17 research outputs found

    Gauge Invariance and Second Class Constraints in 3-D Linearized Gravity

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    A recently introduced approach for the dynamical analysis and quantization of field theoretical models with second class constraints is ilustrated applied to linearized gravity in 3-D. The canonical structure of two different models of linerized gravity in 3-D, the intermediate and the self dual models, is discussed in detail. It is shown that the first order self dual model whose constraints are all second class may be regarded as a gauge fixed version of the second order gauge invariant intermediate model. In particular it is shown how to construct the gauge invariant hamiltonian of the intermediate model starting from the one of the self dual model. The relation with the t opologically massive linearized gravity is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, SB-F-93-21

    Topological Sectors of Spin 1 Theories} in 2+1 Dimensions}

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    It is shown that the Topological Massive and ``Self-dual'' theories, which are known to provide locally equivalent descriptions of spin 1 theories in 2+1 dimensions, have different global properties when formulated over topologically non-trivial regions of space-time. The partition function of these theories, when constructed on an arbitrary Riemannian manifold, differ by a topological factor, which is equal to the partition function of the pure Chern-Simons theory. This factor is related to the space of solutions of the field equations of the Topological Massive Theory for which the connection is asymptotically flat but not gauge equivalent to zero. A new covariant, first order, gauge action,which generalize the ``Self-dual'' action, is then proposed. It is obtained by sewing local self-dual theories. Its global equivalence to the Topological Massive gauge theory is shown.Comment: 11 page


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    One of the great challenges of the universities is currently linking the theoretical training of students and their insertion into the labor market. This work aims to describe some theoretical positions on education in values in the future engineer in accounting and auditing and its influence on the relationship with society. Is why the centers of higher education require generating strategies and actions in order to achieve a balance between the knowledge, practice, and research, which will result in students able to integrate successfully in the labor market, even before graduating from the University. The bonding and it education in values are an instrument effective of the University, to establish an interaction of knowledge and values ethical mutual with them sectors, so that the perception of its image is according your reality.  Uno de los grandes retos de las universidades actualmente es la vinculación entre la formación teórica-práctica de los estudiantes y su inserción en el mercado laboral. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir algunos posicionamientos teóricos sobre la educación en valores en el futuro ingeniero en contabilidad y auditoría y su influencia en la vinculación con la sociedad. Es por ello que los centros de educación superior requieren generar estrategias y acciones con el fin de lograr un equilibrio entre el conocimiento, la práctica y la investigación, que den como resultado estudiantes capaces de integrarse satisfactoriamente en el mercado laboral, incluso antes de egresar de la universidad. La vinculación y la educación en valores son un instrumento eficaz de la universidad, al establecer una interacción de conocimiento y valores éticos mutuos con los sectores, con el fin de que la percepción de su imagen sea acorde con su realidad


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    The engineer in accounting and auditing, whose ethical exercise of work activity requires high professional competence and responsibility in meeting the specific job functions, reasons that emerge from the daily obligation to meet the needs of financial information and be responsible for compliance tax obligations, should guide an operational, comprehensive, full and deep application of any treatment manner, taking as a starting point values like humanism, ethics, accountability, social dignity and skills inherent to his profession; tool from the Interdisciplinary Action provides answers to the dialectical relationship between the professional performance as human fulfillment and responsible for their actions in society engagement. This paper aims to describe the theoretical positions on ethics and axiological professional training of future engineering in accounting and auditing in the present University. The counter in its social function has to compromise their values, as far as humanly enforceable on the maxim that the profession involves constant externalization of personality. Axiological ethics and engineer training in accounting and auditing implies a commitment to the institution, teachers and the entire education community, as well as the active role of the student as the subject of his own training.  El ingeniero en contabilidad y auditoría , cuyo ejercicio ético de actividad laboral exige una alta competencia profesional y responsabilidad en el cumplimiento de las funciones laborales específicas, razones que emergen de la diaria obligación de enfrentar las necesidades de información financiera, así como ser responsable del cumplimiento de obligaciones fiscales, debe orientar de una manera operativa, integral, plena y profunda la aplicación de cualquier tratamiento, tomando como punto de partida valores como el humanismo, la ética, la responsabilidad, la dignidad social, así como habilidades inherentes a su profesión; herramienta que desde su acción interdisciplinaria brinda respuestas a la relación dialéctica entre el desempeño profesional como realización humana y el compromiso responsable de su actuar en la sociedad. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir los posicionamientos teóricos sobre la formación ética y axiológica del futuro profesional de ingeniería en contabilidad y auditoría en la Universidad actual. El contador en su función social ha de comprometer sus propios valores, dentro de lo humanamente exigible, sobre la máxima de que la profesión implica una constante exteriorización de la propia personalidad. La formación ética y axiológica en el ingeniero en contabilidad y auditoría supone el compromiso de la institución, de los profesores y de toda la comunidad educativa, así como el papel activo del estudiante como sujeto de su propia formación


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    The previous ideas that our students possess, related with the Morphological Sciences have their origin in the high school. The knowledge of these on the part of the professor, it should be the starting point to establish an appropriate teaching-learning strategy. For the characterization of these, they have been kept in mind the existent relationship among them, their approach level to the scientific knowledge and finally, the importance of the same ones. The group of positions that begin and they traffic with the previous ideas, the conceptual errors, the alternative ideas and the conceptual changes, they are organized in a strategy according to the particularities of this science. This strategy is integrated by a group of steps that help to the teaching-learning process, explaining you as arriving to these ideas.  Las ideas previas que poseen nuestras estudiantes relacionadas con las Ciencias Morfológicas tienen su origen en el bachillerato. El conocimiento de esto por parte del profesor, debe ser el punto de partida para establecer una adecuada estrategia de enseñanza–aprendizaje. Para la caracterización de éstas, han sido tenidas en cuenta la relación existente entre ellas, su nivel de aproximación al conocimiento científico y finalmente, la importancia de las mismas. El conjunto de planteamientos que inician y transitan con las ideas previas, los errores conceptuales, las ideas alternativas y los cambios conceptuales, son organizados en una estrategia según las particularidades de esta ciencia. La misma está integrada por un conjunto de pasos, que ayudan al proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje, explicándose como arribar a estas ideas

    Material biocompatible

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    Material biocompatible. El objeto de la presente invención es un nuevo material biocompatible destinado a ser usado en la fabricación de implantes, prótesis o dispositivos biomédicos, y que se fabrica utilizando como material de soporte cerámicas biomórficas de SiC con un recubrimiento de vidrio bioactivo depositado por ablación con láser pulsado.Españ

    Gauge invariance for the massive axion

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    Gauge invariance for the massive axion (Khoudeir, Adel; Arias, Pío José) Abstract A massive gauge invariant formulation for scalar Φ and antisymmetric (Cmnp) fields with a topological coupling, which provides a mass for the axion field, is considered. The dual and local equivalence with the non-gauge invariant proposal is established, but on manifolds with non-trivial topological structure both formulations are not globally [email protected]@tierra.ciens.ucv.veNivel monográfic

    Massive gauge axion fields

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    Massive gauge axion fields (Khoudeir, Adel; Arias, Pío José) Abstract A gauge invariant formulation for the massive axion is considered. The axion acquires mass through a topological term which couples a (pseudo)scalar and a third rank antisymmetric tensor. Duality, local and canonical equivalences with the non-gauge invariant proposal are established. The supersymmetric version of the gauge invariant model is [email protected]@tierra.ciens.ucv.veNivel monográfic