Brycon siebenthalae en cautiverio.Palabras clave:  Brycon siebenthalae,  yamĂș, factor de condiciĂłn relativo, reproducciĂłn inducida.ASBTRACT: Of the several approaches  that can be used to select females of fish to the reproductive induction with  hor mones,  the  relative condition factor (Kn) is one that is not very well known and for the same thing little used. In this study it was used Kn = Pt / Pe (relative condition factor as the quotient of the registered weight and the dear prospective theoretical  weight through the relationship weight-length) during four serial  reproductive periods to select females of the same group. It  was found that Kn was an efficient approach to select  good females  for  the reproduction (84% of the cases), it   didn’t   cause   traumatic important risks neither of stress like other  selection procedures and it allowed to establish the four year-old age like that  of better acting of females of Brycon siebenthalae in captivity.Key word:  Brycon siebenthalae, yamĂș, relative condition factor, reproduction

    Optimum dietary crude protein requirement for juvenile cachama Piaractus brachypomus ExigĂȘncia Ăłtima de proteĂ­na bruta para juvenis de pirapitinga, Piaractus brachypomus

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    A growth experiment was conducted to determine the optimal dietary protein requirement for juvenile cachama, Piaractus brachypomus. Six semi-purified isoenergetic experimental diets using casein and gelatin as protein sources were formulated to contain graded levels of protein (16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36%). Fish initially averaging 15.52&plusmn;0.33g (mean&plusmn;SD) were randomly distributed into the tanks (500L) as groups of 20 fish and fed to apparent satiation twice daily for 60 days. The results showed that feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, fish weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and protein productive value were affected by dietary protein level (P<0.05) . No significant differences were observed in proximal composition of carcass (P<0.05) in response to dietary protein. Analysis of dietary protein level x WG with a second order polynomial regression suggested a requirement of 31.6% CP for optimum growth.<br>O presente experimento foi realizado para determinar o requerimento Ăłtimo de proteĂ­na em dietas para juvenis de pirapitinga, Piaractus brachypomus. Foram formuladas seis dietas experimentais semi-purificadas, iso-energĂ©ticas e com diferentes nĂ­veis de proteĂ­na (16, 20, 24, 28, 32 e 36% de PB) usando caseĂ­na e gelatina como fontes de proteĂ­na. Os peixes com peso inicial 15,52&plusmn;0,33g (mĂ©dia&plusmn;SD) foram distribuĂ­dos aleatoriamente em grupos de 20 animais por tanque; foram alimentados durante 60 dias, duas vezes/dia atĂ© aparente saciedade. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de alimento, taxa de conversĂŁo de alimento, ganho de peso, taxa de crescimento especĂ­fico, taxa de eficiĂȘncia de proteĂ­na e valores produtivos da proteĂ­na e da energia foram significativamente afetados pelos nĂ­veis de proteĂ­na das dietas (P<0,05). NĂŁo foram observadas diferenças significativas na composição proximal da carcaça (P<0,05) entre tratamentos. A anĂĄlise do ganho de peso em função dos nĂ­veis de proteĂ­na da dieta, realizada utilizando regressĂŁo polinomial de segundo grau, deu um requerimento de 31,6% de proteĂ­na para Ăłtimo crescimento de juvenis de pirapitinga

    A search for dark matter in the Galactic halo with HAWC

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    Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger

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    International audienceOn 2017 August 17 a binary neutron star coalescence candidate (later designated GW170817) with merger time 12:41:04 UTC was observed through gravitational waves by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor independently detected a gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) with a time delay of ∌1.7 s\sim 1.7\,{\rm{s}} with respect to the merger time. From the gravitational-wave signal, the source was initially localized to a sky region of 31 deg(2) at a luminosity distance of 40−8+8{40}_{-8}^{+8} Mpc and with component masses consistent with neutron stars. The component masses were later measured to be in the range 0.86 to 2.26  M⊙\,{M}_{\odot }. An extensive observing campaign was launched across the electromagnetic spectrum leading to the discovery of a bright optical transient (SSS17a, now with the IAU identification of AT 2017gfo) in NGC 4993 (at ∌40 Mpc\sim 40\,{\rm{Mpc}}) less than 11 hours after the merger by the One-Meter, Two Hemisphere (1M2H) team using the 1 m Swope Telescope. The optical transient was independently detected by multiple teams within an hour. Subsequent observations targeted the object and its environment. Early ultraviolet observations revealed a blue transient that faded within 48 hours. Optical and infrared observations showed a redward evolution over ∌10 days. Following early non-detections, X-ray and radio emission were discovered at the transient’s position ∌9\sim 9 and ∌16\sim 16 days, respectively, after the merger. Both the X-ray and radio emission likely arise from a physical process that is distinct from the one that generates the UV/optical/near-infrared emission. No ultra-high-energy gamma-rays and no neutrino candidates consistent with the source were found in follow-up searches. These observations support the hypothesis that GW170817 was produced by the merger of two neutron stars in NGC 4993 followed by a short gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) and a kilonova/macronova powered by the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei synthesized in the ejecta